Monday, January 16, 2012


Number 888 is a powerful number as it carries the vibrations and attributes of number 8 appearing tripled, magnifying its energies and influences. Number 8 relates to self-reliance, reality, manifesting wealth and positive abundance, dependability, truth and integrity, self-confidence, discernment and good judgement, achievement, giving and receiving, philanthropy and serving humanity, and karma; the Universal Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect.  

Angel Number 888 brings an uplifting message of encouragement from your angels telling of achievements, success, striving forward, progress and attainment. It brings a message to stay optimistic and listen to your intuition and inner-guidance. Set solid foundations for yourself and your loved ones as this will ensure your future prosperity. The Universe and your angels will always support you, but it is your responsibility to ensure that you put in the appropriate work and effort when and where necessary. You are encouraged to live up to your full potential.

Angel Number 888 indicates that financial and material abundance is on its way into your life and may be suggesting that you will receive unexpected rewards for past good work. Karma re-paid in kind.

Angel Number 888 tells you that your life purpose is fully supported by the Universe. The Universe is abundant and generous and wishes to reward you. Great financial prosperity is yours, now and in the future.  

Angel Number 888 may also suggest that a phase in your life is about to end and is a sign of forewarning to enable you to prepare yourself and your life accordingly. It may also indicate that you are winding up an emotional, career or relationship phase in your life.  

Never compromise your integrity in an effort to 'get ahead'. Honour your own truths and be true to yourself and your own life path and mission.

Number 888 relates to number 6 (8+8+8=24, 2+4=6) and Angel Number 6.



  1. appreciate your assistance rush-collection, Thank you Rick

    1. So I was sitting there checking my lotto ticket. I noticed as I looked at the ticket the numbers 888 were the first thing that came across my eyes on the barcode. I then instantly looked at the meaning on this site as usual and while looking at this page I noticed my phone had 22% and the time was exactly 11:11, if you add it all together it's 8.I instantly had the chills so I went back to check my numbers and I had hit 1 number and the megaplier number X4 so the prize was 8 dollars. On the 18th. I was so surprised and in shock I had to share!

    2. So I was sitting there starting to my lotto ticket when I noticed at the bottom of the barcode the numbers 888 caught my eyes. I then instantly looked onto this page to find the meaning as I was reading about half way through I checked the time in the right hand corner. There I saw that I had 22% left on my battery and the time was exactly 11:11pm. I was in absolute shock because I added it up 2+2+2+2=8. I then went back to the lottery ticket to find out I hit 1 number and the megaplier number X4 so I won 8 dollars on the 18th. It was such a wonderful experience having the absolute chills over reassured communication such a blessing!had to share!!

    3. Don't you think you might be searching a little bit on this one. I guess I really shouldn't care as plecebo effect can be very powerful and we are indeed our own placebo. But my birthday is 8-8-81 and it has the exact numbers as this year 8-8-18. So I kind of feel like it's a date that is special to me! But as I type this I'm saying to myself, why rain on Cody Bakers parade? You know what bro I think it's great that you are finding positive and possibly powerful meanings everywhere. Use that to your advantage and let it push you to action giving you reasons to keep going. Maybe I'm jealous and I need to just come to grips with it. Good luck to you Cody Baker! May the universe have your back

    4. Happy 8-8-18. I went to the store after work and my total at checkout was $8.80. It's something. Happy birthday, Jake.

    5. My son was born 8 8 18..I swear he has many gifts..Powerful being

    6. Every time i pull out my phone or look at my smart watch I'm seeing mirror hours constantly that much so that it definitely isn't coincidence.. someone is trying to communicate and I'm all ears and eyes 👀 now. 😇

  2. I would like to thank you for this website and the messages within, since following the signs and numbers, i have become a more positive person. Most of my life i have felt out of place and different, but since i have started looking at things from a more spritual perspective, every thing i've seen and done is making more sense to me of which i'm very grateful for, so thanks again :-)

