Monday, June 27, 2011


Number 5 resonates with the influences and attributes of personal freedom, the unconventional, individualism, non-attachment, change, life lessons learned through experience, variety, adaptability and versatility, resourcefulness, motivation, progress, activity, experience, travel and adventure, sympathy and understanding, sociability and companionability, release and surrender, influence, sensuality, promotion, natural flair, vivacious, courage and being courageous, health and healing, idealism, telepathy, pleasure-seeking and pleasure loving, vitality, vision and the visionary, expansion, opportunity, story-telling, mercy, kindness, invention, magnetism, competitiveness, imagination, curiosity, cleverness and intelligence, and making positive life choices and decisions.

Angel Number 5 brings a message from the angels that important life changes are upon you and these changes will bring about many positive opportunities for you. The angels ask that you look upon these changes with an optimistic and positive attitude as they are destined to bring you many long-term benefits. Remember to be grateful for the auspicious opportunities ahead of you.

When Angel Number 5 appears it is a message to do with your health and wellbeing. Your angels are helping you to make positive, healthy lifestyle choices and changes that will enhance and benefit you in many ways;  physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Rest assured that your angels love, support and encourage you through these transitions, and if feeling any fears, ask for angelic guidance any time you feel the need. 

Angel Number 5 tells you that only you know your true heart’s desires, and only you can fulfil your own destiny in your own unique way.

For more information about number 5 see:  NUMEROLOGY – Number 5

Get a Psychic Reading … click here for further information.


  1. I receive angel numbers every night and I really enjoy your messages from the angels. They are definitely helping me on my spiritual journey.
    Thank you very much!

    1. Blessings!!!!

    2. rush-collection-thank you for what you do. I receive guidance from my Angels through numbers. Blessings.🙏

    3. I am grateful to you Angulaic words so up lifting thank you Joannne

    4. I appreciate and thank you for your hard work and dedication that you put into making this page. It is really helping and guiding me along my life journey 🙌🏾

    5. Thank you for helping us feel more connected with the angels they really bring about light in times of uncertainty.i cant speak for all but without the angels id feel really lost

    6. The number 5 has come to me in Threes. As in 555.. I've seen it many times and I have been given this number on many occasions. 152555 was the most painful event I was given this number. However, I have gifts and have seen spirits. They have spoken without using their mouths. I know what they say without hearing. I've known things before they've happened. Including knowing the night before my best friend would die in a terrible accident and who would be responsible. Someone we did not hang with. I still have a pair of remains to dig up for a proper burial. I was shown the unmarked graves when I was a child. I will be doing this before much longer. Also, wild animals are drawn to me. I can hold wild birds in my hands. I'm not like anyone I've known. I'm better alone in nature than I am with people. I don't trust people. If you know anything to help please let me know. Thank you for your time.. Love and Light <3

    7. Your soul needs to learn to trust the devine spark in others

    8. These Angel numbers help me each day.. thank you for allowing God to use you..

    9. This is so amazing that it comes to you in 3's also. My address growing up was 555 and our phone number had 5 number 2's in it.

    10. I too receive Angel numbers and messages at night. These numbers help in communication with My Angel. Also, the wild animals come to me. A birdie used to like to stand on my foot. It isn't easy having the Gifts. One of mine is knowing the last time I'll see someone in the physical... meaning they will die before I see them again. Once I acted on it and begged him to be careful, not to go, but he went and was murdered. But the numbers come to me regularly and now I'm being told "5 every day." This is good news to me and love this site. Thank you so much for the numbers and what they mean through our Angels.

    11. My name is chris can anybody understand this,i see the number 5 everywhere,its on the ceiling,walls and on the tv,i thought i was going mad,has anybody out there got the same thing.

    12. why do i see the number 5 everywhere i look on walls ceilng floor,its everywhere,does anybody else out there have that?

