Friday, July 15, 2011


Number 88 is a powerful number as it is made up of the energies of the number 8, doubled and amplified. Number 8 carries the vibrations and attributes of patience, practicality and dependability, personal authority and power, discernment and good judgement, ambition and potential, business acumen, finding success and manifesting wealth and abundance, self-discipline and responsibility, inner-wisdom, justice and Karma – the Universal Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect.  

Angel Number 88 is a powerful vibration telling of achievements, success, striving forward, progress and attainment.

Angel Number 88 is a message that you are to keep your finances in check to ensure that you have set yourself solid foundations for yourself and your loved ones. This will ensure your future prosperity. You are to be responsible for your own income, abundance and well-being. The Universe and your angels will always support you, but it is your responsibility to ensure that you put in the proper work and effort. You are asked to live up to your full potential.

Angel Number 88 is also telling you that your life purpose and soul mission are fully supported by your angels and the Universe. Financial and material abundance is on its way into your life and may be suggesting that you will receive unexpected rewards for past good work. The Universe is abundant and generous and wishes to reward you. Great financial prosperity is yours, now and in the future. Karma re-paid in kind.

Angel Number 88 may also suggest that a phase, circumstance or situation in your life is about to end and is a sign of forewarning to enable you to prepare yourself and your life accordingly. It may also indicate that you are winding up an emotional, career or relationship phase in your life.  

Number 88 also relates to number 7 (8+8=16, 1+6=7) and Angel Number 7.

See also:
Repeating 8’s  (8, 88, 888, 8888 etc)
Angel Number 8
Angel Number 888



  1. 88 is the international symbal for hate. Radium - Ra 88, Ra is Dio the angel of death or Satan. HH, H8, Ate Ate, At&t all mean Ra dio the devil.

    1. I would highly disagree with you other cultures and Li systems especially numerology enthusiast highly revered the number 88 as a abundant and blessed number groups I recommend doing more research before making an assumption based upon religious belief.

    2. RA Is representative of the Sun in Egypt. Pharaoh Amenohtep IV later known as Akhnaton made worship of the sun a monotheistic religion. The sun represents life and abundance during the spring and summer you lush growth and the opposite during winter. To think 88 means hate your looking at newer age BS that was mainly circulated during WW2. The truth has been perverted many times. They also used the swastika, one of the holiest signs to some as it represents creation of the universe. It is most sacred, especially when in a circle. These teachings are way before ww2. Don't let someone who perverted the truth to change the truth

    3. Radio is Satan! I knew it! TV is so demonic, it's pure demonic energy! It's a fact!

    4. Dark workers. Just ignore. Ignore superstitions and written history of satanic bull crap. This is the translation of life and your path of light. All numbers 0-9 and multiples are like any other sign. These signs guide your path and are messages from your spirit guides or angels!! This sacred scribe site is just one site to AID you in understanding these messages. There is great information here, still don't take anything as gospil. Divinity is fluid. :) Love and much light!!

    5. In the world there are opposites. For example light versus dark. Good versus evil. So both opposites uses numbers in different ways and definition. I choose learning how to use numbers to do good. But it is also good to know what the opposite is doing so that more healers could do more work to combat the negative powers which exists. Most people are not aware of how to use their inner powers to do good and at times don't take the time or even patience to learn. That's why I feel that evil is rampant and easier to practice when living in a "fast world."

    6. The only evil in know is faulty judgment do to lack of an education in spiritual matters thus leaving one in a state of ignorance!!!

    7. You are correct thid is Satan world but doing the dirty work for GOD which is mother as in Matrix, look up the origin of Matrix. Thank you for this valuable message about 88 and Ra Dio. Ra is also the Sun GOD of Egypt. RA(SUN)DIO(GOD) Jesus is the actual Sun not a son we are the eternal suffering souls with no memory. Search blood over intent, selfless. Every word we speak is a curse or magic spell. As in SPELL-ing to write/RITE cursive/CURSE in our BINDERS of SPELLS. Truth in plain sight but nobody sees anything. Look up the origin of BLESS & NICE. Welcome to the land of the dead.

