Thursday, August 26, 2010

Angel Numbers - Number Sequences - Repeating 8's 8 88 888 8888

Number 8 relates to the energies and attributes of inner-wisdom, strength, manifesting wealth and abundance, money, finances, power, riches, status, materialism, pragmatism, the ego, provision, aggregation, dictatorship, delegation, multiples, business, investment, employment, appearance, customs, skills, exchange, reality, world transformation, professional, strength, truth, responsibility, true justice, problem-solving, the organizer, achievement, practicality, decisiveness, controlling, constant, ambitious, self-confident, integrity, efficiency, dependability, trustworthiness, the planner, good judgement, sociable, giving and receiving, stability, independence, learning through experience, patience, caution, self-discipline, self-sufficiency, free-will, discernment, insight, spiritual consciousness, a desire for peace and love for humanity, consistency, authority, challenges, caution, efficiency, infinity, material prosperity, self-power, abundance and prosperity, cosmic-consciousness, reward, leadership. Number 8 resonates with karma – the Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect.

Number 8 is the number of power and strength and symbolizes the principles of domination, control and achievement.  Number 8 is the number of 'karma', and carries 
within it the Universal Law of Truth that is 'cause and effect' -  'as you reap, so shall you sow.'

The Angel Number 8 appearing repeatedly indicates that financial/material abundance is on its way into your life.  This is being brought about by some positive work and past efforts on your behalf.  Being the number of karma, repeating 8’s may be suggesting that you will receive unexpected rewards for past good work.  Karma re-paid in kind.

The repeating number 88 is a message for you to keep your finances in check ensuring that you have set solid foundations for yourself and your loved ones.  The Universe and your angels will always ensure that you are supported, but it is your responsibility to make sure that you are living up to your full potential in order to tread your ‘right’ life path.  Angel Number 88 suggests that past work and effort will be justly rewarded, so continue in this vein in order to maintain the flow of abundance into your life.

The repeating number sequence of 888 is telling you that your life purpose is fully supported by the Universe.  The Universe is abundant and generous and wishes to reward you.  Great financial prosperity is yours, now and in the future.  Angel Number 888 means that a phase in your life is about to end and is a sign of forewarning to enable you to prepare yourself and your life accordingly. This number sequence may also indicate that you are winding up an emotional, career or relationship phase in your life.  

The 8888 number sequence may indicate that there is light at the end of the tunnel and in addition it is a message for you not to procrastinate when making your move or enjoying the fruits of your labour.  Make the choices that please you.  That is your reward.

See also: 
Angel Number 8
Angel Number 88
Angel Number 888

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  -  The Vibration and Energy of Numbers


JoW Pottery



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  1. What would your comment be about this:

    Thank you.

  2. Thank you. These are the signs I've been receiving lately.. <3

  3. So my bday is 01/28/1988 does that mean anything

    1. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and what you are to do and achieve in your lifetime.

    2. Thank you Joan... just now I saw 15 percent on my phone battery at 15:15 hours... what does these mean? thank you in advance <3

    3. Much love and blessings <3

    4. It was 15:15 when I read this comment

  4. I've seen these numbers since december 2012. in that time, ive lost everything so it seems to be extremely contradictory as it pertains to my situation. seeing these numbers actually makes me more angry than i was before i seen. oh its 11:11am. wonderful. more contradictions!

    1. In the words of Marilyn Monroe ...

      "Sometimes things fall apart so that better things can fall together."


  5. Today I saw "8888" number twice while travelling to office.

  6. Love your site!! I am seeing 88. Does that mean to scale back on my spending or abundance is coming?

  7. Things are changing in my life. I keep seeing 2's, 4's and 8's. In all stages and then comes.the 777 phase. I pray my Angels hear my soul. Thank you

    1. The numbers are never in singular mode always double portions or more. I understand the spiritual meaning. I have lost so much. But these numbered have away of soothing my soul. Why so deep? I cry for peace, love and financial gain. I am tired in my heart. My soul is reaching for new life. I need to add these words because of how i am being affected. I know better is to come. So much pain in my life. My hurt surface and gets me to have the aching of sorry. But I see numbers in my dreams, numbers when I drive, numbers while I work. Both my children murdered but I move in a positive manner. Helping so many. Yes structure and foundation are strong and I feel useless sometimes I know where my love is. I have 1000s of babies. But not enough. These murders changed my path. I feel something is happening so I wait in patients. I have a new motto: "LOVE" the four letter word which is "LEARNING OUR VALUE EVERDAY". I walk in LOVE. Nevertheless, I wait for the victorious win. I appreciate you.