    1. Same. ��

    2. Same (^_^)...

    3. I want to cry years of relief from pure joy...I'm really not alone in my thoughts and feelings!

    4. I'm also very grateful, thank you :)

  3. Thank you rush-collection! I have been seeing the numbers 11:11,777,888,559,134,11,9,11:14 almost all the time,after a while I started to think this was more than a coincidence and I have felt as though I really needed affirmation and answers to guide me through my life choices and spiritual path! I was so confused and filled with fear all the time but after i realized that i am recieving messages from beyond, I have been letting go of fear and the past and giving all worries to my angels and assended masters,so i can be in peace and truly know that i am here to love,respect,give,share,to be compassionate,be forbearing,forgiving,tolerant,wise,intuitive,kind ,generous,to heal and to be greatful:) thank you for sharing with all of us,namaste:) love,Michael! May the new yyear bring love and peace to all in abundance:)

    1. This message is inspiring and amazing! Thanks for shining your light and reminding me of my soul purpose. Love & Light Michael and rush-collection! ❤️

    2. Indeed amazing and inspiring :-) Thank you!

  4. Thank you very Much GOD and rush-collection! these numbers are awesome! it shows that we are on the right path of GOD! :)

  5. Good morning, I am constantly surrounded by angels and their signs: triple of any number, the numbers "32" and "52" preceded by any other number (my address is 532). But lately there is a black cat who lives in my neighbourhood who roams around my house (making my dogs crazy)... I used to own a black cat and always saw them as a happy sign. also yesterday, I went for a walk and my eyes were drawn to this other black cat sitting on a ledge staring at me. I thought : remember you think black cats are good... then i thought well if it is a message of some kind, i should see some other sign, like number sequence... so I look at the closest car parked on the street and sure enough the license plate read: 888 (something). So I smiled and said ok. this is all good. yet, I can't figure out what it all means... Any ideas?

    1. I’m seeing so many Angel numbers and messages too , but thanks to rush-collection and all your messages it’s making sense 🦋

  6. Replies
    1. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and what you are to do and achieve in your lifetime.

    2. How do I find my life purpose?? Thank you so much for all your work, you help me very very much!

    3. Life Purpose and Soul Mission

  7. I dreamed that I walked inside a Chinese establishment. It appeared to be a Chinese restaurant. It was extremely decorated unlike anything I have ever seen before. It was somewhat dark, or the lights were dim but nevertheless very fancy.

    I was greeted by a hostess who sat me at an elegant table. There were lots of people there and it seemed to be a very nice place to be. Then the hostess walks over to my table and puts a large stack of cash in front of me.

    I look at the bills and they are unlike any I have ever seen before. They were much larger in size than U.S. dollars and strangely I noticed that each bill in this extremely large pile all had the number 888 on them. They literally appeared to be $888 dollar bills in Chinese currency.
    End of Dream.

  8. Through Angel guidance, I am becoming highly evolved! And this message of 888 tells me that I am about to take another step on the path to heaven on earth, in a prosperous and abundant way!! What I have I will share in the best way I can ...

    Thank you rush-collection for the effort you put in, to bring the Angel's messages to those of us who see the signs!! Well done!!!

  9. Whenever I see 888 its before I get paid or someone gives me a gift or any type of abundance comes into my life

    1. This is f'n amazing! We have some much in common and the spirit has no color to it. We have to raise awareness

  10. i saw 888 3 times before i went into superstore. and the last car in the lot was 999. im thinking something amazing happened

  11. I have received visions of 888, and mixed numbers with 8 in it, during my meditation and prior to awakening from my sleep. As well, 777, 7777777777777... , 555, 444, et al, appeared to me in a vision(s) and I regularly see multiple 7s, 8s, et al, repeatedly throughout the day(s) on signs, license plates, telephone numbers, etc. I receive visions and synchronicities of various numbers regularly. However, I had not known of the magnitude of the numbers meaning until I recently connected to this site, which I am forever grateful for.

    Thanks rush-collection for the knowledge you've shared.

  12. I received this number on my digital clock, briefly! Out of nowhere and am grateful that I understand it's meaning

  13. I am evolving Yall! I am a World vocalist who is higjly guided. I raise vibrations into physical ascension. The journey is here. I cry because I finally get it! I finally understand. I finally hear. I went from 111&222 to 777>888 Just the right sequences to Peek my interest. Ask questions. And research Please hear me! you are not Alone! Heaven sent. Thanks Joan for your Peace work.

