Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Number 26 is made up of the energies and attributes of number 2 and number 6. Number 2 relates to duality, service and duty, balance and harmony, adaptability, diplomacy, co-operation, selflessness, faith and trust and Divine life purpose and soul mission. Number 6 relates to the vibrations of love and nurturing, responsibility and reliability, honesty and integrity, teaching others, grace and gratitude, the material and financial aspects of life, and reflects upon the home and family.

Angel Number 26 is a message from your angels that your material and earthly needs will always be met, so have faith and trust that the Universe will always provide. Follow your Divine inner-guidance and allow it to prompt you to take positive action in your life.

Angel Number 26 asks you to be diplomatic and co-operative with others in order to set a positive example for others to learn from. It tells you that as you serve your Divine life purpose you will reap the spiritual and emotional rewards of love, trust and companionship as well as manifest material and financial rewards.
Angel Number 26 also tells of achieving and attaining fame and/or material rewards.

Number 26 also relates to the Number 8  (2+6=8) and Angel Number 8.

See also:  Repeating 2’s and 6’s  (226, 262, 266, etc)
Angel Number 226
Angel Number 262
Angel Number 266

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



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  1. This has been my favorite number for some reason, quite a time ago and since then. I've no real idea why, although I've noticed it far more than any other number.

    1. 26=the repetition of sacred # 13.The Kali Ugas-anchient chart of celestrial movement is 26,000 years.The great year is 260,000 years.26 is the numeric equvalence of The Name of God Yod*Hay*Wod*Hay,also YHWH in Hebrew Mysticism-Kabala.also in Kabala-The words ONE & LOVE each =13There are 13houses of the zodiac-13th-OPHUCAS.I AM writing a book about this number.Yon will notice this number in many movies,"I believe" because of Jewish influence in Media. A-Z=26 letters.~Lonnie Gonzales art on You Tube.

    2. Happy for the answers. Have awakened me spiritually.dint know numbers are a great deal God bless

  2. I've been seeing this number everyday 4 and 5 times a day for about 8 months now.
    I was born on the 26th day but its weird that i would start seeing it now and not all my life.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Also born on the 26th, see it all day everyday for the past couple years.

    3. I was also born on the 26th and see this number constantly!! ❤️

  3. I was born on the 26th too- and I see this number about 12 times a day now. The periods are on and off, but when they're on, I continually see this number around 10 times a day for a week or so.

    1. I was born on the 26th and the same thing keeps happening to me

    2. Im also born on the 26th and lately I've been seeing the number 26 everywhere...

  4. This is the day I truly found myself and who I am as an human being on this planet. The date is may 9th 2014. I for some reason added the month,the day and the year of this century and I came up with this number. That's why I'm here.

  5. When ever i do laundry i always always have 26 cents in my pockets. What the meaning

  6. This makes sense because I'm 27 now & these are all the things I've been going through.

  7. This was posted at 8:26pm

  8. 8:26... means universe is infinite if you believe

  9. Until now i still don't know what to do, the number 26 is everywhere.
    From the people I meet and live with and they have their birth date 26, every where 26 keeps appearing. 261 and 266 and 2611 the most common ones. Well I have friends with that birthday too.

    Just when I was explaining to my best friend recently that I keep seeing this number, while we were looking for a parking slot, in a mall, there were no parking place at all. Until we found one, and guess what was the number of that slot? 26. Creeped up my friend and I.

    1. Thts my birthday date 1126 and i keep seeing it everywhere.

  10. I had a dream and I got a ticket. The number on the ticket was 26. Very vivid too

  11. I see this everywhere. ....my DOB,my add no, on tv, on my watch, on my phone, n even this post was posted at 8:26 .....freak.. ...!!

  12. Hi, this has been my lucky number, my DOB, and last couple of months its presence is noticed everywhere ....clock, phone, date....... just everywhere....... but I love it, its as if an unknown force is with me ....taking care and assuring me.....

  13. Hi rush-collection,
    Along with 26, am also seeing 44 equally often, one is my Dob while the other is the my age, could there be more to it ....there are number sequence, like 1234 or 11:11 or 12:12 etc but the number sequence are more like an answer to some thought or bringing my attention to something but 26 and 44 are thru out, is there something I need to know??? What are your views on this? Would love to hear!

