Friday, January 27, 2012


Number 919 is a blend of the energies and attributes of number 9 and number 1, with number 9 appearing twice, doubling its influences. Number 9 relates to the Universal Spiritual Laws, sensitivity, a higher perspective and expansive viewpoint, influence, leading life as a positive example for others, non-conformity, benevolence and altruism, philanthropy and lightworking. Number 9 also denotes endings and conclusions. Number 1 relates to assertiveness, striving forward and new beginnings, inspiration, independence and uniqueness, motivation, action, positivity and achieving success. Number 1 tells us that we create our own reality and experiences with our thoughts and beliefs, and encourages us to step out of our comfort zone and step towards new directions and opportunities.  

Angel Number 919 brings a message from your angels that a situation or phase in your life has come to an end and a new door has opened for you as a result of your positive thoughts, intentions and actions. It is time for you to make some fresh starts and look forward to new beginnings in regards to the direction of your life and your lifestyle choices. Keep your mind-set positive and optimistic and your thoughts filled with love and light and make the most of these new opportunities. Walk your spiritual path with confidence and surety.  

Angel Number 919 encourages you to pay attention to your inner-visions, ideas and dreams as your dreams tell you what is really going on for you at that point in time. If you examine your values, beliefs and dreams in the context of who you truly are and where you are in your life, you may begin to recognize a shift. Once you align the values and beliefs of your dreams and your soul, you will find that the Universal Energies will work with you to turn your dreams to reality.

Angel Number 919 also suggests that your prayers are being answered and you have manifested all that you need in your life. Your true spirituality is coming to the fore and the angels are supporting and guiding you along your life path.

Angel Number 919 asks you to allow the 'old' to be released so it is able to be replaced with 'new'.

Number 919 relates to number 1 (9+1+9=19, 1+9=10, 1+0=1) and Angel Number 1.



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  1. What if this is also your birthday as it is mine? I have seen this as long as i can remember.

    1. I see this number almost daily! This is my birthday as well !!!

    2. My birthday too! My husband laughs at me because I see it everywhere, even when I glance at my clock or phone clock!!

    3. My birthday as well. I figured i noticed it often because it is my birthday. I see 444 A LOT also so when i researched the meaNing of 444 i Figured I'd check out 919. It makes perfect sense!

    4. Thank you so very very much for your hard work in this beautiful website. I probably come here 100 times a day. I love you so much. Keep following your path.

    5. 9-19 is my birthday too. 19 is my lucky number as well as favorite number, I was also in labor with my son for 19 hours and was in room #9 which is both odd and lucky at the same time. I have noticed lately that every time I look up at the clock it's 9:19. Starting to think something big is gonna happen? Idk. But its exciting! Just think of it as luck.

  2. Hi Jan, and thanks for your question which is quite a common one as I am finding more and more people emailing me everyday experiencing this same phenomenon.

    Your date of birth can appear and repeat to you at different times as a reminder of the reason why you are here at this time and in this place and space ... a reminder of your soul mission and the life purpose that you were born to fulfill.



    1. I have searched the Internet high and low about seeing everyones birthdates and have found nothing. I see my childrens bdays and my husbands all the time. But this morning I saw on the clock my ex-husband birthday(something I never see). Now I'm more curious than ever. What does that mean?

    2. Hi there! Just he thinking about you. Love your new life !good luck!!! $$$$

    3. Since this post I've been seeing my ex-husband numbers several times a week. It makes senses because it doesn't seem like he's moved on. Thank you and blessed be.

    4. This number comes up alot for me, it's my father's birthday who has been passed on since 2002, any ideas thank you

  3. Thank you, I agree but also disagree. I know Jehovah is showing us things in the Spirit. We need to be in tune with Him, and seek Him. I appreciate the councel you have given on my 'question'. Thank God He is alive and leading those who will listen. I read the Torah daily, to hear God's voice to me. Will you join me?