    1. Hi Ni'Ella ,
      Wow , I am in this parh since 2007, I been seing 11:11,1:11, then 2:22;3:33; 4:44; 5:55, then 7:77 last August 2013 , & I was waiting for 8:88 & finally this month its 8:88 2x & 8:8 , as my father called me 8:8 fr last year since I was born 8-8-yr w/ 8 also ....I have faith in God

    2. And now that I finally Experiencing the number of 8:88 its Gods time & Faith in God is so impt to me & I just hope people will have more Faith in this Earth.bec God give me Love & to everyone. Thank you for sharing your experience such meaningful to me. Thank you for this site . By Joan....888

    3. Finally starting to make sense, I've seen number sequences since 2001. They have encouraged me since. My wife left me this Summer, and they have been coming in torrents. 11:11, 888, 999, 555, 55555, 777, 77777, 223, 422, the messages change by day. Thank you for this site rush-collection, so I can interpret them. I found that if you keep asking your Guides and Angels for guidance, it comes non-stop. I've also received a near incessant ringing in my ears since the event occurred. What I have found is SURRENDER is key, and just TRUST that where you are being led is the best for you. My depression was transformed to an excited form of expectation of an amazing future, it is TRUE, you just know it!

  14. thank you for what the description of 888 is


    thomas :)

  15. My life path was set out a while ago. My spiritual name is satya. This for me has been conveyed as truth. I am here to help myself and others the reality we live in that expose evil. Been doing that for along time now in my work.

    In saying that it has been difficult due to personal issues with health and ridicule. I feel humanity needs to start acting now as we are in crucial times. But I am only one man! Was never meant to be easy and I must try to keep fighting on and be true to myself

  16. Hello! I'm very glad to enter you're site. It's so awesome! rush-collection, you're awesome! But i do have one question: after you see the set of numbers over and over, and knowing that there's these very specific angels, how do you make your wishes come true? You just think it over a prayer? Thank you for your response!

  17. hi dear car's no. is MH 05 CH 2688. Can u please share your view on this number..

  18. My 888 appeared on a payslip. Thinking it an odd number to be so perfect, I looked up 'What does the number 888 mean?' Hopefully, it will manfest into my life purpose, a journey over the last decade to which I am humbled by.

  19. ive been working on solving a programming problem recently and a problem which I couldnt solve for weeks ive finally managed to solve and when I checked the time it took for the script to finish the process it showed 0.888 :)
    then ive googled its meaning and seems like its meaning does match my situtation thats cool.

  20. Thanks rush-collection I appreciate your time and effort for these numbers

  21. thank god for those special people who pass away then re-interveene

    in your life years down the road, and show you what's right.

    could not be better any other way


    thomas :)

  22. I just checked my bank account. It has $8.88 so I decided to look it up, now I know it wasn't by accident

  23. Hey guys, after reading all your comments, amongst other things, I am excited when I hear about people starting to open themselves up to signs and synchronicity. AND GODS LOVE :) and possibly...Peace. Many out right mock it but considering that mathematics defines and shapes the entire natural world, I strongly believe numbers carry at minimum, energy and possibly so much more. 333 and 33 have been relentless for 3 years. Then I started getting 555, read up and it was exactly relevant. The final moment of the situation came, and my computer clock read 15.55, and I had 3 unexplained big wet patches on the back and front of my top!!! Then 222 started and again, totally relevant and specific about an unusual thing i'd not discussed. Then lots more 333's and then 444 started and I got it about 6 times in one day, same story. I also take note of whether I feel like I decided to check the time, versus someone making me look down on page 222 of my book...They feel different. I would love everyone to stay open and just notice what you notice when you go at the speed of Davey Dew Drop! God Rocks my world! Mucho Love to all you number'd up peeps on the road to some amazing trippy ass'd (but ALL lovely experiences)...Dawny

  24. Also,I forgot to say in my last post, huge thanks to rush-collection and all the people who share their insights. Different sites say different things about what each number means, but I think if all are seen for what they are...a universal sign to assure us that we are x amount of miles along ON our spiritual journeys, and that we are loved... and I hope they are reminders that we are always exactly where we need to be, always. 333 will always be my personal fave, born on the 3rd...may the universe ping you into numbery soup joy forever...Dawny

  25. I bought a lottery ticket yesterday 5/8 and the total I paid was $8.88 at exactly 8:16 am. My energy was really positive all day. I'm hoping for a win in tonights drawing!!!!

  26. Joan,

    What could this mean if I saw 888 and 999 when driving to an interview for a job I really want?

  27. I see these numbers everyday and found this site when I first began seeing them. Thanks rush-collection! I am eternally grateful to understand the significance behind each of the sets of numbers.