    13. Heya, seeing numbers like that everywhere all the time happens to those who pay attention : )
      You see it because you are ready and the ones who care for you (Spirit Guides) and know you from the very core are sending you a message for you to be alert to. What I do is, I also receive these often or time to time, and look up the angelic meaning. Then, I learn from that lesson, and that involves from simply thanking the Universe for this to beginning to make small changes/actions in life that lead toward my ultimate purpose : D
      We will meet when we are ready : DDDD

    14. Dear Unknown who has often seen the number 555,
      I felt with you for the sadness of distrust in people : ' (
      I feel you, at the same time, I have fellow advice that has worked for me~! :D
      Although we are intrinsically different from some others (in certain cases, diff from most), we can learn to adapt to their way, and become friends much more easily.
      Learn their lingo, their perspective a little more, although it may require more understanding from our part than theirs. When we start applying our newfound knowledge to use, we can begin speaking in their language, and be able to make that bridge between their world and our world.
      This is how all international border friendships have first begun, is it not : DDDD
      Eventually, we will become great friends with those who had once seemed impossible !!!
      Best of love and wishes for you, my fellow friend!!!

      <3 <3 <3

    15. Hey please email I recieve a lot of messages too and would love to hear about how you figured out that you had the gift and connection with the spiritual realm

  2. I've been receive these numbers in this order for several weeks now. Any wisdom on what it all means together: 17 1 8 555?

    I'm so glad I found your site -- thought I was going crazy! :)

    1. Look them up as angel numbers. I know for example 828 has followed me for about 18 years.

    2. Look them up as angel numbers.. I know 828 and 343 have followed me for years. There are single didget numbers... Mine is 5.

  3. I love this site too. Thankyou it helps me bring peace and confidence in my life. I been having many numbers in my dream as in a clock and when I woke up I went to my phone and the timer on my phone app popped open and it said number 5 mins that i have set on it. But I still take it as a sign.

  4. I just had a reading and the number 5 appeared in my cards many many times. What does that mean?

  5. THANK YOU!!!
    THANK YOU!!!
    THANK YOU!!!

    I recieve and I willingly obey


  6. Replies
    1. we are no more gods than what the rest of mother nature's floral and fauna are as well. careful the pedestal one puts themselves upon.

  7. my wall clock keeps stopping at the number 5 what does it mean

  8. Thank you! I have been receiving text messages from my wifes phone the number 644. Her phone has no history of it.

  9. My deceased friend and ex-husband sent me a message to remember the numbers 149. Amazing synchronicity, in the meaning. Thanks for this site, which i "just happened upon". And thanks, Todd.

  10. Quite interesting

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I am having a clearer picture of things now,thankyou.
    Here is a poem i wrote on this date..I hadnt written a poem in years:

    I am my worst nightmare,
    There is no mistake.
    I have no one left to fear,
    So you better listen dear...
    I share a day with Einstein,
    They called him crazy to...
    Hear the sirens calling,
    As you realize your mistake.
    I will walk softlty,
    Till i walk in your wake.

    J9 -- 10.22.15

    1. Very truthfull poem, im having these experiences myself and waking up. 😇

  13. Thank you so much for taking your time to bless us all with these interpretations

  14. Thank you so much. Thank you.

  15. Thank you for your blog. It is a guide that has become something of a staple for my life.

    1. I look this site when i feel confused about next steps to take.. God bless you in your journey trust is needed. Bliss awaits

  16. everyday i am seeing double and triple digits. Everyday all day. I am unemployed and i really need to find work. I am getting confused because I see those numbers and it's been almost a year since I started seeing them, beginning with 11:11 on the clock, internet, buses; my apartment is 2211. Help me please.

  17. A 5 sat in my dream, just this one number. Then the next dream night a one. The last was a 7.just numbers sitting alone.

  18. Nice my address adds up to number 5!!

  19. All my address's had 5's in them, my last address was 355 and my grandmother also died at 3:55am and my new address adds up to 5 and just this morning, I look out my kitchen window like I do almost every morning and there in the middle of my lawn is the number 5 as plain as can be, where the grass had died from being so dry. I am in tuned to my guardian angel all the time and talk with her for guidance. Do you think this was a sign from her?

