Monday, June 27, 2011


Number 2 resonates with the vibrations and attributes of service and duty, balance and harmony, adaptability and diplomacy, co-operation and consideration, receptivity 
and love. Number 2 also relates to partnerships and relationships, intuition and insight, faith and trust and your Divine life purpose and soul mission.

Angel Number 2 is a message to have courage, faith and trust in the angels and Universal Energies as the answers to your prayers are manifesting for you, although it may not be obvious just yet. It may be a test of your patience, but rest assured that all will come to pass in Divine right time.

Angel Number 2 may also be a message to display compassion, diplomacy, consideration and adaptability as you passionately serve others in your day to day life. Your angels are encouraging you to pursue your life purpose and soul mission with faith and trust in the Divine.

Angel Number 2 also encourages you to be diplomatic, co-operative and loving when relating to others.

Also see:  Repeating 2’s  (22, 222, 2222, etc)
Angel Number 22  
Angel Number 222  

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



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  1. Replies
    1. I BELIEVE, we make war when we lean to one side of our natures abilities more. If we were to balance all the aspects of nature THAT WE ARE. we wouldn't see just war and we wouldn't see just love, BOTH would entwine always if balanced

    2. Indifference...

    3. You hit the nail on the head Kiara. Just yesterday I happened to watch some war tragedy videos on you tube. My thoughts were, how evil we humans can be, to kill without thought and take pleasure from it. Then number 2 comes along in my dream and there's your post giving me the answer I sought. Thank you

    4. In truth we fight resources such as living space, food, water, timber, ores for industry, technology, ideology, and for sport...frankly sport is my least favorite war crime as it is a typically hominid way of letting off steam initially for a given group, but historically has morphed into government testing weaponry on a subjugated population, or as an excuse to violently overthrow a society solely through a shrewd exercise of totalitarian power in the hands of few over their citizenry. All in all, war is a terrible outcome when diplomacy fails or terrorism and corrupt people prevail over meek and/or weak and apathetic subjects. I hope we see war as a concept dwindle sooner than later, and that humanity can steer clear of having to fight to survive...there inevitably are no true winners of any kind of war...only pain and loss. May God forgive us as we try forgiveness of our sins and the trespasses of our adversaries during this holiest of weeks for judeo-Christianity, and embrace our brothers like our closest fathers and mothers with love and peace enduring. Amen and thanks to our Creator and his Archangels/Angel's, ascended Masters with joy this holiday and New Year. Celebrate!

    5. Intresting truths you say but I have question when you give all your love and even life to someone how is possible to step over you and not see beautiful presence of God

  2. I used to see the numbers 1111 but i dont see them as constant anymore.

    1. II stopped seeing 11:11 on the clock and said to myself how I never see it so often anymore and then something wonderful happened. I was on one of my apps with a timer and saw my repeating 1's and it read 11:11:11. After that I gathered 11111 points from the app. Pretty amazing.

  3. To who makes wars. see to imagine that you never know.

  4. my entire phone number consists of 3's and multiples of threes. I see threes everywhere, often times even end up in lane number 3. Threes and nines.... it's been very obvious to me for a couple of years now...

    1. .. you're a valuable person !

    2. I even woke at 3.30 yesterday n went sleep at 6 then yesterday evening I sleep for hour then I found scratch on my hand n it look like 3 number Shape

  5. Thank YOU rush-collection, iI'M IN AWE OF YOUR HIGH INTELLIGENCE.


  6. This is exactly what I need to work on lately,, I have been a bit ups3t and impatient for no absolute reason lately ...I'm listening because all my dreams are coming true and I Anna stay humble always, because that's where true happiness also comes from

  7. I have a birthmark on the left of my hand right in the middle. For the longest time it seemed like a Z to me but to everyone else they way they see it it looks like a 2.

    1. Oh wow! That is something interesting and special. Do you mind sharing a picture of your birthmark?

  8. I have a birthmark on my right left hand that is right in the middle that resembles a 2. Almost like someone kissed my hand and left a mark. For the longest time it looked like a Z to my eyes but apparently to everyone else it looks like a 2.

    1. You may also look at number 77, I have found on my spiritual path that a Z represents two 7's connected. Also u made comment that u always thought of Z, always go with your first instinct. Hope this helps?

  9. Im sorry friends and angels for blaming other for mistakes I made or lived life within the a dream without making things simpler on myself. I think this is why I have been hearing so many voice in my head within music, radio, and within angels whisper, seeing numbers everywhere. I believe the angel are speaking to me these days. In times when Ive needed help the most, only to turn them down by leaving endless options open. Like countless times when opportunity presents itself only to continue failing though through countless cycles. Drifting and randomly bouncing around has only taking me so far. I think that is why i’m seeing triplets sets of numbers in the stars. With more angels gravitating towards me as time goes on. I want to thank all these angels for they are the light that shine through in times when there is little light. So I humbly count my blessing in silents, love, grace once again with family, and friends. Thank you rush-collection for provide this site and service to the angels across the land. Truly Amazing!! With blessings of with love and light in you heart.

  10. Thank You, so much to a Devine - Reading : to a devine knowledge, information, materials, experienced with wealth of knowledge, the Improves Upon Growth and Clarity towards my disposition in my Life.

    I have just read, the Angle Number 20 and continue on with the Number 2 to received more of it's Universal Laws and Affirmations from the Angle's and Heaven's from the Date of Birth of my birth date.

