Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Number 911 carries the vibrations of number 9, and the energies of number 1 appearing twice, amplifying its own energies and also relating to the Master Number 11. Number 9 resonates with the attributes of Universal Spiritual Laws, compassion, benevolence and generosity, living life as a positive example, leadership, service to humanity and lightworking. Number 9 also relates to endings and conclusions. Number 1 resonates with self-reliance, new beginnings and progress, activity and energy, inspiration, attainment, fulfilment and creating your own reality.  The double 1 resonates with the karmic Master Number 11, which brings its attributes of illumination and enlightenment, inspiration, alternate consciousness, mysticism, catalyst, sensitivity, enthusiasm, creative/creativity. This makes the number 911 a powerfully spiritual vibration that breaks through the 'old' to create the 'new'.

Angel Number 911 is a highly karmic and spiritual number that encourages you to pursue your life purpose and soul mission as a lightworker. It tells of leadership and living life as a positive example in order to illuminate the way for others to follow. Angel Number 911 is a vibration of spiritual enlightenment and awareness and of reaping karmic rewards for work well done.

Angel Number 911 indicates that the angels are telling you that a new door has opened up for you as a product of your positive thoughts, intentions and actions. Make the most of this opportunity and walk forward with confidence and surety, knowing that you are fulfilling your karmic destiny.

Angel Number 911 suggests that your goals are almost complete, and/or that you are coming to the end of a phase or cycle in your life. It is an indication that one door is closing and another is opening. The message is to allow the 'old' to be released so it is able to be replaced with the 'new'.

"The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new."   -  Socrates

Number 911 relates to Master Number 11 and Angel Number 11 (9+1+1=11)



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  1. The other day, I saw the same car, three times, in different spots in this city! Its licence plate was three letters and 911.

    1. ur angels are talking to you!

    2. I have been listening to my angels for almost two years now. And they have made my life so beautiful and given me more confidence and a strong peace of mind. I thank God for the angels and archangels and for using rush-collection to relay the messages. Love and light to you all thank you for all you do#

    3. Christ Jesus says: "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me." 1 Timothy 4:1 "Now the Spirit (of God) speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils." Trust in Jesus alone and keep His Holy Word (Bible) close to you to escape these and other deceptions from satan, evil spirits, they are referring to as spirit guides or `your angel.` God is speaking to you when you read and study the Bible. Jesus loves you. Also see Deuteronomy 18:10—12.

    4. The only evil spirits here are the ones telling you to attack angelic scribes and plant seeds of doubt in the faithful. Sasha, may the real God rebuke the dark one in you. In Jesus name, Amen.

    5. Religion and GOD remain wholly separate for me. Bible thumpers who want to portray God as an asshole remains a mystery to me. On the whole, i simply think it's lack of intelligence. They speak of Jesus, but don't behave as him.

    6. sasha- god created all things. get your head out of "the book" and talk to God. ask him about angels. i pray that good light surrounds you. remember...man wrote the Bible, and man is not infallible, as God is. when i was unable to speak right to God he sent me messengers which are still god because god dwells within us all. spirit is positive and loving snd uplifting. evil peys upon our weakness and fear and trys to drag us down corrupt and blind us from God truth. be aware what you call evil...try using your gifts tyat god gave you....your own spiritual sense - your intuition...our link to God. trust your gut and that God loves you.

    7. we can't "behave as him" because we are sinners. Why do others think that Christians think they are sinless? Its the opposite actually. We are sinners. We can try but never be like Jesus (God in the flesh)...which is why he came. Amen!

    8. It says 911 means ur coming to a point where ur completing ur goal and new opportunities are opening up for you. It's in our nature to hold on to things longer than we should & it's the cause of a lot of negativity. With this said it's no wonder many of us keep seeing these 911 numbers over & over. It simply means it's time to understand that things are always changing & we have to let go, trusting it's best for us and accept the new. Remember to add a big amount of daily gratitude for what you have AND for what you want that hasn't even come yet. Blessings to you all and thanks to you all for sharing. Kari♡

    9. Sasha...so are you saying that angels don't exist? You can't believe in God and don't believe in angels

    10. When I let go of all resistance and talk to my spirit guides I feel their presence. I've been seeing 911 a lot since this situation I'm going thru. Things have turned around for the better.

    11. We are all God. We are all light workers. Spiritual beings. We are here to do the work and spread all light. I've been seeing 911 a lot and I've recently been attending a non denominations church. It doesn't mean I threw my beliefs out the door, it means I'm doing the work necessary to expand my wings further in order to fly higher. There is God and there is the Universe and then there are the things we humanly cannot understand. Moral of my point, whether it be church or not; Volunteering or not; or simply taking care of our sick parents; We have a destined chosen path. We are to fallow it, whatever it may be because certainly it will lead us the way.

    12. I agree with Sasha. We are not all God's! We are here to serve and be more Christmas like. However, that does not mean we will ever be on the same level as God himself,because he is to glorious and our minds can't fathom his thoughts. Please be careful of getting lost in numbers, signs, symbols, and even angel's. I believe they exist but but they are not to be worshipped because who created them? God did. Look at the creator instead of his creation for the answers. The reason I'm telling you to be careful of being lost in this stuff is because I was and I was totally mislead and left feeling empty and rejected. Please keep Jesus the center of your faith. He knows your heart, so keep your intentions clear and your relationship with him everlasting and deep.I say these things in love, not in hate or intolerance of you beautiful people,because I'm no better either. Be blessed!

    13. Amen ....Hallelujah to the almighty King Jesus who pored his blood to save us from sin. May the blood of Jesus bless us all...

  2. After reading this, I'm not sure what to think..... I have been seeing this sequence, 911, for years now! Approximately 5-6 years I think. It seems to have picked up "in strength", for the lack of a better term. The clock is of course "a given", but I'm so concious of it now that I intentionally avoid looking at the clock, all in an effort to MISS it! lol..... But its got to the point that some other reason "delivers" the numbers to my attention. It's been every thing from a call on my cell phone, the digital thermostat, to the pricetag on a the package of meat I happened to pick up at the grocery store. It seems I can't avoid it! Ugh. Why for so long!?? What the heck!?? :(

    1. You should be very happy the angels are trying to speak to you. Don't be afraid, do what they say is right and get closer to God.

    2. It's long because you haven't figured it out yet what they are trying to tell you..you haven't let go..let go and trust it will be replaced with the new and let it be..everything will get better once you release the old...whatever it is you will know.

    3. What does the number four mean? I keep waking up too a time related or with the beginning number being number four? Any advice or suggestions? Thanks in advance.

    4. Happens to me almost every day. I look at the time randomly and it's 9.11 every single time. Now I have some insight as to what it means. I'm a very spiritual person who can feel the presence of spirits . It's great that the angels are speaking to me. .

    5. I see 9:11 it seems almost every day. Sometimes twice and even three times if I happen to be Reffing soccer or watching a game. I would like some more insight from others, as I am not a very superstitious person. After all, who told the author here what 911 means

    6. I see 9:11 it seems almost every day. Sometimes twice and even three times if I happen to be Reffing soccer or watching a game. I would like some more insight from others, as I am not a very superstitious person. After all, who told the author here what 911 means

    7. Same here Donna. My Mother passed away on 09/11.92. I always thought it was her.. Now that m reading this it all makes sense. It was driving me crazy for a while.

    8. SoccerDualt7,
      Superstition is putting faith in something out of fear eg; knock on wood, throw salt over your shoulder, broken mirror=7 years bad luck, etc.. When you part with things that no longer serve you, you'll find that fear, worry and doubt are among them. Superstition will seem silly and in retrospect, you'll discover that many things you used to believe were born of the aforementioned negativities. Science and life however are number based, and as such, numbers have meaning. If you believe that everything happens when it's supposed to and you are where you are supposed to be at every given moment, you will understand that EVERYTHING is connected. Very very few people believe there's Nothing after death. If every civilization on Earth has been recording celestial encounters since time immemorial, who's to say that it's wrong to believe they communicate with us directly? I'm avoiding dogma here, but if you understand this then examples aren't required.

