Monday, June 27, 2011


Number 1 resonates with the vibrations and attributes of new beginnings, creation, independence, uniqueness, motivation, striving forward and progress, ambition and will power, positivity and positiveness, the energies of pioneering, raw energy, force, activity, self-leadership and assertiveness, initiative, instinct and intuition, the masculine attributes, organization, achievement and success, strength and self-reliance, tenacity, forcefulness and authority, love, inspiration, attainment, glory, happiness, fame, fulfilment and omniscience, and creating your own realities.

Angel Number 1 is a reminder from your angels that we are all connected and we are all associated by our thoughts.  
Angel Number 1 asks you to be aware of your thoughts and focus upon your true heart’s desires so that they are able to positively manifest your desires into your life. Do not focus on your fears and what you don’t want as these can also manifest.

Angel Number 1 encourages you to look to new beginnings, opportunities and projects with a positive and optimistic attitude as these are appearing in your life for very good reason. Your angels want you to achieve and succeed with your desired goals and aspirations so do not hesitate in taking positive steps and striving forward. Do not allow fears, doubts or concerns to hold you back from living and serving your Divine life purpose and soul mission.

Angel Number 1 also encourages you to take up challenges with total faith and trust in yourself and the Universal Energies.

 Repeating 1’s  (11, 111, 1111 etc)
Angel Number 11
Angel Number 111  



  1. I agree! Lot's of numbers happening in my life right now. last night I dreamed of the number 1 in an elevator.

    1. Hi Nisha Moon,

      you can see the meaning of seeing number 1 in your dream/s here:



    2. Even the first comment was on 11:11!

    3. Thank you! Today is a new day and Holy Spirit gave me number 11 that highlighted the fact that it was the attributes of number 1 doubled. This is remarkable because the attributes of number 1 is fitting to my current experiences. Bless you.

  2. I've been seeing 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55...and 11:11 atleast twice a day for 5 years now...I just want to know what it means...

    1. Me too^^. I have been seeing them for a year now. My life has changed much and I became happier, life became easier ^^

  3. Today is my birthday; however while riding in the car came across a taxi cab's number 1054 which stood out being that it had the same numbers. Also a month ago I noticed when my odometer hit 111111.

    1. I too saw all the 1's on the mileage in the car, for a few minutes I thought something dodgy was going on!

    2. OMG! I hardly ever look at odometers but today I did.....111111
      Just then I pulled my phone out to pay at canteen. 1:11

  4. Hi, I've been seeing M1 and C1 a lot and don't know what my angels are trying to tell me. Thank you, Claudia

    1. make one create one :D That's what came to me after reading it

    2. 1126 this morning at a Crucial moment. I find that it comes to a "1". This is Good Because it is also my life path number with my Soul number being a "6". Blessed Thanks for Your help, Me.

    3. M (13th letter in the alphabet).. c (3rd letter in the alphabet) both have 3 in them. Maybe it's 1 and 3 that you need to read about?

  5. Thank you so much you are truly a messenger from our creator may the angels surround you and keep you because your website is truly a guide for me the angels use you to keep me focused and I must say I love you and I don't even Know you, Namaste

  6. you are a neo, the world will have peace

    1. Yes there are neo's, we are here to fight the machine of lies. Peace wil come in time

    2. Mother Nature Father God..n.e.o..New Eternal Offer F.A.I.T.H....forsaking all ill trust Him..May God's angels comfort are Special

  7. Wow at 1:00 I have been invited to get out of a dark place for 2 days at 1:36 from one of my earth Angels that had come into my life

  8. I've been seeing11,22 33,44,55,88 (especially 33,44&55) for the past 4 weeks now I believe great change is headed my way ! Thank you Lord and my guardian angels for continuously showing me a great path of abundance and joy ! Thank you!

    1. If i was to post a comment, that would've been my comment.

  9. rush-collection. I don't know who you are, or where you're from but I will find you.. and I will hug you. :) all jokes aside thank you a million times for this website. You have helped me and shown me direction countless times in my life and I greatly appreciate it. A website like this must have taken countless hours of research and hardwork. Just know that your work has made a great difference in many lives and I hope to one day make as positive a difference as you. May good fortune and prosperity follow you throughout your life.

  10. I love your site, it has been very helpful to me. My life is undergoing a huge transformation/upheaval now and I was missing my usual optimism. After checking on some recently seen number combinations and this final one, I feel much better, like a burden has been lifted! I know things will be wonderful now and I'm so excited for this next step in out lives! Thank you and Blessings...