    Thank You so much, for your Great Work and Indepth Knowledge and Commitment towards your PASSIONATE Destiny for making it Available and freely to all of us.

    As, a token I would like you to: YOUTUBE: The Supreme Personality (Audio/Video) that's has Inspiring Information and Knowledge towards personal and Spiritual Growth:

    if, it might arouse and articulate More Intelligence into your Work and Life:

    My Email is: if, I can be of any assistance. THANK YOU ONCE AGAIN, FOR Everything.

    1. My favorite book ever!!! Supreme Personality is the ish I first read it 7 years ago and it changed my life and my mentality for the better. Oh and God, Jesus and the Bible teaches God and his angels communicate with us through numbers. Then I started seeing numbers all the time that always seem to know what I'm going through at the moment.

    2. My name is zhulong one of the oldest ascended master founder of yin Yang god means good Jezus griated god and Allah gobi Allah mama nature is crying now we must Get rid of BELIVE in Gods THE angels are real heaven is real en hell is also real we must go for good then we can concetrade on THE evil in THE world we live in endtimes be one with nature like Indians escimo aberichenols Tibetanen old Chinees old Japan old Afrika old middel east Maeyens

  11. The other night, I saw a dark cloud pass in front of the moon what looked like a number 2. It was so clear and I couldn't believe my eyes. I tried to take a picture but it was a windy night, so the number 2 cloud blew away quickly. That's got me wondering.

    1. Tonight I was praying outside looking at the stars I needed fresh air, I was praying about my life and how I don't understand the signs , I look and as I'm praying to him I see a shooting star , I felt overwhelmed but had doubts , there's always a two side perspective in my head , getting side tracked 333 also have been in my life a lot recently .. and 115 since 7th grade, along with 323, and 55555 , but when I started have that thought of doubt , another shooting star fell.. and I nearly cried but just couldn't I think I need water ^.^ Someone please give a perspective of all this ...

  12. Thank you very very very much rush-collection for the amazing job you have done with this website..blessing to everyone xx

  13. Thank-you rush-collection for the insight.

    I have a young spirit child who is here to help me through a journey that I have started going down, her name Claudia. She also goes by the number 2.
    What sense do you make out of this.

    By the way. I constantly have angel numbers that happen multiple times a day & I always come to this site as it is always spot on

  14. Thank you God for Angel #2. Zandt a Mccoy

  15. I just saw 9 of 2 in a row . The clock the likes and a rapper with my old hairstyle

  16. I used to feel this number meant something I no longer think that numbers 59 and 95 are garbage as well a joke how stupid Iam to think it has meaning

  17. I had an interest in those numbers for 20 years 2, 59,95 I’ve come to the cocclusion I’m an idiot to want to believe it meant something

  18. How about if there r 12 numbers of 2 (222222222222)? What is the meaning?

  19. I continue to see the numbers 11:11-222-333-444-1010...all together what story is it telling me

  20. What do u want it to say

  21. Too much pain in my heart. I have to go

  22. I believe that the number 22 or 222 represent Archangel Raphael and I believe He has helped me tremendously. However, I have met several people whose phone number or house addresses contain the number 22 or 222. At first I thought it must be a good sign coming from Archangel Raphael.. but they all turned out to be very bad people! They are shallow, selfish, manipulative and lacking morality... I don't get it... How could that possible? rush-collection, maybe you have the answer?

  23. Overwhelming forces, focusing mind, heart and errational decisions on and around one direction. Enough.  Remove and distance yourself from it and move on. 
    People will either be with you or against you.
    Old scripts that play on inside us that can no longer serve us any good. All they serve up now, is to cause hardship not friendship but also cause pain to others.
    Walking away from such situations, it will often make you realise how people care and who values us.
    Those that are with you, follow and will be onboard for the journey as bumping as it may be. Those are true friends and they wont judge you for they are aware of the reasons why. Those that dont, wont, possibly being caught up in their own busy lives to even notice the distance or care.
    People are increasingly being caught up in a fake virtual world where they have forgotten how to have meaningful relationships with others. The only following they know how to do is on social media. Now that is a shame.
    Sometimes it is what it is, the way it used to be and not what it seems or led to believe, which is complete and utter crap! #Agreed

  24. I have been fallowing this conversation from everyone and I see what you have been coding with your words rye C you Mr anonymous

  25. Good... if it resonates with you thats great.

  26. Amazing Grace -how sweet the sound- that saved a person like me! I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now i see.
    Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, and grace my fears relieved. How precious did grace appear the hour i first believed!
    Through many dangers, toils and snares i have already come. Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far, and grace will lead me home.

  27. I thank God for You. Love&Light.

  28. It helps. They have passed on and are now with our saviour.

  29. Yes my birthday is 2-22-66 and at first I thought it as satanistic but now this just opened my world wide open thanks guys

  30. I see double number almost all the time.mostly 22 44

  31. this really made me feel a lot better.

    Slowly giving up. The situation is broken.  There is probably no chance in turning back from here?
    loosing faith in something youu have believed in forever, is excruciating.
    Wishing for answers from the other side, not even a simple sign.
    Its not like it was, and wont be the same not this time. We all know where we should be we just need to believe and get there.
    will keep doing what I have been doing here. waiting... hoping

  32. At Dream Thanks for this amazing content.

  33. Your story isn’t finished yet.

  34. There are millions of devil's who walk the earth that what why people are so evil the archangels told me this it's a awful world we live in
