Thursday, August 26, 2010

Angel Numbers - Number Sequences - Repeating 1's 1 11 111 1111

Number 1 resonates with the vibrations and attributes of new beginnings, independence, individuality, masculinity, assertiveness, success, leadership, originality, initiative, the pioneer, organizer, instinct, courage, inspiration, strength, creation and creativity, self-reliance, tenacity, forcefulness, authority, strong willpower, leniency, attainment, happiness, glory, fame, uniqueness, omniscience, fulfillment, innovation, risk-taking, high achievements, instinct, oneness with life, self-development, progress, tenacity, leadership, strength, ambition, motivation, striving forward and progress, ambition and will power, positivity and positiveness, pioneering, raw energy, force, activity, self-leadership and assertiveness, initiative, intuition, organization, achievement and success, strength and self-reliance, authority, love, attainment, fulfilment and omniscience.

Number 1, being the number of 'new' is the number from which all manifestation begins.  It is the energy that begins all actions and leads the way in new directions.  1 is the number of new projects, courage, originality and decisiveness and the desire for expansion on all levels.

Every number is divisible by 1.  We are all one, therefore we are all connected and associated by thought.  When the Angel Number 1 appears to you repeatedly it is a message to watch your thoughts and focus upon your positive desires, rather than your negative fears.

The 1 number sequence (in all it’s forms) is most often the first sequence that appears to many people.  Once the 1111 is acknowledged, the number sequence changes to another combination along with new life experiences, directions and opportunities.

The Angel Number 1 tells of new beginnings and changes.  It denotes leadership and independence and tells of new starts and new actions that will take self-reliance and determination.  Leadership takes courage, strong willpower and decisiveness in all areas, so that the goal can be achieved.  

When Angel Number 1 appear repeatedly it signifies that an energetic gateway has opened up for you, and this will rapidly manifest your thoughts into reality.  The message is to choose your thoughts wisely, ensuring that they match your true desires.  Do not put your energy into focusing on fears as you may manifest them into your life.

The number 11 is a ‘karmic’, Master Number. The Master Number 11 tells us that to become involved with the higher-self is to know our life purpose and soul mission. Once we learn to blend the higher-self with our daily thinking pattern, we will learn how to avoid the obstacles and pitfalls experienced when we operate fully on a materialistic level.  As we learn to blend the two levels we mature and develop spiritually.  It makes us grow stronger and develop an inner-strength that will help us to steer our lives in the right direction.  Balance within gives us great strength to our character.  The essence of the message of the number sequence of 11 is to develop intuition, clairvoyance, spiritual healing and metaphysical faculties.  The Number 11 symbolizes the principle of spiritual enlightenment.  

When Angel Number 11 appears repeatedly in your life your angels are asking you to pay attention to your repetitive thoughts and ideas as they hold the ‘answers’ to your prayers. 

When you recognize an Angel Number 111 sequence appearing to you frequently, take note of your thoughts at the time that they occur. When a series of 111's appear, monitor your thoughts carefully and be sure to only think about what it is you really want, not what you don't want.

The 1111 sequences is most often the first sequence that appears to many people.  Once the 1111 is noticed and acknowledged, the number sequences progress onto other numbers and your angels have other messages to pass on to you.  The 1111 number sequence is a sign that there is an opportunity opening up for you, and your thoughts are manifesting them into form at lightening speed.  The 1111 is similar to the bright light of a flashbulb.  It means that the Universe has just taken a snapshot of your thoughts and is manifesting your ideas into material form. Be aware that you will manifest your thoughts, therefore, do not think negative thoughts as these are what you will draw into your life. Use the positive energies of the Universe to bring to fruition your deepest desires, hopes and dreams.

See also:  
Angel Number 1
Angel Number 11
Angel Number 111



  1. Replies
    1. We're All GOD's Children "Mitakuye oyasin - All are related." Words and Emotions are extremely powerful, stay blessed! 😇🙏👽✌😂

  2. today i saw 11.1.11 i got the same chills i got everytime they show me something important, i cannot find anything on this certain number pattern. If you know anything about it please let me know.

    1. The chills you receive could be called body conformations. A way your spirit confirms your thoughts, generally you receive them while you are asking things. Continue to spread joy and continue to receive.

    2. Thank you it makes me feel better♥

    3. Thank you this makes me feel better♥

    4. I'm a master number 11 and I see 11:11 1:11 all the time and things are not easy for me I wish I knew why ppl see something in me I don't I feel like giving up all the time but that freaking little voice in my head says get up brush this shit off its gonna be ok

    5. 11:11 has been showing up all my life (60+) yrs. your description of spiritual purpose and fulfillment of my mission could not possibly be more accurate. It describes perfectly what I'm actually doing in my life right now. Bringing it all together

    6. I am a Master 33 and I get 33 and 333 all the time but of course I also see 11, 111, and 1111 as well. I get all the angel numbers! haha It's very entertaining.

    7. I am a Master 33 and I get 33 and 333 all the time but of course I also see 11, 111, and 1111 as well. I get all the angel numbers! haha It's very entertaining.

