Monday, June 27, 2011


Number 6 is related to the vibrations and energies of unconditional love, balance and harmony, home and family, domesticity, parenthood, guardianship, service to others, selflessness, responsibility, nurturing, care, empathy and sympathy, self-sacrifice, humanitarianism, the ability to compromise, emotional depth, honesty and integrity, adjustment, stability, poise, protection, firmness, healing, idealism, just and justice, conscientiousness, burden-fearing, solution-finding, problem-solving, seeing clearly, teaching, convention, curiosity, peace and peacefulness, circulation, grace and dignity, simplicity, reliability, material needs and economy, providing and provision, agriculture and growth, musical talent. Number 6 relates to problem-solving and signifies the need for stability in all aspects of your life.  

Angel Number 6 brings a message from the angels to keep a balance between your material goals and aspirations, and your spiritual, inner-self. Respect yourself and others by taking responsibility for your own life and be honest and fair in all of your dealings. Be grateful for what you have already, as an attitude of gratitude encourages further positive abundance into your life.

When the Angel Number 6 appears it tells of the ability to use the intellect to bring about positive outcomes in your life. Be open to angelic signs and signals, maintain a positive attitude, and trust that opportunities will present themselves that will allow you to meet your material and financial needs. Trust that all will be provided for as you take care of and serve yourself and others, and as you pursue your Divine life purpose and soul mission.

Angel Number 6 encourages you to be loving, caring and nurturing of yourself and others.

Get a Psychic Reading … click here for further information.


  1. love these positive messages from the Angels... will listen and follow through - love & light xx

  2. Thanks for the loving guidance xx

    1. Do you consider yourself a light worker or Inigo child might I say?

    2. Thank you angels for guidance and for this lovely and healthy baby boy growing inside me

    3. Joann your site has assisted me often. I noticed the dates are from years ago, and was wondering if your on any of the new social media sites so that I can follow you there?

    4. Thank you for the positive reassurance of the power within

  3. Thank you for the positive energy

  4. Thank You... I received the answer I needed to hear ♥ namaste

    1. I appreciate the Love/Light that lit my way. Thank you so much AM, or AR. My energy is brand new. Adonai.

  5. Thank you. Love and light rush-collection

    1. Thank you. πŸ™❤️πŸ’«

    Are now best friends.

    1. They're both beginnings-only of separate realities

    2. What does that mean separate realities? I'm sorry this is all new for me! So is this for me or her?

    3. lol im new to spirituality as well. You can always google anything that comes up that you have never heard of or understand and you'll then expand your knowledge about it all.

    4. Yin and yang two halfs of a whole

    5. "New beginnings" relate to different lives, different experiences to learn and grow from, spiritually.

      Planet Earth has a certain vibration that allows a spirit to either: A》 grow and develop better understanding to raise your vibration... or
      B》 because your vibration in your past spiritual life was high and experienced, your "spirit-self" CHOSE to go to a rehlm where the "world" needs help (this would make you a light worker)

      "Chosing" this rehlm/vibrational life is a risk. When you are born unto this world, you have no recollection of past lives, and your spiritual decision to be here. If you content to die and be reborn, over and over again, here on planet Earth, that is because your Spirit's purpose for being here, was not fulfilled.

      It's easy to lose sight of what your Spirit's true intesions on Earth were. There are way to many things that test, and defy the true nature of life!

      I am still awakening in many ways, but this was the information I gathered along my "research" (I prefer to say "journey").

      Hope this helps. For anyone more knowledgeable, if I stated or misunderstood any of this information, please feel free to kindly correct me.

      Love and Light, Namaste!

    6. "New beginnings" relate to different lives, different experiences to learn and grow from, spiritually.

      Planet Earth has a certain vibration that allows a spirit to either: A》 grow and develop better understanding to raise your vibration... or
      B》 because your vibration in your past spiritual life was high and experienced, your "spirit-self" CHOSE to go to a rehlm where the "world" needs help (this would make you a light worker)

      "Chosing" this rehlm/vibrational life is a risk. When you are born unto this world, you have no recollection of past lives, and your spiritual decision to be here. If you content to die and be reborn, over and over again, here on planet Earth, that is because your Spirit's purpose for being here, was not fulfilled.

      It's easy to lose sight of what your Spirit's true intesions on Earth were. There are way to many things that test, and defy the true nature of life!

      I am still awakening in many ways, but this was the information I gathered along my "research" (I prefer to say "journey").