  3. I always look at the clock at 9:11!

    1. same happens with me everyday..it's no a coincident..something really weird is going on..

    2. me to i hope its the engels always tought i could be 911 that i was going to jail or have contact with police, anyway ive been having alot of bad luck i felt like giving up its been a long story but ive been praying and not giving up asking him to show me the right path i know good things are coming but bad things are tryng to get at me its been so bad of a luck that i dont get sad or mad any more i think its funny and about this 911 i really hope its the engels because i really need it im only 27 im so stress and irritaded with life i really need it iverall ive been felling a lil better after i pay god bless pple always and ferever..

    3. Saw it a few minutes ago, came here to see what it meant. :P

    4. My experience is quite spooky it started back in 1996 everytime i looked at the clock it was 9:11didnt think anything of it just found it a tad weird....few yrs later i seen the oncident with twon towers now that freak me out and still to this day i still see the time every mornin and evening it is really weird

    5. I've been seeing it a LOT lately too. Always felt the number was troubling,symbolizing police. I saw different site when I goggles this number earlier. It suggest this number represents growth.It said my friends will not always be there to spend time eith. Which is right on time for me as I have been without my friends for almost a whole year, each for a different reaons. Most of them had new families they had to tend to

  4. I was just like donnab, and I was afraid of it cause it has such a negative tone in society. But after reading this I'm at ease and now see what the world is telling me.

    1. So beautifully said McDonald...however may the Lord have mercy on the blinded and lost souls... For the town of Isreal perished because of ignorance...praise you Jesus hallelujah to the almighty lord Jesus Christ n heavenly father...

  5. Thank you so much....I just figured it out! I think you start to really notice 1:19, 9:11 and 11:19 when a MEGA change is going to take place. For instance, I had a psychic reading done a couple of weeks ago, and money, love, success are right around the corner...I know it's true because i've been working for it, waiting for it and ready for it...Since then...I've been noticing these numbers many times daily....The icing on the cake is...last night! I dreamt that a blood test was done and the nurse which was a co-worker came back and said "you're pregnant" I was shocked! ...so that was my confirmation, because I know "pregnancy" in a dream either mean you're really pregnant or you are beginning a new stage in your life. Hope that helps!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. My boyfriend at 21 years passed away recently. He would always call me at 9:11 a.m. in the mornings lately everytime I look at the clock it is 9:11 a.m. sometimes it's when I'm having a difficult time and I just glanced that way not really wanting to know what time it is but my eye catches the clock and it is 9:11 a.m. sometimes p.m. I never knew of this site but when it was read to me today I got chills because maybe my love is telling me what this explanation says. I just thought I would share this because it truly amazes me. So now if I see 911 a.m. tomorrow morning well I don't exactly know what I'm going to think

    3. if we're going to speak in biblical terms Colton Old Testamentin New Testament in reality what Jesus did was take in the comic energies of the world by connecting to everyone and allowing the capital of the world to witness the evil ways as he only spoke the truth of love he showed others how to find love within themselves and how to heal themselves with the love that they found the recognition of Love is the recognition of the Divine energy the Divine vibration see the problem is is that we all look at one way through one set of words or explanation to Define something that could never be defined with words words only limit what God really is for God is everything and he is nothing he is not a he or she but we a collective consciousness of all living non-living of all energies harmonized as a whole as the universe is forever expanding and change and so should our minds and beliefs upon it for we could never fully grasp something that is so Eternal as the universe and the concept of God in our place in it but one thing is for sure trust in your gut feeling trust in your heart for your heart and your gut never lies only your perceptions and beliefs of your gut feeling why you would lie to yourself your heart will never lie to you your gut will never lie to you stop holding on to words to Define the Holy Spirit for the holy spirit is found through a man and a woman not just amen

      the Holy Trinity is found also in Hindu text dattatrey
      Or jesus buddha Muhammad agmios. All arethe same reoccurring energies on different time lines Google research do not search the truth and one book with search the truth in all for God is found in everything

  6. Hi and thanks. I see this combination everywhere and I thought it was something psychically asking for help! Now I know what it's on about and why it's been trying to get my attention ;-)
    Thanks again, take care :-)

  7. I have been seeing this number well before i was aware of my spiritual connection with myself and the ascended masters and infinite light energies. How true it is that they are always with us, showing us guidance in our days of unawareness just so that we may look back and feel a deeper sense of their love and total commitment to us as we walk upon this earth to learn our lessons. This number resonates strongly with a light tower for me. I also sense a strong spiritual connection with the actor Andy Whitfield who played the character Spartacus on Starz Network show Spartacus: Blood and Sand. Being a leader, setting the example, and leading others into awareness. A highly spiritual number indeed.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. .. this number combination is one I've seen since I was 12...

    I get it now. :-)

  10. so how do you know which one it is?

  11. The ones who see it for years you are leaders when the times of trial comming.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. What does this mean??

    3. help me i always see 911 foe a realky long time follwed before of other variariations of numbers lots of dejavue and i can feel peopls emotions what i do

  12. This makes perfect sense. Thank you, as always.

  13. I've been getting this number for months now, mostly on the clock. Out of all the hours or minutes I always catch it at 9:11 am/pm same with 11:11.

    1. Same here, I've been seeing the same sequences as well as, 222, 333, 444, 555 & my birthday 1115. Now I know what it means & this helps out alot

  14. I'm 28, I've seen this number at least twice a day for 15 years. My birthday is 9/11. I rennet telling a friend when we were little that something bad was going to happen on that date. But now when I see the numbers, multiple times through out the day, I feel good.

    1. My birthday is also 9/11 :) Aren't we lucky. Been trying figure out what seeing it everywhere meant.

  15. I have also seen this number for years (about 10). I was basically told the same thing as written above, but it is even more interesting to me because the numbers in my birthday add up to 9 and my full name is an 11.

    1. Oh cool! You should have a post about this on the index page! I always see my birthday!! 12:06!

    2. I always see my husband's and cousin's birthday numbers. What does it mean to always see other people's birthday numbers? I do also see 555, 911, 1111, 222, 333, 888 along with those numbers.

  16. i have seen these numbers so many times that i have started reading Ps.119 frequently now... I dont know what to make of it but only God knows

  17. do any positive thing happened in any of your lives
    so far ever since seeing this number????

    1. I won a large sum of money and i still see 911 all the time. Im not a well person and suffer with a chronic pain condition. I have read that i should use my experience of pain to teach help and heal others as 911 means im a light worker.

    2. Yes, I have been seeing it for a while. I just got a job after several months of unemployment. :-). Things are looking up from here. Then right as I was going for the interview I see 555 and then later on after I was hired, I went grocery shopping and seen 911 on a license plate. Lol

    3. I've been seeing the numbers 911 on the clock almost everyday either in the morning or at night 4 long time now since things have gotten really stressful like crazy stressful so I just Googled it to see if anybody else was having the same thing happen to them,weird

  18. Awesome information. I am really surprised with this topic. Keep up the good work and post more here to read. Web Services:Light Tower

  19. I have been seeing this number everywhere for about 6 years now. I don't really know what to make of it. I naturally think that it's a negative sign, however it has never harmed me. For a while the number didn't show as much, but lately it has been rather intense! I have been going through some BIG and potentially great changes in my life lately. I'm a very positive guy and a natural leader. IDK what it all means, but I'm pretty curious. I think I might start keeping a journal of when I see it. I'm going to start thinking of it in a more positive manner.

  20. Wow.. I had to put in a number before I posted, to make sure I wasn't a robot and it was 119! Crazy..

  21. I have had experience of 11 11 before my son had an accident . then recently I was seeing 911 and felt anxious with it! last month saw it on clock in morning that night rushed for emergency surgery on my spine. I. so confused by all The number situation. and don't understand . can anyone help ? x

  22. I have always liked even num.....5 is my thing though ...I go crazy if my money or tv is off....like if I have 38 bucks I'm going crazy looking for 2 bucks to make it 40 bucks....am I crazy lol.....

  23. I see the numbers 911 a few times a day and its been freaking me out. It's been happening for sometime now. My family and friends think its rubbish and I'm being paranoid but why those numbers and not others??

