Monday, June 27, 2011


Number 16 is a combination of the energies and attributes of the numbers 1 and 6. Number 1 resonates with new beginnings, striving forward and progress, self-leadership and assertiveness, self-reliance and achievement, inspiration and attainment. The number 6 relates to love of home and family and domesticity, service to others and selflessness, responsibility and reliability, providing for the self and others, and nurturing. Number 16 resonates with personal willpower, independence, initiative, action and overcoming obstacles.

Angel Number 16 is a reminder from your angels that your thoughts create your reality, therefore ensure that you hold only positive expectations about your life, lifestyle and material issues. Trust that all of your needs will be met as you live your life mission.

Angel Number 16 is a message that your angels want you to ask for their guidance and help in regards to the material aspects of your life.  Listen to the messages from your intuition and inner-wisdom as the angels are currently letting you know which choices to make and which steps to take that will ensure that you and your loved ones will have all that is required to maintain and sustain your daily needs.

Angel Number 16 encourages you to maintain a positive attitude whilst the angels work with you to fulfill all of your needs.

Number 16 also relates to the Number 7 (1+6=7) and Angel Number 7.

See also:  Repeating 1’s and 6’s  (116, 161 etc)
Angel Number 116
Angel Number 161

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery




Get a Psychic Reading … click here for further information.


  1. Dear rush-collection,

    I love this blog. Thank you so much for providing this. It's been, and is, such an encouragement.

    Kindest regards,
    A Rivera

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I was always told that this was a warning number I see it everywhere at certain times and was always trying to figure out what the warning was. Very frustrating...hopefully someone knows more about this number 16.

    1. My name simon...everything i have read about no:16 is true..i keep mention it in form money.1.6 billion..when i am alone thinking it keep poping out of my mind.

    2. Hi Tiffany from 5 years ago. I too found 16 to be frightening, mostly because of the tower card, but also it's a threateningly weird how it shows. I'd like it to shift positive. The Tower is basically "your human monuments built on false foundations". Usually 16 means, "it's time to go/change/go within before disaster strikes". I think MOSTLY the thing that intruiges me about it is IF there is a positive side, then it is definitely a new lesson. 1+6 = 7. Through destruction renewal, or mystical changes. Hope this helps.

  4. the number 16 intrigues and haunts me. Im 21 and I feel like my understanding of my birthday is just begining... 16/9/93... I have experienced my ego loss... but harbour much intellectual judgment of others and negative behaviours/thoughts... I'm trying my best to clear my mind and right my wrongs but i feel like I'm right in the middle of the balance and its scary...

    1. ow same as me, anonymous.. im already 24 (01/16/1991) and im still trying to figure it out. still searching for answers ,

    2. Couldn't have said it better annons. What's weird is I was born (1/16/1992)...

    3. Nemanja JovanovicSaturday, April 02, 2016

      Oh wow. Anonymous and Rachel M. Agostino this is awkward... I was born 01/16/1984

    4. 16 is my favourite number as it is my birthday 16/12, it is my lucky number, it actually does give me luck. Only for big things of coarse not little things but I wonder if it having to do with my birth date means something......

    5. Hey there my birthday is also on 16/12/1993 and i got born again at age 16 and to top it all off my undergraduate graduation day is on 16/2016... my life just screams 16...i believe this is a message from above

    6. I born in 01/16/1982 male. Have no kids family have a lot of girlfriend. I have high sex addiction seeing 16 everywhere. There are periods when it stops than begin again.

    7. Jesus is the way

  5. Many numerologist that read tarot says 16 is a very dark ominous number that comes in for heavy karmic debt , I'm hoping that Jesus breaks that 16 karma with His grace .
    16 is considered one of the dark numbers .

  6. Well this seems to be a combo of the biblical number 16, the tarot version and then comes the angel version. I always read the other two, then the angel version. What I take from this after reading the other two, is your angels know your strugles but want you to call on them for the help to a better life. I've been seeing the number 16 for some time. So I read all three. My finances are bad. My heart has always had a love for others. So maybe, by calling down the angels now that they have done their work to see this number so much, they will see me three and get me on the path to success love and happines. I believe it can be a bad number, but what is saying is call your angels to you needs and let them lead you out into the better path awaiting you. Kind of like we are at that girl in the road and they are stepping up to grab our attention and get us on the right path.

  7. Ok... so my birthday is 16th Feb, my partners is 16th March. We live in house number 16. He signed the lease a year before we met on my mums birthday the 10th of feb n he moved in on the 16th of feb. Engraved in the cement out the back i was shocked to find "KYLE 2001" Which is the name of my eldest son and the year he was born. But we havent been here before n its been put there years n years ago. I left my partner a few times as he cheated n i stayed in a number 116!! Its that 16 Again!!! We always seem to be battling something or rather, be it our ex partners about our children, constant car break downs, his ex trying to split us, my ex trying to split us and now ive been diagnosed with 2 brain tumors a rare disease called neurofibromatosis type 2 and papilledema... ive been told the number 16 is negative... are we meant to be, what is 16 trying to tell me... all comments are welcomed n opinions will be of great help

    Lost n sad

    1. Blessings Natty! You are pure Spirit in a vessel called human of which you chose to do the Life Journey. With that said, you are what you choose to believe. Your thoughts are like a magnet, therefore you create a reality from your thoughts, feelings, attitudes, actions and language... Moment to moment to moment. Your reality is true for you. If you are not happy with the results of your thoughts, decisions and choices - change them. Evaluate where you got your Belief System and if it is working for you. Here is a Different Perspective - always choose the Positve and leave the negative energy, thought and people behind. Let go. Choose to live in the Mystical and Magic of Life. Be Awake, Aware and Alert to Acknowledge all the Blessings around you - seen and unseen in the Moment. Surrender and Acceptence of "What Is" in a state of Love, Peace and Gratitude of the Miracles in your life.
      Sending You and All Blessings, Wisdom, Love and Light. Saquina Akanni

    2. My birthday is 2/16... My father's 10/16 and brothers 8/16 but what really has shaken me up is that my mother just recently passed on 5/16. Good luck.

