Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Number 909 is the combination of the vibrations and energies of number 9 appearing twice, amplifying its influences, and the attributes of number 0. Number 9 is the number of lightworking and service to humanity, philanthropy and benevolence, duty and calling, leading by positive example, sensitivity and strength of character, non-conformity and idealism. Number 9 also relates to the Universal Spiritual Laws, and endings and conclusions. Number 0 represents the Universal Energies, the beginning of a spiritual journey and stands for potential and/or choice, developing spiritual aspects, eternity and infinity, oneness and wholeness, continuing cycles and flow, and the beginning point. Number 0 powerfully amplifies the energies of the numbers it appears with. 

Angel Number 909 suggests that your angels are telling you that even though a part of your life may have been altered, halted or changed, things will ultimately turn out for the best, like a 'blessing in disguise'.

Angel Number 909 brings a message from your angels that the Universal source fully supports your soul mission. Listen to your intuition as your angels are constantly with you and you can turn to them for Divine guidance and support whenever you feel the need.

If you are feeling inclined to pursue a spiritually-based practice, career and/or profession, heart-based service and/or an uplifting hobby or pastime, now is a most auspicious time to look to your options. As a lightworker your responsibility is to empower, inspire, enlighten and strengthen others, and encourage them to be responsible for their own choices and actions.

Angel Number 909 encourages you to follow your gut instincts and listen to your intuition. Your intuition brings you inspiration, guidance, visions and ideas to ponder and pursue that are intended to guide you in the direction of your highest good. Be in touch with your intuition as this is your inner-guidance system. Your inner-guidance system speaks directly to you through all of your senses, allowing you to make positive choices for your life in every moment.

Number 909 relates to number 9 (9+0+9=18, 1+8=9) and Angel Number 9.


  1. woww! U just made my day...joane! Its an answer 2 my question! thank u! :)

    1. Exactly! Same here!

    2. Yup ! Same here

    3. My son passed away on August 20, 2015 He was 27 years old.
      909 is his angel number. I got this message on my cell phone....
      Lol...look 909 I didn't know what it meant until I Googled 909. I know that he sent me this message.

    4. My son passed away on August 20, 2015 He was 27 years old.
      909 is his angel number. I got this message on my cell phone....
      Lol...look 909 I didn't know what it meant until I Googled 909. I know that he sent me this message.

    5. Thank you rush-collection i always look at your messages when i see matching and really helps and guides me:)

    6. Wow, my condolences for your lost. It's crazy because I was thinking of my Uncle who had passed, I had caught the number 909, saw this site. I glared past your message until my eyes caught focused and I realized today was August 20th, 2021.

    7. My Older Son took his life nearly five yearsago...the decision to move with the next level of mourned grief began when deciding to Celebrate Life and Holidays differently than I have ever not known how to do. He is missed beyond Measure...he was barely 28πŸŽ‰....the truth in saying and living the 'Life goes on' conceptuation is difficult at Best as a blessed living Example is now the shade of Black~ish shade of the color 909.🧑🐲❤️‍🩹

  2. Thank you... for all the beautiful messages.

  3. I felt that there was a meaning, and I'm glad I found this post, Thank you!!! Things are becoming more clear now, AMEN!!!

  4. Thank you all plus my beloved angles. pce & love

    1. What a beautiful message really made my day thank you happy healing vibes to all x

  5. Thank you rush-collection, a friend led me to your site after I starting seeing repeating numbers. I was also smelling cigarette smoke, which made me think of my mom a heavy smoker. I hadn't seen her in 25 years, after she remarried. Two weeks later I received a call that she was on a respirator in the hospital. I saw her for the last time before she passed. Since then she has visited me many times and at times in a dramatic fashion, (leaving a mothers day card my daughter made me years earlier along with her funeral announcements on the floor besides my bed).

    Also my mother was a victim of domestic violence which we had investigated after she passed.
    Thank you for providing me with the information that I needed to recognize that my mother needed me and to go to her before she passed.

  6. Most of the time I look at the clock on my phone I see repititive numbers like 1.11 1717 1010 0909 222 4.44...but I am a simple housewife whose only purpose is to look after my home and child...I am not doing any other work so what could these repititive numbera mean for me??