  24. I have been seeing 911 since dec 2012. Than I had MVA in jan 2013. The 911 signs increased until may 2013. I lost my job and now I am seeing 11.11. Recently my mom got diagnosed with cancer. Dunno what next. Though I am goin through tough times I believe someone up there is helping me. To me 911 is a number that says, that i am getting help from above. Meanwhile i am also winning small amounts of money every time to time since seeing 911. I believe that something good is coming along.

  25. I catch the clock at 11:11 almost every day, twice a day! This is the same for most of my family. We always mention it to each other. Never thought anything of it.

  26. I see 11:11 all the time as well as 9:11. Well I found out on 1/11/11 I was going to have a baby & on 9/11/11 I gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby girl. Now I see the numbers all the time & I am glad I read this :)

  27. I too see 1111 and 911 almost everyday. It is real. Clearly, something wants my attention or me to do something. But what? Angels, please tell me what you want from me.

  28. I have seen the number 911 for last few years. I see it all the time. And at first I thought maybe it just meant I happened to look at the clock at that time and it stuck out to me because of September 11th, but now I feel it means more than that. This reading is exactly how I am. I am always positive..always trying to lead by a positive example and by being happy and outgoing...

  29. i have been seeing most mournings 911 and 11 11 on the clock i dont know what message is given to me

  30. hello
    can any one help me please my life is very very bad please i am intrested with that topic may be am going to join you if some one will give me the proof on it
    contact me please lukyman_4u@ymail.com

    1. Luckyman was a pleading for help on the 911 topic with no idea that he made the post on (9.11).13.

    2. Luckyman pleaded for help about the 911 topic, not even noticing that he posted on 9/11/13.

  31. I have been seeing 911 now for over a year! I kept thinking it meant something bad was going to happen. After reading this article, I know now that it's my spirit guides communicating with me. The sequence 911 fits me perfectly! I am actually now going through a big transition, and have been asking God if I am fulfilling my destiny. This answers all my questions!

  32. I have been seeing 911 for a few years now. I never had any idea why I would see it all the time. I have gone through some really major life changing things over the past couple of years, then things got better, but now, financially they are really bad again. I haven't had a job in 5 months and the stress is getting to me bad. What exactly does this 911 mean???

  33. Hi guys. Can someone help me. I have been seeing 9.11 for ages now alot of 11.11 lately. I am a really sensitive person and I feel I have had some really bad luck in my life life so far. Im 20 years of age and I really dont know what this means. Its kinda freaky. Please help. :-)

    1. If you think life sucks at 20 wait till the real stuff comes at 40 so i suggest you buckle up tight

  34. I also had an experience with number 9, 11, . im a fitness instructor 46 years old. I had a stroke on 9/11/13, then hospitalized for 5 days, then had another stroke along with a heart surgery on 10/11/13 I then stood in the hospital for 6 days. add the hospital stays for both month 11. then on 11/22/13 I went for a follow up with the primary doctor, they put me in room 11 and when I look at the clock on the wall it said 11:1 which then I looked at my watch and it said 12;20. from the doctor office i was rushed to the ER from the dr office due to another so called mini stroke. I was hospitalized for the 3rd time I stood in the hospital for 12 miserable days. I was in room 614 add 6+1+4 = 11. i was then diagnosed with a protein S deficiency so they said. so first i had a hole in my heart that caused a stroke, then second time i had heart surgery to close the hole. then 3rd time they said they found a blood deficiency that caused my stroke. i was released from hospital on 12/6/13. then i decided to get Baptized by my church. when i was registering for baptism they told me to show up on new years eve 12/24/13 at 11am at the beach. when i went i then received a baptism number of 45. added 4+5=9 . so now i have 9/11 on the day of my baptism. on 12/27/13 i was watching a movie that my son put on for me to watch while he was leaving to work. i noticed that the movie that i was watching was 911 the movie. then walks in my other son and called 911 because i was having a mini stroke. they rushed me to the ER i was then place in room 769 which total to 22. Watching the Christian channel while being hospitalized for the 4th time then a pastor said today we will talk about healing please turn your bible to MATHEW 9:20 - 22. I Then quickly added the number 9 + 2 = 11 / 22 then i said to myself that's the day that i spent 12 misable days in my third hospital stay. i then google Mathew 9:20 - 22. this is what the message to me was. read below
    Matthew 9:20-22
    New International Version (NIV)
    20 Just then a woman who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak. 21 She said to herself, “If I only touch his cloak, I will be healed.”
    22 Jesus turned and saw her. “Take heart, daughter,” he said, “your faith has healed you.” And the woman was healed at that moment. On NEW YEARS EVE I was discharged. Since then I decided to detox all the 10 bills and shot of injections that they where giving me since sept 11. on 12/27 was the last of all the medication. today is 1/29/14. I've been med free and feeling better than ever.. ;) GOD IS GREAT!! I also continue to see the same numbers ;) 11 together with 9. are they consider angels? if yes is it two angels? what's the meaning of this? all i know this is my message from GOD because through the whole ordeal i kept my faith and it was stronger and stronger every time.

    1. Wow your story gave me chills! Intense but throughout the whole story I felt a upbeat sense about it! I knew God would see you through! Amen && God bless!

  35. on my last visit to my hematologist i was placed in room 11 with doctor RIO which is the same name of my product. my products name is RIO it stands for Real, Intense, Outcome it's a fitness product. talking about coincidence huh? lol i went in for a 2nd opinion to take another blood test, remember they said i had a protein S deficiency.


  37. I've been seeing this number continuously throughout my life. Was always curious what that meant, and now I know :) Thank you!

  38. I look at the time and morning and night I see 9:11 all the time. Someone please help explain.

    1. I too have been seeing 911 everywhere for past 10 years whether its the time or cars or license plates or fast food totals just alot seeing 911 everywhere. Dk why.

  39. I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried. I headed to the mall tonight...I know, don't fall over...to get a mani-pedi, which never happened because I got caught up in the store Inc. (I do happen to love that store.) Because I was running late, I decided to get my hair cut instead of getting my nails done. As I hit the elevator button, my eye was drawn to a store called "I Am", so I decided to going inside and look for some bracelets. As you may recall, I am really trying hard to "break free" from all my ridiculous routines. I never wear bracelets...ever.

    The girl noticed the book in my hand, The Magdalene Awakening, and asked to look at it. She said she'd been feeling "spiritual stuff" for the past 2.5 years...hey, just like me. She asked me about the number "911", which she had seen over and over again during this time, and if I believed in instantaneous strong spiritual connections. I smiled, knowing we'd been brought together for a reason. I had looked at my clock at exactly 9:11 this morning while changing the dance music on my Ipod. Wouldn't you know, here it was exactly twelve hours later...9:11 was on the clock. Yes, it was meant for me to "help" her in her journey, whatever that may mean for her; only she will know. Of course, it was meant for me, too...and I had thought about that this morning when I looked at the clock. Now I know why.

    We both agreed we were meant to cross paths in this random manner. I especially loved how she pointed out that the name of the store, I Am, is very spiritual. Yes, I AM in touch with my I Am presence and know I Am am on the right train and the right track. It's moments like this that I thank the angels for calming me down and letting me know, "Everything is coming along nicely and according to a much larger plan. You just keep doing your healing work and worrying about your bracelets, and we'll keep sending you those signs you need." I cannot tell you how much better I feel, after having a heavy heart all day. And so it is...Amen. Thank you for this message...;)

  40. What does it mean when i get these messages in clouds? I AM #222. I was born 6/23/69. I AM

  41. I see this 911 multiple times a day. I also see 26,555,777,888 multiple times a day. My sister and I have been asking for a big lottery win. We grew up poor with a mother with mental illness that was abusive. We have to put her in an institution. My sister's department at work might be getting laid off, and she's stressed out, as am I. I'm a trooper and I'm trying, but this is just breaking me down so badly. Honestly, if a miracle's going to happen, it needs to happen now. I'm frustrated that I see these things but nothing tangible has occurred.