  4. Hi. Every time I look at the clock it says 9:19. I've been seeing it for years and years. Sometimes I won't see it for a while then I'll see it daily. Can you please help me understand what it means. Also when I had a miscarriage a couple of years ago the time on the ultrasound photo that confirmed the loss said 9:19. So since then I no longer see it as a good thing. Thanks from Deborah :)

    1. In your specific case, i see this as your baby saying hello and that they love you. So even if it is painful, I certainly see that as a good thing. that's just what i gather from it. Hope this brings you comfort.

  5. Everything a person does on a habitual or regular basis helps make up their unique lifestyle.

    lifestyle definition

  6. rush-collection,

    This number has been following me like crazy! I cannot express how grateful I am for this website - where would I be without these interpretations! Thank you for confirming that I am on the right track, and making the numerology guesswork a little easier for me.


  7. It is my birthdate too Jan and I also happen to look at the clock when it is that time, like Deborah. I had never thought to look at the meaning of the number until today a friend of mine dreamt the number and happened to share that with me, she did not even realise that was my birthdate. We always share dreams and I believe this was a message for me. She checked an angel book and got 919 = Devote your entire focus towards serving a spiritual purpose through your career. This and your page make alot of sense and are very timely. Thank you

  8. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and what you are to do and achieve in your lifetime.

    1. Thank you rush-collection
      This is my birthday as well. I appreciate the encouragement from spirit confirmed by you.
      I do believe i am to pursue a spiritual based career, still figuring out exactly how, but taking it one step at a time :)

    2. Hi All,
      My bday is also 9/19 and I see it all the time on the clock, as do my immediate family & close friends. People text me about it all the time, as they always seem to end up catching a glance @ the clock randomly at that time. Also Anonymous, as for pursuing a spiritual-based career or trying to attain one, I've found over much experience and also that pertaining to the potential traits of our particular shared birth date, that it's more about us having the innate gift of being able to bring our sense of spirituality to ANY career we choose or happen to already be engaged in and (hopefully) enjoy. A lot of our life journey is very wrapped up already in finding a career that sits well with our innate sense of spirituality and also fairness, I find; with 9/19 being Virgo/Libra cusp. People tend to focus on the Virgo angle of service being about service to others.. when the sense of service that is innate to Virgo is much more about being stable in loving service and compassion to oneself and serving ones talents so that one can then be of their truly best service in the greater world as a whole. Much of our path is already about recognizing and unlocking our gift in light and in spite of challenges, hurdles, let-downs, and defeats. Like Sisyphus, 9/19 seems to always be constantly facing the hike up some figurative mountain.. again.. BUT we are also the archetype who is able to keep on keepin' on thru any seeming hardships, and we also gain so much deep and engaging Soul evolution from so much experience. And all of that deep experience alters us to our core eventually, over our span of life. We become ripe with wisdom, and naturally embody our destiny. Which is to be the sages, who can lovingly guide all who seek this from us, using our rich life experiences as our foundation to draw from in the process. This is the destiny of all who share this date of birth, and in one way or another and using our innate will and gifts we always tend to find and fulfill it. It's usually seeking us out as well, if we can start to look at our own journey through the filter of knowing that's our ultimate destiny and so it's what;s going to make us happiest and most content as well. And with 9/19 bday it all ends up being about staying in the here and now and enjoying it fully while still being able to focus on our long game and our little light at the end of the tunnel, or calling us upward with its shine from the peak of our own proverbial mountain(s). If you want to check out more about being spiritually grounded, in ANY career, I highly recommend the book 'Work as a Spiritual Practice: A Practical Buddhist Approach to Inner Growth and Satisfaction on the Job' by Lewis Richmond. It's really been a great help to both myself and my father (who I couldn't help but share it with too) on our journey in that context. Best to you and be well all. Awesome to see and hear from so many 9/19ers, who see their number everywhere as well.. it's pretty amazing and magical :)

  9. Everyday I look at the clock, sometimes twice a day, and the time is 10:17 the month and day of my birthday (October 17, 1977)
    What is the meaning?

