Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Number 27 carries the qualities and vibrations of the number 2 and number 7. Number 2 resonates with the attributes of intuition, duality and finding balance, mediation and co-operation, sensitivity and selflessness, serving others and your Divine life purpose and soul mission. Number 7 relates to mysticism, spiritual awareness, persistence of purpose, understanding and introspection, spiritual enlightenment, empathic and psychic abilities. These energies combine to make 27 the number of the humanitarian, of harmony, spiritual insights and unconditional love.

Angel Number 27 is a message from your angels that new information or news of a positive nature is on its’ way, so listen to your intuition and heed its guidance for your highest good.

Angel Number 27 is a message to believe in yourself, your intuitive messages and your inner-promptings. You have been receiving messages about your Divine life purpose, and your angels encourage you to follow the guidance and directions accordingly. Trust that your angels support you in your spiritual endeavours.

Angel Number 27 is a message of faith, trust and self-belief. Your angels ask you to step forward on your life path with confidence and grace. Maintain a positive attitude and perspective and trust that you will manifest positive results, rewards and blessings into your life.

Number 27 also relates to the Number 9 (2+7=9) and the Angel Number 9.

See also:  Repeating 2’s and 7’s  (227, 272, 277, etc)
Angel Number 227
Angel Number 272
Angel Number 277

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



Get a Psychic Reading … click here for further information.


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    1. I had a dream that I exocised three demons and the third was out of the preacher that taught me how ,i have never had a dream so real and i wasnt scared but know i got 27 and can you explain this dream the 3rd wS in front or the preachers whole congregation

    2. I have been seeing this number and hearing it everywhere and it is my everyday life it is also my birthday and also the number 101

    3. What if my Daughter Sheila, who passed at 27 is trying go communicate through an Angel? ~

    4. She IS an angel ��♥️

  2. The other night I had a dream involving the number 27, I don't really remember the dream but the number stuck in my head. I figured it was stress since I just lost my father and am staying with my grieving mother, but I just cannot get that number out of my head. Right now I am serving my mother with the same selflessness she used to serve me as a child, I know that part is true. I just don't know why a number would stick in my head so much, since some of my dreams come true, it kind of scared me.

    1. May GOD bless you Jesse and continue to give you strength through this trying time.

    2. wow, God Bless you Jesse. Your words and situation you described have reminded me of these verses, as they so resonate with what you said.

      ''22. Do not set up another god with God, lest you become condemned.

      23. Your Lord has commanded that you worship none but Him, and that you be good to your parents. If either of them or both of them reach old age with you, do not say to them a word of disrespect, nor scold them, but say to them kind words.

      24. And lower to them the wing of humility, out of mercy, and say, "My Lord, have mercy on them, as they raised me when I was a child."

      25. Your Lord knows best what is in your minds. If you are righteous-He is Forgiving to the obedient.
      /(Quran 17;22/25)

      “And We have enjoined on man (to be dutiful and good) to his parents. His mother bore him in weakness and hardship upon weakness and hardship, and his weaning is in two years give thanks to Me and to your parents, unto Me is the final destination.” (Quran 31:14)

    3. I have been in communication with God by means of Prayers,and strongly believe that his answers came to me through my direct contact, the notions of my heart, and as I've heard people talking around me feeling the insight was actually enlightenment to believe in.The number 27 came through a 12 steps​ of Recovery paper in the trash ripped in half at step 7 when I noticed it first looking at step 2!! The Angel of insight is #27 a number to believe in since it still comes to me on a good or bad day it speaks to me as to who I truly believe in to this day as I prayed​ for an abundance of insight for my purpose, and reason for being through all I've been through!!! Thank you God!

  3. My Birthday is 5-27-93
    I was Born 7 Months
    Two of my very good friends were born 7 months
    one out of the 2 is born on the 27
    and I Live in Apt 27

    Thank You for all of the info you have provided me with

  4. I see the number 27 easily 15+ times a day, everyday! I was born on Sept 27 too. it is uncanny! thanks for this explanation. light and love, angela

    1. I was born sept 27 of 85 and i have the same issue as u do i feel better that im not alone on seeing the number 27 on repeat thu out my day. Ty u for u post im less creeped out now

    2. is good to know I am not the only one who born the 27 of september and I see very often the number 27 ...