  42. Going through the same.. Awesome! Just a few min ago I read a similar article on facebook and was surprised to know that whenever I look at the watch it always shows ##:11 and most of the mornings after breakfast when I look at the time its 9:11 , in fat when I was reading the article and I looked at the watch it was 21:11 .. haha.. Miraculous.. I have been feeling the shift of consciousness for some time now.. Hoping to see a better world soon :)

    1. I just looked at my computer clock as I was reading your comment and it said 911!

  43. I'm on FB and I saw one of your posts about repeating numbers and the Angels, I decided to read all of them and they seem very helpful. I then decided to google "I keep seeing the number 911 everywhere" because I have and it's been very scary for me. It has an extremely negative association but I see it CONSTANTLY, I actually actively try to avoid seeing the clock starting from 9:00 because it happens so frequently. Recently I was seeing it like 4-5 times a day in the past few weeks, it was the day after my finals, and life had been really hard for me since I had just lost 3 people I cared about within the past 6 months, and I woke up close to 8:00am I went to the bathroom and got some cereal ate and for some reason fell back asleep, I was then woken up by some thing and when I looked at the clock, it was 9:11am and I was filled with dread, like I normally am (I'd begun to think it was PTSD from 9/11 as I live/grew up by the towers) but I somehow fell asleep again, this time I woke up to the phone ringing at around 1pm (this is strange because I never sleep in and never nap) and I thought it was my mom, but it wasn't it was someone calling me to tell me that my mom's heart had stopped and that they called 911 I got there in a few minutes, they said my mom was unresponsive for 12mins and as a nursing student I knew she was gone, they pronounced her shortly after. I don't know how I feel about 911 it has seemed to be a "bad omen" for me, but based on what you wrote it has definitely been a number that has brought about intense change in my life. 4 people have now died in my life in 7 months, there are points that I feel ungrounded but I have surprised myself in how grounded I have been feeling. I am normally someone who is always so sure and confident in my decisions, I always feel like the divine help me, always always always, I can't even describe it to you, so I am thankful for this message that has helped be breathe a bit easier about seeing 911 so much, (I actually saw it while writing this comment) Thank you!

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. I thought it was only me but there are others with the same thing going on woah

  46. bless everyone who lost their life on this day...9/11

  47. I am forced to look at the clock in the morning and at night, and there it is 911. If tis is an angel how do I know what to follow thru?

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. It is sooooo good to see that other people have had the 911 phenomena occur to them as well. For the longest time I have thought I was cursed. For me, 911 started when a former employee of mine met me for lunch. We had been out of contact for some time so we were meeting up to catch up. I now lived in Vegas and he still lived in Idaho where I had lived when he worked for me. Not only was he my former employee, he was my former neighbor and the father of one of my daughter's best friends. (His daughter and my daughter were born withing a month of each other, grew up playing a riding bikes in our street together, sleep overs, everything. They did EVERYTHING together). Anyway, so, during this lunch meeting where we were catching up, this man tells me that he has been having a very haunting thing happen to him and he then proceeds to tell me how he had been repeatedly seeing 911 appear on the clock, on paperwork, on plates etc for the last year and he was really getting freaked out by it. He definitely felt like it was a bad omen of something bad to come. I din't think much of it until about 7 months later, on July 5, 2011 when my daughter was with this man and his daughter and some other friends boating on a small lake outside our home town in Idaho. My daughter was being pulled on a tube behind his boat in a very congested and narrow area when another boat came speeding around narrow bend and ran the tube and my daughter over nearly killing her instantly. She officially died the next day in the hospital. Was this the "something bad to come" my former employee had dreaded? Since that day I myself have been seeing 911 on a regular, almost daily basis. Sometimes I would see it 5 or so times a day! I have, because of what happened on 9-11-2001, and because it is the emergency number one calls when something bad is happening and because of what my former employee was experiencing up to the death of my daughter, always felt that seeing 911 like he had and I have been is a curse or bad omen for sure. Yes I have had bad things happen to me since my daughter passed, but nothing major. It has just been more messing with my head. A few weeks ago on Sept 10th on my way home from work I found myself on the 95 right behind a van with 911 on its plates. Then on 9/12 on my way to work I was right behind a car with 911 on its plate. I took pictures of both to send to my roommate because he was having a hard time believing my 911 curse! Then, about a week later I shared this challenge with a new friend I had met who was very much into positiveness such as the law of attraction. Today she text me the link to this blog on this subject and for the first time since my daughter was killed I have had my mind opened to the idea that maybe, just maybe 911 is not a bad thing at all. :)

  50. I see 911 everywhere. In the morning when I wake up clock says 9:11 pretty much every time I see the clock its 9:11 and it was driving me nuts for years... until now I get it... for about 3 yes now I was unsure of my relationship and now recently I feel complete in it. It was amazing having the Epiphany that he is the one and knowing that it came from a dream makes it even more special!! I am a very spiritual person and maybe that's why I believe so much in the signs but now I know that my angels are there with me through my journey in life. :-D

    1. Wait did u dream 911? To be honest today I dreamt about the number 911. I'm very spiritual too so before I went to sleep I closed my eyes and asked God and my Angels to send me the face of my "twin flame" in a dream! I'm stuck in a love triangle right now and I'm unsure of who's who! Of course the dream had bad events going on where I had to call out to my twin sister to call 911 because I somehow became blinded and couldn't see my phone therefore "the one's face" anymore via skype, I could only hear him saying "hello?". Admist all the panic a guy with a gun was trying to break into our house hence me calling out for 911 and my sis assistance. Well I kid you not the dream was frantic but I somehow felt safe bcuz "the one" out the love triangle face appeared in my dream, just like how I asked! I was on the phone skyping him while the break in was happening! I kept whispering his name but he couldn't hear me the connection got really bad so, I had to send him a txt and a pic saying HELP ME! Then I woke up and immediately thank God for being an on time God in this Universe!

  51. The numbers I am seeing the most several times a day (in order from most to least):
    911, 311, 1111.
    It started with only seeing 911. Then I was seeing a lot of 311, and 1111. NOW, im seeing all three numbers consistently, equally and interchangeably every single day MONTHS.

    I am also seeing A LOT of 929 (my birthday), 211, 611, 711 and 811. I'm not seeing these numbers several times a day like I am the other numbers, but i AM seeing them several times a week.

    I see these numbers periodically thru out my life, especially, 911. But NEVER....NEVER have I seen them this many times, and for this long of a time over and over again. I have been seeing them for about 4-6 months.

    I am beginning to get frustrated at myself. I know its a divine message. I cannot for the life of me figure out what the message is from the Universe tho.

    Normally, I dont get frustrated because i can usually figure it out. Or, the message comes, and it eventually makes sense. But, this time: its been for longer than its ever been; more consistent than its ever been; and more various/repeating numbers than its ever been. Its like the Universe is exploding on me. Its unlike anything I have ever noticed.

    I am beginning to get tired with it. Its almost like I fee stupid for not understanding what the message is this time. I know I am not stupid. But, I feel like I keep missing it. I feel like i am going to loose the message if I dont figure it out quick because its been almost 6 months that this started.

    I am excited, scared, and anxious.

    Please help.

    1. i feel the same way but its been a year almost and im still seeing it atleast once a day

  52. I have seen 911 for a long time know I had my daughter 9-10-11 and my son was born 1-1-14 both time bf I became preg. And throughout my entire pregnancy Iv seen 911 I have alway wandered what this meant and is something going to happen when I see these numbers or am I going to have another child. After reading this I feel like there is a meaning to it I don't really understand it I really wish I did I'm 25 and I feel like there is something I'm supposed to do for God and I'm not doing it iv not done the best in my life and iv made alot of mistakes but God has always helped me through and has keep me alive for some reason I want to repay him and do what I'm sup. To do I fell like maybe 911 is a reminder to me after reading this that God has a purpose for me and a plan I want to follow his plan and do his will I just wish I knew what I'm supposed to do I'm going to start working very hard on tring to figure out what my purpose is for seeing these numbers and reading what the meaning is for these numbers are I feel like maybe people make stuff up and try to make something look like something that's it's not like the meaning posted for the numbers 911 but for some reason after reading this my body became num and it hit me hard I feel like I was meant to read this bc it has got me to start thinking and wanting to do some soul searching in my heart and my mind and try to figure out my purpose for seeing nine eleven so that I can do what God has in store for me I just hope I figure it out bf it's to late and the numbers go away maybe I'm thinking into this to much but what if I'm not iv seen these numbers for a long a long time and both my children have these number in there birthdays or part of the numbers and iv seen them through alot more things thats happened in my life so I can't ignore this I feel like i need to take this and use it however God intends me to do so..

