Monday, June 27, 2011


Number 15 is a blend of the vibrations of the number 1 and number 5. Number 1 relates to new beginnings, activity and assertiveness, tenacity, achievement and success. Number 5 resonates with the attributes of making life choices and important changes, adaptability and versatility, resourcefulness, motivation and idealism. Number 5 also relates to doing things your own way. Number 15 tells of independence, sensitivity, creativity, teaching others, and the energy of love.

Angel Number 15 is a message from your angels that your ideas and thoughts are prompting you to make some much needed changes in your life. Your angels are encouraging and guiding you to make positive life choices and are supporting you through these transitions. Have no fear about making these major life changes as in the long-term they will prove to be of great benefit to you and others. You will be ridding yourself of old restraints and constraints and will be making room for ‘new’ to enter your life.  

Angel Number 15 is a message to keep your thoughts and actions focused upon your goals and aspirations in order to manifest your highest ideals. Use positive affirmations and visualizations in order to keep your outlook bright and receptive.

Angel Number 15 is also a message to use your initiative and personal tenacity when making choices that concern your own wellbeing and life path as only you know your true heart’s desires. You have the inner-wisdom, talents and abilities to achieve all that you strive to.

Number 15 also relates to the Number 6 (1+5=6) and Angel Number 6.

Also see:  Repeating 1’s and 5’s  (115, 151 etc)
Angel Number 115
Angel Number 151

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



Body And Soul~Mind And Spirit

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  1. Brilliant!

    Thank you, rush-collection!


  2. Thank you I needed this. With love

  3. Thank you for being willing and obedient, your gift has provided me with comfort and confirmation. YOU ARE A BLESSING!!! :-)

  4. Thanks rush-collection. 12.15.2014 today I am making strides. I feel empowered by your words.

  5. many 15's today

  6. Saw this ,but was hurried and then allowed people to influence my actions. I wish I had listened to my guides and avoided negative energy in my field.

    Thank you rush-collection

  7. Thank you so much. This site really help me to guide my own path.

  8. What would be the significance of 5/15/15

  9. I am in a period of transformation, yesterday, I asked to receive a sign, showing me that I am on the right way, then last night, I see the numebr 15 twice, very clearly in my dream ! I search its meaning, and find her your description : it's EXACTLY what happen to me right now !!! It comfort me on my choices I made - Thank you !!! all my love to you all

  10. <3 Lots of love & light sent <3

  11. Thank you so much ! You have no idea how much of an impact your page has made on my life. May god bless you 😊

  12. Я вот родилась 15.11.1995 в 15.00 что бы могло значить.

  13. Thank you so much, rush-collection! <3

  14. rush-collection. Bless you and the work you have done. Ever since my first true spiritual awakening, this has been one of the most valuable, clear and profoundly irreplaceable forms of divination of my reality, and such a beautiful way to receive direct and specific guidance from my angels and the angelic realms. Words alone cannot describe the depth of my gratitude. Keep up your light work, you do a great, a true, kind and necessary service to all who benefit from your work. I look forward to meeting you in the flesh some day.

    Blessed be.
    Awen (¡¡¡)

  15. I refused to pay for a drink was $15 in a dream.

    What would this mean?

  16. Thank you for the guiding, my dear universe ☯️�� galaxy regards from Kenneth/Denmark

  17. I have the abilities indeed. I'll use my initiative and personal tenacity,as always and wisely.
    I believe and affirm that with my Angels help and guidance and my immense internal strenght there is nothing I can't achieve.
    I'm the force. Amen.🙏
    Grateful and blessed.❤🙌
    Sending much love,peace and light to all.#bestrinh #DoNotGiveUp #BeLuminary #FearNot

  18. Perhaps quit drinking? Don't want to be rude and it certainly is a mirror for me.

  19. Thank you guardian angel and to my boyfriend SAEED from Iran he give this number Amen

  20. Keep trying, i will be there for you.

  21. Definitely stop �� and say a big “NO” to Drug (crack) taking and cigarette smoking in life and around my understanding I ultimately possess all the angelic qualities required to the envisioned goals.Cut of all dirty old bad habits and ties.......Today I greatly acclaimed and accept the necessary change which is constant and have made me stagnant for this long .God bless,I received my life changing angelic message very clearly