    3. I too was born on the 27th of September. I feel so lucky after reading this post!

    4. That is so crazy. I was born on the 27th of September and I also see the number 27 everywhere all the time lately. As well as, 9:27 on the clock almost everyday. This year I will also be 27. It's just exciting to find people who have that in common.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. S/o to all of my 9/27 birthday twins. I feel so special to be a part of such a unique club. I myself have seen the number 27 at random the past 2 days right at times that I've thought about who and what I want to and truly should be. There's no longer a question or a doubt about it. It has been/is confirmed. 27 out

    7. hey guys! i see 9:27 on the clock all the time as well. It's my birthday too. It follows me literally everywhere...in maths class, time stamps, and just now in itunes which is what made me finally look it up! its so crazy to see how many other people experience this it makes me want to have tea with you all haha, best wishes!

    8. My Daughter was Born 9:27, I see this number all the time to the point that I take a screen shot and send it to her. I even saw it in a movie, the new spider man move. The phone was ringing and the time on the phone is 9:27 !!!

  5. I have a tattoo of the number 27 on my right arm. Everyone always asks me, "why a 27?" I always told them it was the day my ex and I got together, that since then, 27 would pop up everywhere in my sights. Now I can tell people that it's my angel talking to me. I'm glad I found this. Thank you for posting.

    1. My story is identical to you besides one ract. My 27 tattoo is on my right upper thigh. My ex bf gave it to me and I have him a 27 tattoo as well. Back then the only meaning was the day we started datong

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hi, I am just wondering.. I am not sure if it was a spirit or what it was but it had a number 27 on it. and I was wondering if Angels can show up in a ghostly presense.. I was very scared when I saw it.. more so it startled me at night. Hope you can help me out.

  8. Hi, I am just wondering.. I am not sure if it was a spirit or what it was but it had a number 27 on it. and I was wondering if Angels can show up in a ghostly presense.. I was very scared when I saw it.. more so it startled me at night. Hope you can help me out.

  9. I see the number 27 all the time. Mostly on electronic clocks like the microwave, or my alarm clock. I feel that I have a personal angel. I saw her whenever I had a near death experience. I've seen her come through other women I've had relationships with throughout my life. I know that she is the only person that I can truly trust. I know that whenever I die I will meet her, and find the happiness that I've been endlessly searching for all of these years. If anyone can help me, please do. I'm not crazy. I really love this woman, or angel. She's my whole world.

  10. I have been seeing the number 1127 on my work conputer or cell phone for the past week. Everyday I manage to check at this time each day. Also my birthdate is 1127. I'm trying to find the spirtual meaning of these numbers or why do I keep seeing the same time each day.


    1. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at this time.

      Sacred Scribes

  11. Name is steven, and i was born 2-27-93, i was born with a twin who didnt make it at the beginning of pregnancy and merged withen my mind and is my twin sister since i was alive, she is my sister who i hear always and makes me the feminine self im like most of the time, im also born with other spirits who reside in me, four of them also are born on the 27th, my twin brother's larz and fang as they prefer to be called, and also my father and uncle darkel and howard. I have always 17 alters inside myself, if one leaves another takes its place, they are family to me, ive always had a hard life, never at ease while asleep, dreams of horrible things that no child should bare to face and feel the pains of the dreams, and at the age of 3 had declared that i would seek all man kind and show them the way of jesus and save the world. If I would find joy in anything bad things destroyed me, as if I was meant to suffer the loss of earth-bound things to not attatch it with myself, even lost a love who was also born on my same birthdate, and she was a quad of sisters, and died on the second yr we knew each other on my birthday, I was lost for a while for that, my others in me took over unless I was at church, the only stable place i was, and still seem to be, I was blessed after only wishing for all my life was to be loved by somebody, a single soul to love me, I thought I lost it, yet her dying wish was that someone take her place to love me, and it came true on the 27th of july three years ago, I got married to a woman who was preg. before i met her, and was in a bad relation that indangered her life before she knew she was preg, she was blessed after getting hurt so badly with a fractured skull at the eye that was pushed into her socket, that they scaned her as she was preg, it saved the child as she found out afterwards she was preg, and they did surgery for her eye, got rid of a tumor that she had since a child that wasnt cancerous, and before I knew she was preg, I had a alter of mine over come me and pointed out the child will become someone great, that the child will save humans and be a strong leader, that he would be known as the prince of the sea, Oshawadiska in her tongue of language. She was shocked to hear this news and with each day of pains we've strived through, all the things we keep knowing without telling each other, this 27 # is a working number, (even though at times it annoys me to hell!) so im glad for my birth number, where my son is now 2 and a half and also born same date, a moth before mine. that im gifted with such kindness and a since of healing the wounded hearts of the lost to God, that im the chaos that destroys the sinner inside of men and awaken the angel of light that sleeps deep within there hearts, soul, and mind.