  2. Please define "winding up" as it is used in the last sentence: as in, preparing to set into motion? Or, as in, finishing?
    I have recently taken a leap of faith in my life and returned to live in my home town 35 years later, leaving 2500 miles behind a long term relationship. I let go the security, companionship, stability it provided for a spirit-led path of new and unknown. Since I have moved, my new phone number has two sets of double eight, and my new license plate has another set. I see them many other places, too (cell phone battery life, for example, and grocery store total receipt). It can't be missed! I love what this page says about 88. It is very relevant to me, especially this: "You are asked to live up to your full potential." This was my reason for this change in the first place, to find a better version of myself.
    So much gratitude! Thank you!

    1. im gping through a change myselfand your message just gave me comfort thank you.

    2. 88 has alot to do in my life as well its been in my life everday for the last 15 years . Has to do with everyday transportation and a big goal and or project .Thanks for the comfort also.

    3. Please tell me those with a lot of 88 in your lives, do you have back pains, hip pains, depression, stomach problems, asthma or High blood pressure? If anyone one of these and even more please respond.

    4. Yes!!! Most definitely i have them all

    5. I definitely have all those problems mentioned, but basically bone and joint problems all around

  3. It`s really amazing when Spirit confirms what I believe is Divine communication. I have been having similar experiences described by those of you above and decided to Google 88 and this is one of the pages I really like. Amazingly ( to me anyway…), right when I logged on to Google 88, I had just finished eating dinner and commented that the sauce was good, and she says I got on sale for 88 cents! And when I started writing the second sentence of this post I look at the TV and there’s a weather station on that saying the it’s 88 degrees in Beach Haven, which is not in Jersey which is where I’m at; is that Conn? Can`t be, it’s cold in Jersey now so Conn. would be too. Now it`s broadcasting Local on the 8′s for Beach Haven as I type…weird…LOL!

  4. This is right on. Today I'm going to see my finicial adviser and currently I can see some changes in my personal and career. I except my blessings.
    thank you Angels

  5. I have number 88 in my window of my car. To me and our family it was the football number our son wore. He died of a brain tumor at age 43, 3 years ago. I hope people don't take offense to what it means to my family. He was also a coach on the high school football team. I am so sad hearing of this.

  6. in Chinese culture 8 is pronounce Bah, so they write 88 as short for bye bye (bah bah) 8 and multiples of 8 (88, 888 etc) are the most auspicious numbers for the Chinese. It means happiness and good luck, so 88 means double happiness

    1. Thank you for that, I've been using it for e-mail and passcodes forever without knowing why.

    2. Love it... my birth year issue 88 and immediately after reading this article I looked up at my phone. 88% charged. Also, where I live, there's a building with 88 on it and a neighbor with the license plate on it. I too, see it on a daily basis and feel it's a confirmation number to let me know all is right and I am exactly where I belong.

  7. Something rather interesting (and strange) just happened. I'm a PHP developer working on a new script. When testing it one time, I found parse errors (i.e. a problem with the code's syntax) on lines 33, 77, and 88. These errors were certainly not intentional.

    1. There are no accidents. My friend used to call these events "rumble strips". Something designed to SUDDENLY make you pay attention.

  8. Hi, Thks for all info. I saw it last night & found more info somewhere else that relates to Indigo/Blue Ray system buster with law & justice. This also fits with my life that puts me in these situations that I

  9. Could someone please explain to me better about repeatedly seeing angel number 88 because it's worrying me.

  10. Angel no.88 is a sign of abundance and wealth. The eight here is intensified so it means that everything you wish for will come true as long as you maintain positive attitude. :)

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. 88 is my confirmation number from God. That's how I know he is with me and all I have to do is say in my head Lord I need to see our sign and right then and there 88 will pop up.