      Hope this helps. For anyone more knowledgeable, if I stated or misunderstood any of this information, please feel free to kindly correct me.

      Love and Light, Namaste!

    7. Wow I keep seeing 51 and looking it up. Finally today I look all the way to the bottom and it says could mean 5+1=6 I was floored when I read it . I completely describes the absolute now for me . Thank you dearly

    8. Hey

      How would you know chose to come back to Earth and were a lightworker?

    9. what is the meaning of 6,66,666,6666.

    10. What do you think are the ways to rediscover the cause we went down to earth to fulfill
      With love and light a light worker who thought of everything just as you did

  7. I have never thought about reoccurring numbers in my life but recently I was using my tarot cards and somehow noticed I kept getting a repeating number. So coming to this was such a revelation and gave me the guidance I needed, thank you for sharing this!

  8. Thank you
    For helping
    So many earthlings
    Connect to our angels up above , you have an amazing mission I guess
    You needed to read this
    An be blessed by your wonderful
    ANGELS πŸ˜‡πŸ™πŸŒ»
    Thank youπŸ’œ

    1. Thank you in return Karla ...

      Shine your Light


    2. Am so grateful and thankful for this amazing and loving Angels site and really appreciate it dear
      Joan :-) Blessings............

    3. Thank you so much!! You have no idea how much this means to me. πŸ™❤️πŸ’«

  9. I find your messages very uplifting. Thank you for all you do.
    Could someone answer for me, what does seeing double and triple numbers mean?

    1. It means the message is doubled or amplified.

    2. It means that the message is amplified.

  10. I've been wrapped up in all the "weirdness" and blessings in my life that I almost forgot to express my gratitude to you, rush-collection. Thank you for spreading this awareness, and thank you angels above, for sending her to us.

    Thank you.

  11. Thank you, I got the answer I was looking for! God bless you!

  12. Thank you for helping me. You're messages have truly helped me see what they angels were telling me. This has truly helped me manifest ny own destiny. I should also thank myseld for listening closely to what God and his angels have been saying to me.

  13. This is truly remarkable for me to read. I believe in angels and I see how they are helping me.

    1. Do you consider yourself a light worker or Inigo child might I say

  14. HI rush-collection, This was very inspiring for me to read, I have been having dreams lately with numbers and angels,,,thank you now I know what the angels are telling me.

  15. My mother keeps seeing the number 1969, which happens to be the year I was born. Is the message for me or her?

    1. For her , all the numbers add to 7 .... get her to look up number 7 .... the angels are using your birth numbers to get het attention :-), and its worked 1+9=10 6+9= 15 now 1+0=1 1+5=6 6+1=7 :-) :-) she needs to look up number 7 ... blessings

  16. Thank you for all of the information here. Helped me through huge steps in my life. Your service is really helpful :) God bless <3

  17. I don't only see the #420 i wake up 2-3 times a week and look at my phone at 420am, it also happens at 420pm, really crazy. I finally googled it and it has lead to here with a lot of good reading.

    1. I've been seeing the same number... everytime I look at my phone, or even in the.most random places... what did the message mean to you?

  18. Given the deep thinking person that i am, i tend to slip on and off into this soul searching mode. Reading metaphysical, spiritual stuffs and than analysing past, present etc. I always felt that no 6 has some deep significance in my life. All the life changing events has either been triggered by a no 6 or has happened on 6th or numbers adding to 6.i deeply beleive that there is something to it apart from being some random coincidence

    1. Everything happens for a reason. There are no coincidences. Ask you angel for some signs to confirm it if you're feeling any doubts

  19. I had a dream 11 years ago , Angel coming from the sky with rainbow color body color with most beautiful face I have seen he asked me what do I want from life I said .. Than he's answer was 16 and 7 and he left!!

    1. Ahahaha that's so funny and interesting lol I'd b scratvhin by head for years at those numbers. Hope u found the meaning or made sense of it somewhat :) thanks for reminding me to Laugh too whilst learning to love and live in the light ;) L x

  20. Merci infiniment.

  21. This is awesome I love the messages your sending and it looks like they're being well received you must have a huge purpose here and in the future thanks for your kind man's hip and guidence. Keep it coming LOL

  22. Amazing. Im here everyday looking up my angel's messages and it's always spot on. Thank you so much,you've got me through some of the toughest times ♥ I'm always impressed