    8. I 💗 this blog! Bless you rush-collection for you contribution to raising the consciousness of the Planet. While ascension is here as well, this blog of numbers that you have so graciously put together for WE that saw 1111 came here to read what the Angels say. They are so beautiful light filled beings that have taken my spiritual growth and zapped it with lightening speed of maturity; 2 years and 8 months of lots of researching information on the Ascenscion bringing us some much needed Christ Consciousness that WE are experiencing here on Earth. So awesome this is! To think that WE are in a natural process of lifting life on this Planet higher and oh so much more exquisitely spiritual than ever. WE are stardust, WE are golden and we've got to get ourselves back to the garden💖🌈🌞Peace on Earth

    9. The 1111 began almost 3 years ago,but recently its in full appearance of the 1's. Like 11, 111, then 1111 or 11 1111 with separation so a closer look was needed on just the 1's for now. Its a lot of information & fits quite well now that things have revealed themselves to me. Wow what a journey this is and has been frustrating too. The magic of it all outweighs everything else. Monday my soul mission, divine purpose begins & all thru the Eclipses & Planetary Alignments, Ascension, Christ Consciousness, Lions Gate spoke the loudest to me and here we are at the tale end of it...Tada my magical mission begins 💖💖💖💖🌞So much good stuff here. Not expressed much to anyone as when the 1111 & the other #'s began, I brought it up in passing conversation, got looked at like ✋✋✋ WTF **** & later heard them say., she's weird tee-hee. They do not have a clue that my soul mission, life purpose was being revealed to me. May the light shine upon your path until the love blooms within you, Be still! Enjoy💖

  3. I closed my eyes and asked the angels for advice, I saw 111 in my head. then I told my hubby who looked at me as if I was crazy and said, your not serious. you have been getting text messages from 111 on your laptop and I cant figure out how to stop them or where they are coming from. Mysteriously they stopped after that. AMAZING!!!!!

    1. Cazmayo, are you a sensitive or do you feel things that are wrong, such as someone dying...I Started seeing the number 111 in the year 2001. I am now an empath, psychic, and a medium. The 111 was a Spiritual awakening and spiritual Opening to the other side. I love it, but for over 20 years I was agoraphobic, due to these feelings. I am now embracing the messages, feelings, and the opportunity to connect people to their passed loved ones . My advice to you is to embrace the numbers 11, 111 1111. It is so awesome and you will soon understand what your soul life purpose is. Good luck!

    2. Cazmayo, my email address is write me please. I think I can help you BIG TIME! ALSO, you will soon be moving on to other numbers, such as 222, 333, 444, 555. You are so right...This is amazing And you will not believe what you have to look forward! Love & Light.......SUE. Aka Lightworker111

    3. Sue,
      I don't know if you'll get this. I know this is an old post. Everything you described happening to you is me to a T. 11:11 every day or 1:11 and it's not just my clock. It's receipts or dash of my car or address signs I happen to glance at. Also 4:44 lately ... Starting to freak me out. I'd love to talk. My email is if you get this :)

    4. Ah gypsy i'm getting the same with the "1", everytime I look at my phone, my work clock, my bill , etc I'm also getting birds flying in front of me all the time, when i'm driving walking, etc.

    5. Ey!!! I see 11:11 , 1:11 long ago, an recently 222 , Then 333, and recently 444, I really would like to know what's next, please help ��

    6. 20 years ago i dreamed this number by this order..and i still think of them..dont know what they mean..the nimbers are:
      4 6 9 1 11

    7. i see 111:11 no one can tell me what this means

  4. I think my spirit guide is trying to tell me something, however I don't want to look to far into to it.... I see 11, 111, 1111 all the time. At first i started seening it maybe 1 or 2 times a day.... Now I see maybe at least 5 or 10 timed a day.... It will be wired because I'll just glance at my phone it it will say its 11:11 and then A couple minutes later I'll notice it in another clock in my house that is either running slow... I feel as though my spirit guide is trying to communicate with me in a different and fast paced level... I'm trying to understand it still.... Help!!!

    1. Hey there, I asked God & the Universe to take me higher and after moving from Florida to SE Ohio, about 6 wks. later the 1111 began. Thinking it was time to wake-up spiritually, not much thought went into it. Then 111,222,333...began to appear & Wow, now I am beginning to see what is going on with out Planet Earth. Ok...after the 1111 began & a bit before being blasted with the others coming to me from all over the place, I met a man whom later, was lead to info.about Twin Flames, & he is my DM Twin Flame counterpart. Wow this is incredible to have this plus gifts of powers, oh how divinely intervened this all is. Channeled a few times while writing to him, it was wild how I knew just what to say & how to say it as it flowed out of me without even thinking. An electrifying experience emotionally, mentally, physically & spiritually. Everything you need just comes to you at just the right time. Hardest part is letting go of the EGO nonsense to take in an essence of pure unconditional love mindset & feel your heart blossom with the greatest love ever experienced besides God,Source,Spirit. We both know that we were born for this and excited about the whole process. So much light, Love & Blessings to all on your Spiritual Journey🌞💖

  5. I see the same thing as mBmine :) have for years and always wondered about it.

  6. i was at the gas station puting gas into my car and a elderly man asked me for help to put gas in his tank. He ran out of gas and didnt have any money. I didnt have any either just about $5 left on the $20 credit I put in @ the pump. I gave him the remaining amount and drove off. As I waited at the light and turned the corner. I looked @ the dashboard and the gas tank level reads "111 mile DTE(distance to empty" I was amazed and looked away and turned back for a quick second and it read 115.

  7. My birthday is 11/11/66. I see 11:11 on a regular basis. I've always wondered the significance of being born not just on 11/11 but have 3 doubles in my bd. No one has ever been able to explain.