  20. I AM eternally grateful for your site. I started 'receiving' Angel numbers after my mum gave me the book 'Angel Numbers' by Doreen virtue & Lynette Brown. I then came across your site and was amazed✨with the depth of the messages. Since then life has magically✨never been quite the same.
    I send you my deepest appreciation🙏🏽& reverence🙏🏽Simply THANK YOU🙏🏽
    Love, Light, Peace & JOY to the world I ❤️YOU!



  22. Thank you for your wisdom and knowledge. The numbers 347 came to me which equaled 5. Every thing that I read was right on point for me. May the abundance of BLESSINGS from the Universe continuously shower you everyday. So it is. Thanks again. Karen

  23. Angel numbers have become a part of my daily life For four years now so Greatful 😇❤️

  24. 05 25 seems to follow i was born in the month of may i met a guy on 25 broke up on the 05 and we had sex for the first time on 5th which make me realize no. 5 is common to me

  25. Hi, I don't know if this means anything (maybe I'm getting a little carried away here) but walking outside my house today I happened across a rusty object, part of which I could see and bent down to uncover it. It was a pentagon shape with a raised circle in the middle with a smaller square and a smaller circle in the middle of the square. Now I know this is part of something else maybe a tool or a small part of some type of equipment. But, it struck me as really unusual that I would see this. Somehow, I feel there is a message here but what it is? I looked up the number 5 as a pentagon has 5 sides and read what it had to say on your site. Thanks,

    1. maybe try looking at the runes, they have different shapes. or the world, your house and you?

    2. See:
      Elderfuthark RUNES:


  26. Thank you God, a 'Wonderful change' has come over me!! Much needed. Much heeded!!! Angelso are using vibrational waves to garner my attn!!! This Zandra. I am prayerful, amazed, and obedient to the angels! Finally, God that is Splendid, celestial, & awesome.

  27. Thanks My Jesus and my Saviour.thank to my angel. It is awesome reply and revelation to me.

  28. I usually play a game of cards based on the number, anything 10 and above goes down. You fold em 3 times, horizontally then shuffle em 4. And then you the numbers based on the numeral influences in pairs of colors and suits.

  29. THANK YOU, THANKS,que Dios te bendiga...YO SOY

  30. thanks. . . im always viewing here. . . thanks its make me feel stronger again and keep my life change. . . thank you so much for these ♡♥

  31. I recently saw the number 616 and wanted to know the meaning in mathematical terms. Using number sequences I worked out that 616 was 1 - 6 = 5 : 5 +1 = 6 the common denominator is 5. This number is what is resonating with me at the moment as I'm going through a massive lifestyle change health wise. Maybe the math I did is crazy but 616 didn't have much meaning to me but 5 does. Also I don't even know why the though of breaking it down to maths came into my head as believe me mathematics is not something I'm good at.

  32. I have had my childhood home since age 3, over 51 years now, which I inherited. My address is numbers 555 Rincon Rd. Our old home LAN line was 222-2283, 5 number 2's. I never thought much of it until now. I am learning much about my Angels. I just went back through my emails for a job I was hired recently. I started work on Dec. 5, 2016, if I take my pay rate 23.00 and add it together 2+3=5, my first pay check had a 5 in it, and almost every paycheck there after has a 5 in it after taxes.

    I know I was meant to have this job, I almost accepted another job for less pay, with more hours, and a further commute, but changed my decision at the last minute. This was the best decision I ever made. I am working with a wonderful man with early Alzheimer's, his daughter who hired me and lives out of state, his son who is high functioning Autistic. I have doubled my hours and was given a raise just after 30 days of work. They are like family to me now and vice versa. A whole new world has opened to me working with Special Olympics with this wonderful young man who has Autism and his dad who was a coach for Special Olympics for the past 20 years with his wife till she passed away last year.

    I have worked as a service provider all my life, starting with my grandmother at the age of 2 yrs old as she had multiple sclerious. Now I know the meaning of my address of the family home being 555 Rincon Rd. I don't live there now, but the number 5 comes to me a lot, and I am going thru a lot of change within myself as I grow and learn new things.