    2. Deeply sorry fot your loss since I have teen girls. You have a mission and work to do still. Your daughter is at peace, an angel looking over you. I feel her near you. This life is temporary, you will meet again :)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. hey, I can understand the frustration but just know that everything that seems bad isn't bad. Sometimes we have to lose things in order to gain. I've also noticed that a negative mind set can very well be the cause. I truly believe in that the universe and God are one because God created the universe. Just try to learn to meditate, pray, believe and receive. "the law of attraction is also something you should look into. God Bless

  9. ive been seeing these numbers for 2 years. i NEVER recieved any money, let alone prosperity. so where is it then?

    ive been losing money. this is ridiculous depending on a number thinking money will come. it never came. thanks though. what a joke this is!

    dont decieve these people telling them money is coming when all they are seeing is a number. ive seen this number at least 5x a day for 2 years. maybe its just a number? hahaha

    1. Abundance comes in many forms, look for all the things in your life you can be grateful for....I bet there are heaps :)

    2. I agree with what anonymous said, but I also think you might want to look at how you are handling your finances. Just a suggestion.

      Remember to read everything - not just what you want to hear.

      "The repeating number 88 is a message for you to keep your finances in check ensuring that you have set solid foundations for yourself and your loved ones. The Universe and your angels will always ensure that you are supported, but it is your responsibility to make sure that you are living up to your full potential in order to tread your ‘right’ life path."

      I hope this helps you. Peace and Love.

    3. Ultimately, 8's is about karma my friend. As a number 8 lifepath, I had been so successful at failing at things I deemed important so many times to learn that lesson of Karma. What you reap is what you sow, dear. Let look for the pattern inside, clear and release old wounds. Let Karma serve you, not torture you.

  10. what is meant of +8888888888 the number that appears on the other mobile which i am calling.

  11. Two syllables within my four names that contain seven letters.

  12. QZ8501+MH370+MH17=8888
    Does it mean something ?

  13. QZ8501+MH370+MH17=8888
    Does it mean something ?

  14. MH370+MH17+QZ8501=8888
    The beginning just started

  15. 88888769
    does mean something?

  16. I downloaded my bank statement in the screen it looked normal. When I printer it however the entire page was nothing but 8's repeating and an occasional 9 was there. Pretty cool. .... my son passed 73 weeks ago Thursday think he was trying to tell me something.

  17. saw on my phone: time 8:44, 88% bat, date 3-23, weather 53°. 8 six times. Thats Crazy. I love it! Feel supported. Apparently after googling "888888" it also means clapping. I feel as though the Divine is giving me a powerful pat on the back. ----love,light, n peace to all.

  18. What does it mean if I keep seeing 8's or 7's but the middle number keeps changing eg. 808, 828, 838? I keep seeing 1212, 2121, 2211 etc also but I am more interested in the how to read the 707, 717, 737 when I get a very definite number like the 7 and 8 has been showing but I pick it up so constantly with a different middle happens day after day. Thank you.

