Friday, January 27, 2012


Number 924 is made up of the vibrations and energies of number 9 and number 2, and the attributes of number 4. Number 9 is the number of lightworking and service to humanity, philanthropy and benevolence, duty and calling, leading by positive example, sensitivity and strength of character, non-conformity and idealism. Number 9 also relates to the Universal Spiritual Laws, and endings and conclusions. Number 2 is associated with balance, harmony, duality, peace, adaptability, service to others, diplomacy, receptivity and love, charm, understanding others, mediation and co-operation, consideration, faith and trust, your life purpose, support and encouragement. Number 4 relates to practicality and application, hard work and responsibility, traditional values, honesty and integrity, patience and practicality, conscientiousness, and determination to achieve goals. Number 4 also relates to our drive, passion and purpose, and the energies of the Archangels.

Angel Number 924 is a message that the angels are guiding and assisting you with finding your personal niche and beginning a spiritual career and/or practice or heart-based service or venture. Listen to your intuition and the guidance from the angels for the next steps to take along your life path as a lightworkerYour life purpose entails standing in your own truths and being a lightworker or ‘wayshower’ for others, so choose to see yourself in a higher light and consciously live and present the highest and best of yourself. Set your intentions in powerful, courageous and confident ways, and even if you feel trepidation or fear, use your creative mind to bypass and overcome any limiting perceptions.

Angel Number 924 brings a message to have faith and trust in the angels as they help you with all aspects of your soul mission. Be open to receiving their assistance and take appropriate actions as per guided. The angels encourage and support you in your chosen path in life.

Angel Number 924 encourages you to enjoy the present moment and keep your heart and mind open to wonderful opportunities for creativity and self-expression. Do things that make you feel creative, joyful and loving, as by doing so you open yourself up to receive more positive experiences. Create your life from a place of love, awareness, compassion and open-heartedness. 

Number 924 relates to number 6 (9+2+4=15, 1+5=6) and Angel Number 6.



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  1. I've had 9 24 or 924 show up in my life for the last 7 years. It shows up in many forms of media and in different mediums. It shows up a few times a day or sometimes only once a day. Only a couple times a week is it the clock. It's very random but often. It happens to be my birthdate also.

    1. This is PRECISELY what happens to me, and it is also my birthdate. Have you found any answers?

    2. The very same thing happens to me as well and it is also my birthday. The two "weirdest" events was seeing the beginning of my neighbor who lives right across the street from me license plate # which was of course 924. The other, I work in a dept store in which a customer wanted to find out their gift card balance. There is a 3 digit code on the the card, I need not go any further. Always seem to catch it timewise, often. I continue to find further meaning and connection

    3. This is also my birthday and I see it at least once a day. Amazing.

    4. This is also my birth date and I see it up to 20x a day in all different ways, 924 angels unite!

    5. I seem to always catch 9:24 on a clock whether it's a.m. or p.m. at least 10 out of the 14 times 9:24 is on the clock.. and it's awesome to me because 9/24 is my birthday and what is so strange is that after reading the comments it seems like you all have seen the same number quite often and we share the same birthday.

  2. This sequence has shown up all my life. It's even my birthdate. Thank you for this clarification!

  3. This is my birthday as well. I've been seeing this number almost daily for about 8 years now. During a channeling session 4 years ago, I was told it was my calling to teach. Interesting to me that it mentioned beginning a spiritual practice in lightworking.

  4. This is my birthday as well. I've been seeing this number almost daily for about 8 years now. During a channeling session 4 years ago, I was told that it was my calling to teach. Interesting to me that it mentioned beginning a spiritual practice in lightworking.

    1. We are all called to teach. That's one thing I think is lacking in the area I am in currently. No one shares wisdom. Each of us has something different than one another. Even identical twins. We learn by sharing with people socially when in stores and coffee shops. At least that's how it is in some areas. I appreciate a nosy neighbor or fellow customer, as long as they direct their contents about me to me.

    2. This is my birthday as well and been seeing this number frequently on television, plate numbers and clock.

    3. 924 is my birthdate and I always see 924 most times that U look at my clock and I think the explanation above is true.