    3. I just saw your post coincidentally from 2016.
      Sorry to hear about your problems and hope you are ok.
      I to am seeing this number whatever it means is possibly different for everyone.
      I've never been overly religious or spiritual but I'm feeling the need to be just that.
      I also believe in self perpetual paths and i am going to try and self perpetuate positivity regardless of how things are and think that is the key.
      So maybe try that path and you never know , won't be easy but nothing worthwhile is.
      All the best.

  8. Everywhere I'll see 16, 6, 316. The meaning of 16 makes sense for how my life is going. But I feel as if something is trying to tell me more then what iT says here. I keep searching for the meaning of this but I always end of finding some kinda new "end of the world" Theory. It's something I can't let go. And I say this because it started after I had my miscarriage. It feels serious like I need to find the answers. And I know I'm not crazy

    1. Listen to your own intuition when you consciously see the number/s. What are YOU thinking, feeling, hearing, seeing, knowing?

    2. Im seeing the exact same numbers EVERYWhERE there's more to mine maybe we can have a conversation about this sometime?

  9. 16 was my house number and this was the luckiest one since we moved in. I ve never heard anything bad about 16 number. All my achievements happened in this house. My parents also did very well in this house.

  10. 16 was my house number and this was the luckiest one since we moved in. I ve never heard anything bad about 16 number. All my achievements happened in this house. My parents also did very well in this house.

  11. Blessings! In Chinese philosophy 6 is Lucky and 16 is not. I perfer the Angel version. This a great blog with Positve energy and advice. We are all pure Spirits in a vessel called human of which we chose to do the Life Journey. With that said, each of us are what you choose to believe. Ou thoughts are like a magnet, therefore each of use are creating our realities moment to moment from your thoughts, feelings, attitudes, actions and language... Your reality is true for you - you are the author, producer and star of your life! If you are not happy with the results of your thoughts, decisions and choices you can change them. Evaluate where you got your Belief System and if it is working for you. Here is a Different Perspective - always choose the Positve and leave the negative energy, thought and people behind. Let go. Choose to live in the Mystical and Magic of Life. Be Awake, Aware and Alert to Acknowledge all the Blessings around you - seen and unseen in the Moment. Surrender and Acceptence "What Is" in a state of Love, Peace and Gratitude of the Miracles in your life. Be the Change you want to see in Your Life and watch something wonderful unfold for you.
    Sending All Blessings, Wisdom, Love and Light. Saquina Akanni

  12. Greetings rush-collection. Thank you for maintaining this blog. I've been using it for over a year, and it's been such a wonderful aid to communicate with my guides. Love, Christopher

  13. When I do my angel tarot card readings, the numbers 7 and 16 have been coming up for me all week long. These two numbers have been the numbers I've been pulling after completely shuffling the deck and asking God for guidance.

  14. I have been seeing the number 16 for quiet a long period ....... and frankly its quiet creepy.It is not that I experience any paranormal activity but its freaking me out lately.I believe there are people out there who are experiencing the same please help me .

  15. I have been seeing the number 16 for quiet a long time ........ And frankly its freaking me out . Its not that I am experiencing any paranormal activities ... but its creepy , my parents find it natural but am not able to let it go . If there are people out there who are experiencing the same , PLEASE HELP ME . Its not a joke

  16. I been seeing the number 16 for almost 2yrs now, and been doing a lot of searching on the meaning. My dad is a 16 and my mom is a 19. And a close cousin with the that ##. It's not scary but I'm not sure what it is telling me. I seen 11 3 years before 911, and my friends back home use to make fun of it... not now .

  17. Any exam and see 333 3333 ,33.33

  18. I started playing baseball as number 8 which when i got my second team it transfered to 16 and i always had the idea that it meant something and now that ive read this everything makes sence now ..

  19. okay born on the 16th, married on a 16th, daughter born on a 16, son born on 7th. Grandparents married on 16th and it goes on through history on my fathers side either birth or marriages never deaths. Then today think about a grand father several generations back and guess what 16th January which is today.

  20. Amen what great news to know

  21. Always positive, blessed and grateful.๐Ÿ™❤๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿ™Œ

  22. Thank you for guardian angel and to my boyfriend SAEED from Iran he give this number. Be grateful and blessed

    1. Congrats.. that may boy friend last year. Enjoy both ๐Ÿ˜Œof u

  23. My birthday is on the 16th of July, and I wonder if it has to do with the manifesting, or my life purpose?

  24. Angels dont do anything!

  25. I just wanted to take a moment to show gratitude for you compiling all of this information ๐Ÿ’– I regularly check your blog and appreciate it immensely. It’s the only blog I know that has the highest vibrational meanings. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’Ž๐ŸŒˆ
