Monday, June 27, 2011


Number 8 resonates with the influences and vibrations of authority and personal power, self-confidence, executive ability, confidence, inner-strength, professionalism and the professional, management, material freedom, success, good judgement, money, finances, riches, manifesting wealth, abundance and prosperity, provision, investments, discrimination and discernment, giving and receiving, thoroughness, dependability, self-reliance, repose, practicality, consideration, inner-wisdom, self-sufficiency, social status, pragmatism, the ego, aggregation, compassion, dictatorship, executive, delegation, reality, truth and integrity, compassion, dictatorship, multiples, employment, stability, appearance, customs, skills and talents, exchanges, truth, good judgement and problem-solving, organisation and organizing, achieving and achievements, decisiveness, control, constant, ambition, the authoritarian, challenge, efficiency, trustworthiness, insight, planning and the planner, sociability, works independently, learning through experience, true justice, retreat, patience, caution, self-discipline, free-will, insight, spiritual consciousness, a desire for peace and a love of humanity and world transformation. Number 8 is the number of Karma – the Universal Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect.

Angel Number 8 brings an uplifting message of encouragement from your angels telling of achievements, success, striving forward, progress and attainment. It is a message to stay optimistic and listen to your intuition and inner-guidance as you hold positive expectations and thoughts of positive abundance in all its forms. Set solid foundations for yourself and your loved ones as this will ensure your future prosperity. The Universe and your angels will always support you, but it is your responsibility to ensure that you put in the appropriate work and effort when and where necessary. You are encouraged to live up to your full potential.

Angel Number 8 brings a message from the angels that financial abundance is on its way to you as you have worked diligently and intelligently towards achieving your goals and aspirations, and your just rewards will be yours. Be grateful for the blessings in your life, and for those yet to come.

Angel Number 8 tells you to step into your personal power and have faith and trust in your own abilities, skills and talents, and to use them to their highest potential.

For more information about number 8 see:  NUMEROLOGY – Number 8

Get a Psychic Reading … click here for further information.


  1. Replies
    1. Amen! So Blessed and grateful for my life and what changes may come :)

    2. Amen, now I what exit I got off in life was now...Now I see, and that was a LONG time ago.
      It's about time I'm 53 and I really need a blessing and I love Jesus

    3. Thank you ❤️TM

    4. Thank You for this. Yes The Manifestations of wealth and Stability not only for me and my family but to create a Organization that helps bridge the gap between Veterans and Civilians. To also teach my children independence n strength. To break generation curses and from Inc strongholds.

    5. Thank you!!!πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

    6. Good <3 ok thank you! I keep seeing 8 and hearing it and especially seeing it spelled out, eight! <3 God bless you and all of us!

  2. I was just surfing the web and decided to check what is behind the #8 and it fits 'PERFECTLY" with all that I'm going through right now. A lot of decisions, but I feel is time to move on. Is time to be more me as a spiritual and human being. I want my life back and I know God will provide just what I need to deal with all this painful process and to start a new chapter in my life. Where others maybe see failure, I see achievement, blessings and beginnings.

    1. I am going through something so similar. I feel you. God bless you x

    2. I too have been working on building a strong relationship with the lord. It has been awesome. I feel so different in a good way. I feel God is with me. The best feeling ever. I am trying to find a retreat to go to. Something that will give me quiet time with God so I can work even harder on our relationship. Somewhere beautiful, relaxing and maybe get a couple of massages. I am excited. Have you ever heard of Joyce Meyers? You would love her. Her sermons are the best. I think you can find some on You Tube. She is on TV every morning at 6. I record them so I can listen to her speak. I hope you listen to her. God Bless you. I hope you find the spiritual peace you are looking for.

    3. All religions are a lie if you truly want to experience the divine meditate with crystals

    4. Joyce Meyer is awesome I love her. I'm not "religious" in the sense that I take orders from people and tradition, but I trust and talk to God all day. I don't know if it matters How we see it. Anyways yes she is so cool and has a lot of amazing insight! Highly recommend even if you're not super religious.

    5. What goes around comes around like the number 8.

    6. Me to a T also ♥️

    7. Walking in our own truth and Devine intuition,others will never understand. I am experiencing a lot of life changes with positive results. God knows the plans he has for us. Plans to prosper us with good health, and a hope for the future. He is the author and finisher of our faith.