  13. Im literally crying right now. Ive been searching for the answer for quite some time. Im so happy at the moment. Everyone thought I was crazy until I started showing them what I was seeing. Its everywhere, 88 ,ive been seeing it for a while but literally everyday for months, Its gotten way more intense. Just today I was job hunting, walked into kmart, customer service told me to go to for the application. I get back in the truck and looked at my uncle and said "youll never believe what website they told me to go to." He says "lemme guess, something to do with 88?".. ive been showing him everytime it happens, now he finally believes me. My birthday is 2/16/1988. Thank you for a start to finding out why.--matt

    1. Let me be the first to say, Welcome to your awakening brother :)

  14. 88 means infinite not hate.

    -Joe, @ZeroDarkRadio

  15. What does the winding up mean? Like a relationship is coming to an end or I'm winding it up like its about to start? I saw 88B and b is the first letter in my name.

  16. I have recently registered the domain

    I would like to develop a website.

    Do you have any ideas for a website using the domain name ?

    Robert McLean

  17. Thank you so much! This is very helpful! :-)

  18. I'm always seeing 88! Just know I was looking for something to pawn so I can get money, I go to my Uncle's top draw to see if I can find anything and I happened to see an old picture of a baby wearing a shirt with the number 88. I really don't understand! The Angels, the universe, and God himself knows I need money and instead of giving that to me they give me the number 88! I don't understand the real meaning! I've been seeing 88 for 2 years now! I really need help! Someone please explain this situation to me because I am confused!!!

  19. I had a dream traveling on the road with my parents and to go back home was 88 matias can someone pls tell what it means

  20. Hi,I want to know that seeing numbers such as 248 and 428 or 632 or 422 on the clock, I constantly tend to see them as being MULTIPLIED and EQUALS like 248=> seems to me as 2x4=8 and I tend to consider it as 88.should i read them as it feels like this to me or i should go with what it exactly is?

  21. I have been seeing 88 and 888 a lot lately including other master numbers 1111 333 444 sometimes on my phone the battery and time will be 44444 with very interesting. I am going through a lot right now every time I see those numbers it gives me hope. I had my awakening in 2013 but it seems like a slow process changing everything and living in your divine purpose.

  22. The totals on my last 3 shopping trips were $88 and my paycheck (so far this pay week) is sitting at $188. This is all seems so crazy (not in a bad way).

  23. I am also seeing a lot of i have seen 88 in many vehicles at the same moment. I feeling something good is going to happen but i am very desperate to get it and really my patience is tested.

  24. I am seeing a lot of 88 now. I have seen many 88 license plates at the same time. I feel something good is going to happen but i am very desperate to get it. Its really testing my patience.

  25. I'm thankful to see the responses from those who experienced seeing 88 on a regular basis, like myself. It's been scaring me because I didn't know what to think until I googled the meaning. I was born 5/30/88 but I don't know how that ties into anything lol, I'm just really curious. So to anyone who is well versed in the spiritual meaning of this number, please reach out to me. I would like to know more. Thank you Author for the information.

  26. I was born on 1991/08/08 at 8pm. There are a lot of 8s here.

  27. Could someone help and tell me what it means what it says "Winding up an emotional, relationship phase" does winding up mean bringing it to an end or getting it started?

    1. winding up... I think it means to take care of unfinished business prior to coming to an end.

  28. I think the way that numbers are viewed by us as individuals have a lot of bearing on where we come from how we've been Associated into life and what our belief structures are. I do not think that there is any more wrong then seeing where people have negatively used numbers then there are and people who see them in a more positive light. I think what is important is your own life path and Destiny and what you are sent here to do. Some people are sent here to face the light and to bring others to the light and they will see things differently. Others are put here to face and challenge the darkness and so that will in some way change the way they perceive signs and Omens. It does no good to bash on another seeing as all of us only have a part of the whole.