  53. I have constantly seen the number 911. I see it on a daily basis, and like others it was to the point I was intentionally avoiding thigns like looking at a clock to assure myself I was just looking for it, but it is inevitable I see it, at the times I am most unaware of it. And then when I see it, it is like oh there it is again, not saying it is bad, but there gets a point when you feel like you are just waiting for it, but I think I am past that point. I have always felt deeply connected on a spiritual level, but I am always at a crossroad bc I am a deeply intellectual as well(not saying people don't think because they believe in a higher power). My heart deeply feels connected to the spiritual side, but my brain tells me no. Maybe its time to embrace this and not resist it.

    1. I see this to I've been noticing it for about a cpl years now on the clock everywhere I get Sprint updates with a voicemail time 9:11 I see the signs everywhere to I just decided to Google this and I'm not crazy

  54. I have been seeing 11:11 for over 6 years now in all aspects of my life. I have been seeing 9:11as well. My speedometer read 77777 at 7:07 my boyfriends bday is 7/7

  55. I started seeing 911 a while back and it got to the stage where I would look away as it worried me. A friend told me about this site and now I actually love seeing 911. Turned my iPad on tonite guess what time it was? 911.
    What you say here resonates with me and Im excited to see ... I love knowing my angels are with me, thank you xxx

  56. I have been seeing 9:11 for a while now. My Grandma (Joy) also died on the 19th and now three years later one of my close family friends (my grandmas good friend) dies on the 11th of December. My birthday is in the middle of their deaths so four days apart each one. Around the exact same time Anne passed the light in my room blew out and it wasn't like a normal blowout either. That night I thought I saw a shadow aswell in my room and tried to shrug it off. Now that I think about it I believe Anne was there with me in the room visiting me. I was very close with my grandma and Anne, I honestly believe these two women are angels. I can't explain it in any other way, I have never met such amazing human beings. Not a bad bone in either of them. Only found out about Anne's death yesterday so still in a bit of shock but got goosebumps when I drove past her house this morning and keep seeing 9:11. I do pretty much every single day even if I am not trying to look for it, I swear I rarely look at my phone but when I do its always 9:11. Where to from here? I seriously don't know. I have a photograph of a little girl visiting me a while ago, sounds ridiculous but I am not joking. I feel like spirits are trying to get into touch with me but I don't know how to get into touch with them. Any Ideas or help?

  57. Oh and Anne was born on the 15th of the 11th 1915. I am born on the 15th 1992. I just felt like we had a really close connection, similar to the one I had with my grandma. Its hard to explain. Hope someone can help me out and help me get into my spiritual side a little more. I do get signs a lot..

  58. I am so glad that I found this sight and have some peace of mind on why I keep seeing 911. I honestly thought that it was a sign of something bad about to happen as it is known as a number to dial when there is an emergency. I believe it was a couple of years when I was seeing 911 later I stopped I am thinking it was when I feel ill and ended up in a medically induced coma. Months after that I still wasn't seeing it and felt that it was a good thing. I believe that it has now been a month since I started seeing 911 again and have caught myself wondering what is the world does it mean and look up. Now that I know that it is a positive thing it all makes sense as I have made a decision that no matter what I am no longer allowing anyone get in my way in fulfilling anything that I set my mind in. It also makes sense into why I have a such a big heart and helping others makes me get a feeling that is so hard to explain.

  59. I really don't understand the bible thumpers... all you do is pull out bible verses. it's very arrogant of you to believe that book is the only truth there is out there... and this isnt the 1600's. what about idiots like pat Robertson? or other televangelists on tv swear they hear "God" but preach hate. and swear they can heal people but yet get caught paying people to act? and what about the man who was a pastor of his church and knowingly gave HIV\AIDS to many women of his congregation? thats pure evil... not people who are gifted!

    1. You need to understand that your world as u see it and live it is upside down! Everything that you know is backwards. AIDS and EBOLA was made in labs and spread by evil men"IIlluminate" And yes the bible has been infiltrated by these satanist but the code is still in tact. You have got to look for the math in the bible and you will see through the diseption. God has laid it out in the mathematical language so that it cannot lie. PS I've seen 911 on my radio every day at least twice a day for the past few weeks.

    2. and as for those creatures you're talking about they work for the other side that simple everybody on TV usually does work for the other side because the Illuminati owns all of it you will never see a real preacher on TV

  60. All my life I kid u not... Every time I looke at a clock too see what time it was it would always read 9/11... I was like that's so weird... How every time I look at a clock and convently it's the same time I see always

  61. I've been seeing this number on the time a lot lately.I know people make wishes on 11:11, but what about this? I know it's got to do with opportunities being opened. Which is kind of a neat idea.


  63. Its very strange but I was born in 89 few years & 9 days after my birthday my little brother was born. My moms birthday is the 17th of april followed by my daughters 9 days after on the 26/04 and she was born in 2009 and my partners birthday is 9 days later on the 5/5 he is 45 which numerology leads to 9 my closet 2 friends also have the gap of a month and 9 days between their birthdays. Also for years of my life now every single day be it 11:11am or 11:11pm I always seem tp look at the time. This is very amazing to me ive always felt "odd" and after reading this I thinky enlightenment will surely develop further ive meditated previously & things have happened & now ive that gut feeling something more is definitely going to happen

  64. How do you let go? Everyone is saying to let go. How do you do that? And release it? release what?

  65. I don't want to believe that numbers could mean something but lately I have been giving them more importance than usual. Usually when I see the numbers I feel a little more emotional for no reason. It all started with 1, 1111, and now 911. It has been a little extra scary for me lately though. I don't know how to interpret what it means.Is there anyway that I can figure out why this is happening?

  66. God is perfect therefore anything that is not perfect has nothing to do with THE ALL.

  67. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, [a] neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

    Jeremiah 33:3 'Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.'

    don't look for numbers look for God. He will answer you,

  68. I've been seeing g the number 911 idk how many times. I've ran train tunnels and go to abandon tunnels for fun and ever since I've been seeing the number 911. A close freind died from cancer and when I was looking at all the other status of rip and everything it showed a picture with her and another freind and it was posted at 911. That really made me in shock

  69. Thanks you Jesus an angel I needed that word

  70. Our Lord and God Almighty is the greatest scientist and mathematician there ever was is and was and is to come remember where but infants in His eyes with infants in the vastness of the universe and all that it contains if you think youre of the only creature that has the intelligence your out of your minds and remember b careful we're all infants.

  71. Have been seeing 911 daily , along with 11:11. 12:21, 711 and my birthday 4/3. I already started lightworking, and as I did, my marriage became worse (not that it was ok to start with). I finally got the picture and filed for divorce. Anytime I second guess myself, I see my bday everywhere and 444 and other numbers signifying change. I have taken the steps and am at peace with whatever comes my way, this sight has been a boon to me! Thank you!

  72. Dear rush-collection,

    I've been following your page for almost four months now, and I feel blessed that I've received great help from the Angels. But there is this one thing that confounds me every time because I had this number show up when thinking of this love interest (wishing for a return of the feeling). I just don't know how to react to the number 143, and it always shows up during those times when i think about the same person. along with this, i also see 911 every time (that person being September - 9th month and mine November - 11th month, both our birth months) . I hope you can help me out with what it really meant because I think I've fallen hard to this person I'm afraid to lose him. Thank you so much. Love, Light and Peace. Namaste.


  73. Wow... thats crazy i thought i was the only person seeing 9:11 if someone is trying to tell me something please say it because im ready to listen

  74. I've been seeing 9:11 on my cell phone and home clocks for years. Even though I knew something was up, I've mostly ignored it. What do i do?