  23. I am so grateful for the messages that I receive from my angels and Lord and savior....Thank you so much for protecting me and guiding me! To those who are just realizing that you have Angels helping you, WELCOME😊 My frequent sacred numbers are 911,222,333,1111, 1-11 (11).... Blessings to you all...I'm paying close attention...Thank you again Angels

    1. We can celebrate all together collectively! How about each time we see 11:11 we imagine sending love emitting from all over the world and keeping others in rotation of it

  24. I am so grateful for the messages that I receive from my angels and Lord and savior....Thank you so much for protecting me and guiding me! To those who are just realizing that you have Angels helping you, WELCOME😊 My frequent sacred numbers are 911,222,333,1111, 1-11 (11).... Blessings to you all...I'm paying close attention...Thank you again Angels

  25. thanks and blessings xx

  26. Thank you rush-collection so very much although I haven't left any thanks here before I Shirley allways send out love filled with gratitude ur way before I read all the lovely knowledgeable guidance you have passed along u have helped fill many gap's well trying to make sense thank you u r among of my best thoughts +s I think it is pretty cool I came to this number on the day of month!

  27. I was cooking and a number 6 appeared on the spoon I was stirring the rice I looked up your website. There is a reference to music and I am just starting to play my guitar again, even had a jam with a good friend this afternoon!

  28. Thank you Angels and blessings be upon you rush-collection.

  29. Is it possible to be agnostic (doubting the existance of god), and still believe in angels and their messages?

    1. How can one believe in Angels & not the existence of their Higher God...Please reconsider your beliefs, GOD * Angels & Your Soul are all ONE in this Universe.. New Beginnings in 2017...#AllGood xxx

  30. This is one of the best sites online and has helped me a lot. I turn 31 on may 25 this year, which is the Day of Ascension. 3+1=4 / 2+5=7 / 5 --- totals up to be 16, 1+6=7... which is 7. The Universal God is real... and angels. Believe again.... have faith and hope. Love conquers All, but for those with hate will begin to fall.

    1. my birthday is may 25th too!! a possible message x

  31. Wow blown away & can't believe that this is exactly what is happening in my life.... Lots of love, light, & angel blessings.....

  32. I kept seeing the number 420 then i would see the number 620 on the clock i love this!

  33. Thank You for Good Info and Education!!!
    Can You Tell me More Info. for This Date Born Person!!!???
    May 06,1966 Thank You...

  34. I'm happy to see so many who believe, this is good. I don't know how many know this. I have learned as far as the scribes Go. rush-collection has retired from writing them in February of 2014. Ironically, the same month and year of my own Spiritual Awakening. Have Hope, Keep Faith in all that you do. I hope to see you all again soon. Peace, Love and Light TO ALL! <3

  35. Thanks a lot found my and light from here....
    May Anne

  36. Please
    Im also Tuesday 17 January 1995

  37. Well if this is not the confirmation.
    I don't know what is..
    Before I read this I was already meditating on my Truth & My Clearity.
    And here I AMπŸ‘Έ
    Thank you Angeles and thank you rush-collection Sacred. Have a blessed day.

  38. Gratitude..
    And today is 11November
    Thank you Angels !

    Thank you rush-collection!

  39. Thank you ancestors I appreciate this site soooo much!

  40. The meaning of every number seems to be the same, just worded differently.

    1. this is where your own knowledge comes in, because your mind and your spirit is such a broad spectrum, you need to take the words individually and think about what they apply to the most significantly in your life in order to truly understand the meaning, the words may only be slightly different to infer that one focuses more on a certain aspect of your life and ditto for the other, therefore guiding manifestation into allocated areas. ellie, 14.

  41. I wake this morning to the number1320 in my head. A search revealed this site and it's relation to 6, which is my numerology life number. I have always been a dabblerand unbeliever, "just for fun".
    I am now in my third year(roughly) of a profound spiritual awakening.
    I have no other choice, but to believe. It is with my soul and the mind is the receiver of the messages from the angels.
    So very strange to me.... and yet more real than the everyday practical problems Iface.