    1. I have read some place that Pisces or those born in the sign of the fish suffer spiritually because this is there last time threw as human beings. Your psychically sensitive perhaps empathic
      many blessing upon you as you strive to bring light into this world.

    2. Hello Steven , I see that you are born under the sign of Pisces and have read that Pisces are the sensitive's that they are because they are in there last time threw life on the earth to evolve the soul. Your probably very empathic, psychic and have many threads to a reality many of us never see. I wish you peace and guidance in your journy

  12. rush-collection---I see where other people have written about seeing their birthdays on the clock and your responses, but my inquiry goes a little further. My number is also 27 and I see my birthday frequently on the clock. I was born on 12/27/84 and my grandmother was born 12/27/25. My mother was 27 when she had me and I see the number 27 everywhere. Is there something more to this than what you've said to the previous people?

  13. born 5-27-72 spiritual power is expanding rapidly.....rush-collection I took my 1st breath in this world at 10:10 am is their any knowledge you can share?

  14. thanks my birthday 7-14 awesome website much love =)

  15. i was born in 27.10 (october) and since i was 13 i keep seeing this number every where, i hope this is true some times the number gives me luck sometimes not.i am 17 still i see this number everday multiple times.

  16. I just read this now and I can kind of get it. However my dream completely freaked me out. I usually get a strong feeling of when my dreams are important and a warning and the dream just screamed importance. The number 27 was said so many times in my dreams and it was just weird.
    I was walking with my sister and she was leading me somewhere I wasn't allowed to know. She gave me a math equation to solve which would tell me everything i needed. Math not being my strong point I tried adding it up. She said: 16+4+4 and what we are(pointing to me and her). I did the math and said 21? and she just rolled her eyes. Friends of mine kept stopping us on the way asking if I had time to do things like the cinema as if surprised. And I was met at a great hall by some friends I haven't seen in ages and they hugged me as if I needed comfort and I asked: what film are we gonna watch? And got no answer everyone looked at me as if I was denying something and my sister just said: no its not 21, its 27! We're watching 27!...then i just looked around and everyone was looking at me sympathetically and givingme smiles and i just kept hearing: 16+8 and what we are....it's 27!!! It's only 27! And 16+4+4+ what we are...it's 27, Steph!!
    And I have no clue what that can mean... any ideas?

    1. Same! I was born at 327am on 7-2-86. It's everywhere- I see it Tleast 20-60 times a day! Google the digital red pill for more info on 27 or 72!

  17. Its weird how my b day is Feb 27 my mom's is June 27 my sisters July 27 and my nieces is may 27 and I'm always finding the number 27 it seems like it follows me everywhere

  18. My psssed estranged father passed away a few years ago, I did not know. I was born on 5/27, he used to tell me when I was little that those where his lucky numbers. One day, I started seeing 527 everywhere! Finally I thought, maybe it was him? Could he be gone? Finally, it was confirmed that my dad had passed 2 years ago. I am a firm believer!

  19. This afternoon at a service for my friends late daughter . I was sitting in the back of the room . Then suddenly I seen a 2 and 7 on the right side of the casket . I blinked a few times and was just slowly fading . What does this even mean ? Anyone have an answer ?

  20. I keep seeing number 27 really. I am currently in a mutual understanding with someone right now. Infact he is my ex boyfriend and we became official on the 27th of the month. However, on and off we went and now is the 3rd time we are getting back together. However, I have this very weird feeling that I must let go of him (my friends also tells me to let go of him). But everytime I think I must let go of him, I see number 27. I'm really confused. What does it mean?

  21. I'm 10-27-74...and my (BEAUTIFUL #27) follows me around where ever I go....can't even come close to explaining it or understanding....just want to know why....I'm a believer in Christ, so it scares me to think of anything else

  22. The other day I was listening to K-Love Radio and then my radio started to get static then the radio signal kept going in and out which in my area it hardly ever does that but anyway while it was static it sounded like it was changing channels and there was another voice that said number 27 and then the radio came back on

    1. Same! I was born at 327am on 7-2-86. My numerology is 33... It's everywhere- I see it Tleast 20-60 times a day! Google the digital red pill for more info on 27 or 72! Even Nikola tesla was obsessed with 3327. He died in the hotel room number 3327.