  29. I think the way that numbers are viewed by us as individuals have a lot of bearing on where we come from how we've been Associated into life and what our belief structures are. I do not think that there is any more wrong then seeing where people have negatively used numbers then there are and people who see them in a more positive light. I think what is important is your own life path and Destiny and what you are sent here to do. Some people are sent here to face the light and to bring others to the light and they will see things differently. Others are put here to face and challenge the darkness and so that will in some way change the way they perceive signs and Omens. It does no good to bash on another seeing as all of us only have a part of the whole.

    1. Absolutely !!! ♡♡♡
      Love and Light your way Angelique!!!♡♡♡

  30. 🙏♥️🧘‍♀️🎈🍀Amen!!!I'm grateful!!!🙏

  31. Sooooooooooo grateful 😀🙊🙈🙉

  32. Replies
    1. Can you explain why you think this?

  33. I kept seeing this number today on receipts, clocks, phone battery life, stranger's names who were talking to me on social media, I saw 2 large spiders living by my parking spot... the night before, I asked my patrons to communicate success or failure to me because my manifestations have not been fully manifesting for months even though I have been focusing them for months. I'm guessing they just need some time to manifest.

    I get a lot of angel numbers. To the point where I must seem insane. Idk why that's the only way they can communicate with me lately.

  34. Thankful and grateful for every single blessings universe sent me and for all more blessings thankful!

  35. Lmao y'all WILD talkin about 88 being a symbol of hate,Satan,hitler
    I mean
    If you let fear consume you it will hun *~*
    Stop with the bull bull
    And start thinking positively
    All is light

  36. Y'all i am breathing rn
    I can't
    The world is your oyster put some salt and pepper on that shiz
    Fear ain't you
    And a number doesn't stand for Satan
    We are our own gods but not god itself
    Peace 👏🏾💞

    1. Number 8 is the most powerful number of all. It represents INFINITY and ABUNDANCE.
      It is a very powerful number.
      Yet power lays within us all.❤🙌
      Blessings and light to everyone and all.✨

  37. I started seeing angel numbers around 2016,And my life has changed by paying attention! I have experienced major changes both good and bad. I have been asking for answers since all of this started, I learned of Rush Collection through a well renowned physic medium after my husband passed July 26 ,2019.Since I have been doing this my life has changed for the best. All I ask for is to stay on the right path to make my way back home to be Gods servant and serve him the way he sees fit to the best of my ability and to forgive me for my many sins. I don't understand all of this disease and world hate we have against each other. We all come from the same mold, Woman and Man. Black, White,Yellow,Brown,Olive,Pink. Thats why God made the rainbow. Whether we are gay lesbian or a different race we are all human beings,right? Why do we hate? We are all going to die no matter our opinion. I just hope you all have figured it out that you will die eventually, I just hope you have your lifes purpose,not that I am any better than anyone else,I just want to meet everyone else on the other side! With all my love

  38. I love that I saw all this. I been seeing 8,88,888 since November. This is crazy, my life has changed drastically, I am woke, I am doing amazing. I love my angels, I love god. Blessings to all.

  39. I saw 1888 & 888 likes on videos back to back. Looked at the temp outside... 88°. Looked at the news 88° tmrw, 88° the day after & 88° the day after that. 3 sets right in front of me 😅

  40. 🙏, ☮️&♥️ to ALL

  41. Tout est vrai. C est fantastique. Harcelé par le 88, pendant des jours, je me demandais pourquoi, et voilà j ai reçu une bonne nouvelle financière. Croyez y et vous verrez.

  42. What does Karma re-paid in kind mean ? I’ve been seeing 55,33 and recently been in heart break . I Believe this was a karmic relationship. And now I am seeing 88 .

  43. Thank you Angels, can't wait

  44. I’ve been referring to Sacred Scribes number signs for over a decade, just about the beginning of this publication. rush-collection’s work is original, straight from Source Mind and so good that people are creating content on YouTube based on this work! But voiced by AI readers and never referencing this. I will always come straight here.
    Thank you, rush-collection!!
    Maybe someday you’ll compile this work and turn it into a book that I can keep by my bedside shelf of favorite tomes.
    ~ MeAndTheMultiverses