    8. Whats your liife like now as of 6 3 18

    9. I have personal experience.. So I can agree with anonymous: "All religions are a lie if you truly want to experience the divine meditate with crystals"
      True. Angels are real thought and God exist. But religions... Man made things.

    10. God is within you. Not outside you. Jesus spoke about this very thing.
      Bless yu all

    11. I spent years (over 11) at a job and had many opportunities to move on always thinking "now's not the right time". I was pretty confident that even though what I wanted to move to was a risk, it was a calculated risk and I was pretty confident I would succeed. January 7 2020, i walked into my office intending to start the day, had a nice early morning chat with my boss for about 20 minutes and felt really good. I realized that I was feeling really good about things in general, in no small part due to the fact that it was my nieces birthday and this is the thought that came to my mind. "Are you ever going to do it, or are you just going to say it? Today is a good day to quit!" So i went online, found a departure letter, tweaked it, walked back into the directors office, smiled and handed her the letter. She was dumbfounded and said "do you mind if i ask where you are moving to?" to which I replied, not sure yet, I really don't have anything lined up. The look on her face LOL. Long story short, Over a year and I've self incorporated, worked on two contracts for over 14 months and earned double what I made in the past. My takeaway is this. The universe may nudge but at some point, uncomfortable as it may be, you may need to take a leap in faith.

  3. Malayasian airlines went missing on Ashtami-meaning eigth day after new moon in Indian language,on the eigth of March 2014. Here again air asia 850 went missing on the ashtami day of december 2014. Eight is really something spiritual

  4. Dear Miss/Mrs Rush Collection,

    Hello, my name is Claudio and i'm from Italy (Europe). I'm really going through hard and painfull times. Never the less this number eigth keep's showing up in my daily life, when i open a book, when i'm on the laptop, and when i go outside, everywhere. Let me make You a few examples, my car license plate is cn008xx, my ex army number plate was 188, my car driving licence added up to eight and so on. Last night for instance i was watching a movie on YOUTUBE, at a certain point a police car showed up and it's patrol number was 1277 at 12:41 am.
    I would really like an explanation of the meaning of all this and what i should do, but unfortunatly i don't understand. Said so, i will leave You my E-Mail, if You would kindly wish to contact me, thankyou GOD Bless, Claudio.

    1. People who claim that a certain number mysteriously and continuously shows up in their lives need to remind themselves that this is because they are unwittingly and subconsciously searching for this number. A lot of other numbers have continued to show up in your life as well, but you haven't attached meaning to them like you do with 8, so the moments that you see the number 8 come up become committed to memory while all the other repeating numerical instances fall by he wayside. It's simply the way our brains work.

    2. Why go on this site? Other people on this site who actually believe angel numbers chose this spinitial path. If believing in these recurring numbers in our lives is what will lift our spirits up then let it be. We do appreciate your scientific explanation.

    3. Yes, for you these numbers have no meaning, but for us who have chosen a path it does have significant meaning and for meany in strife it brings us great relief. Do us all the pleasure of never commenting here again.

    4. Here's a middle ground approach. Yea, we can get desperate and search for certain numbers...and poof, they are everywhere. But this is forcing it. Not a sign. However, when a number showed up and you realized "hey this is the 4th YouTube video I watched today with 777 in the view count", or "wow this video has 222,222 views and 22k likes", or "wow for some reason this number sequence seems to be of importance (even though you have no idea what it could mean)", then I'd say that's a sign. All those things happened to me. I've been caught myself forcing. I see 777 the most often nowadays, and it correlates so well with my spiritual focus in the past year.

    5. Jesus appeared eight times, at the last, for the apostles. "O" is of egg and completion, hence complete individual=one. One over one implies control and prosperity, but also a messenger from above, and also Jesus,from above. Egg over egg= one over one=8. But to me and many, 8=one+one=love.Top to bottom math.

    6. Nothing but love! I been seeing signs everywhere I go wether its just the #8 or 811,818,888,1108, any # either ending or beginning with the #8 ! Thank you angels im ready to receive my blessings!

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. I would just like to say thank you Rush Collection, God, Sherry Delise and all who have shown me Love in my life and the blessings I've received throughout my days on earth and look forward to spending eternity in heaven. May God bless you all! With love peace and happiness! Thank you for letting me post publicly my feelings and love for you all! I'm thankful for the JOY and lessons I've learned. Thank you for the Angels who've guided and protected me. If I may ask one thing, please God and angels please heal my back pain and suffering so that I may lead a more productive life and give back to those who have given so much to me. I pray in Jesus name, Amen ❤️

    9. Thank you God and please heal me from my pain so that I may lead a more productive life. I ask in Jesus name,

  5. Claudio thankyou.

  6. Hello children of the one true living God, please ask the Lord Jesus Christ to bless you with wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and discernment.