  19. I was having some serioys financual worries and the license plate where I parked had the number 8888 I take it as a great sign


  21. I'm actually frightened. I've been sorely tested for a very long time, but I passed, and very well, but I'm battered and need some time to catch my breath and heal a little. But some (threatening) things that have happened before are happening again, and according to my beliefs, the angels can't do anything unless God lets them, so I haven't had that to rely on. God knows what I've been through and I'm not expecting a free ride for the rest of my life, but I HAVE TO HEAL AND REST. I'm sort of at the end of my rope, and my phone rang today, and the phone number wasn't a real phone number, it was, I'm not kidding, 88--888-8888, and the caller ID says, 888888888. I Googled that number, I do that for unknown numbers to see if there are spam reports, and this page came up first. I didn't need Google for this, I come here all the time. But it scared me. And the bit about forewarning? It says I should get my skates on and start doing what I want to do, but my judgment is not what I want it to be, I know I need to get away from where I am, but I don't know where to go. I believe in life as an ongoing thing that hasn't that much to do with this physical existence, I wish I knew if these numbers apply to your life after this Earthly death, which I am not dreading in any way. Please pray for me.

    1. Jeg sender dig Love and Light <3

    2. Tak, venlig sjæl. kærlighed og lys til dig!

    3. God knows that I've been praying non stop, i told the Lord I reached my braking point and my family was torn apart. I lost my mother this year unexpectedly and have been the subject of hatred and liesmlies than I sat down to eat, and noticed That my mobile phone was typing the by I'm # 8 repeatedly, and expectantlexpectantly 888888888888 I couldn't stop it,I had to reboot the phone than I remembered my mother was a powerful psychic and medium,I was thinking about my mom crying,and asking her to be there with me. And I went into the living room to eat, and the Google app opened up and the keypad lit up like it does when someone is dialing a #

      On the Google search bar I saw The # 8 being pressed on the keyboard, 88888888888, I couldn't restart the phone.

      I immediately asked a santero,he said, it was good luck, and my mom was who typed the message. I went from feeling hopeless and severely depressed to feeling joy, peace and
      100% peace.

  22. I took 8888 steps today and I found 8 cents in the restroom can you give me anything on these signs

  23. What if I was born at 8:08 am on the 8th month and then I weighed 8 pounds and 8 ounces?

  24. Does it mean anything being born on 08-08-88

    1. See:


  25. Thank you rush-collection for taking the time to define the numbers and respond to some questions. You are greatly appreciated

  26. I have been following your number meanings and signs for a few years now, and the Angels have supported me on a personal Cancer Journey all of last year, by showing me triple numbers at critical times. They have been a great comfort to me. The numbers appear on number plates, back of lorries, on signs, in fact anywhere. Today was really partner, who also has Cancer, and I decided just to go for a drive. I saw all the triple numbers possible on the way to the seaside and 999 on the way back. Awesome, How can I even begin to analyse that? Thank you for your defintions but this was so unusual! Can you explain this please? with love and light x x x x

  27. Born 8-8-85. Not to mention the 8's in my social. But the number 68 seems to be my luckiest. Any thoughts are appreciated. And thank you for helping others to understand.

  28. 4444
    Was amazing! I get it ♡♡♡

  29. Thank you! This is exactly what I needed to know. I appreciate you. :)

  30. my fair share of repeating numbers. Applied for a job on 08.08.16. To my surprise, the company is located in the 8th floor of a building with street number 178. When I got there, I was greeted by a friend who told me that it was her 8th day working on that same company. Later on, I found out that I knew 8 people working in there. And as if it was not yet enough, before I went home, I noticed that my visitor pass ID was 808. And yes, I accepted the job because it felt like deep inside someone/thing's telling me that I was exactly where i supposed to be at the very moment in my life. I have yet to find out if I made the right choice. :) By the way I was born on 06.08.89.

    To anyone who would like to enlighten me or share words of wisdom regarding my situation, THANK YOU.

  31. Hi!

    I recently realized that I've encountered number 8 many times in my life. I celebrate my birthday on November 8, I got 8 on most of my exams and I always lived in many places containing this number. It's so weird, I see it so many times. I thought it was just me going crazy, but after reading your post I think it's for a reason.

    *sorry if I made any grammar or spelling mistakes, English is not my native language

  32. Dad passed away 1997(8) he worked as a surgeon and upon his death the government paid out a small pension salary and promised to pay larger compensation amount (in the millions) in future. This larger sum took 19 years to finally pay out, months before the pay out I literally could not get away from the number 8 and 888, sometimes 888. There is some truth perhaps. :)

  33. Thank you, I needed this today.

  34. I had a dream, on the water the number 33088 was floating. Then I kept seeing the number 3 every where: 36 specifically.