  8. Thank you so much for your information. I started seeing 1111 a lot about 6 months ago. I started researching it some more and have found similar info to yours. I have now notice that I'm seeing 222, 333, 444 and 555 quite often (almost daily). Besides the same number sequences I see 747 all the time. Not a single day goes by w/o my seeing a 747 at least once.

    Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.

    Love and Light. -Joshua

  9. When my mom was pregnant with me a spirit came to her and the clock said 11:11. When I was about 28 I had a near death experience and I was given a message from someone close to me while on the other side, after the incident I couldn't stop seeing 1111, and 111. I see the #'s about 2-4 or more times in one day now. I have always had dream premonitions, I see auras, I pick up on bad and good people.I see spirits. I use to ask why me but now I know, after an attack I had from a mean spirit I looked for help on a ghost hunting site where a women said she things I was a starseed, from then on I did research on this number and as much as I hate to label I know I am a starseed indigo, my mission is to open peoples eyes to give information and show everyone we are one love is the answer. 1111 is my guardians telling me I am still on my path I am where I should be at that moment in time, and its always a positive thing. I am here to show others that love is the answer. I now have my own FB Starseed Indigo I have 5,000 friends and 236 subscribers, I get more everyday. I found my mission in life and 1111 is my helper guide. Angels do watch over me and you.

    1. me too Starseed! -No FB Page yet but getting is the's hard though sometimes cuz people are sometimes not too nice :(

    2. Hi, I'm seeing 11, 11, 11. What does that mean?

    3. Well I would like to know why I'm seeing "11,11,11"? Can someone please tell me why.

    4. So incredibly happy for you. It's definitely wildly soul inspiring while kundalini sensations go thru the chakras. Its an honor to serve for the good of humanity. 1111 began almost 3 years ago and I too have found my soul purpose, my soul mission along with my Divine Masculine Twin Flame and Wow, its all so divinely inspiring to a level of the highest awakening ever achieved. After asking the Universe & God to take me higher, really seeing how the process is coming together with the Planetary Alignments bringing us much needed Ascension with Christ Consciousness, being enlightened by Angels,Spirit guides & Ascended Masters...So much gratitude💖 Many Blessings to Manifesting Your Big Dreams💖Peace🌞Love💖


    1. Research is how to find out about what you are to do, see and or experience. All the information you need for your personal awakening is there, your task is to find what the message is about. 1111 is a wake-up call from the Universe, the rest will follow, when you see it, you just know that the information you have found bears some truth about your soul mission or purpose. Keep following the #s, signals, signs and synchronicities it may amaze you. Best to you in finding your message. Much light & Love Always & in All Ways💖🌞Peace🌞💖

  11. 1111,222, and 333 VERY repetitive to the point where I'm beginning to become weary of November 11... but the different repetitive numbers make me wonder what is going on...I feel spirit presence although unsure of who or how long it's been years but the numbers just began this year but not just once every day multiple times multiple ways... Every day.. Kinda freaks me out... Any advice? What does it all mean? How do I find out who is with me? I'm 31 years old and throughout my life I've had nothing but bad and heartache but I'm very intuitive, feel spirit presence, feel others aura's, high senses when it comes to the soul and others souls but again I've only acquired negative events mostly no fault like my husband dying when I was 25. I've been beside every person who has passed away in my family as well as my new fiance's family I'm always there why? When there are people who Go most of their lives without going thru what I've been thru... Need some interpreting please

    1. Hi Ruth,
      I know this is an old post I'm replying too but maybe you'll see it anyway. I've had very similar experiences but the negative events in my life weren't surrounding the deaths of loved ones, they were around abuse. I'm thinking the heartaches that accompany both are likely comparable anyway so I wanted to offer my understanding in the hopes it might help you. I listened to a speaker who is a medium and she guides those who are in the death process over to the other side. Maybe this is your calling too? I wish I could remember her name but if you search "Life death transition medium' you'll find some great resources. Take care on your journey!

    2. On. Nov, 11, 2011 my marriage hit a brick wall.
      I tried to repair in 2012 land 2013 but was not successful. I did not know about this sequence back then, as I am now trying to understand if this was a message to get out and my true desire of my heart will come to me. I then meet a man in Jan, 29, 2014....who I immediately adored although he also recently divorced panda not ready for a relationship. Funny thing is, his marriage also went downhill in 2011, he also tried to repair in 2012, divorced 2013.
      I constantly see, 11:11 and just some 111.
      I see his name everywhere, and recently my son's girlfriend took a picture of herself with a painting in the background with the painters name to be the same as his last name. I am new and recently studying my spiritual being and guidance. I hope these are positive signs for me apse I get excited each time I see them. Thanks for listening. I just planted to share

    3. On. Nov, 11, 2011 my marriage hit a brick wall.
      I tried to repair in 2012 land 2013 but was not successful. I did not know about this sequence back then, as I am now trying to understand if this was a message to get out and my true desire of my heart will come to me. I then meet a man in Jan, 29, 2014....who I immediately adored although he also recently divorced panda not ready for a relationship. Funny thing is, his marriage also went downhill in 2011, he also tried to repair in 2012, divorced 2013.
      I constantly see, 11:11 and just some 111.
      I see his name everywhere, and recently my son's girlfriend took a picture of herself with a painting in the background with the painters name to be the same as his last name. I am new and recently studying my spiritual being and guidance. I hope these are positive signs for me apse I get excited each time I see them. Thanks for listening. I just wanted to share