  7. I will share my experience, what I think till now and how I feel and would really like if someone can explane a little bit or coment :) ... When I was 8, I decided to take number 8 as my favourite number, it stayed like that, than I realised that I lived in house number 35, now building nb 8, apartment 53, driving in bus 17... Resently found out that my karma is to be more myself and independent because in past life I was passive and couldn't develope my being... Now, reding this article I think that maybe it all shows the good path of my karma ?
    With all my love

    1. I can point out innumerable ways that I've continued to "see the number 8" over and over in my life (truthfully I was born on 8-8-88). I'm also an identical twin, with 8 being a symbol for twin illustrated by the magical act of a maternal egg splitting into 2 parts to create my brother and I. The thing is though, I'm smart enough to realize that I see this number all the time because I'm subconsciously searching for it, and the times I see it become committed to memory...unlike other numbers. It's just the way our brains work. For instance, some people will get the feeling that they are almost a bit psychic because of certain predictions that they've correctly made over the course of a year. All the predictions they made that were false do not become committed to memory like the ones they made that proved correct, so your brain begins to pile up these instances of correct predictions in your memory bank, thus creating the unreliable notion that "you're a bit psychic." It is like...SUBCONSCIOUS SELECTIVE RECOGNITION

    2. every morning I go to work and when i sitt in the car I look at watch and there 8:28 or 8:38 . I drive and leave my son fist and start again from there and I see 8:48 or 58 It happened so many times that so I started noticing it . I like nr 7 because this is my birthday date so I was never attach to 8

  8. Dear Jovana,
    I have read your message and somehow I feel the need to answer.
    Number 8 has been my life number as well. In every relationship sofar I was passive too. You say you could not develop your being, I feel the same. Somehow number 8 shows me this is karma. My second marriage just ended last week and I kept getting signs which warned me that it would happen. Despite of the grief and pain, I feel great because now I will develop my own being without putting someone else before me. So yes dear Jovana it is good karma. It shows us that we ourselves have to take responsibility for our lives and happiness. And you can do this because you are an Gertruud

  9. number 88 some say reps evil i know that in my being its like the number 0 it has no begining and no end just like Our God. this has given me so much to strive for not only is the number eight all of the those things described above but i have also know its my communicaion directly from God that's how i know he is with me in my times of need and believe me it always shows up !!!!

  10. I love this! I had a dream several years back where I was being followed around by the dark spirits. I can recall that in this dream I was not afraid of the dark spirits but I will certainly annoyed by them. I turned around and ask them quotation mark why are you following me? I love this! I had a dream several years back where I was being followed around by these dark spirit. I can recall that in this dream I was not afraid of the dark spirits but I will certainly annoy to buy them. I turned around and ask them " why are you following me?" Then one reaponded: "we usually follow those with a 7, but have the 8".

    It wasn't until 2 or 3 years following that dream that I learned my life path or Angel number is an 8

  11. Gratitude, the way these numbers have been manifesting through many people and unexpected places has been simply thrilling in it's own rite. It's nice to have a starting point in the rite direction thank all of you and hope to return the favor.

  12. I have seen 08 past the hour everyday without fail for the last 6 years! The way my life has transformed over that time is astronomical!! Praise the most high for your continued belief in me and for entrusting me with the responsibility of spreading your message and carrying out your spiritual objectives. I love you without conditions and undoubtedly whatever the weather. Thank you. Angels 07, 08, 09, 222, 2222 and 1234 never leave me, lonely is something I can never be with your continued guidance xxxxxxxxxXxxxxxxxxx

  13. Guys I'll advise you not to put to much meaning to this, cause the more you think you know, the less you should realise you know. Imagine a maths equation that takes 10 pages. This is more complexthan that cause the world is made up of maths.... And just one answer would not say it all. But have faith and do good with conviction.

  14. And by the way.... Good job..... Setting people on the path to their goal....... It takes every input to make the world good again.... Stay blessed. I hope this sites remains online. Regardless. I'm the same guy that just called the world a maths puzzle.... 1love

  15. It was on a photo of a cloud refection in my lake 44 was easy to read not positive of what showed ahead may have been 01. thank you so much for this info Blessings to you and our world lots of love going your way.