    I saw them 33 times today. This happens every day! However now whatever thought, I'm thinking, not even a minute later I could be driving and have a corresponding number to the thought. For example, when I find myself in a negative mood, it will be about a minute or two later and I see 111. One day I was driving and in a bad mood. A car drove past me to the right and had 111 on its license plate. If that wasn't synchronistic enough, the car right behind it has 111 on its plate as well. There is no explanation for that except a divine message. I also see more of these cars with the triple numbers on the plate and they are white vehicles. And nice luxury ones as well!

    I could go on all day about the miracles I see on a daily basis. My close friends and my family are even beginning to see them after they take a drive with me. Or even on their own. My hair dresser is seeing them as well!
    333 is parked outside my bathroom building in the condo I live in.

    I love it! Its a little piece of from heaven for me and I feel very strong ties to ascended masters and angels. Jesus has appeared to me in a dream as well as archangel Michael and pope John Paul II. They all had messages for me. Jesus first came when I was in an emotionally abusive relationship.

    I firmly believe that this is part of a spiritual awakening for me and I am forever grateful.

  28. I was sitting at my computer thinking about my finances and how i need to improve them and then i check the date and today is 8/8/2015 2+5=7+1=8 888 hopefully today is that date thanks for the post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Hope you get your finances sorted good luck 🦋☘️

  29. August 8 is 8:8:8, as the 8th day of the 8th month of an 8 year. This numerology offers a potent springboard that provides an amazingly expansive potential for positive change, both personally and globally. Working together we can create a new balance between our hearts and minds that will enable us to bring our Soul’s gifts into our present realities.

    The Lion’s Gate Portal provides the Alignment necessary to connect to our Soul’s original blueprint of Unity Consciousness. As we empower a deeper awareness of this Christed energy, we create a new foundation for Mastery in our lives.

    Through guided meditation carrying the transmissions of Love and Mastery from the Archangels, you will be gently led into new Light fields of conscious awakening that can be grounded into every area of your life.


  31. This morning I went online to check my bank statement, and I have exactly $8.88 in my checking acct! I haven't seen this number in a long while and times have been really tough for me especially since I've been unemployed since April. This afternoon I received a call from Home Depot asking me to go in for a job interview! I find it hard to believe that this is a coincidence, considering the kind of luck I've been having, now I just need for the interview to go well! ��

  32. The sum of the recent two-day, American stock market crash was 888. This is so incredibly perfect. Synchronicity. This is a good thing. The whole system needs to be reset.

  33. I love, love, love this website. I consult it every day, and recommend to my friends and clients. Thank you so so much for your hardwork and dedication <3

  34. Today as I was driving I saw the back of a company car phone numbers with 5 (8)'s and as I kept on driving I continued to see 8's now that I am realizing that they are a sign of angels I understand why I would always get the number 8 on any football game pot or anything else 8 have been following me for some time but I had never paid attention to them. I also see the 1:11 & 11:11 & 4:44

  35. Thank you so much for this site, rush-collection :)
    I've always struggled with self-doubt and a fear of the future, but ever since I've gotten into angel numbers (thanks to me seeing 11:11 and 1:11 quite often) I feel a hundred times better now. I'm a much more positive person than before and I am always reassured that I am on the right path to achieving my future career as a music producer. I truly respect all the hard work you have put into this site.

    God bless! :D

  36. 888 If karma is a bitch let mine be beautiful. I aspire great financial prosperity. so help me God

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. rush-collection Sacred Scribe:

    I am constantly receiving visions of 888, 777, mixed numbers, etc., during meditations and/or while eyes are closed, opened, prior to awakening... Also, I see these numbers and others on a lot of objects, in the physical world - synchronistic events. A few days ago I received a vision of 9999555. However, early this morning I received a vision of ten 8s, which was arranged as 888 888 8888. In the past I received other visions of the at least five 7s in several different rows, totaling about twenty of them. Question, what does this mean, and why the arrangements? Does your number interpretations apply to visions as well?

    I thank you abundantly in advance for your reply.


  39. This evening I saw a bunch of cars with 888 and wondering if it's a message for me. But I am kinda busy with my own mind, and haven't go check here. Then last hour, I saw another one with 888 and it remind me again. But I still not convinced because I don't feel it speak to me. So I kept walking. The next second, I saw another one (different car) with 888!

