Friday, January 27, 2012


Number 922 is a combination of the energies and vibrations of number 9 and number 2, with number 2 appearing twice, magnifying its influences. Number 9 denotes endings and conclusions and relates to the Universal Spiritual Laws, a higher perspective and expansive viewpoint, strength of character, non-conformity, the concept of karma, leadership and leading life as a positive example for others, altruism, humanitarianism and lightworking. Number 2 is associated with balance, harmony, duality, peace, adaptability, service to others, diplomacy, receptivity and love, charm, understanding others, mediation and co-operation, consideration, faith and trust, your life purpose, support and encouragement.

Angel Number 922 brings a message from the angels that you are being supported and guided as it is now an important time of manifestation. Keep your thoughts on your highest spiritual goals and aspirations in order to manifest all that you require along your path. Maintain faith and trust in yourself and the Universal Energies as you fulfill your life mission and soul purpose.

Angel Number 922 reminds you that true strength lies within you and you are able to call upon it at any time. Be clear about what you want, have the necessary determination and confidence within, then work diligently towards your goals. Success follows when you have self-belief and happens when your personal vibration resonates with the energies and vibrations of your desired outcome/s. You have the power to choose whether you use your skills, abilities and talents, or let them go to waste. Always choose to use them as you have them for a purpose. Be your true self and allow yourself to show your true colours and shine your light.

Angel Number 922 also suggests that if you have misplaced or lost something in your life recently, the Universe is manifesting something better to replace it with.

Number 922 relates to number 4 (9+2+2=13, 1+3=4) and Angel Number 4.



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  1. Hello I've been reading your numbers meanings for some time now trying to understand some things in life I just have a question why do you refer to the angels but to rely on yourself and not on God ? Or don't mention God or Jesus Christ?

    1. There is a God , the point is that angels are sent to serve us humans to remind us of our spiritual side , that this is only our physical world for now , until it'll be time for some of us to leave this earth so learn how to not get attach to this physical world or else you will never wake up , angels show us the light and guide us to our soul mission on this earth to remind all of us that we all are spiritual beings with a physical vesceau and all the answers are within us to just ask and they will show us the way , that's how they communicate with us through those frequencies so listen carefully cause you've ask for answers by praying . Angels can't help you even if they really wanted to do so if they weren't invited into your life so make sure to stay positive , its your own army and your ascenders masters all together who fights on your side every day in the spiritual world we all come from , if they weren't there to protect and love us humans and show us how to love each other , we all would of had been lost by now each of one of us , so we have to carefully listen to thier messages as they are communicating to us how to be prepare for Christ return as we get closer into the end of times , all the signs are around us we just have to see them spiritually not physically .

    2. Thank you for that answer and question sychnocity as I was just thinking it as I read the page... Peace be with you

    3. Because everyone doesn't believe in the tooth fairy so as a courtesy i believe she leaves it there.

    4. Angels is just an other word for Guides or Spirits... the terms are interchangeable. There is A SOURCE of All Things. A God. But we corrupt the pure message of love with our fear and hatred.
      These Angel Numbers are a guide to Numerology. Wiccan. Christian. Muslim. Buddhist. ...
      All things are connected.

    5. Angels is just an other word for Guides or Spirits... the terms are interchangeable. There is A SOURCE of All Things. A God. But we corrupt the pure message of love with our fear and hatred.
      These Angel Numbers are a guide to Numerology. Wiccan. Christian. Muslim. Buddhist. ...
      All things are connected.

    6. The archangels are the highest parts of God. They have been mentioned across different religions. They ARE GOD. AS ARE WE. If he is the all creator, this message is directly from them. This knowing is. .. As Buddha wpuld say, it nust is. And Jesus laughs and says, pnce you realize that you are me, you will execute the plan i so lovingly left for you.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. Angels were not really meant to serve humanity. They are our fellow worshippers with our brothers and sisters. Second, Angels are not meant to be worshipped. You should worship God alone. Worship must be given to God alone. Angel numbers are not to dictate on what you should do on your life but it is just an advice from angels.

    9. Angels work with the God within you

    10. Hi Nikkija
      From my experience the angels are the messengers from as he it not allowed by universal law to intervene. So we are all set up with angels and can call on as many as we like because they all want to help. We have free will so unless we call on them they sit and wait. And relying on yourself is them trying to let you know you have the power inside and you always have but haven't learned how to tap into it. The most inportant part of it is belief in it because if you don't believe it is you choosing your free will to close your mind. An example is someone saying hypnotherapy is fake and using thier free will to block it. If you close your mind to something it is your free will to do so and nothing will happen. Keep an open mind and believe in yourself you have the power we all do

  2. Good question nikkija.Though I like this positive page.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I Wonder Why This One Was Deleted But The Message That You Left Back In 2014 That You Can Not Comment on Still Is Very Much True & Here We Are In 2018 Nd This Is So REAL FOR ME NOW. Nd I Wanted To Share That Here Because 2 Is The Middle Number Of My Birthday It’s 323 SO MUCH LOVE & LIGHT TO YOU ��✨����

    2. This sounds like the story of My Life in a lot of cases anyways long story short I want to say that that is weird because I don't take the time to read comments that often like if ever you go and I just happened to stop at yours and then I see the number 323 you commented that's your birthday so March 23rd if you don't mind me asking what year was you born?? But what is very strange is that number popped up a few times today physically in my reality and I haven't looked it up yet but now I'm going to thank you for reminding me unintentionally! Have a blessed evening rest of the year and amazing life. For your highest good & plzzzz please please. NEVER EVER FORGET THAT WHEN YOU SAY FOR YOUR HIGHEST GOOD FOR YOUR OWN HIGHEST GOOD, TO ALWAYS INCLUDE AND ADD TO THAT AND FOR THE HIGHEST GOOD OF ALL! AND SOMETIMES IT'S NICE I LIKE TO ADD MAY THIS HAPPEN OR UNFOLD WITHOUT HARM COMING TO ANY OR WITH HARM TO NONE SAME DIFFERENCE!!....


