Monday, June 27, 2011


Number 18 is a blend of the energies and attributes of the number 1 and number 8. Number 1 relates to new beginnings, motivation and progress, beginning new projects, self-leadership and assertiveness, initiative, instinct and intuition. Number 8 brings it vibrations of manifesting wealth and abundance, self-confidence, discernment, achievement, giving and receiving, inner-wisdom and serving humanity. Number 8 is also the number of Karma – the Universal Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect.

Angel Number 18 is a message of encouragement and support from your angels. They ask you to think only positive thoughts to do with prosperity and abundance. When you have high expectations and maintain a positive attitude the angels and Universal Energies help you to manifest your highest ideals and achieve success in all that you put your intentions and efforts towards. The angels want you to know that positive things are manifesting around you at a rapid rate.

Angel Number 18 suggests that you are nearing the end of a phase or cycle in your life, and the angels want you to realize that new opportunities will appear for you in due course. Your angels ask that you not stress about present circumstances, as ‘better’ is on it’s the way into your life. Do not fear lack or loss as the end of a situation or cycle denotes the beginning of another. The angels ask you to have faith and trust in them, and in yourself.

Angel Number 18 also tells you that if you are considering beginning (or expanding) a spiritually-based practice, career and/or profession or service-based venture, now is a most auspicious time to do so. Listen to the guidance from the angels as to the next steps to take.

Number 18 also relates to the Number 9 (1+8=9) and Angel Number 9.

See also:  Repeating 1’s and 8’s  (118, 181, 188,  etc)
Angel Number 118
Angel Number 181
Angel Number 188


  1. I saw this number sequence twice today then 11:11 twice too - after looking into 18:18 I was amazed at what I had found out. This is so true to how I'm feeling and where and want I want to aspire to. Always try to be optimistic and total believer in karma. Feeling loved and blessed

  2. Is this site new age?

  3. This is so strange, I recently had an audition; and just yesterday I got a call from the place saying I got in, when in my dream last night the number 18 appeared so I looked it up today and found this... this has really got me thinking now.

  4. the number 18 has pretty much haunted me scence i can remember.. iv sat on the 18th desk 4 times self picked..iv had only one bus wtch was the number R18..i have 18 letters in my name and on every other occurence the number shows up in game gun clips and time..i need to figure out why i am the seeker of this number 18.

    1. Perhaps it is a very blatant and strong message to be a spiritual practitioner for the upliftment of life! It was for me and I am reaching out to you as a teacher for the very purpose of Immediately putting into action what I have learned. Blessings that you may quickly discover how to bless others!!!

    2. The angels and the universe are speaking to you,follow ur Conscience and I believe it will lead you to where ur suppose to be.

    3. Thank you Samuel. I feel it, even if I have decide to let go of what it could or should look like ... again tonight 18:18. Reading this and ear it from other different sources. All I have to do is meditate and let the univers take care of it all.
      Wish you all possibilities in your life ����‍♀️
      Namaste Samuel Ji
      Kim aka Shakina

    4. Wow same here. Always said its my bad number. Between deaths and crazy ahit happening. And i was birn 8 18 85

  5. 18 is constantly reoccurring in my life!

  6. 18 comes and number 8 lately a lot.

    1. I've also been seeing the number 8 plus 18, the time shows 808,818,828,1818,1808, plus have seen 888,see these numbers on a regular bases.

  7. I've been seeing 18 and 8 everywhere lately

  8. Ive been seeing 11.11, 12.12, 13.13,14.14 all day and most other days and now 18.18 also. Feeling blessed and trusting in something much bigger than us.

  9. Isee the numbers 11,11, 12,12, 3,33, 2,22, 1,11, I see alot of number synchronicities, I understand them. Blessed be.

  10. dream number 018

  11. Seeing myself and aspects of my journey in these comments make me giggle to entertain the idea that all roads lead to one. Thanks for this amazing site 💕Blessings 💕& 💚Love💚

  12. Accurate and reassurance from this. My reading gave me this number. I am overwhelmed with excitement and joy.

  13. Thank you so much, rush-collection! Love and abundance for you! <3

  14. I looked up at 18:18, on 8. 1., on a year when I'm turing 18! And I see 18 all around me. So fascinating.

  15. Bless you rush-collection. I've been desperately believing God for a new beginning. I am an adent believer in Angels.

  16. Holy Quran 74 : 30 Over it we assigned 19 Angel's to Guard. Holy Quran 74 : 31.1970 -1987 =17 years. 1970 -2017 =47 Years reverse it and you have ,74:7+4=11 Archangel Michael Confirm ,gateway the 11 Verse it Speakers about the One Who's her. ?

  17. That's the Hidden Secret, none as the Cloaked .Holy Quran 74 : 30 Over it 19.

  18. How do I pursue a spiritual career being that I am an empath and a Healer? And also how do I further educate myself on being a Healer?

  19. I was married on Nov. 18 2015
    I had my first born Aug. 18 2016
    I am currently pregnant and due for this baby Jan. 18 2018

  20. I was married on Nov. 18 2015
    I had my first born on Aug. 18 2016
    I am currently pregnant and due on Jan. 18 2018

    1. That's what I was like? I married the first time, on the 18th, divorced him on the 18th, then my second husband died on the 18th. I bought my first ever property, after being 18 years in it, as I rented it. All these 18ths - weird.