    So I went here. And thank you! I feel good and wish everyone feel good too!

    Hope the great prosperity, health, happiness and relationships are coming real soon to us!

    1. I saw 4 license plates in a row with 888 and one with 8888 I believe it's manifesting $$

  40. i know that prosperity and abundance are coming into my life. i've worked so hard to receieve them and i know the most beautiful i've ever known has come into my life recently. i'm so lucky. i'm so blessed. i'm humbled by these great miracles!

  41. "Keep your finances in check" and then "financial and material abundance is on its way into your life" sends a contradictory message?

    1. If you are responsible for your finances and use them wisely, more will come your way ... if that is your intention.


  42. No coincidence that this number popped out at me as soon as one of my websites started taking off... Wow. Looks like all my hard work is going to pay off.

  43. Hi rush-collection,

    For the past two to three months I am continually seeing 1111, 2222, 4444, 5555, 6666, 7777, 8888, 0001, 0003, 0004, 0005, 0006, 0007, 0008, 0009 etc., and in many combinations. I have a good job and family, but the job is very stressful, I want to spend my life learning Healing and doing Healing work but due to financial responsibilities I can't do that I want to spend time with myself which is not possible, whenever I get opportunity I do it. I have always wished that I am so much financially abundant that I don't need to work, I am not able to understand the messages. I always check this site whenever I see such numbers, I see these numbers daily continuously. I have tried medication, I do Reiki, but not able to get the answers. Request you to please help me

    1. Stop trying maybe for a while, just listen and observe.

  44. Will my finance be good with this number 888

  45. I don't know, I hate this number, it brings me just grief, it doesn't manifest for finances. It manifest for my love interest and everytime I see 888 he cuts communications with me. While 911 means I am gonna hear or see him and be happy. This number is like a curse for me and when I see it I just know I'm gonna cry.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Iraedan, I can only imagine how you must feel. I had a somewhat similar experience, but not with 888 or any other number. For many years I hated the month of October! Why, because I believed it to be a bad luck month. Months prior to October, I would find myself becoming fearful and sad, and spending enormous time in my head! Each year October never failed me; it was bad luck time. I shared this with a friend who said I was tripping. However, when I shared it with a neighbor he told me that I needed to change my consciousness. This was during the mid 80s, before I became aware of the spiritual talk about thought patterns, "The Secret," full consciousness... When my neighbor said I need to change my consciousness, I immediately connected; it was like a light being turned on, a lifting! Yes, I got it, and immediately after, I changed my consciousness about October and change for the better happened; no more October fears, sadness, superstitions... I struggled with the October nightmare for several years!

      What does this have to do with your experience!? Well, you have got to change your consciousness! You are attracting your beliefs to you. You're psyching yourself out. I don't know anything about the interactions of your relationship with your guy or your relationship with yourself but a good healthy starting point to Change is how you think, your consciousness.
      We attract what our energy is focused on.

      Please ask for assistance from your Spirit Guides, the Angels, Ascended Masters... Also, meditation and Reiki, and communing with nature are great! You may wish to pray for the best possible outcome for your relationship, etc., and be open for that best outcome.

      Remember, Miracles come when you least expect, and when the mind is clear of static. The synchronicities of 888, etc., may not come when you think it should but keep your Heart open because it will, and most times - when you least expect it!

      I hope this helps.

      Love, Light & Synchronistic Hugs!
      Safiyyah 😊💗

  46. I keep seeing 888, 818, 808. I litereally just scheduled to pay off something and the sales tax 888. I am in the biggesst financial debt of my life and it is my fault. I take full ressponsibility. There is also a possibility I may lose my job and damage my career due to legal problems caused by me. Again, noobdy to blame but me. However, i keep seeing these 888s. Can someone help me understand what this means?

    1. If you're constantly seeing 888..., these are synchronicities; it is one of the ways the Angels communicates with us Earthlings. If you wish to know what the meaning is, look up each number on this site (rush-collection Sacred Scribe Angel Numbers)

      Also, it helps to keep your vibration high, and show gratitude; my understanding is that it helps to speed things up.

      I hope this helps!

  47. so, where is my money at? ivebeen seeing this for 4 years now and i'm not wealthy or successful. lol thinking a number is going to make your rich is ridiculous. i tried thinking that for the first 2 years of seeing it, but a number isnt going to change anything. i still see it all the time, but yeah its just a number folks haha.