  16. The number showed in my lake in a photo of clouds 0144 I saw the 44 very clear. I sing and work with the angels love them so so much so very grateful. Gods Blessings to you for so much loving help!!!!!

  17. Last night is now the 3rd time in a month that I have been blessed by these numbers on this website here. Last month i had been given through a dream the number 896 which 100% confirms my life at the time and the questions surrounding that number. More recently i had been in light meditation and asked a very important question about my Spiritual gifts and mins later a voice told me "Angel Number 1392, which once again was like a direct communication to my questions and doubts in my life. That number has given me answers and total Inspiration. And now last night with my Clairvoyance...I was given the number 8 again making full total sense for me and giving me more Love and guidance...Bless you rush-collection!!

  18. im writing a song called Eight & so decided to look it up & it fit perfectly with what Im dealing with in the song & in life.

  19. 44 is the number that I see often and 444 so i thought I would check out the number 8. how power of me to align with divine energy of love and peace and kindness. thank you my angels, guides and runner and all energetic vibration of this kindness we are one and love is all there is.

  20. Thank you so much!

  21. Oh man, did I ever need to hear this today!last night, in my dreams I dreamt i was looking at a digital clock face & it read 11:71, it was dark and I reasoned, " phhph there is no 11:71 in time!"so I googled it came up with the angelic # 71 meaning, & then realised it added up to 8 read about that & honestly I needed to hear this BC I've " "lost" 'me'".....but it sounds like my journey has not been for nothing!!

  22. I had God encounter where God drew about 100 8s on my head. 8 stands for new beginings. God's giving me another chance. Where I've failed I now can suceed. I scribble my energy on paper and symbols and coads show up. When I scribble lately I scribble and I scribbled 3 8s in a row. Jesus is 888 to me anyway. I love this sight. I can't wait to post more I see so many combanations of numbers. God bless

  23. God drew 8 on my skull about a hundred times. And as I scribble on paper eights show up. God says you get a new beginging. 8 is a personal choice to succeed where I've failed befor. God's giving me a new chanch.

  24. Thank you! Great site.

  25. I was born on the 9th month, on the 19th of 1990 and graduated high school on 2009. The last four digits of my social has three 9's in it. I just got married to the love of my life on June 9th and we moved in together at apartment B9. I've always wondered what's the deal with all the 9's I see in life.

  26. As a citizen of poor country i tried to settle in diffrent countries but im failed, 8 appears several times in my important matters...Allah bless you all those who suffring and give you what you want.

  27. Tyrrell from S. lyonSaturday, August 13, 2016

    This speech is my recital, I think it's very vital, to rock a rhyme that's right on time. It's tricky trick trick trick trick here we go. It's tricky to write a rhyme, write a rhyme that's right on time it's tricky. That's the key. The way the grass roots are rising and taking over again

  28. I claim and receive this in the name of Jesus Christ Thank you very much Lord Praise you sweet Jesus Amen

  29. I claim and receive this in the name of Jesus Christ Thank you Lord Amen

  30. Thank you Lord I claim and receive this in the name of Jesus Christ Amen

  31. I claim and receive this in the name of Jesus Christ Thank you very much Lord Praise you sweet Jesus Amen

  32. I get the angel number 8 always, but i never get a job... how come does it appear all the time and nothing happens? why then i keep getting the number 8? there is only job for me is to troll many websites... i am an addict.... is this abundance? i am confused...

  33. i also get a message from my angels that i keep seeing a very fancy clock.... it is very fancy and expensive, all applications have failed.... i keep seeing i will work... it won't happen, then why do angels keep showing me this number? i am JUST DEVASTATED....

  34. Thank you so much for this article! Lovely said, full of hope and joy.

  35. I'm at this stage of my life where everything has fell apart in order to grow, I cannot stop working on myself spiritually and reading anything that comes my way. I'm stuck cant get a job back living with my parents after been away with a partner for years who broke my heart, I never went with my gut on hi but in the end all that I thought and dreamt of him came through.. anyways I creied yesterday because I cannot make a decision whether or not I have to return to the other country again for work etc, I dreamt of an envelope with the number 8 on it I woke up excited thinking theres a great message there but quickly lost sight of what it is now I have memory of is this part of the dream I'm wondering what message the angels are giving me? I always keep faith that they are constantly guiding me for the best, good karma if you must but sometimes it doesn't look that way until I come out of the situation and look back

    1. I'm wondering what happened with everything, because I'm in almost the exact position now minus the relationship heartbreak, but I looked at the number meaning and am feeling even more discouraged than anything.

