Friday, January 27, 2012


Number 923 is a combination of the vibrations of the numbers 9, 2 and 3. Number 9 relates to the Universal Spiritual Laws, sensitivity, a higher perspective and expansive viewpoint, influence, leading life as a positive example for others, non-conformity, benevolence and altruism, philanthropy and lightworking. Number 9 also denotes endings and conclusions. Number 2 resonates with your intuition and insight, service to others, diplomacy and mediation, duality, finding balance and harmony, receptivity and love, selflessness, ambition, sensitivity, faith, trust, and your life purpose and soul mission. Number 3 is the number of affability, enthusiasm, assistance and encouragement, communication and self-expression, growth, expansion and the principles of increase, manifesting, broad-minded thinking, talents and skills, and the energies of the Ascended Masters.    

Angel Number 923 brings a message from your angels that you are ready and well prepared to take on your life purpose with passion and effort, with faith and trust that the angels and Ascended Masters support and encourage you in your lightworking endeavours. Give any fears or concerns to the angels for healing and get on with serving your soul purpose.

Use your inner creativity (in whatever form resonates with your soul), express yourself and connect to your higher-self. Do not disregard your natural creativity as you have your own unique gifts and talents that are to be shared with others. Bring out your special abilities and let them shine. Tap into your natural creative forces and connect with your intuitive voice to bring further inspiration to your life.

Angel Number 923 is a message to trust the guidance from the angels in all aspects to do with your life mission and to keep up your wonderful lightwork as you are helping others by shining your love and light on the world.

Angel Number 923 tells you that your confidence and self-esteem are being boosted and your faith and trust encouraged by the angels and Ascended Masters and the Universal Energies. Use you natural talents, creativity and optimism to enlighten others.  

Number 923 relates to number 2 (9+2+3=14, 1+4=5) and Angel Number 5.



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NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This came to me while leaving the Ocean in the car... love it.

  3. All glory be 2 God Almighty -- Jesus Christ is Lord !!!!!

    1. The Alpha and Omega ~ Love
      Praise, honor and glory be to God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

  4. This is also my beloved's date of birth and I see this number everywhere I go, every day for more than 3 years. It's always in my face even when I don't want to pay attention.

    1. Omg this my birthday as well and I'm always seeing 923. I see it on license plates, in the scores of various games I've even stated taking pictures because I thought it was just in my head because it's my birth date.

    2. Wow this is my bday too & I see it everywhere!! I always wondered if there was a reason!!

    3. This is also my bday, and every time I feel the need to know what time it is I look, my clock is 923 am or 923 PM. I see this number all over if shopping my total 923, on license plates, my scores on a game, ect

  5. This is my bday as well as my boyfriends!... I also have an ex that shares this birthday. And he is another follower of Jesus. Amazing!

  6. Amen!!! Immensely blessed and grateful!!!♡♡♡
    Love ,peace and Light to all!!! ♡♡♡

  7. Wow 923 is also my birthday, it seems EVERYTIME I look at the clock it is 923, and every time I announce 923 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME ITS 923...everyo ev, just looks at me n laughs, and one again I tell them, there has to be a Meaning behind the nubern, like look at sept. 23rd 2017, the signs in the sky. But I still every single day see it out if no where...CRAZY

    1. Omg!!! This is the same exact thing that happens to me. I also born 923 the only girl of 3 brothers born on my dads birthday, 923. And every time I feel the need to see what time it is either 923 am or 923pm even my license plate is 923. It is not a custom plate.

  8. I see this number so often and it sticks with me every time for over 20 years now. Just tonight I was putting my youngest to bed and a painting by my recently deceased uncle really came to my focus. I thought about texting his son and sharing my thoughts of his father with him. As I pulled out my phone I noticed, once again, for the millionth time, 923. It brought an overwhelming sense of something greater this evening and a renewal of my exploration for it. That led me here and this interpretation seems to ring true. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Wow. It is my birthday too and I see it every where all the time!

  10. I'm feeling some type of way about this #. I last won on the lottery on 9/23/21. Then I had a dry spell til February 7th ,2022. My dream about my Mother and I dancing? I woke up at 9:23@. Now my left heart catheterization is scheduled for 3/29/2022?? What's going on with this# ? Any takers? My bday is 3/20/66. 407-535-1185 . Tell me what you think. 🙏✌️🎉🥂

  11. This number 923 that I've seen all my life is my birthday month and day. Does this change the meaning at all?

  12. When I was a kid I felt like an outside because no one shared my birth month or zodiac sign. It's crazy to see how many people were born on September 23rd the cusp of the Virgos and Libras but we def the leaders of libras. 1996 is my year birth on 9/23. What yours ?

  13. Thank you for spending time and your energy on this .. my birthday is 9/23/1975 on the cusp as the Virgo begins to pass and the unwavering balance of the libra begins. I was also born at 1:23pm.. Michael J

  14. I thought I was the only one…. My birthday is 923 and the number is almost always with me, every day multiple times a day. License plates, clocks, phone, when I pause something on the tv. It’s amazing so many others experience it as well.

  15. Thank you for this affirmation rush-collection. This completely resonates and I only trust your explanations of the sequences my Guides repeat.