    1. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and
      focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at this time.

  10. What does it mean to release the "old".So it can be replaced with the new? A little confuse.

  11. feeling so good & confident about this .. im lol like popeye the sailor :)

  12. Hi I keep seeing time 818, 919, 1.10,11.10 .. my mumz in d hospital rite nw.have gone through 3major surgeries.. hope this is an indication of improving?? Im really scared of her health.. can someone plz help me wid noz plz

    1. Hi I hope you mom is ok :) usally when I see the numbers of 1's and 0's it means my tjoughts are manifesting very fast and they always do within days and I feel God and all his workers are very close to me working with me and helping me. Keep you thoughts very positive and try not to think of the negative for you dont want thet to manifest. However sometimes God does thing we dont want and I guess only he know why. But Usally almost everytime I see that combo of 1's & 0's I going through something major and it almost everytime comes out good from a bad situation alot of people always tell me I have the best luck but I know its not luck its from God and his angeld :) I usally never reply to anyones posts either but for some reason felt thr need to respond to yiurs. I hope everything is well with you and your mom :) prayers sent your way :) and much love and light to you and your family :)

  13. thanks to you im experiencing something divine, love. a real miracle just happend , i still cant believe that miracles do exist. now i believe in god and angels with all my heart and will never doubt their power and wisdom.

  14. I keep seeing my wife's birthdate 12/13 and also our anniversary 12/15. It Seems weird but I'm wondering what's up with randomly alwys seeming to notice these numbers appear as I check the clock at times. Takes?

  15. My birthday is also 12/13 and I've often see this on clocks, and have so for the past few years.

  16. Thank you rush-collection..these messages are very helpful

  17. ok - I think I am in shock. I see 919 all of time. It is the month & day of birth & see it whenever I ask for confirmation that someone is with me or when I am going through a rough time. I just googled, seeing birthdate repeatedly, & this exact page came up with my birthdate. I am not on my home pc & this pc does not have my birthdate anywhere. The message does resonate with what is going on in my life right now as well. I am between shocked & thankful emotions right about now.

    1. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at this time.
      It may acts as a prompt and/or validation as to your path.
      It is also validation that angels/spirit guides/passed over loved ones are with you.


  18. As I'm.reading this poof it's now 9:19 I'm seeing it daily and its also my ex fiance of 12yrs and two children's birthday... And we split on May 5th... Our daughter and me are devastated and praying and believing he's coming back to us. He's without a doubt my soul mate and I'm his. I've been very discouraged today... He went straight out of our relationship and within a month is now living and caring for this woman's children and not ours... I'm just beside myself... We spilt because he's a secretive addict and had started physically abusing us. I didn't know about our daughter being abused until the day after we moved. She felt safe enough to tell me at that point. Please any insight would be more than appreciated and welcomed. I use your site daily and thank you for all you do... Peace, Love and Light to you always...

    1. In your comment, you say,
      "He went straight out of our relationship and within a month is now living and caring for this woman's children and not ours... I'm just beside myself... We spilt because he's a secretive addict and had started physically abusing us. I didn't know about our daughter being abused until the day after we moved."

      My question: why on Earth would you want this man back in your life?

      Please heed the last line ..... The repeating number 919 ask you to allow the 'old' to be released so it is able to be replaced with 'new'.