  36. MISS rush-collection


  37. He first loved US... Study.. Then apply..
    Faith.. Courage... Love.. WILL
    Fear NOT..

    Now is the to walk.. not talk.
    What is true will show in action and feed now..
    ALL is at our disposal...
    All is within YOU!!!
    All awaits.....

    Right NOW..


    1. @Paradise ,I love your response !!!
      Love,peace and Light to all!!!♡♡♡

  38. Amen .... I am greatful for all the blessings I have in my life and for the one's yet to come. I bless my Angels and my loving guides as well that are always by my side.

  39. Could the number 8 relate in any way to pregnancy?

  40. I also got 1+1+2+4=8. But number of 1124 is of double power of positivity,so is it a triple 888,I'm just curious of what my next number could mean by working up the line of high frequency numbers.

  41. I swear on everything my battery is on 88% right now after reading this message πŸ’―

  42. Thank you very very much !

  43. Thank you so much!! Comment number 62 (6+2)
    I am so blessed and grateful to share this amazing freedom with so many throughout my life!

  44. Immensely blessed and grateful!!!
    Love,peace and Light to All!!! ♡♡♡

  45. there is only one God he does not ask us to use crystal's to speak with him. what path you seak is unknown but if you open your mind speak to father and your guiding angels you will find your true path if ye seak one with the father

    1. And how is that working out for you?
      Not saying you are wrong. Only wondering what results youre seeing in your life based upon this statement.

    2. Lisa your halfway there. God, the source, doesn't want us to worship him. God is infinite and the source creator of all things. He wants us to look within and listen to our highersleves. Not turn to him like children begging for answers. Crystal's are tools provided to us by the creator to help us create certain energies we need to make certain things like energy grids happen and manifest. The only correct part of your statement about our guardian Angel's helping us along our life path and carrying out out soul missions.

  46. This is super beyond stunning!! What an honor truly!! Positive energies and beautiful blessings to EVERYONE!!! Love to our whole creation and beings! God Bless

  47. Sandolphon appeared to me as statue outside an musical arts campuse mine and Bill Clinton's hometown. It didn't have wings but I definitely connected to it. It was about 12-13 tt tall and I've lived here my whole life and never seen it, when back a few days later it was gone, the number 8 has been popping up boastfully since then as well as a shower communion? Meditation? Im not sure how to describe it, but I was impressed with the feeling of not being ashamed of my ignorance and that I could ask for help with anything, did I mention I'm a musician? I play guitar. My name is Luke Douglas Hudson my birthday is November.1 (All Saints Day) 1991 (1-9)(9-1)I was born at 9:38 Am at which time Hurricane Grace was at it's peak after absorbing another storm and becoming the perfect storm of the 20th Century. Soon after my Miracle Shower, (don't know what else to call it.) I had an aneurism and saved my life by apparently communicating to the Drs I was having an Berry Aneurism, I do not recall knowing or telling Drs this, since the aneurism I've conducted myself with a Jesus type tranquility and have had no fear of death or harm, I've literally heard the Angels tell me my path is under there protection,because I specifically asked to not inhibit and more so play a role in God's Divine plan, the plan of the source of all the Creator, that's who we all wish to serve is not? I also found a few angelic gifts iwhile traveling around town in my lambo-feeties lol I found a gold colored coin with an engraved light bulb on the ground and a book by Kahlil Gibran. The Prophet, on pagge 35 (3+5=8) it says "and if the singers and Dancers come unto you, buy of their gifts also,for they too are collectors of fruit and frankenscence,and that which they bring, though fashioned of dreams, is raimant and food for your soul. If any of you would like to see pictures of these angelic gifts my email is I'm not holding nor am I being hoaxed the only available possibilities are Angel Sandolphon or EXTREME un natural coincendence. I have hospital report for aneurism and the coin I take everywhere I go and the book The Prophet is inscribed "To Waldo from Barney Rothschild December 25th 1956 I searched ancestory for Barney for Barney and he was born in 1900 and died in 1969 meaning he gave this book to "Waldo" 13 years before he died, the I traded it from a very mysterious young guy in a trashy car and yet a very nice suit he had the same peaceful look I now feel when I think of the favor I have been shown. Humble Pride. Lol oximoron but God works in mysterious ways. I would really like some believers to share this stuff with, or even sceptics all my "evidence may be MOSTLY circumstantial but the probability of it all is torrentially improbable. But I have hospital records and I can probably figure out what happened to the staue after all I touched it wasnt an illusion it was just a pawn for angelic mission? Anyway if it did disappear, or was never even placed there by human hands, then that makes since but something tells me if I can find it I bring a miracle to someone who may desperatley need God's loving light in there life's, anyone interested to know more I'm not trying to make a buck I'm trying to share this joy and wonder, because that is the purpose I'm sure. God Bless All that was is and is yet to come, peace be with you keeping your faith with unwavering hearts, he is in here with us just open up with truely humble heart and want his will and then ask for it to be done. Prepare to be amazed if you take the time to do so.