    1. I don't think it's just the numbers alone. They are guides and if you don't put in work, then they mean nothing. I see 222 often, it helps to relieve my anxiety. Even if things seem horrible 222 brings me peace, and things level out. I see 888 a lot as well. I mistakenly thought I was going to get a windfall of money, but didn't realize I was mishandling the money I already had. I still see 888, which helps me to understand I will get another job and this time will manage my money better. It's about our behavior and vibration that attracts better in life. The numbers are only guides. It's our responsibility to apply them to our life.

    2. its just a number.

  48. I had looked at the clock 8,08 at first I thought nothing of it but then I decided to heat up a Krispy Kreme donut which takes 8 seconds. So then I looked at the clock on the stove and it was still 808 so I figured why now

  49. On the advise of a friend -- I checked into receiving my deceased's spouse SS benefit even though I'm still working. My benefit is going to be $888 a month. I've been seeing "11" a lot lately also. I am with this "windfall" beginning to consider retirement. How appropriate what is said above is to the amount I am going to receive.

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. I see these numbers in my dream I checked my mobile balance and show me this number. How it be? Tell me about my future!!

  52. Thank you!! Your the best, rush-collection!

  53. I see many multiples of 8 & today I saw 8888CD car reg..and just as I was checking the meaning (like I don't know lol) a taxi went past .. 888
    Thank you rush-collection xx thank you Universe

  54. I have been seeing the numbers 888 and 404 almost everyday. when am writing my articles, I always pause and find the number of words to be either 888 or 404. When I look at the time, I sometimes find its 4:04 something which has been disturbing me alot and alot.

  55. i seen lot of repeating number since last 2 month like 6969 6699 444 333 1818 and 888 but 888 is the most frequent one. And 888 is related to the number 6 which is my life path number. So Mindblowing...

  56. I met the love of my life August 8th 2015. We first spoke at 8:59 am. The first time he told me "I love you " was on February 8th. And ever since we've met I've been seeing the number 8 everywhere. I've been seeing online that this could represent a beginning with no end. Infinity, an abundance of love, partnership and friendship. What does all this mean...

  57. Hi I'm mary jo I am seeing 888 for the last few months everywhere phone nmyers license plates bill boards commericals. I have been psychic 55 years . Am I entering another phase in my life

  58. Fitting as I rarely to never see this number outside searching for it. I see 333 and 555 a lot.

  59. I love this website and Today is the first day I have seen 888. It puts my life into perspective and I know what I have been praying about is being confirmed. THANK YOU!

  60. Thank you much rush-collection!!! You are indeed an Angel!!!Always and forever grateful!!! ♡♡♡

  61. 9 months of seeing the repeated numbers.
    Yesterdau, 888 on two license plates within an hour. "Peace is filling my life since I began to pay attention. Looking back,My journey started 10 years ago. So much at peace...

  62. In general, you will find that these, appearances, are just that.

  63. When you notice the date and you feel like it meaningful day. You look to see what your angels are up to. Let the karma be paid in full. And take me down the path i am to follow.

  64. Thank you so much rush-collection the second part of your name is my middle name :)I am very grateful for all you know about the numbers when i was out today i could not believe the first numbers i saw were 888 then 11 then 555 then 999 then 1117 ..this is helping me so much as i am looking for a home for my feature film documentary & when i do find a home for it i hope to have a Red Carpet & would love to invite you it is getting out to many major studios i know it will take some time & i am not sure where you are in the world but i sure would like to mention to many people how much you have helped me during this time many blessings to you..i have always helped the world since i was little & i continue to do so thank you kindly.

  65. Hi rush-collection, I almost could not find you today..thank goodness i did!! I am just getting through some medical things & starting to feel better..i take your guidance to heart i helped a 19 year old collage girl who's professor made her cry regarding an exam she took he was from Japan & lucky for me i lived there for 3 months singing & i asked if she could take notes & let her professor know she was interested in his culture she was really happy to take notes & her mother was right there & said God Bless me that made me feel so very happy i will always continue to help in anyway i can ..& yes there is abundance waiting for me i just found out yesterday & i always share what i have that is why i am a bit careful with my funds because i gave so much of it away to charity..its kind of an addiction for me some people are addicted to shopping..mine was giving & i also need for myself..i am grateful to know the Universe sees this & more will be there for me ..although i know i will be sharing mother from beyond would say Jenny its wonderful to share but please take care of you also. as i mentioned i have been helping since i was little..& now i can actually see the Universe calling me to help others a true true blessing & rush-collection thank you for making me even more aware of this nature. many blessing to you.much love :)

  66. one of the best places on the internet,

    for what, the last 17 years?!?!