  23. The other day when I was listening to the radio I was listening to K-Love for some reason it was acting statically going in and out like the station was trying to switch then I heard someone on the radio say number 27 and then the music came back on

  24. The other day I was listening to K-Love Radio and then my radio started to get static then the radio signal kept going in and out which in my area it hardly ever does that but anyway while it was static it sounded like it was changing channels and there was another voice that said number 27 and then the radio came back on

  25. can somebody help me out I had a dream that i was looking at a calendar and there i saw may 27th.it freaked me out. but in my dream I was a little excited about something I dont remember what.

  26. can somebody help me out I had a dream that i was looking at a calendar and there i saw may 27th.it freaked me out. but in my dream I was a little excited about something I dont remember what.

  27. I met the absolute love of my life a few months ago on the 27th of February....before then the number 27 had only been vaguely special as when I was in primary school I always used to be number 27 on the roll out of 30 students because of my last name starting with S. And I was born with 3 missing fingers on my right hand, I have 2 fingers on my right hand and 7 fingers all together...but ever since I met the girl of my dreams, the number 27 has been telling me she's the one ever since.. It was the most amazing night of her life and mine too, so magical and special, we were in love from the moment we laid eyes on eachother, sadly since then a few things have changed, things have gotten harder but somehow my intuition keeps telling me to keep going with her and not give up because there's so much more to come, but more importantly, the number 27 hasn't left me alone.
    I'll pull out my phone to check the time, out of 60 mins in an hour atleast 3-4 times a day,the minutes will say 27,as well as numberplates on cars popping up everywhere with the number 27 in it and getting maths sheets at school with the number 27 in it a lot (I'm 17 years old) but anyway I believe all this has to mean something.. She's the most special girl I've ever met and I've had the most amazing connection with her compared to anyone else,so It honestly feels like this number 27 Is just there to remind me she's the one!

    1. My story is similar to yours , every since me and my girl friend broke up 4 years ago I've been seeing 27 since then. This is a sign of a twin soul. I believe my heart we are Twin Flames meaning the same soul as me. Look it up!

  28. i born at 7-27-1987 when i watch me phone time or my laptop or any thing with number only number 27 i see and when i was at high school i was 27 all ways . now i have problem my fiance left me i want to get her back wen i think abut her number ( 7 ) and number ( 27 ) see i don't now what should i do

  29. I was not born on the 27th. but someone I care a lot about was. I see the number everywhere all the time. I just don't understand why. I just feel drawn to seeing it. sometimes I swear it just appears.

  30. Or... it's just the number in between 26 and 28.

  31. I was not born on the 27th but I keep seeing the number 27. What does that mean to me?

    1. I am experiencing the same, I was born on 28th, but keep seeing the number 27, once my google page had stuck on the page with my guardian angel's name, which was assigned to from the dates 27th till other dates, within which that guardian angel is assigned to take care of... I guess it might be this.

  32. Wow....I came here in search of what the number 27 might mean. Two weeks ago, my 82 year old mother fell and broke two small bones in her back...being my parents' only caretakers ( myself and two older childen who live and work with me )...we rushed to the ER and stayed with her all day. We went to pick up my father after mom was put into a room..saw how sick he still was ( we see them 3-4 times a week), and that night rushed him to the ER. He is 85, and had pneumonia, so was pretty sick. For a week, my children and I were down at the hospital every day...and it was exhausting, but the rest of the family doesn't help, ever. They put mom in room #827. They put dad in room #927. We spent our days running up and down one flight of stairs to sit with one or the other or hear what their doctors had to say. Dad is home with us now..he is staying with us until mom get's our of her physical rehab facility. They put her in room #127. Today is the 27th, and I have been afraid to leave the house !

  33. I can even believe it. I've only ever met one person in my life that had a Sept 27th birthday and here there are so many people with it! And for the past year when I've really decided to change direction with my life I've been seeing 27 everywhere. I wish I understood more what it all means!!

  34. My birthday is 27 Nov. I see 27 several times a day, every day. I too wish I knew why. It feels like a code to access some further knowledge that's still a mystery to me. I hope it becomes clearer soon.

  35. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at this time.
    It may act as a prompt and/or validation as to your path.
    It can also be validation that angels/spirit guides/passed over loved ones are with you.