    1. I need a miracle; I feel dead inside and like I am a forgotten isolated soul on this planet; my own parents are um..abusive sometimes...(I hate my life ) I just want to live in peace and serve god live out the creator's plan for me without so many people trying to bring me down, kick me when I'm down, make me turn around when I had finally gotten the courage to get PTSD counseling n they make me feel like a pathetic loser! I'm just a lonely girl wanting this nightmare to end yuletide greetings tis the season merry meet blessed be xxo

  48. Thank You for your years of Angel Guidance it has been very uplifting to be guided by the angels with your angelic connection.. I'm experiencing energy from particular people that overwhelms me and makes my legs heavy. I'm not sure how to respond if it is something for me to do or help these people or it is something that I need to keep away and to safeguard my energy. If you could seek this answer this would help me? I just need to know what to do!

    1. I love you, it's okay.. you're here to help them but help and love yourself first. All is well

  49. Save yourself. My heart hurts. There is too much pain for too long. I must go. Its my only option left.

    1. No! You can do this. Keep going, God truly loves you

  50. Anonymous?... are you ok?

    1. I hope Annonymous has regained his inner strength.πŸ™♥️

  51. Dear rush-collection,
    Thank you so very much for your angel numerological decepherment. I can’t tell you how much it has helped me and others. Continue to shine your light brightly my sister. Many Blessings to you and your family. I encourage you to continue to write. I love your work and I can’t wait to buy your books in the future. god bless you and your loved ones. Gratefully - ankhensuamun����������������������

  52. I needed this. Thank you for posting rush-collection.

  53. I am so grateful rush-collection, thank you.

  54. If you need to know, u can always ask. Angels will guide you.

  55. Sukhino Bhava

  56. Skeptic turned believerSunday, July 07, 2019

    Reading through the comments looking for hope. Can somebody tell me their experience possibly with updates? I would love to hear what really happens when seeing 8 everywhere. I wake up in the morning at 808 or 818 or 828 etc. Also when I wake up phone battery is usually at 88%. Everytime I look at the time it's either 8 minutes,18 minutes,28 minutes 38 minutes,48 minutes or 58 minutes after the hour. I thought it was just me,I thought I was going going crazy but that's not the case. I'm not forcing it. please follow up with stories thank you. I look forward to hearing your stories

  57. Those that have mentioned , remember that God’s energy is within you , do not forget to cottage love , universal God’s love to others even tho to the estranger in silence , just feel the vibration of love and give it to you surroundings , Ángels will work the connection , blessings to all of you and I am sending you wherever you are, mi highest vibration of love right now .

  58. Thank you for guardian angel and to my boyfriend SAEED from IrAn. He give this number. 😍😍

  59. Absolutely spot on as always, sending all love & light, Thoughts & prayers. πŸ™πŸ»✨πŸ›πŸŒ…AMEM🌌☯️πŸ•ŠπŸ‘ΌπŸ»XxxxxxxxxxX

  60. God is good ya'll. Thank you Jesus!!!

  61. I kept seeing number 8 everywhere, and I was not sure what it means. Now I see achievement, blessings and beginnings.
    Thank you for this article!

  62. I feel this message #8 so deeply in my heart ❤️πŸ™ I am truly Blessed and I am so thankful for what is to come next πŸ™ thank dear God for it All!! We are all winners πŸ‘†πŸ™Amen x

    1. AsΓ© AsΓ© AsΓ© πŸ™πŸ₯³

  63. Thank you Jesus πŸ™πŸΎ

  64. Love and Blessings To All......

  65. Most GRATEFUL...Blessings to ALL

  66. Thank you πŸ’šπŸ™πŸ’š