    :) thank you. :)


    and ~peace

    thomas :)

  67. Very hard and complicated time in my life atn. Keep seeing 8'88's and 888's on car license plates. Followed by 333's and 999's. Its a tad spooky.

  68. I love this site. It has the most complete index i have ever seen. I thank you so much for making this available. I have recommended and shared your site to many of my friends.

  69. I had a dream or vision as a spider animal spirit in 2008 that has come to fruition in 2018. First I was shown the spider of those who would make us suffer for so long with domestic and political terror in a foreign country. Causing me to write "Not Without My Son" then I saw the symbol of fortune as in double happiness and my self and my family retreating into this oriental maze symbol. Most women and children never get to leave but we did and now I am manifesting karmic legal proceedings hopefully in our favour but predominantly for the closure that this chapter of my life heralds for the rest of my life. I was shown the number 888 in the spider with 8 lungs, 8 legs and 8 eyes for reassurance during a time that would see me making my way through PTSD, hypothyroidism and my sons autism and fight to speak. Nothing makes me take life for granted. My career was in aeromedical evacuation as people management consultant for aspen medical and now I am formulating the fortune of what I have learned into a business concept and refusing to take second best in the love stakes ever again. The best love is self love all fortune flows from there along with wisdom from suffering and pain. Life and love is what you manifest it to be you set the standard high or low. Accountability is key.

  70. I am 61 years young and been with my boyfriend for 14 years. 3 years ago I was diagnosed with cancer, multiple myeloma and apparently it’ll will always be with me. I have to maintain it. In earlier years I know I’ve been so so about marriage because of my first one. But after having cancer and my boyfriend was my rock we both decided to get married. Lol I asked him in February. During the planning it’s like it’s been meant to be because everything is working out. Booking dj and caterer it was the last date they had. We are having a good friend, she’s my angel lady I call her, merry us. I’ve been going to Diane for years and she will help me with messages from my angels. When I told her the date she told me to look up the numbers. We will be married on 08-18-18. I had no clue when I picked this date. With reading it I’m excited. Another new beginning. Especially the good karma because I’ve tried to live my life this way. I’m not ready to go. I have a lot more to accomplish. So happy I’m marring my best friend. Finally. Peace and love to all

  71. Omg I am so excited and truly grateful I havre getting these numbers 888 for a while now and I am feeling so happy that the universe is finally blessing me with my request I am so ready and willing to fulfill my idea purpose through this reward and bless others generously thank you so much 🙏😍😂

  72. Thanks rush-collection i found your website im so grateful that i can communicate my guardian angels thru this numbers i feel so great whenever im doing my manifestations God is really good only believe him he will provide just trust him

  73. thanks for all your help rush-collection ❤️

  74. After viewing my email count the total is 888, immediately I came to rush-collection's site to find the meaning. I don't doubt for one minute that it's a meaningless coincidence. Thank you rush-collection for providing clarification and insite. I welcome and appreciate the message my Angel(s) showed me! ��

  75. I saw this today! Also I'm commenter 111!

  76. This morning, 80% 8:08 888! READY TO BE FREE! 🤲🤲🤲🤲🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏💸💸💸💸💰💰💰💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💓 Thank you rush-collection thank you Angels!!!

  77. Today 3×888! READY TO Fly! 👉💖💖💖🙌🙌👐👐🙏🙏🤲🤲🤲 Thank you rush-collection thank you Angels !!🌊🌊⛱⛱🌴🌴🌊🌊

  78. 888! Thank you Angels Thank you rush-collection! 🤲🤲🙏🙏💸💸💖💖⛱🌴🌵🌊🌊🌊🤗😘😘😘💏

  79. I've been noticing 8888 and 888 more often the past month or so. Again, today a handful of times on licence plates... Something BEAUTIFUL, GREAT, BLESSING UPON BLESSINGS of great abundance of wealth and health have been coming and still on their way. Dear Universe, Angels - I am forever GRATEFUL! Thank you for continuing to look over, guide and BLESS ME daily 💕🙌🙏