  36. Thank you rush-collection for that answer - my birthday is May 27 and I see the numbers 527 almost every morning and early evening on the clock. I just happen to look and there the same numbers are. I always felt it was a sign of some sort but I did not understand it. Thank you again, this helps a lot.

  37. My birthday is 11-27-77 what is the meaning?

  38. Very intriguing, I'm watching a show regarding Nichola Tessa. And his numbers were. 3, 6, And 9. 3x9 =27. I don't know why I'm watching this show, but only to think, Nichola Tessa. Knew more than, than we do at this present time. I will be looking forward to the year 2027. Perhaps 03/06/27.

  39. My son was born on day 27 at 5:27 and in hospital room 27. His father passed away 5 months later on the 27th day of the month. His father, I myself and our son's birthdays/ due date were on the 15th day of different months

  40. All of my kids were born on the 27th, both of my sons were born December 27th EXACTLY a year apart. A daughter is April 27th & the other is JULY 27th. My first & middle name has 7 letters in them. Lately I've been seeing 27 ALOT.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. I was married on 27\02\1988 and after 7 years we separated.. is it a coincident number 7 is always appear .. door number is 17 too
    Can you help me solve the puzzle pl.

  43. How does one figure out their life purpose if they are unsure? I've been seeing my birthday 8-27 all over for over a month now but don't know how to figure out what I should be doing.

  44. My Pastor did that number numerology thing in the Bible. I started to go a little nuts after that placing numbers everywhere in my mind and I can make them fit anywhere to mean exactly as he layed out. I think you can lay a thought to line and make it mean whatever you want it to mean. It makes super sense to you! Life is more than a number. LIFE is GLORIOUS! The life purpose of you is to find GOD, his worth and presence and divine purpose. Once you know you are "accepted of him" Life is GLORIOUS! A person said, I Accepted Jesus. Its far more rewarding to know he Accepted you. LIFE IS GLORIOUS! whats in a number, numeralogy lines in a hand, candles and some gifted persons analogy of you. FIND GOD! Jesus Loves you! Let him find you. Knock and it will open.

  45. hi i was born january 27th 1992 i live in number 27 house. i hit a hole in 1 in a golf challenge and won a pergoe 207 and never played golf and it was on my 27th shot. no matter what day the clock cachess my eye at 27 past. im 25 and really worried about me turning 27. all of a sudden i have this awarness of the spirit world and have a voice in my head full of hopes dreams and things i know i can achieve although it is against all the odds because of my circumstances someone please replie ???

  46. I see the number 27 EVERYWHERE and of every second of the day.I see the number on test scores, phone numbers, times, dates, billboards, etc. just everywhere! I have no idea what it means, this website gives me an idea, but it doesn't really resonate with me. Someone help!!

  47. Whenever i look at my watch,it's repeating 6:27 for more than a month..now whenever i look at my watch,it reads 3:27 5:27 6:27 & 7:27...the number 27 is always there..what a coincidence

  48. I collect victorian broochs; on the inside of the back of a tigers eye brooch,in roman numerals, is an engraved number 27. You have to use a loop see it, but it's there! I guess it could be coincidence, very interesting. It would be nice to know, but the brooch is 165 years old!

  49. I Am needing major guidance to what I'm going through! For the last three years I have been having dreams, day visions and voices in my head. I'm seeing 27 everywhere in my life. My name, birth date, SS number... everywhere. The very first vision was a voice from God telling me "You Are Christ" since then I've been seeing strange things in my head that won't stop. And 27 is always around everything!!! What do I do? I need prays to help me!

  50. The binary code for 27 is 11011. Interesting.

  51. The one msg I received that has stood out but I can't understand was 27 27 27 on a number plate. What does the 27 tripled mean? My birthday is on the 27th if this helps...

    1. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at this time.
      It may act as a prompt and/or validation as to your path.
      It can also be validation that angels/spirit guides/passed over loved ones are with you.


    2. Thank you rush-collection :) Another important point is that when I saw the 27 27 27 on the vehicle license plate I was driving in my car with a girl I have just met who is either my Twinflame or False Twinflame. She has become the runner now or she was a lesson and has left for good. What could the 27 27 27 mean if this presented itself at that time? Then I see 27's everyday since. thank you.

