Friday, January 27, 2012


Number 918 is a mix of the energies and attributes of number 9 and number 1, and the vibrations of number 8. Number 9 relates to the Universal Spiritual Laws, sensitivity, a higher perspective and expansive viewpoint, influence, leading life as a positive example for others, non-conformity, benevolence and altruism, philanthropy and lightworking. Number 9 also denotes endings and conclusions. Number 1 relates to creation and new beginnings, progress, inspiration and intuition, striving forward, uniqueness and individuality, motivation and progress, creating our own realities and stepping out of our comfort zones. Number 8 relates to self-reliance, reality, manifesting wealth and positive abundance, self-confidence, discernment and good judgement, achievement, giving and receiving, philanthropy and serving humanity, and karma; the Universal Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect.  

Angel Number 918 suggests that your desired results and outcomes will be realized as you continue to live and serve your soul purpose and serve humanity to the best of your abilities. Trust that you have the skills and talents needed to accomplish your lightworking destiny. Due to your determination, focus and persistence with living your spiritual truths and values, you can look forward to new opportunities, positive changes and a steady supply of abundance and prosperity to enter your life.

Embrace your own uniqueness and self-worth, as when you do not feel worthy it blocks the flow of energy that manifests and brings you the best for your life. When you are true to yourself and allow your unique gifts to come to the fore, you connect with the flow of the Universe. Be you, as only you can be.

Angel Number 918 also encourages you to expand your personal spirituality and spiritual pursuits, and if you feel the inclination to begin or expand a spiritually-based practice, career or profession or heart-based service or project, Angel Number 918 indicates that now is an auspicious time to do so. 

Number 918 relates to number 9 (9+1+8=18, 1+8=9) and Angel Number 9.



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  1. I was driving and I saw a license plate with the numbers 999918. I don't know why but I was drawn to it and felt it was significant to me. The next day, I looked it up on this website. First, I read the meaning for 999, then I read the meaning for 918. Just as I finished reading, I glanced at the clock and it read 9:18 a.m. It does seem very auspicious!

  2. I noticed that I even posted this on Sept. 18th. Again, 9/18 crazy!

  3. Every time I look at the clock it is 9:18 whether am or pm & this has been happening for quite some time???

  4. It's my birthday, sept 18 1986. My first name was Angle but change later to a middle name. I see thes numbers constantly.

    1. Wow. My birthday is also on 9/18 and my middle name is Angel. I see 9:18 all the time.

    2. Almost my birthday.. And see 9:18 a lot

  5. This is my date of birth but I see these numbers constantly on TV, the alarm clock, and the computer at work and at home.

  6. I've seen that number everywhere time, plates, TV you name it, and another example on the first matrix neo alarm clock goes off at 918 who sets an alarm for that time!!

  7. I've seen that number everywhere time, plates, TV you name it, and another example on the first matrix neo alarm clock goes off at 918 who sets an alarm for that time!!

  8. I always have had these numbers with me. Then my first daughter was born on 9/18 and I see it all the time, it's so freaky!

  9. I always have had these numbers with me. Then my first daughter was born on 9/18 and I see it all the time, it's so freaky!

  10. I've been seeing 918 everywhere, clocks - text messages - plates - videos ending - you name it, some days 15-20 times, it started 8/9 years ago with 420 then 911 & 611- which still appear in cycles..

    1. Omg I see 918, then sometimes 420 & sometimes 911 too in cycles. I’m desperate to know what it means

    2. My house # is life path # is 9. At the bottom of article says it relates to angel # 9. AND I was just told I am a lightworker AND contemplating this for my life's work. Numerology is fascinating to me

  11. I see 918 a lot and it is also my birthday I have three different friends that have been talking to guys that also share the same birthday 9/18 as me and I also have attracted someone that has the same 9/18 birthday what does this mean ?

  12. Me too I see this number all the time it's also my birthday 9/18

  13. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at this time.
    It may act as a prompt and/or validation as to your path.
    It can also be validation that angels/spirit guides/passed over loved ones are with you.


    1. Hello rush-collection, I've been getting a lot of angel numbers. How can I reach you to have a personal reading/interpretation.


  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. rush-collection, Thankyou for your inspirational website!!! I am so grateful for being "sent" here over a year ago now! I have used your site many times. 9/18 is also my birthday and I have seen it many times in my life with acceleration in the last year. I decided to finally check this sequence only to see that you provided a commentary only four days ago... Thankyou for your beautiful interpretation <3 serendipity and universal love weaving a beautiful thread...

  16. My birth date is 9/18/1989, I am a #lightworker, going for my level 3 reiki attunement soon, and I have been seeing 9/18 at least 3 times a day! Thank you very much rush-collection!! I was sent to you 3 years ago and you have expanded my numerology knowledge immensely!! Much love and many blessings ��

  17. For a long time i've also seen this number in various situations... and whenever i see it something very important happens in my life. Like my destiny is bound to this....

  18. Grateful for every reminder! ❤🙏🎈

  19. New update for my synchronicity with the numbers 918, my beautiful daughter is getting married on 9-9-18. Nikola Tesla had a fascination with the numbers 3,6,and 9 but especially with the number 9. :)

  20. I was born sept 18,1980 its 9-9-9
    Every time I saw my phone the time is 9:18 am and pm

  21. My dog Angel died on 918, she was 9 months old when we found her, and she was 18 when she died, she also died at 9:18 pm of cancer. She was a very sweet pittie (pit bull)
    , and would never bite or growl at something unless they were trying to harm her or us.

  22. I’m thankful I’ve read all these comments. My birthday is 9/18/1998 and for years I’ve been seeing this number on everything. And I mean everything AM or PM, plates, random times even if I ask what time it is. My mother also abandoned me on my 18th birthday. Every year around my birthday my life changes dramatically. In the Bible, jesus’s Death is 19:18, I this found this yesterday on my mother’s birthday which had led me to looking up angel numbers. I had a best friend growing up who shared my birthday and I have a manager now who has my birthday. If you believe in karma or paganism, they are ruled by the number 3. (Everything you give out returns in 3’s) and 918 being multiples of 3. Mind body and soul. The lord the son and the Holy Spirit. Heaven, hell, and earth. I could go on and on but this was as helpful and an oddly timed message just like the rest.

  23. Praise God hallelujah thank you Jesus and to my loving angels

  24. My birthday is also 9/18 and I have seen this number constantly for the last 3 days. I went to the store and my total was 9.18. Every time I have looked at the clock it was 9:18 am or pm.

  25. I had a dream last night and I saw two digital clocks sitting next to eachother and they both said 9:18. In my dream the night before, it was of my grandparents in their old home together, whom are very religious - ive recently started going to church and every sunday I feel like the message is meant for me to hear. I just spoke with my husband a couple nights ago about how I feel the need to serve in church and do more than jist going on Sundays... we're really getting involved and this is very very settling to come across (i look up every dream that I remember every single morning.. a bit obsessed I guess) ������

  26. Love it, my wish was 9 for the novena. But I had 2 wishes, one for humanity and one for me so I prayed 18 hail Mary's

  27. My son was born 9/18 he was still born. For the past two years I’ve seen 9:18 on license plates, but more so in the time I’ll glance at the clock and it will be either. 9:18am/ or pm. I feel like he’s giving me a little sign.

  28. Grateful.. Thank you Angel Number 918 .