  80. I've been noticing 8888 and 888 more often the past month or so. Again, today a handful of times on licence plates... Something BEAUTIFUL, GREAT, BLESSING UPON BLESSINGS of great abundance of wealth and health have been coming and still on their way. Dear Universe, Angels - I am forever GRATEFUL! Thank you for continuing to look over, guide and BLESS ME daily 💕🙌🙏

  81. I usually see 333 but recently I have been feeling like someone is pushing me towards a new life, a new beginning. I started seeing 888 everywhere lately and my grandfather just passed on 4-13-19 ( added together is 18, those added is 9, 9 is my life number) I feel as tho he is trying to help me fulfill my dreams. I like the number 8 now!! thanks for this!

  82. SHARP!!!
    I've just filed my resignation to a job a only just started couple of weeks ago.
    The first month was my probation period and I am forever grateful for it.
    The first week was super demoralising and discouraging on all levels, due to the mother being a bully.
    I made a pact to monitor, test and asses the situation over one more week.
    Yesterday was the end of that week.
    I came back home after 10h working day- tense and with an awful headache around my third eye chakra.
    I had some snack and went to bed at 21.21h, adamant to wake up and take the appropriate action.
    And so I woke up today, rested and revitalised just before 10am and prepared my Feedback & Resignation Notice Letter.
    I sent it to my Agent and received her immediate full support.
    That was all I needed.
    My next step was to file this same letter to the PA of the Family I'm employed by.
    It is done.
    I will not tolerate, nor allow anyone bully me under any and no circumstances.
    Money mean nothing without respect.
    My inner balance and well being are priceless.
    Precise configuration of a super productive Sunday, on any and all fronts.
    I will not compromise my integrity in order to get ahead!!!EVER. I SAID.
    Today was the end of an awful two weeks(I take it as a beautiful test - PASSED WITH THE HIGHEST OF GRADES) and the beginning of a new positive chapter.
    I deserve THE ABSOLUTE BEST. And I manifest it. And so it is.
    I am grateful.🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤

  83. I was 888 hours sober and I got this message after getting a job and a sponsor

  84. I am very grateful for all you know about the numbers when i was out today i could not believe the first numbers i saw were 888 then 11 then 555 then 999 then 1117 ..this is helping me so much as i am looking for a home for my feature film documentary & when i do find a home for it i hope to have a Red Carpet & would love to invite you it is getting out to many major studios i know it will take some time & i am not sure where you are in the world but i sure would like to mention to many people how much you have helped me during this time many blessings to you..i have always helped the world since i was little & i continue to do so thank you kindly.

  85. I just accidentally ran into this looking for something that has no relevance and wow. I was born 8/8/74 my mother was born on 8/27/49 and died on 8/24/04 my daughter 13 yr was born on 01/24/08. Wow

  86. I just accidentally ran into this looking for something that has no relevance and wow. I was born 8/8/74 my mother was born on 8/27/49 and died on 8/24/04 my daughter 13 yr was born on 01/24/08. Wow

  87. My birthday is 8/8/71 add the 7 and 1 you get 888 my 2 older daughter are 8 years apart, I tried to get pregnant with my so that my middle child and son would also be 8 years apart but unfortunately he was born 2 years later 💗

  88. I saw 8880 and came across here. Let's check back later to see what's going to happen for me
    Tranc Diva Kundalini

  89. My tarot said look out for triple eights and I was like where the hell I'm going to see 888, "where"
    But it happened and I wish I can screen shoot where I seen it, well I checked my balance on my bank card and yes people 888 was in my account on one of my bank cards out of somewhere,, thank you universe I believe in your power of healing and giving happiness, I thank you.

  90. I was driving down the street today and pulled up behind a car with the license plate 888222. I’m at a cross road in my life and am constantly seeing Angel numbers. One day I was stuck behind two slow moving white cars and both had 777 on their license plates. I’m looking for signs but don’t know the answers.

  91. Hi rush-collection! I've visited your site for years and wanted to comment today because the message with seeing 888 is so right on. I stopped at a traffic light today behind a car with 888 on its license plate. When I looked up the meaning, which I do often and mostly on your site, the message about winding up a relationship phase - so true! I'm also hoping that it signals financial/material abundance, but the other possible message regarding a relationship coming to a close is accurate... I take this as a validating nod from my guides/angels that it truly was time for this friendship to end. 💚