    4. Brenda dear, its been a while. Maybe you will see this or something that brings you information. It seems to me that possibly this man be a soul mate, twin flame or a false twin which brings much growth as well. Whatever it is, sounds like a match made by divine inspiration, a magical journey indeed. Lots of Light for your path with lots of love to keep within yourself.💖 Always & in All ways💖 Peace💖

  12. a few months ago i noticed that i kept seeing reoccuring numbers on the clock, tv, cars, books, microwave and just every where. today i realized that my cell #, and house # have 111. i was born on jan 11 = 111. i often see 222, 333,444,555, 1111, 1144, 2222. i can feel spirits around, and see some as well. i premonitions before people die, and i have dreams as real as i.m typing. sometimes i wake up gasping for air. can someone tell me what does all of this mean. i read about a chakra and found i had experienced all of the things on a list. i am a christian , but i have reacently found myself exploring and trying to find an openness to this that is beyoung the usual preaching.

    1. Hi, I know it's like a Year late lol, but id like to let you know that I relate. I am also christian. It's been a journey. When i was 14 i met my now fiance, and ever since then my heart has been on fire, allowing my soul and spirit to roam happily to find its place. I grew up christian, but never really took time to care until then. But so much else was happening like remembering my childhood which i had totally blocked out for some reason. I remembered the auras, the free gifts of wisdom that would be randomly whispered into my ear, the strange supernatural stuff, etc. But i got in too deep. I have a fascination with the occult and it pretty much made me insane. I was a different person. Im normally quiet, modest, kind...but i turned very selfish, egotistical and obnoxious. Things Seemed to be going swell but i could npt see the damage. I lost everything. But thats when i truly saw God. And Oh My God He is so fab. Im only preaching because youre a christian and i have experience with this. Just be sure to seek God while exploring your crazy complex unique self. Ypu will find that you are pretty special..but dont let that take over you. Dont let the darkness take advantage of you..... theres a Very sickly evil side to this sort of stuff. Be aware of What spirits you address. Beware the wolf in sheeps clothing. We crazy people have a unique power, and the last thing the darkness wants is for us to use it for good. And its a useful to the darkness anyways, to destroy your life. Sorry for ranting lol I Went Through It! God wants ypu to have this. Its a god given gift. Its tough but we need to use it for good. Just remember to look to Him and only Him. Its through Him that His angels speak. And you call out to Him, while His angels deliver to Him the message. Youll see what i mean :-)

    2. Wow. Ty for this!!! You are so right.I learned that we must first go crazy or lose ourselves before we reach breakthrough! I know exactly what you mean though.

    3. Wow. Ty for this!!! You are so right.I learned that we must first go crazy or lose ourselves before we reach breakthrough! I know exactly what you mean though.

  13. I was born jn the 11th day of the 11th month during the 11th hour and i have 11 letters in my name..

    i have been trying to find my higher self but i am having trouble...

    1. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and what you are to do and achieve in your lifetime.

  14. I have been seeing 111 and 1111 several times a day for weeks now. The number 1 is showing up so much for me that I am showing other people when it does. I felt as though I would have a life altering experience on 01/11. It is good to see another perspective on the 1's. I am looking forward to progressing to the number sequence changing to another combination along with new life experiences, directions and opportunities. Thank you for making this information available.

  15. I often see 11:11, but recently saw 11:11:11 sent chills through me.

  16. I see 111 and 1111 ALL the time and wondered what it meant thank you so much I am going through a separation with my husband who I am not sure really what is going on then i got a reading and was told he will never recover from an addiction he has to pain pills but that he loves me and will make it very hard for me to leave. After i heard this, I knew I had to make that decision to stay or go its miserable and im so hurt my heart is broken after 9years of marriage and 2 im seeing 222 and 333 and I am so thankful to see these numbers now because I think its a message from the angels that I am moving forward and getting stronger to make this decision and everything will be alright I am protected and strong. Thank you for posting this information very helpful.

    1. I have a similar story with the 11 11 everywhere. Im just not sure if what Im feeling is right. I hope your situation worked its way out. Im too afraid to take the jump (Divorce). not sure where it will take me.

  17. I used to see 333 all the time now i'm seeing 1111 all the time. Its a bit frightening for me as i am suffering from depression and have negative thoughts all the time.
    I of course want good things to happen to me in my life but i find it hard to think of good and positive thoughts.
    Help anyone please!!!

    1. Try to acknowledge The Sequential 2 and Think Of Me

  18. ja prawie codziennie widze godz 11:11 od jakis 20 lat ale z tego tekstu tutaj za duzo nie rozumiem jezeli ktos zechce mi pomóc i wyjasnic podaje maila
    w numerologii jestem liczba 33

  19. Exciting you read rush-collection, thank you for all these beautiful shares

  20. I have an appointment in 2014 at 11/11 at 11;00hrs..

  21. Hi
    I have been seeing repeating 1s for a while now. But I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), which means that I get alot of intrusive and unwanted thoughts that appear in my mind often. Since I've found out about these repeating 1s I want try to keep my attention on the positive thoughts so much that I try so hard not to think of negative thoughts...and of course...the more you try to not think of something, the more you think of it. It is almost like the repeating 1s has become a trigger now for trying to resist bad thoughts.

    My question is this...are the angels aware that I have OCD and therefore I am okay? My thoughts are never negative at the time of seeing the 1s, but as soon as I see them it becomes a constant battle in my mind to not think negative thoughts and it makes me feel so bad when I cannot win! :(

    Also, is it only applicable when you see the 1s sporadically and randomly...for example...not when you know they are about to appear (e.g. watching a digital clock until it reads 11:11 or a football match until the time reads 21:11 or anything like that? Because surely you know that is coming up, and not really angelic guidance right?

