Thursday, January 19, 2012


Number 891 is a blend of the energies and attributes of number 8 and number 9, and the influences of number 1. Number 8 resonates with giving and receiving, manifesting abundance, monetary and business acumen, mastery, management, self-confidence and personal authority, discernment and good judgement, insight and intelligence, the concept of karma, the Universal Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect. Number 9 is the number of the Universal Spiritual Laws, an expansive viewpoint and a higher perspective, leading life as a positive example for others, duty and calling, benevolence and altruism, and lightworking. Number 9 also denotes endings and conclusions. Number 1 relates to creation and new beginnings, progress, inspiration and intuition, striving forward, uniqueness and individuality, motivation and progress, creating our own realities and stepping out of our comfort zones.

Angel Number 891 encourages you to be of service to others and humanity as a lightworker in whatever capacity suits your unique talents, abilities and interests. Your positive attitude and affirmations regarding your life purpose will bring about opportunities to serve as your soul dictates. Allow blessings to enter your life and use them to your advantage and for the benefit of others.

Angel Number 891 brings a message to look to new beginnings and opportunities in your life as they will lead to wonderful new circumstances and situations. Trust your intuition and follow its guidance as each opportunity presents, knowing that they are appearing for important karmic reasons. Trust that they are in direct alignment with your Divine life purpose and lightworking mission.  
Angel Number 891 brings a message that it is time to release the old so that you can work from your heart doing something that you love, earning an income/living in the process. Ask yourself ‘what is my passion and purpose?’ and listen to your heart. Your innate skills and talents are much needed by the world, and it is time to fully step into your personal power and claim your rightful destiny.

Number 891 relates to number 9 (8+9+1=18, 1+8=9) and Angel Number 9.



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  1. I just looked up the days between myself and someone I'm interested in and we are 8 yrs 9 months and 10 days apart. Which I feel is pretty rare, would it have the same meaning as above? I can't find anything about numerical order trios? Thanks for any help :)