  75. A terrible phase has now left my life, but it has made me stronger! Thank you SO much rush-collection for helping me and others decipher these angelic messages.

    1. Indeed! i have just ended going through a terrible phase in my life. 911 was a number that came about a year ago and has never left me. it has indeed been through the worst with me and now is a reassurance that everything will be okay!

  76. Every night my husband and I look at the time and it says 9:11...we just thought it was his cousins way of saying hi. He does in a car accident on 9/11/2011 after reading this I now know the true meaning. I need to start working my business and helping people become more healthy!!


  78. I see 9:11 every morning and every night because of digital 12 hour clock

  79. I see a lot of same numbers like 11:11 and numbers like19:11 and 09:11 and my brother's birthday is 9/11 of 2007 😮. I think too that is a spiritual thing and happens to me because I am a very religious catholic man.

  80. I just had a very strange thing happen to me and I don't know what it's trying to tell me. It started at the nail salon with a woman I had never seen before ask me for a ride and I told her No because I wasn't going the same way. She was very odd, talking to herself, complaining about the check and appeared dirty and unkempt. She did seem kind though and I felt bad I told her NIo and since I've been trying to find a job for the past 2 months and very aware of karma. As our nails were drying she asked me again, almost begging so I said Yes (especially since I felt guilty when I said No the first time she asked). We drove the mile to her destination and she was very grateful and said I hope you have good luck for doing this for me and I Thanked her and left. As I was driving up the road to my house I saw the number 9110 appear on my windshield in the condensation. There is absolutely no explanation for this. It just appeared and it was perfectly written and it was backwards like someonewrote it on the outside of the windshield but I was able to wipe it off from the inside. If anyone can please help me determine what this number means or how to interpret this I would be very grateful.

    1. I too have been seeing 911 on the clock for a while now,but now my fear is gone because it did means old things have passed away and all things are now new.To me it means end of an era and beginning of a new life. This is what I experienced recently, I have been so down because my life has been so miserable for the past 3 or 4 years,lost a lot of money to business that didn't yield any profits, I tried to get promotion at work but always turned down due to my bad.Always get bad evaluation from my boss despite the fact that I put up my best.every request that I made at work were always turned down.on may 14,i stop at red light and somebody rear-ended me to point I had to be taken to ER,the person had no insurance neither do I, which means I have loss my car because the car was total.Suddenly I started seeing 911 on my desk to computer, on my office phone and my car clock(my second car) and it was scary because I thought I was going to died or something terrible is about to happen but the irony of it is that things started changing for good,my boss has been giving the outstanding eval,won employee of the month award,get promoted from grade 9 to grade 11, and will automatically move to Grade 12 after 1 year.Which means I will be close to 6 figures in the 1 or 2 yrs.those who works with fed will understand how the salary grade and step increase works. In a nut shell what I can say us that seeing 911,means life is about to change from worse to good or end one point and start afresh at another level.i just left a position of line staff and join the managerial staffs.And everything have been changing for good,i have enough money to pay of my credit card,my new position is offering me to pay off my student loan and a lot of goodies is just popping up in my life unexpectedly.

    2. Hello God Wishes!

      As everyone in this post I'm seeing this numbers. I'm searching for info about it since a few months but more in these last 5-6 weeks. Reading your comment made me write here instead of a individual post.

      Since approximately 2009 my husband told me he was seeing 911 all the times, I laughed, but then remembered that I was too. In 2011 I didn't remember seeing that much...and that was the greatest year we had in every aspect of our lives. Then things started to go wrong, we began to have so many financial troubles (and we don't even have a social life or expensive life style) it's like we cash our paychecks and money vanishes or something. And we have been struggling since late 2012. Meanwhile the number kept appearing but we didn't make nothing out of it, just a coincidence, perhaps.

      Then this year it increased it appearances and started all kinds of numbers combinations ending with 11 and also 333 (I woke up a whole week at this exact time 3:33 am) and after an event that occurred recently, I'm seeing 111, 222, 444.

      This year on September 11, my husband was returning home from visiting his father someone invaded his lane he turned the wheel to the opposite side and since it was a coast road there was sand and it was raining, he lost control and hits a kilometer sign and the car (which only were with us exactly 2 months , 1 day and when we went to close the deal at the auto dealer I had felt like a "don't do it" in my gut) turned upside down at 1:19 pm on 9/11 and the kilometer was 11.1. Also you mentioned the date of your accident and that date is my birth day.

      We still trying to get behind all negative stuff. My husband is studying, I'm getting online courses and I'm learning about meditation and such. So even though all of this has happened, I'm feeling better and now that I'm understanding this everything is finally getting sense.

    3. P.s. our car was also totally lost.

  81. Came in after seeing the time 9:11 today on 9/11. Then I noticed the there were exactly 111 comments here :D.

  82. Last night, my phone rang, the ending 3 numbers were 911. There was a long silence as I kept saying hello repeatedly. Curious, I called the number back and it was a disconnected number. How does a disconnected call you. That was on the eve of 9/11. My birthday is tomorrow, 9/12. I've been praying for my angels and have people sending me angels, especially yesterday, as it was a very low day for me. Wonder if this is a sign. Sure hope so.

  83. Last night, my phone rang, the ending 3 numbers were 911. There was a long silence as I kept saying hello repeatedly. Curious, I called the number back and it was a disconnected number. How does a disconnected call you. That was on the eve of 9/11. My birthday is tomorrow, 9/12. I've been praying for my angels and have people sending me angels, especially yesterday, as it was a very low day for me. Wonder if this is a sign. Sure hope so.

  84. Yesterday was 9/11, I received 2 phone calls from a telephone starting with 911...and at the same time I randomly choose a green DMC sewing floss...it was number 911! Waiting to see what today brings!

  85. Yesterday was 9/11...I received two phone calls from a number starting 911...then I randomly choose a green DMC floss...it was number 911! waiting to see what today brings!

  86. Beautiful makes perfect sense! x

  87. It's truely encouraging to read the positive aspects of seeing the number 911 repeatedly. However, my experience makes it difficult to be completely at ease with it as I after about 6 months of not seeing it, It's starting again.

    I started noticing 911 in 2010. I saw it frequently on the clock but really took notice when I would see it on reciepts, incoming emails, incoming text message times, odometer, and on policy numbers to just name a few. I saw this at least once daily between 2010 - 2015. Without going in to detail in that time (in chronological order) I have found myself in a health crisis, in financial crisis, betrayed, distanced by family and friends, homeless, depressed, with car problems, coworker problems, and at the top of the list, lost two family members by way of murder. The loss of family prompted me to quit a great job and move to an other city with my family to be closer to other grieving family. I continued to see 911. Soon I would be subject to sabotage, jobless, more betrayal, cruelty, a target, and alone on Christmas. Seperated, I found a job in a nearby city and moved. I soon was offered another job and moved again. It's been tuff but I've held in there always with God at my side. I stopped seeing the numbers.

    Six months later the numbers have started again. Although I've been pretty sad, I've always been a fighter and never gave up. I do have much more control over my life now and have to say I have experienced a lot of the authors knowledge for sure but it's just to hefty a price to pay. I miss and worry about my children. I don't need a majestic enlightenment for hanging in there. I need a break!

  88. 119 comments... I think 9 11 is a very spiritual number, like spirit telling you that you have made another jump. Often spirit tells this because from their perspective its clear and ALREADY MADE whereelse we are still not knowing this fact! I saw 9 11 some time ago nearly every day and was not knowing the meaning of it, now some months later it appears again. Just in the sense of NEW DOORS OPENING SOON it reminds me of my mission, where the most important part i was integrating was Compassion, Benevolence, being a positive example. the 9. 11 and 22 appear continuesly in my life. I consider myself a very grounded and back to the base lightwortker / energy healer, I am an Empath so I feel the emotions of other people. I wish all of you all the best, and may the beautiful acompaignment of number enlighten your day daily!

