Thursday, January 05, 2012


Number 829 is a combination of the energies and attributes of number 8 and number 2, and the qualities of number 9. Number 8 relates to practicality, personal power and authority, dependability and self-reliance, manifesting positive abundance, discernment and decisiveness, a desire for peace and a love of humanity, world transformation, giving and receiving and the Universal Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect; karma. Number 2 is associated with balance, harmony, duality, peace, adaptability, service to others, diplomacy, receptivity and love, charm, understanding others, mediation and co-operation, consideration, faith and trust, your life purpose, support and encouragement. Number 9 denotes endings and conclusions and relates to the Universal Spiritual Laws, a higher perspective and expansive viewpoint, strength of character, non-conformity, the concept of karma, leadership and leading life as a positive example for others, altruism, humanitarianism and lightworking.  

Angel Number 829 is a message from your angels to have faith and trust that you will always have enough in order to care for yourself and your loved ones. Know that you are able to confidently walk your Divine life path and serve your soul mission, with your wants and needs being met along the way. Do not allow fears of lack or loss hinder or stop you from fulfilling your Divine duties. Trust that you will successfully manifest all that you will ever need.

Angel Number 829 can also indicate that some situations and circumstances may be coming to a close or end in your life so that new opportunities may arise for you to take advantage of for your long-term benefit, and for the betterment of others. It may be time to reconsider all of your options.

Angel Number 829 is a message that you will be totally supported and guided by the angels and the Universal Energies throughout your life. The examples you are setting by living your truths is encouraging and teaching others to follow your lead. Your angels encourage you to live your life with passion and purpose and keep up your great lightwork.

Opportunities to blossom are all around you. Be open to signs leading you in the right direction.

Number 829 relates to number 1 (8+2+9=19, 1+9=10, 1+0=1) and Angel Number 1.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. Replies
    1. You posted this on 8/29!!!!
      That's my bday!! 😝✌️

  2. I have finally found my answer! Thank you so very much for this article. For the past couple years at least, i have seen this number almost daily in my life. From license plates, to just happening to look at the time, to seeing it first thing in the morning as i wake, to scores and video games, just every where. I have been searching for an answer for a long time, since i realized it couldn't be a coincidence that this number was following me. But the most fascinating of it all, is my birthday is 8/29/19** ...which made it even more bizarre and intriguing to find out what's going on. I was on my knees here and just got the urge to google "what does 829 mean?" And this article came up!! I never thought about such a direct approach, but it finally came to me. Thank you Mrs. rush-collection for this article. It has been made so abundantly clear. Now i know the meaning, but the purpose for seeing it everywhere in everything, is it just a reassurance? Or maybe there is a message, a reminder, a task? Maybe its just letting me know to find out what i am supposed to be doing. Which oddly, based on the meaning, is what i been doing, how i been living all my life. But maybe, i am to be more in tuned with my purpose of lightworking, as maybe i haven't been fulfilling my absolute purpose. So now i will be research more on this subject, it just feels right suddenly. If there is anymore guidance that anyone reading this can provide, i can be reached at ..thanks again!

    1. That's my birthday too. I've had the same experience.

  3. I am very happy to find an answer because I have also seen the number 829 everywhere. I see it almost every day on the clock, or I will randomly look up at a mail box/ license plate/ price tag and see this number. Like someone else who commented, my birthday is August 29th but 8/29/97. I hope that this is the true meaning of this number. It feels great to find an answer!

  4. Wonderful source of information. Thank you!!!, in...lifelightlove*anita

  5. This is so appreciated. I see this 829 everyday. For as long as I can remember . My birthday is August 29th, 1968. ( 8/29 ) . All my life I have had this fascination with the numbers 6, 8, 29. Just recently I've become drawn to a different happiness . One of which I no longer allow others to abuse my inner self . So I thank you for helping me understand that I am not a coincidence in life's journey. ❤️����

  6. Amen!!! Immensely blessed and grateful always and forever !!! Love,peace and Light to all!!! ♡♡♡

  7. Leroy Brown 829.. The Police! Great number system guys. Y’all are really smart cookies

  8. 829.. Leroy and Brown in French. The Police officers. Fits your description. Y’all are really clever with your job numbers

  9. Organized cyber crime using angel numbers for job descriptions so cute @fbi 911 is my fav lightworker who opens doors.

  10. Thank you so much for this blog :) You have provide me with such useful information and it made me feel even more connected to the angels! Thank you for your hard work and may love and light be with you :)

  11. You cleared up all the questions ive had rolling around in my head for years. The first person commented she sees 829 everywhere, license plates, signs everywhere, etc. I was born on that date too. Remarkable.

  12. This is my birthday I’ve been seeing it so much!

  13. Thank you Heavenly Father for your Amazing Grace and Mercy on your child. #1 Fan