  11. So glad I'm a #1.It's my path in life reflected back at me,so clearly.

  12. I miss you mom, thank you for your messages... thank you angels, we are grateful for your messages!!!!

  13. Dear whoever you are. you can't say that every single number is an angel number because that takes away from the point. cheers.

  14. OMG! rush-collection Walmsely, Your Sacred Scribes Are Just That..Truly Sacred!
    It is a Godsend on this Earthly journey for all lightworkers. Thank Heavens for all of your Invaluable insight, wisdom and guidance! You are Truly Appreciated!

  15. thanks for this rush-collection..i somehow lost you on facebok..hope you are well...think of you often xo nancy

  16. I'm 50 and I've had the number s 222. Show up in my life, as far back as 1983... It has shown up more and more... on receipts.... Clocks.... Always random like that.... I've been going through a truly wicked divorce for over four years... The final jury trial is set for this February 22..... .A week ago, I received a phone call form a young lady that I had always cared very deeply about... Always talked to her, guide her, she was in a bad place in her life... When I looked at the phone to answer it... It was NEVER and I mean NEVER had I ever received a call at that exzact time.. it truly struck a cord in me... And for the first time I felt like someone was trying to tell me something...
    Please give me your input.... I will share with you the rest of the story as it unfolds... Because it is unfolding now.
    I will share with you whatever information you need...

    1. You don't have to share. Just be thankful for what is offered and let the angels guide you and ask for their assistance when needed :-)

  17. Dreamnt of room number 1-2 and i fallowed a man and when i entered Robin Williams was in the room sitting on a bed and the gentlemen and robin put on hats that where characters and they both began to laugh and make jokes. I felt very happy while i stood there watching

  18. Thank you so much! <3

  19. I keep looking at the clock at exactly xx:01, what does it mean?

  20. I Cannot tell how thankful i am for this page ! I received this numbers 10 years ago but I didn't know what's the deal. Some months ago again it started from 1111 and many more. Each year f them was right and helped me to realize myself. Thank you for sharing this with us.

  21. The other day I had a dream I was shopping the I can remember vividly the price of the item was $111, later in the week I had a dream I was sitting at a desk waiting 1 I can recall it was a half page full of 1's...I also dream of numbers 2,5,7 a dream was crazy someone/thing was whispering the number 7 over and over...I've been going crazy to find out what any of this means...

  22. I've been seeing the numbers 1616 and one occasion seen the numbers 1111 and 1711! All on either my wall click or the time on my phone. I do believe that this bad time I'm going through is one of transformation and I keep feeling like I'm on the verge of something big. But I don't know what it is.

  23. thank you rush-collection for the amazing job you are doing..blessings and love xx

  24. My son's mother was born on 11-11. He was conceived in 2008.

    The global cabal placed us in a prison, locked down in September or November. I think that prison is lifting now in 2017.

  25. What is this bs hahahaha, you do realise the number system was created by two indian mathmeticians, Aryabhata and Brahmaguptain in the 5th century and they weren't even religious. There's no magic there, the general populus needed a way to trade their commodities fairly.

  26. I finally saw 1221 on the clock last night not1222 thank you God!

  27. This is my favorite in tonight's prime# "1 is a reminder from your angels that we are all connected and we are all associated by our thoughts."

  28. Repeating number sequences are DNA activation codes for the evolution of humans to advance into the next state.
    Its time my friends.

    Rainbow Air Shaman.

  29. I needed this. thanks so much

  30. I want safeguard angel number please

  31. Au moment de me coucher,j'ai vu 01h01;est-ce la même signification ?

  32. Hi I’m just wondering... why do all of the angel numbers seem like the same message

  33. 've been seeing11,22 33,44,55,88 (especially 33,44&55) for the past 4 weeks now I believe great change is headed my way ! Thank you Lord and my guardian angels for continuously showing me a great path of abundance and joy ! Thank you!

  34. I thank God for you.Love&Light.

    1. ☺ ☺ ☺ 🙏🏽 🙏🏽 🙏🏽

  35. Thank you... Lately I've been going through a lot. Losing my job, relationship and personal business. Now I'm currently trying to revive back up, only this time I'm not alone.

    Namaste 🙏🏽 much love

  36. I continuously see the number one but it is usually paired with another number or i see 11 or 1111 i literally see the number 1 about once or twice every couple of minutes. What could this mean? It has been happening for almost a week now. Please help

  37. 11:44 not so much these last few weeks..could it be that negative energy has entered this phase of my life? Have had devastating events all around me but God's love takes me out of myself, where all the destruction is blocked from my spirit..Where are my angels with my 11:44's..whether its the total of my retail receipt or the hands of time that are usually pointing my attention to the face of a clock... So many more places and spaces my numbers show up, but unless they appear tonight before i go to bed it's just another day of hope I've had, hope - for my present way of life to change..I was on a good creative path until they ceased. Please analyze that for me. Do you think they will return somehow when I least suspect them? I never look for them, they either are, or they are not.