  89. Really Iv recently started seeing 911 bout a couple of months now and Iv seen it today so I just start reading it r day and now I understand wht it means now It was the Angle talking to me feeling great :)

  90. Sasha - i applaud your belief and strength of character - without a foubt you do reach for god through jesus i want you to read something very sacred and important its called your body is yhe holy land by santos bonacci, or prior to that george W Carey, in uour brain you produce quite a number of things but the female in uou the cerebellum produces a milk and the male - a type of oil or honey this is the land of milk and honey - this is what your religion is talking to uou about when you turn water to wine you turn water to blood when the red sea is parted its parted by your lungs to alllow the ' imaculate conception' the coming together of the male and female to travel through your chakras into the shadowy valley of the stomach where it is either destroyed by your bad habits or allowed to travel back up to the father and mother - it rises and travels back up to a part of your brain that looks like the rosicrusian cross - this is called a 'christing' the energy rrleased at this point is devine - 1000 times stronger than your brain is capable of without it so i applaud you for not being and ignorant person and looking and searching for whatever makes you beautiful - everyone s body is made to be able to do this and this is what jesus traveled tibet and india to learn from the yogis of the himalayas amongst other ppl - let know one slander your faith without cause but care for amd love you unconditionally and offer you support xxx god bless you xxx my name is Carrie ann and im still learning to love xxx if you wnt any info on this email me at indiegirl1988@hotmail.com

  91. How do I communicate with an Angel?

  92. How do I communicate with an Angel?

  93. first I thought it was related to terrorist attacks, clearly I have been brain washed by the media.
    911 is good

  94. My grandfather died of cancer 8 years ago. A couple of months before his death, I started noticing that I would look at the clock at 9:11. At first I didn't think much of it. Then it started getting weird it happened so often. Moments after his last breath, my grandmother asked for the time. I pulled my phone out and you can guess what time it was. The second she asked, I knew it. Sure enough. 9:11pm. I have been struggling in a relationship lately and 9:11 has been showing up constantly. Where I feel like the right thing to do is walk away, but I'm struggling to do so. I got a flash flood warning text at 9:11 tonight and it wasn't even raining lol. It seems like it is always a sign of some kind, but I never know exactly what. I sometimes feel a little crazy because of it...any advice?

    1. Water (in all its forms) symbolizes emotions and the emotions and dealing with emotions.

      Look into your emotions, listen to what they are telling you, and do what your heart and intuition tell you. You already know.

      Your grandfather offers love, support and guidance ...

    2. Thank you, I am being told exactly what to do. My son brought me his tablet this morning to help download a game. Time...9:11...pure coincidence... I know better. I've seen this before. I've known what to do all along, I think someone is trying to tell me I'm right, even though I stuggle to except it :). Thank you for replying, its not something you can just talk about to anyone without seeming a little crazy. People that havnt experienced something like this can't even begin to understand what its like. I just recently read about the number 911 representing closing out the old and excepting the new. Its all starting to make sense. My grandfather died at 9:11 the day we brought our newborn daughter home from the hospital.

  95. My precious Grandma passed away on 9-11-15. I keep seeing this number sequence everywhere (911), daily..... Multiple times a day. Is it a message from her or does it mean what the above states or both??

  96. I have see 911 all the time day or night at my phone or clock etc , on Jan 2 2016 in the morning saw 911 on my phone then the evening on my phone again 911 then went out to a lounge gave me coat check and the stumb paper was 911 I freaked out all in 1 day , please help me what this means alexrapharl74@gmail.com

    1. I was seeing 911 also for years. Honestly, I also freaked out and my friends told me I am weird. But it's ok. Coz I know now why I am seeing numbers mostly ending with 11. It is maybe a wakeup call from your angel. Try to analyze your life, your dreams and what you really want. Correct what's wrong. Follow your heart and intuition because your angels is helping you to get to the right path. Just pray and all your questions will be answered. Don't be afraid when you see numbers repeatedly, instead embrace it and be thankful because your angels are by your side.--just talking from my personal experience :)

  97. Am I the only one skeptical about these numbers? How do you know it's an angel behind you seeing them? Have you guys won the lottery or received anything tangible to prove these numbers are such 'a blessing'?

  98. To all the religious kooks! If you have nothing better to say then don't say anything. I'm tired of your biblical rant.

  99. Wow. I naturally look at the clock at exactly 9:11 every day as well as the number showing up in my everyday life for years. So so weird. Yesterday I purchased 3 keys and a package of twizzlers....and sure enough it was $9.11. Ate at subway the other day...$9.11. It comes up everywhere. But that makes perfect sense.

  100. Welcome to the universe!
    The fabric of which is Matter and Energy. Positive and negative, Good and bad, chaos and Symmetry, God and satan, poison and Medicine.
    Negative thought tricks me with fear and superstition.
    They lead me to think 911 is bad and to be afraid.
    They issue superstition and lack of understanding implying this site is occult and uses religious believers to do it.
    The positive side gave me my mind and 100% control over my own thoughts. I am of the power greater than myself. I am of its consciousness and form because I am made of its fabric and energy. Nothing I say or do here is of me, it is all born of my nature, the building materials of creation. An acorn can only grow an oak. Evil can only grow sickness and damage. Goodness can only grow relief.

  101. Thank You for this site!
    I believed 911 was bad and got worried.
    Now I believe it is good and feel better.
    Religion tricked me into believing superstitious nonsense; that this site is evil.
    Whats evil is fear, hate, anger, superstition, control, manipulation, ignorance and negative thought.

    1. My thoughts are no longer my own I have limited ability to control things I'm saying and I feel think and taste nothing but god blessings and signs of great magnitude are sprouting all about me for his glory has shined on a spot I never knew was there I feel out of nowhere he has returned..no I KNOW we are in the presence of Jesus's return times such reality is it that I'm not with understanding what was thought to be real but with understanding I understand nothing

  102. Around a year ago I think, I used to look at the clock and most of the time it said 911. I used to think it was something haunting at me, but that was the year that I quit attempting suicide. Never noticed what it stood for until now.

  103. My grandfather, my older sister, and myself are born on 9/11.
    I see 9:11 in the AM and PM on nearly every day of my life. Whether I am home or traveling in my car...it makes its time known. I assume this is a positive...but its a little freaky.

    1. Thats amazing, have you talked to your sister about it? Does she experience the same thing or a similar mind set?

  104. My grandfather, my older sister, and myself are born on 9/11. My grandfather has been deceased prior to me seeing 911.
    I see 9:11 in the AM and PM on nearly every day of my life. Whether I am home or traveling in my car...it makes its time known. I assume this is a positive...but its a little freaky.

  105. Ive been seeing 911 for like 2 months now. I feel like god or angels is sub conciously trying to tell me something not sure what. But I got my hours reduced to 2 because of a rude assistant manager. This makes me feel better and this article describes me. I would never believe this stuff but too coincidental. I'm 20 and hope something comes of this. Always felt like I had bad luck. Everytime I look forward too something it seems to go wrong.But this makes me believe in god more.

  106. My angel taught me that 911 means taking advantage of others. 119 is being a slave. 1111 is fairness. Wouldn't it be a disservice if everyone thought 911 was a good thing? Then they'd be creating unfair world and darkness.

    1. Chris, maybe you should check on who your angel is working for. And no, I'm not being flip. When I finally fell asleep during a very broken sleep filled with a host of worries, I had some dream and all I really remember of it was this number coming forth out of some sort of void, right into my face. And it addresses everything that was keeping me awake. Thank God, thank the angels, thank you, rush-collection...

  107. For the past 2 nights my fit bit sleep tracker says ive been really restless since my friend died. Both nights ive been restless in a pattern of 9min 11min 11min 9min 11min 11min ect both patterns each night

  108. Jesus has returned take grasp on your destiny and guide god's people to Jesus for he eagerly awaits us his servants who have a job to do take serious the lord for our days in the flesh are numbered guide with confidence his people help heal the world where it counts.....with our lord

  109. He is here ! Guide his sheep and only with praise in his name to him with honor that is my purpose Ik things I've never read or seen felt something where there r no feeling holders have a vast understanding of what's to come out of nowhere I know judgment is upon us

  110. I watched on 9 11 live in the library at my high school it was around 10 am however years later I realised it was also 10 am in america on the other side of the world ,how could it be live , I believe it was live however time stood still or maybe I wasn't ever in the library maybe I was asleep in bed and god showed me a spiritual vision.