      I wish you and your children a bright and happy future,


    2. Thank you and I'm doing just that... Love and Light to you and many thanks for your insight and the work you do...

  19. I keep seeing 12:13 for at least 10 years.Its not my birthday date either. I searched but never found nothing about it. Could you light me up on this please :) Thank you

  20. I keep seeing 12:13 for at least 10 years. Which is not my birthday date either. I searched but never found nothing about it. Could you light me up on this please Thank you :)

  21. Some one read a card for me and she see 919 she don't know what's mean
    Can you pls explain to me

  22. I too see 919 daily as if I am being warned or messaged. For what it is worth, 9mm ammunition is also known as 9x19 ie 9mm bullet width by 19mm overall case dimension. This round when invented in Germany was trademarked Parabellum which translates in Latin as "for war". I believe that it is a warning to prepare and arm myself with a 9mm handgun. Which I do.

    1. If you believe you need a gun then you need to do more research because when you're enlightened you'll figure out guns are not required. We as lightworkers are doing amazing things around the globe and a near future guns will be a thing of the past. The world is being repaved and humanity as a whole is evolving into a more loving species. You must have faith that you can walk this life happy without carrying a weapon. I believe in the law of attraction and carrying around a weapon is opening up the possibility for you actually be attacked ;)

      I love you have a wonderful day!

  23. What if I see 616 everywhere. Everyday. And it's my ex boyfriend's birthday?

  24. I felt the feeling of release,then i suddenly looked at the time "919". Its like my intuition telling thats my sign, in my heading;i said, "i hope this is a good sign". After reading its meaning it felt like i just woke up from a coma.. Thanks for the meaningful message

  25. I've been in an abusive marriage for 6 years. We have a 3 year old son and he is the only reason I've stayed with him, even tho I know that isn't really a ''reason'', but he is good to our son and our son loves him. Lately I've been thinking about leaving. taking my son with me and leaving. I've had enough.
    I've met a wonderful man. We haven't done anything, he didnt ask that of me. We didn't even kiss, but the way he treats me....It's different. And I do not want to leave because I've met someone. I want to leave him because I do not know who I am anymore. I've lost myself. I used to be a happy woman. Now I am an insecure shadow of whom I used to be.
    I've been seeing 919 in my dreams often. I think I am making a right choice. My heart says so.

    1. Do what you know is right for you. You have learned many lessons and it is now time to reclaim your power and follow your heart, wherever it takes you. You can do it.

    2. Please consider following your intuition. I am fond of making the big decisions in life with my heart, the little ones with my head. Wishing you much love, health & happiness!

  26. So I'm finding myself. I started noticing number patterns at 33. Right now I'm angelically guided many numbers but also light and illumination angelic realms. They also appear in pictures different shapes and forms. I feel compelled to take a picture and they appear. I'm truely blessed and doing my best to be a light to others. Its what I was born to do!

  27. Hallo my name is flora and I m from the Netherland. At first I won't to thank u for the beautiful engels site. Second thing is I have a dream abouth 3271944 I don'thave any ideas what that means pleas help.

  28. I've been seeing "919" in many, many places for the last handful of retrospect, this began shortly after I first met my Queen and accelerated following a statement of my intent to Pachamama while in the Peruvian Andes. It's occurred so many times and in conspicuous ways that I was compelled to look into it. And that number has appeared in another meaningful way...not planned by me, rather by the Universe! We were married on 9/19 -- eloped rather suddenly, for a few reasons. I am so lucky to find her, and it feels like Kismet. Reading about these numbers, the story of my life since seeing "919" falls right in line with the power of the numbers and their energy. It's uncanny. Thank you for putting together this resource!

  29. Dear rush-collection, I love this site and have been using it daily for the last 6 months, just beautiful, always the right information and guidance at the right time. Thank you so much for sharing your gift and knowledge from the Angels and all that is. I'm coming close now to ending aand starting a new fase in my life, I look forward to sending you a donation as soon I have the proceeds from the sale of this property. You have been an incredibly uplifting part of my life and many times I have been close to tears when I read the response to the numbers when I check to see their meaning.
    Love and blessings to you xo

  30. received flowers on the box just said 9/19/206. was getting in the van to leave work and he came out of no where with a small cup of coffee gestured it was for me I waited til he got to the window. I asked him to please stay until I was able to get to him where he was. said again please just stay. then I woke up. He never spoke verbally to me. I never took the coffee he had either. (coffee cup looked more like a soup bowl)