    Any thoughts appreciated!

  22. seeing these 111..1111 for a while now . I focused on the things that I want , but nothing seems to be happening ? I feel a presence what wakes me up between 2 and 3 most nights . like an surge through my body , hair on end etc . some touches and sometimes my name being called when im asleep that wakes me up .. . called upon my angels to help after a terrible year and in a dream a hand took mine .. a massive white / yellow hand , next day a white feather was found at the doorway to my bedroom .. ( I have no duck feathered stuff) .. just what im asking / praying for isn't happening .. 5 months ... am I being impatient ? .. any help / advice you could give ?

  23. The feathers is from your angels from God. Rest assure they know everything and are here to help you. And your prayers are heard however God might have something better for you so that's why u feel like your not getting what you want but really you are you just don't know it yet. 💚

  24. Hi, can anyone explain how it is that not only me, but my daughter also have been seeing reoccurring number 7's everywhere and some times on the same day. She was getting breakfast one morning on her way to work and she called me to tell me once again that she had come across the number 7 as her amount for what she had ordered came up to $7.77. We laughed about it, but as soon as I got off the phone with her I went into a Sheetz store and ordered a frozen drink, and my ticket receipt #, 777. I had to call her right back and tell her. When I did she said, "MOM, this is too Freaky Funny," Right as she had pulled into her office parking lot in the downtown area, she was describing to me what was going on. "Mom, there are 7 firetrucks in our parking lot with a butt load of good-looking men standing around. ( She's 30 and single ) So what does all this mean. She has also been seeing the number 316 everywhere. On post, on license plates, houses she has recently had to visit. It's freaking her out. My birthday is 3/16/60. While she is seeing the number 316 a lot, I have repeatedly for almost 9 mos now, have been seeing the repeating numbers on clocks, and it's getting to be everyday now. 10:10, 11:11, 12:12, 1:11, 3:33, and the next day it will be about the same, 11:11, 1:11, then where I did not see 2:22, 4:44, or 5:55 the day before, I see them the following day after. I keep telling my fiance about the numbers and I show him when I see them on the microwave or the cell phone or clock. He just rolls his eyes. I tell him, this means something, I have never had this kinda thing happen to me before, now it's all the time, everyday for months. PLEASE, does anyone know what all this means. It's making me a little crazy...plz if you have any information you can share on this please, it would be so appreciated by my daughter, me, and the fiance too~~ GRIN. plz send me any help you can offer. Liz, Much Thanks!

  25. Thank you. I see 11:11 at least once a day, in some context. I found it quite interesting, as I am also anxiety ridden and full of OCD obsessive thoughts, so know I have to figure out what it is that is should be so obvious to me that has caused all this noise in my head.

  26. My dog is going for a cancer check tomorrow to see how bad as there's a lump in her neck, time was 22:22 22secs!

  27. I received a message on FaceBook about the repeating number 1 about a week ago while at my brothers house visiting. I still cannot figure out who or where the message came from but I still cannot find it in my news feed. After getting that msg, at a gas station I say the number 111.9 freaked out and after that I began to notice those repeating numbers. I really believe that it was warning me to focus positive thoughts towards a very very close family member to whom I was focusing my fears. I now realize that i was being directed to channel positive thoughts towards this individual and their outcome in life. I thank my Angels for first of all revealing themselves to me and to point me in the right direction. I accept and am grateful for their protection. I am not sure if it can be used for that but I played some numbers on the lottery and will continue to play the same numbers for as long as I am playing the lottery.

  28. I don't know why, but for oddest reason I always catch a glance of a clock or a watch at either 11:11am or 11:11pm. This has been happening for years...but now after reading this...I'm beginning to understand. Thank you.

  29. I see 11:11 all the time, recently I looked at my odometer and it had just ticked over to 111,111 miles. I am still pretty blown away by that one. Was able to pull over and take a picture.

    1. My odometer was reading 111,111 tonight too. I also took a photo and bought a lottery ticket.

  30. Thankyou for this advice, I regularly see 11:11 and the number combination 242 usually and know when I see this the angels are trying to communicate with me. I have also seen it in the car on the odometer several times without thinking of it or seeking to find it so feel strongly about the meaning of it.

  31. I see 111.222.333.444.555.666.777.888.999.000 all day everyday. Sometimes it's so overwhelming I can't keep up with it. There has been days where I get triple eight's for example 12 or more times or triple 777 thirty times in a day. But I do see almost every number sequence and some more complex ones that have personal message from what I looked up on here every single day. Sometimes I will get 3 or 4 triple numbers in less than a minute depending on where I'm at. I know the angels are communicating with me but what do they want me to do ? I'm still searching for my life purpose and soul mission. I have a trip to Puru in April where I'll be spending a month drinking ayausca in the Amazon. That's where I felt led to go so I hope my answers will be there I Peru.

  32. I have been seeing angel numbers everyday for last 2 weeks.
    the first one was 2:22 and then, 444, 555, 5555, 7777,77, 1111, 77, 88, 22:22, 66 etc. This is happening every day several times. Why is this happening? I haven't seen 0 and 9 yet.