  52. I got a msg with 27 27 27 on a license plate. I know this is of importance but I don't know why 27 was tripled... My birthday is on the 27th if this is relevance and a girl I recently met who I had a incredible connection with was in the Car with me. Can anyone help?

  53. Immensely blessed and grateful,now and always !!! Love,peace and Light to all!!! ♡♡♡

  54. I was born on the 27th of june and i keep seeing the number 27 everywhere. Whether its the number of a house or apartment, the amount of songs on a playlist, how much a certain item costs and the amount of comments and likes on a post. Its really creeping me out, but everything posted on this blog was so true. Its kinda freeking me out.

  55. My birthday is on the 27th June and i keep seeing the number 27 EVERYWHERE. Whether its a house/apartment number, the amount of songs on a playlist, the time on a clock, the amount of notifications i have, the price on a certain item that i want and even on the title of books iv seen. This has only accrued in the last 3 months and not gonna lie, its kinda freeking me out.

  56. I have so much to say about repeatingly seeing this number. First it was my sister's favorite number! She pasted away in November 13th 2015, a Friday, to a unexpect tragic death. I was the one who went in to pack up her belongings and clean her apartment. While doing this I came across many things she had been collecting with the number 27 on them. Keys with tags, tags without the keys, but all associated with keys. The more I looked around, I found a journal with scriptures on the bottom of all the pages. She had recently received this from our mother so there wasn't a whole lot written in it. As I flipped through the pages, I found she had written on just one page. This page's scripture was psalm 27:1 "The Lord is my light and salvation" She love religion and and study it in college, and

  57. Continuing my comment! She was very intelligent! On this page of the journal she wrote about God and how and when he is a friend! "That he is tireless, selfless, all conquering, miracle working friend." This is truely just the beginning of this amazing story! More on the #27, her son was 27 when she past. My daugher was born on 6/27. Her funeral was 11/27, not planed that way just happened to be the day we had to have it. Now I see this number every day every where and I absolutely don't understand any of it. I will look at the clock and it is always 27th after the hour. I will see it on everything that is placed before my eyes. It seems so crazy because other than my daughter's birth on 6/27 the number was not really significant to me. It only began when I went in to her apartment that day after she past. My sister a I were very close and as kids growing up shared a bedroom. We spent so much time with each other

  58. Still continuing my comment! We spent so much time together even as adults! She was 5 years older than me. She was an amazing, brilliant and fun person! I love her and miss her so much! I just wish I could understand this #27 that has now been written on my life, and I mean literally everyday everywhere! When I encounter the #27 my whole body feels it!
    Please, I would love to know more!!!

  59. I keep seeing 27 everywhere, i look at my phone and see the time with 27 in, no joke but i was in a car and i said to myself ok angel in ur here show me a sign...seconds after a black cab drove past me licence number started with A227.

  60. I’ve been seeing the number 27 everywhere lately. At first I started seeing the number on the clock. A couple of weeks ago I got the number tattooed inside of a butterfly(which I’ve also been seeing) but now I’m seeing the number 27 everywhere but it’s so spontaneous and random! But this really helped.

  61. I have A connection with the lord thru my angels who tell me what the lord conveys them to.In jardest times they are there and when im completely alone and scared they are there to give me understanding of my path.They taught me how to pray and they also have had me pray the number 27 thtee times.....I did and I believe it is a connection to self and is a way to be protected from harm or from demons who are interupting my soul and my given path.If I believe and trust in the lord and do as the angels say I have great revelations and know im of worth and I have a special agenda .If I get off track then everything gets scrambled and I become lost and confused and my self worth becomes my obstical that keeps me from my rigeous inlightening of my place in my fathers holy place that is not of this earth .Please believe that you are so important to your unbonded destiny and the lord has you placed in the beautiful everlasting love place.....

  62. I have seen no. 27 27 77 in my dream, what is the meaning of it.

  63. I came here because I have some sort of special feeling towards the number 27. It is also the day I was born June 27th. Not only that, a friend of mine who's birthday is May 27th, she also has a strong feeling towards the number 27. After reading all these comments it seems my friend and I are not the only one.