  5. Its also my birthday and I have been seeing it for years...Interesting I must say.

  6. That's my birthday as well and I see this number so often :)

  7. I've been coming to your site for about a year now usually just when I see a number multiple (i.e. 333) many times. What's funny is I got a new case for my phone that lights you up for selfies and I noticed one day that it randomly turns on by itself. I just passed it off as a defect, until one day I decided to look at the time when it happened (and sometimes it's insistent will blink multiple times while I'm looking). So as I looked at the time I immediately looked up the numbers here. It's crazy how accurate it is! I even have to laugh about it sometimes. There's barely a day that goes by now where that doesn't happen. My belief is unshakeanle now. Thank you rush-collection for being an amazing (and thorough) conduit!

  8. This happens to me all the time and it is ny Birthday as well. I have also seen tag numbers as well twice in one day.

  9. Its looks like everyone shares that same story so then what do we do. How does one become a light worker? What is the message here.

  10. I see 9:24 every time I look at a clock. I've shown it to my mom,so I'd like to know what that means in regard to me. All my life I've been able to see things before that happened. If a thought comes to me about a friend and I go to facebook, friend always pops up, without fail. Example, my cousin got married 7 years ago. I was wondering when she would have a child. Log on to facebook, and there is a picture of her pregnant. Same thing with her second child. I'd like to improve this ability, any suggestions of how to do that?

  11. This my birthdate as well ... I feel the call to teach ... To help heal those who need it most ... To help bring a new understanding that there isn't only one way one path ... We are to show others by the life we have lived ... If y'all are anything like me ... It has not been a easy road but you handle it with such grace and strength ... It's showing people that no matter how bad things can get or have been I choose to be a light for those in darkness.

  12. Hi rush-collection, I am sorry but I need answers this is too broad and not specific enough for me. I see a lot of numbers throughout the day, daily, but I want an answer that is bright as day. Specifics.

  13. I've also gotten this number for years except that the difference between a lot of you and me is that this is the anniversary of my son's passing at 19

    1. So sorry to hear this...May God be with you and God bless ...Shine your light brightly

  14. 924 which is one of my close friends birthday ... ive been seeing this number recently and so I mentioned to her... last night my friend played and HIT 924 bday lottery pick 3 in order of 429 Wow !!! I should have played myself

  15. What if you don't want to be a lightworker? I keep seeing all these messages and they all say the same thing - you are a lightworker, begin a spiritual career and/or practice or heart-based service or venture.

    I don't want to do this and feel bombarded with messages to do so. I've tried ignoring it, but it's becoming overwhelming.

  16. It's funny. My comment is the earliest comment on this post. And I'm back, 6 years later. I see many people have this particular number showing up repeatedly, and it's also our birthday. I came back to report I do see myself constantly being a lightworker and a wayshower. It happens in almost every interaction where the opportunity presents itself, and I had long forgotten about this post, so it isn't like a self-fulfilling prophecy thing. But, my issue is--I don't know how to make a career out of this. I have a law degree now, I have worked in travel before, but then have recently been diagnosed with a slew of health problems, and I'm only in my 20's. I'm having a hard time figuring out how to forge a career with my natural tendencies as were strangely appropriately dictated in this post. I would love some guidance from the one who posted the information. rush-collection? I wonder if there is a way to contact and ask.

  17. Same for me I see 924 on clocks every day and it’s also my birthdate. Not sure what to do or go from here.

  18. Amazing All the way!!! Thank you 🙏

  19. I just looked at my phone about 15 minutes ago and it said 9:24. I said to my buddy that this has happened a lot for the last couple of months and I wonder what it means and then I looked it up and found this. It is also my birthday. Amazing how much the meaning resides in my transformation over the last few years. Thank you.

  20. So, this is so weird, enlightening, and refreshing. Mostly refreshing because I see that I'm not the only one. The only difference is that I only see 924 (My Birthday) when my now ex husband is involved .
    I saw it prior to our separation, it was the address to the house across the street from the divorce attorneys office, also the address to the court house. He could send me a text while I'm driving and ill look up and it be on the license plate in front of . We had a nasty divorce but he never wavered on getting me back. Now after being divorced for a year, I am finally allowing him to come back around. AGAIN... 924's everywhere ! I'm not sure if the universe is telling me to surrender or to run. It's gotten so bad over the years that I've dedicated a whole album in my phone pictures and time screenshots of 924 with notes of what was happening at the time.
    I wish the angels could just send me a clear note in the mail with exactly what it all means. LOL 😊!!