  33. I have been noticing numbers for a couple of years now. I am totally and completely inundated by 1's, especially 11's.
    Since I went to bed at 11:55 last night I have gotten 3 55's. I also got a 1:55 and a 7:55 when I woke up.
    Yesterday it was 44 every time I looked at the clock nearly.
    This double and triple numbers is common for me. I have laughed out loud many times of late because of all the 11's I see. This goes on daily.
    I am one who is at peace. I know that I am loved and I am one who sees all of the false things and deceptions in the world today and in our history.
    The world is filled with lies and yet, I still know I am loved and I am not a part of that if I don't want to be.
    Actually I am doing all I can to separate myself from any and all who have tried to claim me or my body as theirs. but I tell them, I am a living man. If you have claim over me, prove it.
    I know there is much darkness in this world but I also know that there is a higher being who created us in the beginning and loves us. I also understand that mankind had had DNA manipulation and we are not who we used to be, but the spirit is still in us.
    The bible says, the Kingdom of God is within us and I take that literally. I feel I am a spark of the real God, the original creator being who needs to return and clear up this mess we find ourselves in.
    I have no purpose on this world as far as I can tell at the moment. I am ready to check out because my job is over here.
    I have managed to piss off all my family because I tell them the truth about all the lies they are living. When I tell them that ALL they know is a lie, I get the cold shoulder. But no harm, I know that someone has to shake the bed to wake them up and that someone is me.
    Until I check out of here, I plan to take care of Lucky, my old kitty. I also plan on growing veggies and herbs.
    I am now asking that angelic beings present themselves to me and visit me just to be friends. I am looking for friends who know a lot more than Football, sports, gossip, talk of the weather and other mind fluff.
    I await the visit from my angelic friends.

    1. Hey man you sound alot like me. God has had his hand on me literally my whole life(with a bit of allowing me to wander for a bit here or there just so im not completely off my rocker); i am now in a twin flame/true love relationship; i am healing and people wont believe a thing i say about god or heavenly father of true lvoe who loves us all without questions. Man has fallen from grace(against his will); so why wouldnt god want us all back? If one of us dies part of GOD dies=(
      All man has to do to take that step back to grace is unconditional love let alone true love.... its not a hard task but alot seem to want to be rude/aggressive/self absorbed for no reason:S if you ever wanna talk feel free to email me:

      you're archangel/indigo friend


  34. Hello! I'm happy and thankfull in determining what the numbers 1,11,111 and 1111 now mean.I've been experiencing these for quite awhile now..glance at the clock,while watching hockey and football games,license plates and addresses.I shall now be more mindfull and I may now be able to manifest whatever I'm yearning for,and in turn may lead me to my higher purpose in life here on earth. Thankyou very much! Life is beautiful!

  35. I just came on because I wanted to check what the 11:11 on my phone meant just now. I had mentioned to someone about my seeing my birthday a lot for years now and she mentioned the angels,so I Googled it. I'm fascinated by this. My birthday is 9/27 and I always took it as a good sign that I was doing what I was supposed to be doing or I was where I was meant to be.

    Then in 1997, I had a breakdown and went into a serious clinical depression brought on by a breakup with the only man I ever loved. I've been suffering for years and after losing my dad to cancer last year and my brother lost his mind and started threatening and abusing me, I finally came to the decision to end my life.

    Then one day an intensive treatment program contacted me and I've been going everyday for two months.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm interested to learn more about this. I'm not religious really, but I definitely have always liked the idea of angels and have a few in my home. And believe me when I say that someone has been looking out for me.

    I also have questions regarding some experiences with being visited by people on the other side and frequent deja vu experiences. I believe I've lost touch with very spiritual side of myself because of my own cynicism and I was supposed to find you now. Any help you can provide would be appreciated. Thank you.

  36. I always see 11:11 is been happening for a few months now. I see then in the morning and in the night if I'm still up . What does it mean?

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. This morning on my clock I saw the sequence 111 and later tonight coming home I saw 2755 on a license plate. If you add up this last sequence the number 1 comes up. At that point I was thinking negative thoughts and saw this number, it was like something told me look at this now. I quickly cane to look up the meaning. I guess the message is right their keep your thoughts positive so that only the positive comes into your life and the negative keeps away.

  39. I was seeing 11:11 almost every night before my grandson was born,,,,,,, he was born at 11:11.

  40. Hello
    I often see 111 or 1111, 611, 711, 811, 911, 1011. I see these numbers constantly. These combination of numbers come to me very often, sometimes everyday and it all depends on my state of mind. I always stay positive, and try my best to do that. When I am overwhelmed these numbers appear and it is like a reassurance that I am not alone and that I have to keep trying, that rewards will come with faith and hard work. I love this site and the angels.

  41. You're the best, thank you so much :)

  42. last night on my speedometer dashboard clock 11:11 when i started my maxiscooter engine to get back home

  43. My name is Michael cedotal cordial and I'm new to all of this. If anyone has any guidance as to how I can notice things like this. Please feel free to tell me how to notice things like this.

  44. Hey my name is Michael cedotal I'm really nrw to all of this. How do I notice these things? I'm trying to find the inner me being more in tune with myself and all that is around me. So if anyone can help and guve me any guidance. It would be deeply appreciated:)

    1. Michael, do yourself a great big favor. If you are involved in any kind of religion, give it up. YOU are not what the world tells you, you are. YOU are never ending.
      You/I need no Messiah, no savior. The only god we need is within us. Learn to Meditate. Center! Ground! Learn to Just Be and live for Now! There is NO Tomorrow, no yesterday. There is ONLY NOW!