  64. Well now I have a gang I can relate to & think that 27 holds a greater meaning and not to just the ones that see but to all man kind. The comment where the girl had mentioned angels telling her to say the number 27 3 times to keep harmful energy away resonated so much. My birthday is 327 and I see the number all the freakin time and it’s been prominent my whole life but it started mostly picking up when I was waking up from all the programming (of course I didn’t know that then) but it the number started being very prominent the summer I met my current bf who I’ve gotten confirmation from higher entities is in fact my twin flame. Seeing all the posts about how they started seeing the number 27 when they met someone they really connected with is very loud. I believe 27 shows up when you are going down the right path maybe. Or at least when I see the number 27 it either follows 3 or the number 9 but mostly 3. I believe when I do see 327 that it’s my spirit guides telling me I’m going down the right path. I also experience more deja vu when I started seeing the number 327 pop up more in my life. I did have a dream once when I was 7/8 and it has haunted me for the rest of my life. I’m the dream there was a demon looking creature who kept repeating the number 27 and with each time he yelled it louder and louder and each time the room got a darker red and it was so scary. I’ve never forgotten it and I still remember how I felt after I woke up from it. Since then I always thought that maybe it meant I was gonna die at 27 and the whole celebrity 27 club really doesn’t make me feel more at ease about the dream cause apparently those celebrities made a deal with the devil and then they all die at 27 :// I just want to truly know what that dream meant and if it was intentionally scarring to scar that number into me for good reasons or if it was a message saying I was going to die at 27.

  65. Idk if my comment posted so imma post it again haha. I was looking for the number 327 but I decided to just check 27 instead and now I’ve seen that I’m not alone. Everyone either sees 27 or their birthday which also involves a 27 which I don’t think is a coincidence. Seeing the other post where a girl mentioned that her angels told her to repeat the number 27 3 times felt as if it was a mantra to keep harmful energy resonated as the truth. My birthday is on 3/27/2000 and I always see the number 327 or the number 27 following 9 at times. I think 27 might be a number that hold greater meaning to man kind and it can help us ascend. I’ve always seen the numbers 327 pop up my whole life but it started becoming more constant when I started waking up from the programming which at the time I didn’t know. And then I saw the number pop up literally everywhere I went once i met my current bf. Higher entities have confirmed with me that he is my twin flame and it seems like alot people see the number 27 after they’ve met someone they have a great connection with. I think the number 327 shows up to me when I’m going down the right path. Ever since they started popping up mire in my life I’ve had more deja vu as well or dreams that come true just like when I was a kid. I’m starting to believe the number 27 is very powerful although I want to know why it was so forced onto me in a dream I had. I had the dream when I was 7/8 yrs old and it’s haunted me since. In the dream it felt very eerie like I was playing some role and then a demon looking creature popped out of nowhere and started repeating the number 27 over and over. Each time getting louder and louder until he was screaming so loud and each time he repeated it the room got more red until it turned into a very dark red. Now I don’t know if it was presented in a scarring way for it to be implanted in me forever like for a good reason or if it meant that I was gonna die at 27. Now the whole celebrity 27 club theory really unsettles me bc of this dream. The theory mentions how all these celebrities had made a deal with the devil and they all died at the age of 27. So I just want to know the true message behind the dream because that was scary as f***. But for now I know that the number brings a lot of enlightenment to people and for that I am happy.

  66. Hi my name is Kim and I was born on 27/7/72 and I've been seeing the number 27 a lot over the past month and up to 5 times a day in the past week it's starting to help me understand that numbers are important to connect with! I'm in a situation that has kept me from moving forward for 7 years now and finally I believe this may be the end of this ordeal. I'm not sure how it's going to change, however I'm optimistic about seeing 27 all the time of late! If anyone has any advice as I've felt trapped in my house that I have lived in for the past 14 years and I was scared that I may never get out of here however now I believe I have hope that my situation can change! So please anything that could help me understand what's happening could you please reply as I'm isolating way too much and don't have anyone to talk to really that would understand my situation! Thank you all very much for listening to my story. x

  67. i’ve been seeing the number 27 quite frequently. i was born 6/27/** and i genuinely see it multiple times a day i have a friend born on the same exact day just a couple hours apart from me, i see it on license plates, the time, mile markers, house numbers, everywhere. it only started like a year or 2 ago that i see it all of the time though. i am going to be starting a new chapter in my life soon so i’m just wondering what that means

  68. I am ready for my next chapter! I welcome and embrace positive news into my life!! Thank God for it all, past present and future! Amen 🙏

  69. Thank you ❤️

  70. This is another number I see multiple times a day! I’m ready for my next prosperous chapter and I’m grateful for the help from my angels! 💫🤍🙏🏼

  71. Thank you 🙏💙🙏