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Hello rush-collection, I had a really weird dream about two snakes. one is evil and invisible and the other was good. In my dream I was sleeping and suddenly woke up seeing two snakes in my room. And I don't remember much but the good snake helped me find the invisible evil snake. When I found it I started screaming cuz I dont know what to do..Suddenly my roommate came downstairs in my room and killed both the snakes. Even the good one who helped me :(
    I can't stop thinking about it. It's been days. Do you have any idea why this kind of dreams? Back home they believe it's not good to have dreams of snake. :| Thanks in advance.

  33. Snakes can represent friends who are restricting or taking your personal freedom. Are you making your own choices? I also read that it might be kundalini awakening, ancient knowledge is activating in you. Snakes are usually good. Snakes represent healing too.

  34. Always and forever grateful !!!
    Thank you rush-collection !!! THANK YOU ANGELS !!! ♡♡♡

  35. rush-collection or anyone. Many times I encounter numbers which, as I read about them, remind me of the journey of my twin flame, who is an angelic soul with a very oppressed life. Our spiritual connection is profound even though he is 5K miles from me. How might I be able to tell if I am seeing numbers on his behalf? Anyone?

  36. Hi, I have a question. Does this number have relation to what you may be going through in life? And serve as a guide to point you in the right direction? I'm at a point where I feel as it describes. I've been going through a rough patch in my relationship and That's when this number appears most when I think about matters regarding that and my visions in life.

  37. @MeMe
    Oh my God!!!
    You have just been saved from an awful ordeal!!!Please do listen to rush-collection!!!
    Remember always : Everything happens for a reason and nothing happens by chance!!!
    Stay safe !!!
    Love and Light to you and your family !!! ♡♡♡

  38. What an awesome message & as always on point !!!
    Yes indeed I'm feeling the shift & how !!!
    It's absolutely amazing !!!
    We all got the power within us to steer our life in the right direction !!!
    Patience,determination,persistence, love and strenght are required!!!
    Stay blessed people, as we all are !!!
    Thank you Angels & thank you rush-collection !!!
    Always and forever grateful !!!
    Health,Love,peace and Light to all !!!
    Be and stay free,peaceful and happy !!! ♡♡♡

  39. I was born on 17 of October 1979
    What does that mean to me?

  40. I consistently see the number pattern xyx - the numbers change, seldom see the same numbers repeatedly, but do see the pattern repeatedly. HOWEVER, for the last two days I've seen 919 twice (on the clock - 919 last time I looked at the clock last night and 919 the first time I paid attention to the time this morning - and tomorrow is 9/19. Any suggestions regarding the significance of the pattern - and possibly more significance re: 919? I do thank you!!

  41. Hey,
    So I've been seeing this number a lot especially when I'm in difficult times with my girlfriend. We have had issues for sometime now and we've always tried to make it work. I see it when she calls, texts or even on number plates the time she calls me. This 919 in particular. What could it mean? That my time with her is over ? And I should move on allowing the new?

  42. This happend to me but a love one thats passed away 4 years ago. In my dream i was going to meet him but it lookes like he didnt want to be seen by my two older brothers but my dad wanted to see me but since my brothers were there my dad couldn't show up. Then i look out a window and tell god and my dad to give me a sign of what time he want to meet up again where no one he said 9:19 and that was my dream

  43. This happend to me but a love one thats passed away 4 years ago. In my dream i was going to meet him but it lookes like he didnt want to be seen by my two older brothers but my dad wanted to see me but since my brothers were there my dad couldn't show up. Then i look out a window and tell god and my dad to give me a sign of what time he want to meet up again where no one he said 9:19 and that was my dream