    1. That's how I feel

    2. It's not just repetitive numbers, it's numbers that you keep seeing at the time you need the message. Say you look at the time one night at 8:08pm, first time you notice it, it doesn't mean much to you. However when you start seeing that number again and again over the next few days or week, it's clear that the number has a significance to your life. These numbers are a universal language that angels use to communicate with us. All angel number meanings are relatable to everyone, as they relate to life in general. I believe you are more than just a housewife, your a mother, sister, divine feminine spirit, friend and role model. Give yourself credit where it due ❤

  7. A 'simple housewife' ...
    There is nothing simple about being a housewife ... and there is great honour (in fact one of the highest honours) to be responsible for the care, nurturing and raising of a child. Your purpose therefore is to raise your child to the best of your abilities, love and take care of your home and family ... and in doing so, setting positive examples for all around you, and spreading pure love in what you do.

    Sounds like a pretty important purpose and work to me ... and the angels encourage and support you.



    1. Thank you rush-collection! This is something that has been looked down upon for a couple of generations now, but is the most important work there is, in my humble opinion. Allowing and nourishing a child to develop and grow into a loving human being could not be surpassed by any other achievement.

    2. I agree. Some people disrecard this work completely. Children are the most wonderful beings, full of life, positivity, happy and seeing things "pure" raising a child is a blessing

    3. So True rush-collection it is a blessing to be a mum.. I am a mum of 3 wonderful kids whom I love and have so much gratitude for ..unfortunately.. I had a rough up bringing in care which affected me alot growing up.. long story.. my two now.. young adult girls lived with their dad because I felt I wasn't a good enough mum and for varying reasons then.. but my kids have never stopped loving me and always tell me so..we have a great relationship.. same as my boy who has always lived with me.. my kids love each other very much and iam so proud of them for who they are.. they each have their own connection with me.. like i saw my boy in a dream just before he was born.. we met each other before he was born.. my girls are veru spiritual beings and have chosen careers as coaches of health working with kids..my boy still at school but I always show him he can be and do what feels right to him all my kids are empaths.. same as me.. I have always been on this spiritual journey I'm proud to be a housewife and a working mum.. but I know that I have more to give to others and I already fulfilled alot of my dreams I can be who I want to be.. although I had a rough beginnings I wouldn't be the person iam.. I'm looking forward to making more dreams come true.. Thanks for listening to my thoughts.. your so right ..The Girl.. should be proud of who and what she's doing as a house wife... and just loving them..is even enough..

    4. Perfectly spoken,rush-collection!

  8. Hello rush-collection,
    My name is Bernard and I'm a college student in my last semester. I honestly never cared to go to college. Lately I've seen a lot of signs: 11:11 12:12 12:21 13:31 15:15 16:16 21:12 00:00. I will see all these numbers and then come to your site. Right now I'm living on a friend's couch while I finish the semester. Money problems are coming at me left and right. My birthday is 03/06/1990 so I'm an 28/10 & I'm constantly trying to find out how to overcome these situations and what are my angels telling me. I love writing, math helping others, I feel so strong but I'm so confused. Any advice?

  9. Also I believe I can heal others because people come to me looking for help or healing. I want to do that. I also have had people repeatedly tell me how much God has special plans for me. I have so many aspirations and I want to learn to control my universe better so I can be God' s instrument. I really want to help the world and live my life without bringing people down. I know I will be someone of significant important's to a lot of people. I though only care to help them and myself live the most abundant life possible.

    1. Hi Bernard, I pretty much know what you mean by being called since we are all called to guide others to the Light!

      Just give any fears and worries that you may feel along the way to God.

      To be on the right track concerning your soul mission is to follow your deepest passions and gut instincts they will guide you to the best live possible for you!

      A good idea is writing a list of what you are good at and what you like most and follow your heart in the carreer that correspond to those.

      I truly wish you the best in this Life and be the greatest blessing to the people that you will meet along your journey!

      Christian F.

  10. Thank you rush-collection! Now I understand why I have seen good things happening in my life.

    -Forever Grateful,
    Hoa Nguyen

  11. Thank you for answering rush-collection. Thank you angels.

  12. rush-collection your number guides have been amazing for me. If only you knew how much the angels have guided me. Its beyond amazing.

  13. My most ultimate purpose are my twin baby boys who are now in my womb blessing us, and our new home and life with their presence. :)

  14. My most ultimate purpose are my twin baby boys who are now in my womb blessing us, and our new home and life with their presence. :)

  15. Thanks so much for this,rush-collection.Though I don't know everything right now about my Higher Self's intention about this,thanks for telling us that at least,we're not alone.

  16. Finally "endings" I stepped out of my comfort zone today to go after a heart's desire/passion and it has already start to benefit me!! The change has definitely been a blessing in disguise!!
    I'm forever grateful for God and his angels!
    Follow your intuition/gut feeling everyone. I was trying to ignore mine so God sent me a dream, and I finally saw that as the last "sign" I needed! Also a lesson I learned on my journey is for future desires meditate on thrm as they are happening "NOW" and watch how fast they will manifest! Even if it a dream of u graduating college to do your divine life purpose...imagine it happening now.