    2. Hi Michael, I know it's nearly 2 years but I only just saw your comment. You might find some helpful things on my blog, "I am healed" :) You "notice" things simply by ASKING : ) "Ask and you shall receive." That's how 'difficult' all of this is... ; ) It's not! : ) It's all very natural.

  45. This is all so informational and helpful!!
    I keep seeing the number 1followed by other numbers then repeating. For the last week every time I look at my dashboard in my car my odometer reads something like 171810 then the time is 12:15 and the next time I look it's similar like 171914 and the time is 1:41. Does this mean something different?

  46. i am seeing 11, 111, 1111, 111111 these days, that 6 1s too... though I ve been numbers for many years but suddenly now too much 1s

  47. Hello all ...I always see time ex. 2:11 2:21 2:31 2:41 2:51
    I see that for all hours . any insight ??

  48. Hello i saw this number today & i see it very often..& i was visualizing for someone i use to know that they would find a partner they will fall in love with this was not so easy cause i care for this person..but it is the logical thing to time i see 1111 i am going to think of myself along with still visualizing for this other person..a pray we both find love & still can be spiritually okay with each other..sounds off beat but its life.Thank you for letting me share my thoughts..have a wonderful & blessed day.

  49. Hi...i dream 11:11 and yesterday i dream 11:11:11 and i don't know what mean that , can someone tell me what mean pls ? ... Love and Light for everyone.

    1. Did u read the beginning of the page it explains what the number means. U. Do the math,happy New Year 😗😘😍

  50. Thank You Peace Light Love God Bless You :-)

  51. I am always seeing 1:11 or 111 on a lot of stuff. Every single daylike rn my phone is at 11%

  52. ok so it was 1.11pm i had 11% battery and 11 tabs open on my browser, thats 1111111 that i saw, what does that mean? is that the spiritual equivalent of blowing up someones phone?

  53. ok so it was 1.11pm i had 11% battery and 11 tabs open on my browser, thats 1111111 that i saw, what does that mean? is that the spiritual equivalent of blowing up someones phone?

    1. BRILLIANT! January 16 is actually my birth date :D I only came here today because I randomly saw 11,111 on one of my blogs! Outstanding. And here you are, commenting on my birth date nearly 7 months ago about 1111111. Fabulous! I love the synchronicity of the quantum field! Here's the screenshot of my capture today, on my blog >

      As for an answer to your question. Let's look at more numbers: January (1) 16 (7) 2018 (11) + 1:11 + 11% + 11 tabs. So i'm now seeing 7 x 1 + 3 more x 1 (Jan + 2018) = 10 x 1 or 1 x 1 =1 !! Just astounding !!! Yes. You're on a "1" roll. Your tippy-toes are standing at the edge of heaven! ; )

      I (personally) feel the #7 could be most significant in your scenario as well = sacred-light perfection. I have 7/7/7 in my numerology for Life Path, etc. as well as 7s for my name/s (most unusual). Since I seem to be the first person to reply to you, I think this is significant.

      You have 7 x 1's, 7 in the date (16) and at least 7x7's for me personally (I am also the 7th person in my family - 5th child). I hope this helps, BronnyNZ

  54. I gotta tell what happened to me yesterday.
    So I put the clothes into the dryer to dry for 1:18 minutes and then put another load to wash for 1:12 sundely I looked to the numbers that was displayed on the machines it was showing 111 in the dryer and 111 in the washer... I was like WHAT??
    so I was clearly emocioned confused and got out the room to talk to my husband. minutes later I came back to laundry and yet confused when I looked again to the machines it was showing dryer 118 and washer 114...then the dryer started blinking 119 and 118 repeatedly. So someone plz tell me... What it it what happened?

    1. Interesting for sure, see if the same #,s continue to pop up for you & maybe the Angels are trying to get your attention with the #,s. Lots of Light with Love and Peace💝

  55. My guiding numbers are 5, but at times see multiple numbers and number combinations. Connective science fueled / guided via all multiverse’s plasma-based flow through all electro magnetic fields is in my opinion the frontier where science gracefully brushed across the “surface” of spirituality.

    1. Ah yes,so it is. Things you just know yet have no proof of. Gotta love the humor of God, Spirit & the Universe. 🌞

  56. Oh my sweet lord I just saw enough ones to make me re-think my life choices. I feel like that's a one in a life time sight right there I'm amazed.

    1. Yes! That's great !! :D Please check out "Unknown" for Tuesday, January 16, 2018 above. They also saw 7 x 1's !! Amazing! :D

  57. Hello..this is happening to me for last 7 months. I am continuously seeing 1111, then 111. It has changed to 111, 211,.. to 1211. Then 222, 333. It's making me crazy. Can anyone help please. After starting seeing this number nothing good has happened. Still under pressure.. any help or advice please. What I am supposed to do?

  58. I just saw 11,111 on one of my blogs. WOW !! Background: I am immigrating to Sweden. It took 19 months for the application to be processed, from December 2016. I received approval on July 27, 2018. Yay !!!

    Now... There have been some emotional delays. I am 22 years older than my Swedish beloved. He's aged 35 years and high-functioning on the Asperger's continuum. He's a very talented computer programmer-coder with a sure professional future. However, he can't/doesn't look after himself domestically. He's hyper-sensate which causes low-level narcolepsy. His whole body just shuts down. He has to sleep for 10-12 hours a day. Not looking after himself is not good for his ongoing professional future. That's where I fit in... To help him manage his life, since he simply has to sleep - and then after sleep comes work, and straight after getting home from work, he sleeps. He really needs some domestic assistance for warm nourishing food and ongoing clean laundry supply.