  111. I was raised out of bed by the ringing of my ear, so i took a glimpse at the clock and it was 911. I hesitated and started to feel closer to the signal, because angel do whisper. THANK YOU FOR THE GUIDANCE

  112. I'm 18. I've been seeing this number for almost three years. More recently now . And that makes a lot of sense!

  113. 1157 and 911 keeps dropping up as the time on my watch when I look, also on a digital clock in my car (which cannot be reset and so it shows the time 7 hrs 13 minutes slow) and things seem to happen at 9:11 or 11:57 AM/PM!

  114. When I opened this page I saw this
    Total Pageviews
    86,887,119 !!

  115. I am always seeing 911 in the mornings and night.

  116. I am always seeing the number 911 in the mornings and night

  117. I am always seeing 911 in the mornings and night.

  118. I have seen the number 420 for almost 2 months.
    Now, I have been seeing 911 everyday for about 4 weeks?
    Or so.. Not too sure.
    Me and My fiance have been doing sooo good lately < 3
    I suppose I get paranoid and all that.
    My best friend has come back into my life recently too.
    Maybe I am over thinking ?
    I always think I have to break up with my fiance or dump my best friend of 15+ years because I over think
    "shut the old door so a new one can open."
    What exactly is this OLD door ?
    Anyone want to discuss ?

  119. I have been on what I believe is a Twin Flame journey...crazy synchronicities and numbers have been bombarding me since meeting him. 9/11 happens to be his birthday. I have been doubting our unique relationship as he seems to be withdrawn from me. Does seeing my TF's bday mean anything??

  120. Kept seeing this number over and over then all of a sudden it ended. Has God already picked his chosen ones?

  121. Peace and love my cosmic spiritual brothers and sisters just from reading some of the posts it just seemed that the truth has been revealed to some but not all a lot of Christians base what they believe in judging others on the Bible I used to be one of those people but before the Bible was ever around there was much more ancient writings and teachings that were left here for us so that we might find the truth for ourselves and before there was ever a written language thanks to the Sumerians we had numbers that's how people communicated the Bible does speak truths it says to seek and you shall find knock and the door shall be open this is a truce if you choose to look beyond what you were told to believe and do some research for yourself you will find there is a much older richer greater history that will allow you to learn who you really are and who you were created to be so before you judge us the cosmic spiritual universally connected people go beyond your Bible and do some reading read a book this is the age of technology and it doesn't make any good sense to just believe what someone tells you again I was a Christian studying to preach the gospel but thanks to the powers-that-be my eyes were open the scales were removed from my eyes and I thought out the truth behind the Bible there's much more to our creation and who we are then just what is in that book believe you me with peace and love I offer the alternative once again peace and love and may you truly find enlightenment to all my brothers and sisters who already found it stay Cosmic stay spiritual don't let those that only know one truth tell you that your truth isn't right there is way too much information that is in this world that hasn't been talk to you because they don't want you to know they want to keep us separate and they want to keep those blind and dumb

  122. I started seeing these sequences about six months ago. I kept seeing 911 and 1111 randomly on the clock. I was in college at the time and I kept telling my roommate it's 911! Something bands gonna happen to me because I keep seeing it. I started seeing it so much that she would get mad whenever I pointed it out. I had struggled for years with depression and had finally hit my limit where I felt like I couldn't take it anymore. I had always joked about how no matter what I didn't want God to send me a sign or vision of some sort, because it would freak me out; but one night I had felt so hopeless that I prayed that GOD PLEASE SEND ME A SIGN, because I couldn't take it anymore! That night I was on my way home from school and a song came on about having faith in God and about my guardian angel and I felt overwhelmed and started to cry. The next morning, I woke up and saw the number 9:11. I thought it was so weird, because I almost never wake up that early for no reason. Something dawned on me to finally look up what it meant and when I did, it was completely eye opening. I started seeing the numbers following me around after that, almost forcing themselves on me. My phone would light up for no reason and the number on it was 11:11. I went house hunting with my parents and the number on the mailbox across the street was 9 1 1 with the numbers in between peeled off. I am coping much better with my depression these days, but I notice that every time I start feeling very low, and get into a negative mind space, I start to see these numbers again. It's kind of a reminder for me to stay positive and it encourages me to get out of that negitave space.

  123. Genesis 9:11 And I will establish My covenant with you,Neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood; neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth.”

  124. I have been seeing 911 everywhere for the last 3 years. I always ignored it when I became aware that the number was following me, somehow. Reading this made me realize something I have fought for so long- my desire to help others heal and be their best. I am pacifist and if I hurt you or you hurt me, I will be the one to make peace. I always felt that I was here for something more but I thought I was just having delusions of grandeur. Now I don't know. This number is everywhere. It cannot be a coincidence. I honestly do not know what to think anymore.

  125. I'm thinking of going a holiday in 4 weeks but without my children and I am quite anxious about it, since Sunday I have seen 9.11 3 times on my clocks which is making me wonder if I should go my holiday or not

  126. 911 119 1119 have been in my life for as long as I can remember, I cant remember a time that I haven't seen a random ph number with it or looked up at the clock at that exact sequence of numbers, a cars lic plate, a street address, a price tag or even my origin game points score lol... 12 years ago i became a born again and started understanding that Jesus's way is the only way to ascend to the father of this realities creation, and the truth that he speaks to my soul is more powerful then any sermon or street preacher or bible study ive ever encountered. I remember how hurt I felt when asked the first time what denomination I was ... I simply said "I dont know .. Jesus" isnt that how simple it was suppose to be i thought? why did we feel the need to control it through man made organizations?.. little did I understand the politics and world wide spiritual division I was about to encounter. If Jesus wanted to win our hearts by force I have no doubt in my mind that he could have, instead everyone is free to come or go as they please and as many times as it takes there no end as EVERY road leads to god good and bad at the end of things doesnt it! I follow the way that jesus has laid out for me because thats my choice but that doesn't restrict me to only church music, bible study and what our big brother christian leaders have said is holy or unholy culture wise. I embrace ALL creation and consider ALL things to have an elements of god and truths that CANT be found just sitting on the church seats Sunday after Sunday after Sunday.

  127. All my life I have been able to read peoples hearts and see the deep truths that lay there, well before any christian influence. Sometimes random people and even my close freinds and family have attacked me unprovoked and for no justifiable reason just because my motive was to help without any strings attached which they couldn't understand always thinking i wanted something in return but i don't i just wanted them to be happy and free like ive experienced or instead of yelling and getting angry about something I decide to just show love and this confusing them. Many times in my life I have had peoples social lives and even careers held in my hands that have wronged me for no reason, and I could have destroyed them but instead I showed love and mercy, because that what i truly want in my life and as hard as it was humanly possible to do and just moved on. And that always comes at a price to me, I could have had my way, cleaned my hands and watched justice pour onto them, but instead I chose to say a humble pray of love over there soul and walk away... its not easy... Focusing my thoughts to bless my enemies and not give into the constant fear and hatred this world is breeding, i see more and more of it everyday is a battle yes but its already won and decided we just have to walk our path the way Jesus said, at the end of it all I just think why is this reality filled with so much pain? the moment we are born we almost destroy our mothers, when a woman has sex for the first time there is a moment of pain then intense pleasure. Being born into a reality is always painful but the promise and hope of rest and pleasure makes all the suffering on this planet bearable.

  128. I came to this website by pure chance, but just like my reoccurring numbers its not for no reason, I know this now. Jesus's way is the best way to live this life even knowing that some parts of the bible are purely mans teachings not inspired by the holy spirit. Let your spirit discern what is god and what isn't. you might be surprised that god uses a homeless drug addict to tell you to get YOUR sh*t sorted. funnier things have happened so don't lose sight that we are just human vessels with an immortal soul that fail and god knows this already so stop judging each other we need to help each other get through these life's that our soul lives or forever circle around the mountain in denial until we realize we can climb and reach out to a loving god.