    I have also just started donating monthly to the Red Cross and will donate blood every 2 months and plasma every 7 days as I am allowed. I was answered last night that this is my tithe to give, as I am listening to the audible book Working With The Law.

    Thank you so much for providing me with this knowledge to learn the meaning of the number 5 that is so much apart of my life.

  33. Hello,
    I have had a combination of numbers lately and i dont fully understand it. I have been seeing 333 and 3333 for the past 2 weeks a little bit everywhere and then it stopped amd today i stepped on a card in the street as i was waking from an unusual deck of cards. It was a 5 of spades and the image on the card was a naked man... if anyone can help woth this... i would really appreciate it.

  34. I don't know what to think. All the numbers I see constantly are promises of great changes and spiritual development. However, the everyday life is exactly opposite and worse. I am beginning to think that these promises just to keep me hopeful, keep me from loosing my mind from all the problems.

  35. Last night I dreamed that I went to an Abraham Hicks all day event for 25 Cents in Ojai, California; however, I did not go inside the event. I kept thinking that I would have to drive home in the dark, so I kept myself from walking in. I was, however, in the lobby looking at the other Abraham Hicks cruises. Not sure what my angels are trying to tell me in this dream; however, I will tell you that I was recently booked on the Abraham Hicks Greek Vortex Cruise for this Oct. 2018. I cancelled due to my fear of it being too expensive and also having to fly alone and be alone in Barcelona before I boarded the cruise. I regret it now, because they are completely 100 percent sold out with over 1000 people going and with a very long waiting list.

  36. Love your blog rush-collection. So glad you were led to do this, and did it.
    You're awesome, and blessings

  37. How about the number 57 or 757? I just can't fully understand.

    1. Angel Number 57

      Angel Number 757

  38. I am most grateful for the Index of Angel Numbers thank you Love and Light and Blessings xxx

  39. Thank you
    shine your light
    Stay strong and free

  40. 5 is also my life path number. Does this alter/enhance the meaning in any way?

  41. I'm seeing numbers ending with the number 5 from yesterday if it not 5 it's 25 or 1425. Does anybody know what this mean?

  42. I know what you mean. Stay strong
    Love always

  43. Today is the day... its going to be a good day! Hopefully. Angels will guide you.

  44. thank you guardian angel and to my boyfriend SAEED from Iran giving this number.


  46. Thank you for having this site and the help, encouragement it provides thru explaining the numbers. So filled with gratitude!!

  47. Thank you for this site and the guidance it provides thru explaining what the numbers mean. I'm so grateful!!

  48. This message was so nice, thank you!!😊

  49. God bless you Joanna! Your numerology blog has helped me more than you can imagine! Now I have found my self and feel really really lucky ❤️
    Thank you 🙏🏼❣️

  50. " .. only you know your true heart’s desires, and only you can fulfil your own destiny in your own unique way."

    The real world doesn't create the cinditions to make it so. Assuming Angels exist, they clearly support the world as it is and thus the injustices of the world have their blessing/guidance.

  51. At Dream Thanks for this amazing content.

  52. I used to see number 5 everywhere. After few days I developed psychic abilities. I can talk to anyone now using telepathy. I can also smell opportunities like lottery winning ticket. I see visions that turn into reality. This power I am feeling is enormous. I can also read people's problem, their mond and can find solutions.

    1. 😂😂😂😂

    2. Your meant to use those God given gifts to help others, with all that is coming, you are awake, alot still believe our institutions are more than self serving, Connect with your soul, free guided n frequency meditations on YouTube, find your life purpose, you can also get a numerology report. You can find it with those reports, royal numerology. Com is a good 1good 1 Aiden Powers is the master,

  53. 🙏🙏🙏♥️♥️♥️

  54. I am always grateful to hear from my angels in all ways, I just wish I could understand the messages better

  55. If this is the case then why am I still drawing a blank?