  17. I am heart broken somebody very special to me just don't want to be with me anymore,even that we only had very happy and blessed moments. I read the message but I don't understand why people come to our life and make me suffer like this, I am very spiritual and a really good hearted person and cannot accept that I am extremely nice and positive and that my mission has been suffering so much without the love of a special one.

    1. Maybe you were in a karmic relationship we all have them there is plenty of books etc on this subject everything happens for a reason and for the good of our life purpose stay strong tou are not alone xxxxx

    2. Same thoughts here. I give all my heart and soul and they rip me apart. How many karmic relationship one person can handle? Im exhausted.

  18. the divine number is nine-oh-nine

  19. <3 just thinking about all that stuff, life purpose etc...and after few minutes i watch the time..but not to see "the numbers" but to see the time :) I am on work :)...and here is the answer to my thoughts.... <3 Thank you, and thanks to my angels <3

  20. Thank you for this message Angels

  21. Thank you God,my Angels, & The Universe for blessing I'am so grateful for you and everyone of your messages.

  22. Thanks you God my Angels & The Universe for this message I'm so grateful all of you pce.

  23. rush-collection I bless the light that shines on you, and your continued work to share the love that the Angels have for humanity. We have many trials and tribulations to encounter but being in the light of God is our best protection. Thank you. Please keep it coming. X

  24. Thank u for letting me be hopeful on life <3

  25. I've been seeing repetitive numbers for a long time now but still can't seem to figure out what my angels are trying to tell me. What can I do to figure it out? Please help. Thank you



    1. Thank you for your help rush-collection!
      Hopefully this will help me figure everything out.

  27. I do not know what to think. I see 9:09 in the a.m. and I also see it more often in the p.m. whether its on my phone. stove clock, or the t.v. I see it on license plates, the number on an ambulance, on a dollar bill, on receipts. The number just jumps out at me. I wish I knew why.

    1. Have you asked out loud to know if ancestors (or to-be-born descendants) have a message for you? You may want to check your family tree to see if 909 shows up somewhere significant (birthday, marriage date) of someone who may want to help guide you but needs permission. Just a thought.

    2. A thought: perhaps an ancestor or a descendant (unborn) wants you to know he or she is available to assist in your life. Have you considered asking out loud if one of them is trying to contact you? I've read in near-death experiences that our angels cannot interfere but can come to us if invited. Perhaps a family tree will help you identify a significant date with the 909 pattern that will lead you to the person who may be trying to connect with you.

    3. A thought: perhaps an ancestor or a descendant (unborn) wants you to know he or she is available to assist in your life. Have you considered asking out loud if one of them is trying to contact you? I've read in near-death experiences that our angels cannot interfere but can come to us if invited. Perhaps a family tree will help you identify a significant date with the 909 pattern that will lead you to the person who may be trying to connect with you.

  28. I woke up to 09.09am this morning after I done a past life hypnosis the night before.

  29. So much gratitude for your service. I fine-tuned my intuition using your numbers, and now I am a channel. Xxoo

  30. I feel better after reading this. I was just thinking about how I'll never have a family again. At least not anyone I grew up knowing. It's a weird feeling not to have parents
    I am having trouble holding on, this is pretty bad, and I'm doing my best to live on the up and up. Even in the little stuff. I fail of course, I'm only human. It's sad to know my brother will possibly never understand that. Humans are not as strong willed as he suggests. They change, everything does. I've been thinking more about reincarnation. I don't know much about it at all. From a physics standpoint I can get it sorta. I wonder what the truth is

  31. (((((((( Possibly Kidding ))))))) My heart breaks for you. I think I've seen you on here before and you're always kind and upbeat. Please hold on. Things will get better! You're worth it and we need more people like you. Sending you love and strength and peace and calm. Best, best, best wishes.

  32. Thank you! this website is awesome, even when I don´t manage to figure out the message It is comforting! :-)

  33. Hi rush-collection, would you consider this number to denote a delay? In terms of being in sync, would this number witness to being out of alignment or causing delay for yourself? Thank you!

  34. Feel Amazingly Blessed! Just as felt i lost my way & was super confused as felt things going on the wrong track I immediately read this! Feeling soo Happy & Blessed and relaxed and Am Sure Miracles are All on the way ! TySm to All my Angels & God! 😘😘. Always be besides me with Protecting & Showering me with your lovely Blessings.