  44. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’›πŸ’›

  45. Thank you and blessings to you. Love&Light.

  46. I release the past and be open and receptive to the next level. I trust that you are taking very good care of me and I put myself into your hands. Thank you for your help ❤️

  47. Any thoughts on what it means to see 3:13, 6:16 and 9:19?

    1. Same here... Ive came to the conclusion it have alot to do with a person spirituality, meaning finding and listening to your higher self... I believe each angel number have a deeper meaning beyond Joanna beautiful messages

  48. Amen praise God hallelujah thank you Jesus and to all my loving Angels

  49. Thank you rush-collection thank you Angels! Amazing Grace!πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ€²πŸ€²πŸ€²πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸŒŠπŸŒŠπŸŒŠπŸŒžπŸŒžπŸŒž⚘

  50. 919! Thank you Angels Thank you rush-collection!READY FOR THE GREATEST SHIFT! πŸ™πŸ™πŸ€²πŸ€²πŸŽπŸŽπŸ›ΈπŸ›ΈπŸ›³πŸ›³πŸŽ’πŸŽ’πŸŽ‘πŸŽ‘πŸŽ°πŸŽ°πŸŽ°πŸ’“πŸ’ΈπŸ’ΈπŸ’°πŸ’°πŸžπŸž

  51. Amen praise the Lord oh my soul

  52. Thank you Jesus love you lord and to my loving angels amen hallelujah

  53. Is it common to see 818 and 919 as well as 33 all at the exact same time? All three appeared on my phone at once. It was a crazy synchronicity. I'm not sure what it means.

  54. 9-19 is my birthday also. I have been seeing 9:19 on the clock a lot recently. I take it as a good omen.I was in labor with my son for 19 hrs he had 19cm of fluid around him and I was in room 9. Very weird and cool at the same time. I have only recently been seeing 9:19 on the clock almost every night. I like to think something amazing is about to happen. At least I'd like to think so. Shout out to all 9-19-87 babies.

  55. My dad passed away 10.30.2016 and his birthday was 9.19. I have been seeing 9:19 on my phone every day.. I also catch 11:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, and 5:55. I'm not sure why I catch these all almost daily. I cant figure out what they are trying to tell me.

    1. I was born 9/19 at 9:19 I weighed 9lbs and was 19in long. I feel like a prisoner of this sequence. Everytime I see 919 something horrible happens. I also see all these tripple numbers almost everyday. As well as 10:10, 11:11, and 12:12. I don't understand why bad things always happen when i see 919

  56. Phenomenal numbers ,111,212,313,414,515,616 717,818 and save the best for last 919..I definitely know attaining our goals and dreams are INFINITE. #1Fan Angels

  57. Thabk you so much rush-collection πŸ’•❤

  58. Angel numbers are legit, ive been seeing them since i met my twin flame, there are so many i see on a daily basis and its almost overwhelming,

  59. rush-collection! Thank you for your light work!!! I started seeing numbers about 6 years ago and they felt so profound, I thought I was losing my mind. I decided to search the internet and found your site, one of few, and have faithfully returned to your explanations when I see numbers. My grandchildren are now seeing numbers! I believe them to be positive affirmations, a self check and full of light. God Bless You for making this information available over the years!

  60. I was born 09-19-1990, I’ve come to understand I have a karmic debt of 19 also

  61. To all love one another and never give in just when you think you can’t do it anymore keep pushing forward. Here is my gift to everyone I will stay and do what I was called here to do and I won’t give up until I complete my task.

  62. Thank you...Love and light to all!!! πŸŽΆπŸ˜‡πŸ™πŸ₯°πŸ’–

  63. What an amazing and thoughtful definition for 919

  64. Lovely gift of knowledge

  65. Confirmation... I keep seeing 9:19 often when I check the time and it is also the area code for my youngest daughter phone number

  66. Thank you. Message heard. Many blessings.

  67. I keep seeing 919 717 16 31 43 222 13 33 444 what does it all mean confused is an understatement now.
