Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Number 914 is a combination of the energies of number 9, the vibrations of number 1, and the attributes of number 4. Number 9 relates to the Universal Spiritual Laws, a higher perspective and expansive viewpoint, leading life as a positive example, benevolence and altruism, non-conformity, humanitarianism and lightworking. Number 9 also denotes endings and conclusions. Number 1 is the number of inspiration and intuition, creating your own reality, uniqueness and individuality, self-leadership and assertiveness, new beginnings, taking action, progress, striving forward, motivation and progress, positivity and achieving success. Number 4 encourages working steadily towards goals and aspirations, truth and integrity, practicality, system and order, self-initiation, conscientiousness, building solid foundations, and enthusiasm coupled with determination. Number 4 also relates to the energies of the Archangels.

Angel Number 914 indicates that you have been working towards making important life changes that will bring about stability and new opportunities that will help you to achieve the successes you desire. These changes have been manifested through your devotion to your passions and life purpose, and will bring you many blessings and rewards. Trust that all will turn out for your highest good.

Angel Number 914 is a message that you are surrounded by your angels and your successes are guaranteed. The hard work, will and effort you have put towards achieving your goals are bringing you your due rewards and your angels encourage you to be grateful for your blessings and to take full advantage of the positive energies. Put them to good use in your life.

Angel Number 914 reminds you to live in the present moment. If you can learn to live in the present moment you will become very aware of your life lessons as well as your ability to create your own experiences and a life that you desire and deserve. Don’t live in the future, don’t wallow in the past, but find your true self and live each moment with joy and clarity. Be confident and clear about the next steps and your future path.

Number 914 relates to number 5 (9+1+4=14, 1+4=5) and Angel Number 5.



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  1. Length of the octagonal column-http://cc12488160114.sharepoint.com/Pages/FEARN.aspx

  2. I always see the numbers 914. Everyday! I see it as the time someone leaves me a voice mail. Backwards or mixed. I'll take out my cell phone and i'll see that i'm always left text messages at the time 9:14. It's insane, even more that my birthdate is 9/14. What surprises me most is when I see it in other areas where I least expect to see it. At work, on paperwork. I wish I knew the reason why I see it so often.

    1. I am also born on September 14th I was also born weighing 9 pounds and 14oz isn't that crazy. I see 914 all the time as well

    2. Me to my birthday is 9/14 and I catch it all the time as well

    3. My birthday is 9/14 as well, when I see 9:14 twice a day I feel like it's my angels showing me they are with me. Hope this helps.

  3. Me also! Born 9/14 and I always have the urge to look on the clock at that time (most frequently), see it written places, hear the date on TV and see it on license plates.



  6. Wow!!! That's so crazy!!! Well atleast I'm not alone with this my birth date is 9-14-1977 I see 914 all day everyday!!! Pretty cool!

  7. I have been seeing 914 A LOT lately. My birthday is also 9-14. I can't help but think the Universe is wishing me all the good things in life and saying also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU

  8. same as all of u sajme b day see 914 everywhere

  9. Same here born 9/14 and always see this #��

  10. I too was born on 9/14. Been seeing the number everywhere for the last couple years. Ever since I started a daily meditation practice. I must be moving in the right direction!

  11. ありがとう! To me this relates to learning japanese; what's interesting is that it talked about progress!!! Very intresting! God bless!! ^-^

  12. Same bday and see the number 914 daily aswell .not to mention i go by arceangel has always been my gamertag before knowing all this.

  13. My birthday is on Nov 4 so I can't say the same but I do see 914 alot on both of my cards credit and debit, on buildings,on trucks left upper corner mixed in with other numbers, car plates,my residents birthday,the time on my phone and text messages, alarm clock. I see it so much that I started to play that number and when I didn't it came out twice on my lottery tickets.I Just wish I new what it actually means? Should I assume the Angel is around when I see the number or is it trying to give me clues? You know that sort of thing.

  14. I see it all the time. I was born at 9:14am

  15. Great points and awesome message ,as always !!!♡♡♡
    Thank you Angels and thank you rush-collection!!! I love you !!! ♡♡♡
    Blessings ,Love,peace and Light to you and All!!!♡♡♡

  16. Immensely blessed and grateful!!!♡♡♡

  17. Y'ALL all with the 9/14 Bdays... angels have been trying to get ur attention to WAKE UP! this is a wonderful msg and the fact you all notice seeing numbers is a sign u have started the transition!!! So now, just ask ur angels for support and guidance and they give me a LOT thru this site!! Also you tube! Love to everyone, Virgos!
    My birthday just happens to be 914 also!��

  18. My Earth Strong is 9/14 as well. I have been using this sight since 2015 and it is awesome. I've seen 9/14 a year before I started using this sight and knew that it meant something sigbifusign. Lately I have been looking into doing tarit readings again and at the same time seeing 9/14. I re read this today and it confirmed to me that I am on the right. Thanks so much universe 💚💛❤️🕉️😇