  38. This is crazy true I was very depressed so I gave meditating a try all of a sudden everything starts changing and everything on my life everything went together already last night my alarm went to the number 1 only not 1oclock but just the number 1 that's it cant turn off fix nothing I look up what is number one meaning holy hell it is exactly the crap that in my life telling me to keep going making what my fortune said earlier all to do with the same event going on right now my awakening

  39. I saw 11:11 and later 1:11 and now looked at the date it's 1/11. This hasn't happened in awhile and I'm glad it's happening now.

    1. Thanks this the best site to read the angel messages .I'm a brand marketer for HINFERSKIN
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  40. Hi rush-collection
    Thank you so much for this site. I accidentally came across your site early one morning when I awoke from a sleep 😴 early last year. Ever since then I have be referring to this site every time I awake early each morning between 12am - 5am. I have found this site to be really helpful as I know that my angels are always with me because I feel the positive vibes within myself and the new changes, challenges in my life. Everything happens for a reason so that we can either grow with these changes or overcome the challenges that come about in our lives. I believe I am a light worker who is here to help others become a light to others. So much positivity and encouragement comes from all your angel 😇 number readings. I totally believe in what your guidance angel 😇 numbers have to offer as the majority of your angel 😇 number readings have become apart of my new life from when I first started reading your angel 😇 numbers and I shall continue to be lead on this path throughout my life. I am a NZ born Maori (Tangata Whenua - People of the land) and I greatly appreciate the work you had done. God Bless 😇 and continue to be a light to others 😊

  41. Recently I found out that my life path number is 1, so I go to read the descriptor. That if 1 is duplicated 11, 111, and 1111, it is confirmation that your on the right path. In the movie it said that it is a doorway, usually see them in huge bold building numbers. Also 2x a day from reading time, and Just recently saw the movie Pi with darren ornovsky and it mentioned the 11:11. I picked up a book and saw that there is a book on 11:11 Solara., I am thinking its a hightened awarness and conciousness on a mass scale. Seeing how the world is in criss mode atm, and many people are being forced to wake up and look at think from a different prepective. does any one feel its a mass awakening?

  42. Yes it is: Yahweh-Elohim-God in pass times winked at our ignorance pretended he did,nt see it, but in these Last Days he calling All men to repentence before that horrible day! My num is also (1) I have been seeing the same things and telling people to wake up esp "The United States of America" Self- Destruction they are doing exactly what other Nations want them to do? ( A nation divided against itself cannot stand, so is a house of argument MARK ch 3: vv 24 -25) Pr.Carl your true brother Shabbot Shalom

  43. Angel, you know where i am. Come find me. Th:)

  44. I Love You Rush Collection thank you so much for your Amazing Guidance, you are a true humanitarian & I am so thankful for all you do for me and my family!
    I am at a loss for words right now, I look forward to meeting you! Thank you ✨🙏✨❤️✨🙏✨

  45. I have been coming across the numbers 1:00, 11:00, 10:00 mostly recently, i know this is a very strong sign but i don't know how to act most times.


  47. Love and Blessings to all. This was the message i had been waiting for. Tears of happiness and love completely filled me. I am ready to begin my life path mission. Thank you ALL

  48. I appreciate it.
    I appreciate the time you took from your life to share the gift you've honored.

    Having such a powerful and powerful gift was difficult to be a purpose of life to achieve... But looking back on all the pages and pages of data you wrote is a testament to how you are an artist and creator yourself! Because Joan helped shape people's lives.
    (Helping each of us achieve our own goal of life) and therefore Joan has changed the shape of our world by helping our world evolve to become the "best" "promotion" of the state; one soul at a time.
    Joan's strongest structures, which continue to this day, are built on solid foundations; one brick at a time.

    Thank you.


  49. At Dream Thanks for this amazing content.

  50. rush-collection you help me . I love you . You make me aware of my true gifts angel messenger. Like you I'd like to study more but have bad memory . Thank you thank you for helping me x

  51. There are 1's in everything but not only am I seeing 11,111,1111, but ALSO seeing the word "one" spelled out everywhere

  52. Much Love and Gratitude to all. Have followed sacred scribes since i began my journey and it has never failed me. Thank you for all you do. Blessings to all.

  53. Much Love and Blessings to ALL