  14. hello guys
    its bizarre, i was born on 26/08, i see this 26 all the time also, whole day
    specially on my phone
    battery always 26% charged :o)

    i consider all people have to focus in life purpose, not wait 26 for that

  15. is there any association of 26 pple ? where they can share experiences ?

  16. I have been seeing 26 nonstop for years! Just hoping it comes true ... To read about my experience with it and the role angel numbers played in my finding God please check out my book "I Am Going to Marry Kanye West: Memoirs of a Crazy Person" on Amazon. http://www.amazon.com/Am-Going-Marry-Kanye-West-ebook/dp/B017C71ZRA/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1447451624&sr=8-1&keywords=i+am+going+to+marry+kanye+west&pebp=1447451630951&perid=12HAPTD7MZS446YNTYYX

  17. This has been a regular number in my life, it appears everywhere on the roads, in the casino, when i close a deal, when i meet a new person in my life. When im having a terrible month, every 26th all my problems automatically clear itself and i get back on track. Its like someone is watching over me and helping along the way. The other number i always see is 11:11

  18. I looked up the meaning of 26 because I always go to bed late (12 AM) and I ALWAYS wake up either 1:26 AM, 2:26 AM, or 4:26 AM. This has been happening for the last 4 nights, and now apparently I've been sent a message from an angel. :I

  19. Here's is something you all may find interesting. Okay here it goes. The number 26 and what is to me. I was born at 6:26 pm on 12/01/86. My mother died 8/26/2000. I was 13. 13+13 is 26. I worked as a carhop early twenties carhop number 13. Went to college, clock in number was 13badge. My baby died during pregnancy, but I was due January 26th,2016. Also,my step daughters birthday. I usually look at my phone almost everyday at 6:26p.m. . I'm going to start paying more attention to details and journals.

  20. Here's is something you all may find interesting. Okay here it goes. The number 26 and what is to me. I was born at 6:26 pm on 12/01/86. My mother died 8/26/2000. I was 13. 13+13 is 26. I worked as a carhop early twenties carhop number 13. Went to college, clock in number was 13badge. My baby died during pregnancy, but I was due January 26th,2016. Also,my step daughters birthday. I usually look at my phone almost everyday at 6:26p.m. . I'm going to start paying more attention to details and journals.

    1. Look at the amount of comments..

    2. The number 26 only appears to me as in death of everyone I loved including my first miscarriage. Only 2 in my family did not die on the 26th. 26 has brought me nothing but agony and despair.

  21. I'm was born on 26/04 I see the number 26 everywhere I believe it's a sign of something coming but what do we all have in common?

  22. Well I finally have some perspective on why God showed me 26 so much the message of which leading me to spend money freely. It's a very long story but basically I ended up saving tens of thousands of dollars in taxes due to the fact that I was insolvent (in debt) at a particular moment in time. I have since been able to save money and am no longer in debt and have been relieved from a several hundred thousand dollar obligation. I thank God and the angels for hooking me up with some non traditional financial advice that somehow wound up paying off big time! P.S. be careful about talking to angels without the protection of the lord Jesus Christ. ♡♡♡

    1. Woke & been having trouble sleeping in the middle of the night more consistantly dys.in a row now...which brought me to thus # after being awake for 3-Plus Hrs!
      *Who did you use to heplnout of Your financial tax mess!?? I ended up w/ thousands bcse Of "School-Work" & can't stop thinking about it. Please I hope you see this my Reply & can U send the info to 1kristinbe@gmail.com

  23. Iknow why im seeing this number..been praying for rent this month..pay my out of pocket dental expenses and other debts...now i know help is on the way..Thank U GOD

  24. This past two years, I've been baffled by my waking routine because I kept waking up at exactly 1:26 A.M. and I keep seeing this number combination.