  19. Also that k you rush-collection 💚💛❤️😻😘 you're a tree blessing

  20. Wtf my bday is 9/14 this is crazy and I keep on seeing 914 on a daily basis for almost 2 months straight. I don’t know what it exactly means but I’ve been healing and realizing a lot recently. I just don’t know if there are letters in the numbers, and if I need to find out what it is. But I’m in HS and I want to shoot my shot or talk to this guy but he’s not in my classes but he’s so cute at my school And I’m just confused on my life and decisions and I want answers. I’m really introverted and shy bc of child trauma, isolation and neglect so I don’t really talk to people’s nd start conversations but I’ve been really putting myself out there. I never thought I’d ever be this social I currently am. But I try even know for most people it comes naturally but keeping conversations going is really hard and without trying to hard is very hard for me. especially just having connections is super hard for me but hopefully I can be more chill and start to heal and love myself. And start to have chill friends and connections with funny people😁 Wish me good luck❤️

    1. Hi , I love your honesty and you revealed some things about yourself that I can relate to I've also experienced emotional ,psychological trauma and neglect, which leads to isolation, social anxiety etc. Its rare that a person understands unless they've been thru this type of abuse. I want you to know it starts with you and be gentle to yourself. It's crucial that you know it going take time ,one day at a time maybe even years .it's well worth it because you will have envole into a captivating, humble soul.your reward will be you rise over and above adversities .yes it will be challenging and embrace your good and bad days ,learn from it and be resilient .you are never alone you have angels and your spirit guides are always here to help... I wish you best of luck on you future Endeavors.

    2. You can start to ask questions out loud to yourself, also write questions down .one important question this site helped me with was,what are you really passionate about/ what do you enjoy doing the most / what makes you happy. Wow this is just the beginning for you ,the Universe have some much more instore for you .literally it's going to blow your mind and you must be open to receiving it. "God is Good "

    3. ❤️ This is beautiful. People will love your authenticity. I hope you discover a deep sense of self love andl learn to never accept anything less than the love you deserve in the future.

  21. Cool, I was driving and looked over and saw 914 house address .I see 914 frequently on license plates too .Thank you Universe/God (source)

  22. Like most of you my bday is also 9/14 and I constantly see this number everywhere.

  23. I see 9:14 and 9:41 all the time (10+years). My grandmother's area code has been 941 since she moved to Florida over 20 years ago. My mother and I moved in with her just before I started highschool for a few years, and...my oldest son was born on 9/14💗 I've looked into these numbers a few times throughout the years. Surprisingly I found an answer I've never seen and it resonates 100% with what is going on in my life. I also received the same message through a tarot reader.It's amazing....I'm amazed, grateful, and thankful💗🤯

  24. I just had a random dream about my cousin asking me what size pants I wear and I replied with a weird number that I dont even wear which is 14. I then asked her, she replied with a 9 which she doesnt wear either. I dont really know how these angel numbers work but I thought the dream meant something.

  25. I am a fellow 9/14 birthday human!! Hello fellow 9/14ensssss hahaha I've been seeing this number constantly for the past month or so and finally had the urge to look it up. It couldn't be more spot on with where I am at in life and the huge genesis I am on the cusp on! And I know some may say- "it's all a mind thing, you see what you want to see" and I like to agree with those people and say- "You're right, I do see what I want to see but that also means I get to derive whatever meaning I want out of every moment and experience and create the reality I want!" In my humble opinion- It's better to live believing in magic, trusting the universe and thinking of myself as a divine being of light then to think of myself as a species with no greater purpose than to live procreate and die. Where's the fun in that! We only get one life. See what you want to see! Write the chapters for your book of life however you want to! Thanks universe :)

  26. My birthday is also 9/14 and I continue to see that number. I see it at random places at work, such as documents, people leave messages at that time, someone says that's what time it is, on my computer (randomly), etc. I see it at home. I see it on moving vehicles. I see it on my cellphone, both in the morning and at night. It seems that I do not look at my phone until that time on random days. I do not know what it means. It has been going on for months now. After reading what it means to see it, I agree that this could be accurate. My personal development has been top priority, which seems to be at the perfect time and I love who I am becoming right now.

  27. My birthday is 9/14 as well.. reading these comments this is insane. I started seeing 9:14 the last couple months on the clock either am or pm almost daily really started freaking me out. Well this started happening when I found Jesus and my photography business took off at the same time. I feel blessed.

  28. Insane! I thought I was the only one! Go 9/14 ! Time to win the lotto!

  29. I see 914 all the time everyday. My birthday is also 9/14

  30. I see 9:14 everyday as well & my birthday is 9/14 ❤️