  35. Thank you for sharing! On that note, here is part of my lightworkers duties this life time. How do you all practice self love?

  36. I think your messages are beautiful, on point, and inspiring.... thank you!

  37. Vu ce nombre plusieurs fois et grand changement dans ma vie. Je crois en mes anges plus que jamais et les remercie infiniment. Amour et lumière pour vous.

  38. Translation of above comment: Considering this number many times and great change in my life. I believe in my angels more than ever and thank them infinitely. Love and light for you.

  39. Thank you rush-collection!!!♡♡♡
    Love and light your way!!!

  40. tnx for insight.. number birds rocks is all part of the signs i follow, but you realy make it alot easier..got books also.and now i use your work..wich is very good... b well

  41. A little spider tickling my arm....,it happens so often !!!♡♡♡ I am truly blessed !!! Always and forever grateful for my blessings , strength and stamina!!!
    Amen!!! Love ,peace and Light to all!!! ♡♡♡

  42. This whole site has really been a good source of light.. I'm strengthening my intuition and practicing my energy healing and feel connection with my angels.spirit guides. they talk to me alot.. through this site.. I just follow my intuition.. love and light..

  43. Over the past couple years, so many times I've come back to this website for guidance. Every time, Your words have brought me light in my dark nights of the souls. It's safe to say that the information here, and this website, has been instrumental in me understanding myself, and Universal messages, more deeply.

    From the bottom, top, and parallel dimensions of my heart, Thank You. :) _/|\_

  44. I'm struggling to identify which summary I should be reading.. if is 're 08:08 or in this case 09:09 then do i go to the '909' summary or the '99' summary? Nowhere is that an option that is exactly the one I see and I see this often.... 08:08 or 07:07 or 09:09... always a zero in feont ao not sure which explanation i should look to. Please can you help.

  45. One day, you'll wake up and understand why that person was not meant to be in your life, or at that moment. Someone or something greater is coming. You'll also understand why particular situations happened or dials not happen in your life, and you'll be thankful. Do not worry your day will come and you'll have an ah-ha moment as the puzzle pieces fit together.

  46. Thank you so much. You help me a lot. ����❤️

  47. Merci rush-collection pour ce merveilleux site oΓΉ je trouve la rΓ©ponse aux messages de mes anges.
    Une belle année 2018 à vous toutes et tous, chères Òmes de lumière.

  48. Thankyou Angels for guiding me to look up this number this morning <3 I actually commence my Counselling studies tomorrow at University so this message means so much to me. Thankyou rush-collection for all the work and love you have put into this blog, I use it almost every day when there is a particular number I should look up. <3

  49. Hi. See a lot 444, 44. in the clock, license plates, etc. I know my angels are with me telling me to not be afraid, but sometimes I feel lost and empty.

  50. This is me #MyMission #OurMission #MissionToInspire #Because #TogetherAForce
    Love,peace, Light & blessed journeys to all!!!πŸ™ŒπŸŽˆπŸ‘ŠπŸ€❤

  51. I love your site and I only visit yours when I want to look up a number. Thank you for the information shared

  52. So grateful to see this message. The time is now! Finally seeing my mission and fear of being judged is lifting. People are more accepting and understanding of guidance and messages that are coming through me to them. I can see them asking. They are reaching out and I suddenly feel the need to respond. I no longer resist I just comply and pass it on.

  53. A month ago my world was turned upside down- I had been feeling lost and unsure and this message hits home in so many levels. I am currently putting toghther a support group for sexual abuse survivors while my life falls into place. Thank you!

  54. Thank you i think i now know what i need to do!

  55. Le soleil la lune et les Γ©toiles !!!!! Merveilles de la nature. Les oiseaux chantent leur beautΓ©. La magie de l Amour.

  56. Amen thank you Jesus and to my angel bless you rush-collection

  57. Thank you so much for your guidance. This has made me very excited about my soul mission.

  58. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ€²πŸ€²πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ€Ή‍♀️🀹‍♀️

  59. 909 im starting to shine, putting all my trust in spirits divine... I feel blessed guided and protected Amen x

  60. I'm truly so thankful for you rush-collection. My guides know I use your site, and only your site, to determine what the number sequences that come up in my life are pertaining to. Every single time your messages are accurate and helpful. So thank you so much for intuitively designing this site and for all of your hard work you put in to posting your blogs and other information. Your gifts are truly appreciated. πŸ™❤