  21. The other night when we had to euthanize our furry family member, my husband dropped his alarm clock and it landed upside down. Before he picked it up, we both clearly saw the number 18; no colon and only 2 numbers. We both have been having a really bad time, me especially and I wanted to tell you that reading this has given me a sense of power - thank you.

  22. I started a relationship long 18 years on 18th of January and it enden on 18th of September after 18 years. I live on the house number 18. My registration of my car is on 18th......

  23. I started a relationship long 18 years on 18th of January and it enden on 18th of September after 18 years. I live on the house number 18. My registration of my car is on 18th......

  24. Bjr rush-collection ce serait sympa si je pouvais vous montrer une photo de mon oeil gauche c est merveilleux.comment faire?

  25. I am pregnant with my first before I found out I saw 18 everywhere. My due date is feb 26th the minute I found out I thought got some reason I will go in February 18... my next appt my doctor told me baby is measuring to arrive feb 18 but won’t change due date. My birthday is August 18 (and I just looked st my phone battery life randomly, and it’s 18%) definitely a god thing for me and I can’t help but feel as though my loved ones are watching over me directing me to keep moving forward when I need it most!

    1. My son is February 18th and my daughter is August 18th. Thought that was cool - I just found this site today. Congratulations to you. ;-)

  26. All three of my children were born on an "18"th of a month. They are ages 30, 25, & soon to be 18. My husband and I were both born on a "29"th - I just found your site today from one of my daughters while researching 3:27 - this is amazing.

  27. Immensely blessed and grateful!!!♡♡♡
    I lobe you rush-collection!!!♡♡♡`
    Love,peace and Light to all!!!♡♡♡

  28. I had my first child when I was 18, got married on the 18/6/17, left for another country on an 18th, and came back on an 18th

  29. I had my first child when I was 18, got married on an 18th, left to go to another county on the 18th abd came back from the other country on the 18th..
    Most of the dates have bad meanings behind them..

  30. Amazing!! Amazi g omg!!! Aamazing!!!

  31. Om😇 are here wow I'm so blessed thank you God.!!!!!

  32. This is amazing this is why I look this up because I had a dream of numbers last night and I was so curious and it's so funny they came like and parentheses like algebraic numbers and I see it on her page I dreamed of 6 * 3 in parentheses 18 wow that's all I can say

  33. So I am new to this and came upon this site because of the number 18. In my family we have always been nervous about the number 18 because so many relatives have died on the 18th. But often and especially today I have looked at the clock and every time it has been 12.18 or 6.18 or the expiry on the milk is the 18th. What does it mean when you have so many ancestors die on the 18th but that I often see 18 especially on the oven clock and beside clock. Anyone got any thoughts. Thank you

  34. Grateful for this timely reminder.♥️Amen.🙏

  35. Thank you... its what i needed

  36. My Birthday is 9/18/18. Also feel the need to mention my birth year equals 9. My birth time equals 9. My name, birth and married, equal 9. Any insight you can offer would be great! Thank you ❤️

    1. Me too born on 18/09 birthday time adds up 9 too and I see 18 all the time

  37. Life has been stressfull I have offered my hand of friendship to the angles asking for guidance and still it seems and always has been a oneway street. Maybe its misinterpretation. 
    18, is special beyond words, life was great back then with the farm, house number, and for years ive noticed its around during bad times.

  38. Thank you so greatful.

  39. Beautiful words, love to all

  40. Birth number:18
    I got operated and the hospital room number: 18
    Flat no: 801 (8th floor)
    Dance class street number: 18
    Work place street number: 8

  41. Very special thanks great directions and guidance

  42. Hi rush-collection, I have a question for you... What does it mean when you constantly see your age on the clock? (Not birth date, but your age). Like for example, it seems like very often I'll look at the clock and it'll be (the hour:and my age). Like 1:(my age), then 2:(my age), then 3:(my age)... and there are times where it'll happen every hour throughout the day, all day...

  43. Thank you loving Jesus and to my Angels

  44. Amen praise the Lord thank you loving angels

  45. Omg my late husband died on the 18th June, I buried him the 18th July and my inheritance came through on the 18th October: we were married on the 1st of the 8th month, in 1998

  46. WOW thank you so much this page angel numbers rush-collection thank you I'm very appreciate your meaningful words thank you, Thank you to my fience saeed from irianian man he gives this meaningful number love positive outlook always. 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨👨‍👩‍👧🙏👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨👨‍👩‍👧🙏🙏

  47. Hi! i've been seeing 18 EVERYWHERE. Along with the numbers 6 and 9 (often 618, 918). I'm currently manifesting and putting in the work for a leadership position at my school. So many little things keep happening that are putting me more and more in the right direction, and i hear feedback constantly which further bring me to my goal. I am so beyond grateful. Have a wonderful day and i wish you all absolute abundance and happiness!

  48. My Angel's are speaking to me as to what I am going thru tight now.I been praying for help and or resolutions. My Angels knew I really needed to hear this..ima stop stressing now. Help is on the way.Thank you God ..Thank you Angel's of mine.Now I just wait.

  49. What about seeing 8,18,28,38,48,58!!! Seeing these all day long everyday!!

  50. As I have kept this page of yours as my number guide. It’s has not failed me.💛🌻🙏
    Blessings be upon you always ☮️💟