  25. My wife is now being brought on board with the Angel Numbers as well as myself as I have been getting them since late last year through dreams and Clairvoyance and Clairaudience. I cannot state enough in our life just how real these communications are with these numbers and how they are exactly...matching our lives here at home. My wife asked the Angels last night to give her a Angel number and in the dream she was shown this number which relates to her life just incredibly....

  26. First marriage was 12/26 second was 6/26. My was born 9/26. There are so many more 26 in my life. I see it on tv, posts all. Comented on 3/26

  27. This was an absolutely HORRIFIC number in my family, so many dear ones DIED on a 26 ...

  28. Thank you rush-collection the numbers have been getting longer Today coming in alot faster sequence I am so very grateful to you and recognize all that has happened along the journey and how blessed I have been being guided here. My brother passed away and on the sidewalk by the trees in front of my mom's house in 1975 he wrote in the cement I love Diana Forever later on the Diane was scratched out normally you would not see it as clear as you do now. Yesterday I looked and it was clear as day Love 5-27-75 Forever when I read it I said it a loud 26 my birthday infinite Love Forever, Love infinite Forever :) My birthday is October 26 as I was reading the message I saw a post dated October 26 from a person speaking of the unseen infinite guiding there way because they see it everywhere you responded to them as well on my birthday because I can relate that it brings a smile to my being when I see it as it did today. The night before I sat at the cliffs at the Ocean in tears there has been so many things along with the grief through it I continue to help however I can on a daily I feel all these transitions and growth evolvement I also feel my heart my being and the great love within me even through the pain. I have great Gratitude and Reverence for the help I have received from you and I give thanks for all you give to the world. Peace love and light to you and your Ancestors Family Loved ones and Relations.. :) ~Namaste

  29. it was my first year on the football team and when they asked what number I wanted out of no where I wanted 26 for some reason, its been my number ever since and I see it everywhere I look

  30. Hi there! Wondering if anyone has knowledge about seeing this number in connection to others? It was never my number before, but my boyfriend is always talking about seeing 126 all the time (his birthday is Jan 26th). We broke up on 12/26, though are still living together and spending time together. Ever since, I've been seeing 26 everywhere, both in combination with 1 and in combination with other numbers. It feels like the universe is trying to hit me over the head with information about us and our relationship, but I cannot seem to decipher a clear message. Anyone else experience this type of absorbing someone else's angel number?

  31. Thank you! My birthday just passed on February 26th and I always see 2:26 on the clocks around me.

  32. I was watching few videos by John St Julien and ended up here by clicking a link in the comments. My birthday is 26jan and I am new

  33. I was watching few videos from John St Julien and ended up here by clicking a link in the comments. My birthday is 26th Jan and I am new here

  34. GRATEFULπŸ€—πŸ™ˆπŸ™‰πŸ™Š❄️🧝‍♀️

  35. I'm 16 and have been seeing this number repeatedly througout the day for a while now and coincidentally its also my favorite number. I've always wondered if it had some sort of meaning, and now i guess i found the answer :)

  36. My partner Leo
    wow having the number 26 (as £26 SHOPPING) for the last 3 weeks and 16 (time 16:00)come up for the last 3 days. I told him its his guardian angels letting him know that the questions and problems he seeks to make better are going to happen.

  37. I am ready to shine my light bright and lead the way to set a positive example on this green earth.

  38. Thank you for this explanation πŸ™‚πŸ’•πŸ™

  39. Lego Movie vibes

  40. Thank you πŸ™

  41. I had a vivid dream a few years ago where I was talking with a recently departed friend, and I asked him point blank if there was anything about the death process that I should be aware of, since I was going through a low spot in my life, health-wise. His reply was immediate and clear as a bell. He said to me “you have nothing to worry about—all is well—in fact, there are 26 piano benches on the organ up here” (I’m a pianist by profession). I have pondered this reply for a few years now, and this article helps me to understand it. He’s basically telling me that I don’t have to worry about the death process and I also don’t have to worry about anything before that either. I am also currently going through a painful separation from my wife of four years and so this is a moment of weakness for me and also an opportunity to test my faith. I know that he was trying to tell me that the Great Organist is on the heavenly organ orchestrating everything down here for my best, so I can trust that everything will be OK. Thank you!