    My darling (in characteristic style), hasn't mention me to his parents since December 2016. He's a very private guy due to his "tendencies" and keeps his personal life very much to himself. He's very open with me, btw. He trusts me 100% and we laugh a lot. However, his poor parents (aged 60 & 63) are now in shock that their son's 57-year-old "best friend" (woman friend, partner and lover since 2010), has just now been given approval by the State to immigrate to him in Sweden on a relationship basis. ie: He's done himself no favors by keeping our plans a secret from his parents. They were very aware that he spent 5 weeks with me here in New Zealand last winter (June-July). I have no idea why they "didn't see it coming".

    To counter my darling's silence: I wrote his parents a long email to introduce myself properly to them on July 30th (a week ago). I thought i'd just put "everything" in the letter about who I am, what I do, have done in the past, my political perspectives, family life, divorce, etc. I thought I may as well put it all out there, so they got a full picture of who I am. I really wasn't expecting a reply. .. And I didn't get one :-/ There were just crickets in reply *chirp chirp*. They also, are very quiet, conservative and somewhat non-communicative people (according to my darling) and somewhat private - "The fruit doesn't fall too far from the tree."

    Since receiving my email: His parents opened the conversation up with him on Sunday just gone. Good on them. Their concerns were more for me, which was nice. eg: Does she have a "plan B"? (yes I do - friends all over Europe), and "Wouldn't it be better if she visited first?" (which is financially impractical, sadly). I know I will like being there since this is where my beloved is: In his home country in Sweden. His home country could be anywhere, btw. Where he is, I am happy. We are very tight. It might seem weird looking from the outside in, but we adore each other. It's a very sweet relationship.

    And now look at what I just saw on one of my blogs !! :-o This is incredible !! 11,111 - I feel it directly relates to ALL of the situation above. I feel like the turmoil of emotions his poor parents must be feeling is dissipating. I feel like many doors have sprung open to welcome me! I feel a LOT of resolution in 11,111 and that there are bright green buds of wonderful new beginnings at many points of growth. eg: from the physical aspects of me selling up my entire (small) household and moving, right through to his parents' growing acceptance of what is happening. What do you think? Thanks for your comments. Here's the screenshot on my blog:

    "Goodness me! Good capture, just now! #11111 - What does this mean?"

  59. Someone asked me to look this up after I told her that my 30th birthday was on 11/11/11. I got ready to board a plane and they stopped me to tell me there was confusion with my seat, and they apologized but they needed me to move to seat 11. That story still amuses me to this day. She said this might be something to do with "angel numbers" so I checked it out.

  60. wow my birthday is Aug 11 at 11:11 whats that mean for me?

  61. I have a dream last night...a cop came to me and charged me $930 for penalty...and said to me that because someone called 1111 1111 told them I was arguing in a fast they came to give me a ticket under the laws...thats weird dream makes me uncomfortable whole day...anyone has idea what does this dream about? I never did such thing in fast food shop.before by the way

  62. Thought I’d be the 111th to comment.. I enjoyed the post- very informative. Keep it positive!

  63. I have been seeing 1, 11,111,and 1111 everyday. I have specific thoughts and wishes each time. I just had in front of me over 1 dozen 1's show up in a notaion...all together 111111111111111111 ......does thus mean my thoughts my wish my prayers will be answered....?

  64. Every day i see 1,11,111,1111 a few minutes ago i had in front if me in a notation 11111111111111111.when i see 1's i make a wish and have the same thoughts. Does this mean my thoughts, wishes and prayers are being answered?

  65. OMG At this moment in my life just a few mins ago I am on my computer I see 11111 thought weird. I clicked on a video and the time froze at 3:33 then jumped to 3:28 (The timer was decreasing) and literally as I see that my son sitting beside my chair watching youtube while I get my things accomplished on the computer says "I broke it." meaning he just accidentally switched screens; I look down to grab the phone and he had 555 and i watched him press the fourth 5 and he said here mommy. ...... �� all within like 1 min- 45 seconds. WHOA. what does this mean?? has this ever happened to anyone? this is alot all within that period.

    Yesterday I had a weird oddly encounter as well as I randomly stopped at a park before work and meditated in the grass. What should i do to find out this message???

  66. I have never experienced seeing a repeating number before now but in the last 3-4 months I have seen the numbers 111 and 1111 OVER 50 times to the point that its ALMOST DAILY on my clock and even on my coffee maker when its on and counting down the time it has left to stay on. I KNOW that it's got to be a message to me. Can someone, anyone put it into laymens terms for me please?

  67. Every time I pick up my phone I always see :31 :01 :51 :41 all of those etc; :21 :11 what does that mean? Do these resonate with the one readings above like the explanations?

  68. I just received this as I was listening to a video and stopped it to leave the room for a moment - this is the time I stopped the video 1:11:11 any thoughts rush-collection?

  69. I see 11:11 almost everywhere dash,phone,gas,license plates,games and many more. When I was younger I would always see 111 222 333 444 555 most days if not all but more recently I been seeing 220 420 514 these I see every single day now for the past few years now. This December past on the 29 I got into a near death car accident hit some black ice started to fishtail then flew 50 ft barrel Rolling 8 times into the tree line then front flipped my car. Two ppl were inside and a puppy 0 deaths 0 injuries you tell me how that is possible, it is only possible because god was looking out for us that night.