  42. Thank you so much for the insight that you provide me with when my angels communicate with me through numbers.

  43. thank you rush-collection for being a constant guide where my numerical angels have been constantly guiding me along my journey... thank you for being the mediator for us to not only understand, but have the courage to move onwards in this Great blessed journey, our Odyssey...its been a long time that I've been encouraged by you but never took the time to say thank you. I apologise for always being so quick and entitled to take in my life, I close and end that chapter and beginning with you right now, I want to begin this new chapter in giving... so bless you bless you bless you may your light shine on 123 ... rush-collection if this is possible, could send me a little encouragement from your heart to mine, in connecting and learning how to bring my spiritual calling into my artistic practice and how to go about it at one major cross I would appreciate it more than you could or probably can imagine knowing you... so hopefully I will be seeing/feeling your light soon...I hope thank you once again, Therina x

  44. rush-collection your channel has helped me understand my angels guiding me throughout many years of this long and winding road called life, our very own odyssey within, and have not yet had the privilege of saying thank you... I have in my spirit said thank you to you there for sure... But now its time to give, so bless bless bless you and may your light shine on momentously... stay blessed , Therina x

  45. I absolutely love angel numbers they have so many very deep and very important and very useful meanings.

  46. GratefulπŸ€—πŸ§šπŸ»‍♀️

  47. Thank you! Blessed-be

  48. Still no clue and no more strength for all this....

  49. Thank you - warmer

  50. Thankfully I have found answers to help make sense of the questions I have hadfor so long. Thankfully . I am a loyal follower .

  51. Love you all beyond words

  52. I did a quick pick on a lotto today because I can't make rent this month.It would mean my elderly Mother and I could loose our place any way the ticket printed at 6,06,16 am.Do you think this is a good sign?

  53. What does seeing 6,000,000,000 in a dream mean?

  54. Thank you so much! I am so grateful and blessed.

  55. Thank you very much for sharing with us. Your angel number interpretations have helped me on countless occasions. May you be blessed always. πŸ’•✨🎢

    1. Thank you rush-collection for being my ears and for your unconditional giving and love much love and light

  56. Path number 6.
    Descriptive of me as a being. Precise. I love you rush-collection.❤πŸ™Œ

  57. 4353=6
    As significant as 345 and as clear.πŸ™❤

  58. Ive been seeing angel numbers since I was a little girl, thanks to my mom. Im 20 now, and Ive been coming on this site for 15 or so years as its the only one that truly resonates with me and feels solid. Thank you for transcribing all the messages I get to receive <3

  59. Thank you angel and my boyfriend SAEED from Iran my boyfriend he give this number. Amen. πŸ™πŸ’›

  60. thanks rush-collection Your attendance has hit a mark... the better it gets... the better it will get. make great days.

  61. I check this everyday when my nephew died he's my spirit angel and he uses Bob Marley and numbers to tell me things. Thanks so much for this.

  62. I picked a wedding date today and the numbers combine to 6. Guess that is a good day to be married :) thanks!

  63. My favorite page for reading the meaning on my daily angels numbers

  64. THANK YOU ANGELS AND ASCENDED MASTERS. The word GRATITUDE never seems to be enough for your love ansupport. Much Love to one and all

  65. Happy Lunar New Year 2022! Thank you for all the wisdom and guidance bestowed on me and all those who have been touched by your radiant energy and light. Finding this site 6 years ago brought me light as I drowned in the darkness of grief. Thank the angels and all those above for the light they shed through her, and the others sent to watch over and guide me. I humbly ask the powers that be to love, protect, guide and bless rush-collection, all those here and specially you (the one reading this YOU the one whose energy resonates with this). I am told you will find what you need in the vibration/frequency/energy of the number 528 and the healing you need in the sound frequency 528hz. It even adds up to the number 6.
    Bountiful grace, gratitude, finances and blessings to all.

    1. Thank you for your message. I have see 6 signified all day today. Scrolling through the comments I land with more intent guided towards yours, your words, and I made sure to read each word. Thank you. Message received and abundance blessings for all.

  66. I pray God bless you abundantly for using your spiritual gift to help lives

  67. At Dream Thanks for this amazing content.

  68. As always i am most grateful for the guidance and positive validation as i move on. Thank you! Sending Love and Blessings to all.

  69. I just woke up and kept talking about the number 6 in a dream last night. In my dream I kept talking about 6 o’clock. It was very interesting.

  70. Thank you πŸ™ love light and Life to All…AsΓ© πŸ™

  71. NAMASTE...rush-collection :)

  72. This could not have been any more perfect. My Angels led me here to this number for a reason. It is exactly what I needed to to read in this very moment. Thank you AngelsπŸ•Š️ and thank YOU for helping us be able to receive our messages from them.πŸ™πŸ»

  73. I always thought of 6 being a kind of “nope try again “ type thing but after a while I’ve discovered it is more of a pro-tip from the angels on God’s behalf. Thank you for the clarification