  4. Hello everyone....when we let go of the old...something better comes in.Do you think it is possible that like me I let go of rejecting a lover within me...and then I let go of rejecting and start to get ready for the ideal lover of my soul to come in.Is there always that special someone out there for us?I love him like he's an aspect of my soul.

  5. I have secured 922 marks in my final year examination of electronics and telecommunication engineering

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Praise the Lord. Thank you God. :-)

  8. Help yourself and God will help you - this is a Hungarian saying and I think this is very true. Nevertheless, we do believe in God, however I often feel I would only "bother" Him with major problems. Just like in a company �� Minor things with office managers, major things with the CEO..

    1. God is a she and she is the black void called the universe. She is the conscious mind and hears, speaks, and knows nothing evil. So whatever it be we put out there in thought action or speech is what it is e get back because she only knows what we are wanting needing as she thinks it is unconditional love that we are. She has no evil or hate only pure love. We must love our own self and work with angels she don't know you yet. Know you wake the human mind to our soul. Mind sees soul soul knows must treat and love the heart to become whole, in mind body spirit. That is when we are known to god. Until then we are just a thought or words thrown around and that's what we attract because that's what she knows.

  9. Thank you
    Is my birth date but I tend to always see it on my clock day and night, trying my best to fully awaken!
    Any advice will be greatly appreciated
    You answered a lot of doubts!

  10. I've used your website for years and thank you for the dedication to your work. I know I have a strong connection to the other side, I've just lost my mother recently and this number and meaning truly helped me know there is a greater meaning and blessings for even the worst of situations. And for those experiencing pain or deep depression I just want you to know you can clear your mind and let your spirit open to the light.

  11. I've used your website for years and thank you for the dedication to your work. I know I have a strong connection to the other side, I've just lost my mother recently and this number and meaning truly helped me know there is a greater meaning and blessings for even the worst of situations. And for those experiencing pain or deep depression I just want you to know you can clear your mind and let your spirit open to the light.

    1. Thank you so much for that I know it wasn't a whole lot of words but they were perfectly said and I know it really hurts loosen your mama I lost mine a couple years ago and Tom doesn't heal at all we just learned how to manage it better I haven't even fully grieved I don't even think I began to grief because trying to be a mom to my two kids for 5 years raising them on my own I felt like I had to kind of choke it down and it was more unhealthy than anything because now I'm going on a year without them in my custody and legally I'm trying to get them back but it hurts more on top of losing my mom so I need to focus on everything to do to get them back in my care I miss them so much! God bless you and I'm sure your mom is right there all the time she probably became one of your guardian angels like mine did with me and my most of my family

  12. When you say lost something. Could it be anything? Even of a humanbeing? Basically can it apply to anything?

  13. Each one, as a good manager of God's, must use for the good of others thebspecial gift he has received from God. 1 Peter 4:10

  14. Immensely blessed and grateful always and forever grateful!!!A much needed message!!! So on point !!! Thank you Angels and thank you rush-collection!!!
    Love,peace and Light to All!!!
    Stay blessed people & always be string,don't give up ,no matter what!!! ♡♡♡♡♡

  15. I will always choose to put my abilities to great use!!!
    They are given to me for a purpose & I will use them wisely!!!

    Love ,peace and Light to All!!!♡♡♡

  16. I am waiting for true love of my life who can be my best friend and who can stand with me in every walk of my life. I have been always alone in my family..that love and emotional support was always missing.Only money , job & top degree were valued. I had gone through so much. Friends always used me. And relationship cheated and I trust almighty and angels,archangels,ascended masters and universe along with mother earth and mother nature. I am OK with me but still miss someone. We want one person so that we can believe goodness still present becoz when we are given grief just becoz we are good and people said these words then we need someone to prove that.

  17. I just lost my retainers the other day so maybe they'll show up? Lol

  18. I saw this number and many that were talking about a loss.
    At that time,at the end of August, 2017,just a day after my Birthday and couple of days before her own Birthday, ended her own life my landlord's only daughter.... Very ,very sad and challenging times for her family, friends and my self.
    May her soul rest in peace. Heaven has gained another Angel and I know her spirit is around her closest ones at all times. Amen.🙏
    Worry and Fear not. I AM HERE IN THE NOW.GRATEFUL & BLESSED.

  19. My life is a messssss I’ve been seeing this number frontwards and backwards 229 and 922 so I’m guessing my mess of life will be replaced with a better one 😅

  20. The plan of salvation is found in Acts 2:38. Jesus gave the Apostle Peter the keys to the kingdom and that's what he said to do. A great church to look into are the Apostolic Pentecostal churches that follow the Apostolic doctine.

  21. Thank you so much rush-collection

  22. I'm praying for a Tremendous Recovery. 9/22/22 .. Expecting New Beginnings moving foward. Thank you Angels !!!

  23. Thank you!!! I’m ready now!! Amen 🙏