  35. I saw the number 8888 on a licence plate and after I read what this meant I looked up and saw the number 8. AMAZING!! Thank you...

  36. After I read what 8888 meant after I saw this number on a licence plate, I looked up and saw the number 8. HOW AMAZING is that!!! Thank you.

  37. ♡♡♡ Thank you!!!
    Always and forever grateful. Love and Light to all!!!♡♡♡

  38. I don't understand, " don't procrastinate when enjoying the fruits of your labor" can someone please explain this and no false interpretations.

  39. I was born8/8/88. Does this means this is my angel number?

  40. I received 888 as lucky numbers should I post them numbers around me and my daughter, due to the very negative struggles we've been going through lately, so our (my) luck will change in the next few weeks to months to come.

  41. Kept seeing 888 & 8888 these past few days. I am thinking of making major life changes, maybe if has something to do with it?

  42. My date of birth is 18/08/88... I’m 30 this year on 18/08/18 and I’ve just gone through a massive life change and routing a spiritual path. Do you think the numbers are just a cooincidence ?

    1. leaving my home ... suddenly passed a white car with the number 888888..

    2. My birthday is 8/8/1988 message me if yours is the same

  43. Woke from a dream where the numbers 8888 were showed to me and they were very large. Blessed by my angels ��

  44. Didn't get confirmation that this posted so I am trying one more time.

    I turn Am turning 68 on Aug 18th
    08/18/18 = 888.
    Adding 8/18/18 = 26, 2+6=8 for 8888
    The 8 in age 68 = 88888
    The two 1's in 18/18 + the 6 in 68 =8 for 888888. So all totaled = six 8's. Is there any significance to this. I googled and found meaning for 8, 88, 8888 but nothing for six 8's. Email me if you'd like at Than You.

  45. I saw a car numbered 88888 just around 11:30pm the eve (18th) of my birthday, which is on 19th Jan!!! I was super excited when i did! I have been struggling to have a stable career last two years and have been seeing a lot of number patterns last few months ... i was wondering if it had any special significance since it was so close to my birthday, and the first time i saw a number 8 sequence.

    1. For the second time i am reciving missed call from +88888 can you explain why its happening and what does it mean please😐✌

  46. i was seeing the number 808, 88, 888, 8888, 388, 68, 866 all the time. Then it happened - I won the jackpot in the lottery, holy smokes! There is hope - just be patient and stay positive!

  47. thank you thank you! your site has been such a blessing. This message makes absolute sense for where I am. Thank you for channeling<3 infinite blessings to you<3

  48. Hi, I've been referring to this blog since 2011 when I saw my first triple digit number (555) and immediately knew it meant something and then saw it repeatedly. Now I notice number sequences all the time but sometimes I see the sequence only once but because I'm tuned in I notice it right away. Does it still have the same meaning if I only see it once rather than repeatedly?

  49. 8888 I am that light at the end of the tunnel, pushing through #blinkblink,shining bright ❤🌟

  50. Thank you πŸ’—πŸ™πŸ˜‡ Love and light always.πŸ˜‡πŸ™πŸ’—πŸ₯°πŸ€—πŸ˜œπŸ˜ŠπŸŽΆπŸŽ‰πŸŒŸπŸ₯³πŸŒ»πŸ’–πŸπŸ’žπŸ’ƒ☺πŸ˜‡πŸ’—πŸ₯³

  51. Thank you... Always grateful!!! πŸ™πŸ₯°πŸ˜‡

  52. πŸ˜œπŸ˜ŠπŸ™πŸ˜‡πŸ₯°πŸ’–πŸ€—

  53. Love and Blessings!!!πŸ™πŸ˜‡πŸ₯°

  54. So so very grateful for you and this website/blogπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’•πŸ’žπŸŒˆπŸ’πŸŒ·πŸ’–