    1. I echo this exact sentiment, rush-collection. Your beautiful site in combination with my spiritual practices has helped me understand that I have been a lightworker since childhood. Because it has always been this way for me, I did not know this was a gift to me from the Universe. I did not understand why others were not more gentle and positive.
      Bless you for your wisdom, intention and work (!!!) to bring this out for all of us. You are a gift to us from the Divine. */\*

      Love from Vermont to all. <3

  61. joann...i really need to speak to someone who is spiritual and truly in tune this is the only channel I buy into in any kind of way about numbers...angel ones, i have been awakened for almost 4 years now, and though manyu things I do unde3rstand thee are other things I need to ask, and I ask confused am i angel or am I man, and please i ask for the first thought to this...i need clartity in many ways as i need to put certain blockers into place, and certain people need to be sped up on their education of spireitrual awareness....please i beg of you...

    1. You are a spiritual being in a human animal body. You have lived many lives, both male and female. You are an earth angel. It is not letting me be notified if you comment back. So I will have to check a while. You got this angel. Many blessings <3

  62. 909 is my birth time and I see it constantly. I am a light worker (shaman/priestess/mystic). This confirmed so much for me. I am also a type 9 enneagram. The number 9 has followed me my whole life, along with 3 and 6 ❤

  63. Thank you Joanna you are such a beautiful soul ❤️ would love to do an impact the same as you did around world... Still working on it, I'm a mum of 2 housewife, with a big heart trying to help out those are in need... Have the feeling not doing enough to find my purpose in life.

    Much love to you ❤️

  64. Thank you Joanna. These are so helpful!

  65. recently i have been getting reading from my angel cards and 2 differant times and 2 differant decks i was told my calling was to be an angel of KINDNESS and An Angel of Healing that i am a lightworker tho i know nothing about it.it said that my Very keen intuion is more than i think it is and very very powerful as well as uncannily accurate both times these readigs came up it was 909 pm and when i first married 35.5 yrs ago my add. was 909 pagent ave. my life path number is 9 and a couple more of my angel numbers are 3 and 5 i have 5 sons and 5 grand children i am close to and one child was born on the 5th of july and i always see 555 am and pm on the clock i hope you can guide me a little farther on my journey as i am just starting my journey as far as i know however i am also told often that i am a very old and wise soulband that i posses the SMILE OF GOD himself and that is why no matter hiw bad things get in my life i still wake or enter every room with a huge bright smile that lights uo the darkest souls

  66. Thank you so much for this 909 guide.

  67. Hi rush-collection,
    I am taking the positive side of everything, since I am a protestant sometimes it might not be easy to believe things like this. but you have written everything in a positive way!


  68. Dear rush-collection, thank you for the gift of your wonder-filled website.
    In 2009, the message of Gaia came to me as 909 the Gaia Minute. It's brought a new purpose into my life. The 909 came as a code and you've beautifully expressed its purpose here.
    Many thanks



  69. Thanks a lot fot this beautiful message! Good luck to everyone and please, try to spread all your love to everyone, thanks!

  70. πŸ™, ☮️❤ to ALL!

  71. I’ve had a weird and very trying last month emotionally. I am 24, I lost three best friends and my boyfriend of a year yesterday because 2 of my friends were flirting with my bf behind my back and tried meeting up a few times to have a “sleep over”. The third friend was lying to me about this stuff the whole time. All of them are anywhere from 4 to 21 years older than me. Plus there is a lot more to the story but basically they all encouraged/participated in my bf to cheating on me with them. I slowly started to discover all of this and found the truth yesterday. I called my sister as soon as I found out, the time on my phone started at 909 and I thought it was cool. Didn’t look at my phone again until 1010. I’ve been feeling my grandma and great grandmas presence super strong for a couple of months after asking the angels out loud to make their presence and guidance known. I knew it was a sign from them and this makes a lot of sense. You must lose those who hold you down in order to rise and grow. Usually I would look for the wrong I’ve done, but my true friends talked me through it and explained that, even tho I’m not perfect, I am still a good person who wants to help and be friend to everyone. thankfully am pretty young and learning the valuable lessons that people take advantage of empaths, so I will now know to protect who I let into my life a lot more. I’ll have this sting for a while, but at least I can heal. I love life even when it’s hard and I choose to heal the childhood wounds that taught me to let these mean people into my life. Good luck to everyone here, I hope you all live fulfilling, generally happy lives despite the hardships we all face. Stay strong and bless you all! ❤️

  72. I’m so grateful for this site. Thank you So much πŸ€πŸ•Š️πŸ™πŸ»πŸŒŸπŸ§πŸΌ‍♀️πŸŽπŸ§ΏπŸ•Š️🀍
