Monday, June 27, 2011


Number 12 is a blend of the attributes and energies of the number 1 and number 2. Number 1 relates to new beginnings, motivation, progress, self-reliance, achievement 
and attainment. Number 2 carries the vibrations of duality, diplomacy and adaptability, partnership and relationships, sensitivity and selflessness. Number 2 also resonates with faith and trust and your Divine life purpose and soul mission. Number 12 represents cycles of experience and regeneration towards a higher consciousness, knowledge and higher wisdom, sensitivity, education and the intellect. The ‘go-getting’ number 1 blended with the ‘sensitive’ number 2 makes the number 12 a very balanced number.

Angel Number 12 is a message from your angels not to be hindered by old habits that need to be changed. It tells you to look to new experiences with optimism as they will bring about favourable and positive effects and opportunities. This helps with achieving goals and aspirations, and allows for the ‘old’ to be replaced with the ‘new’.

When the Angel Number 12 appears your angels may be telling you to look to different ways to enhance your home, garden and surrounds. This includes matters within the house and family arena. The angels encourage you to surround yourself with love and gaiety.

Angel Number 12 is a message from your angels to ensure that what you put out to the Universe is of a positive nature. 

You are asked to stay on a positive path and to use your natural skills, talents and abilities to their utmost for the benefit of yourself and others.

Number 12 also relates to the Number 3 (1+2-3) and Angel Number 3.

See also:  Repeating 1’s and 2’s  (12, 112, 121, 122,  etc)
Angel Number 112
Angel Number 121
Angel Number 122

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



Body And Soul~Mind And Spirit

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  1. Clearly the self has been led by divine powers to your site. Thank you for channeling this beautiful inner science towards the awaking of human collective consciousness. May you always experience complete completion in all your work. May you always reside and radiate eternal bliss. Thank you.

  2. This is wonderful, thank you. I've been seeing the number 12 in my home so it makes perfect sense that the home is the focus of 12's message.

  3. I just wanted to say thank you...this site is really special and helps me understand my messages from the angels. I saw 11.11 for a long time then there were massive changes in my life, now I see variations of 12 and 21 ie 12.12, 12.21, 21.21etc and the information here is amazing and very comforting and informative..thankyou so much xx

  4. 12-21-12 was a big day, big number! Ushers in the new age, Age of Aquarius. We chose the be here at this time for a reason.
    Love to All<3

    1. I thought the age of Aquarius started in the year 2597

  5. ive been seeing 47 for almost for 6 years, and then i found and the 47 begin evolving into "Divine timing" now my number are expanded into many pattern 14:41 15:51 and continue and now expanded again into 14:12:41 it could be any number, 15:11:51 and continue again

    there is different number in the middle, the right and the left digit i assume is a packaging for the middle number..

  6. Lets the people see god
    Help the poor and weaks

  7. Truly inspirational. I have been seeing 11:11 and 5 really frequently. Your website was stumbled upon by accident. Thank you for your help and guidance.

  8. This is the first time I have seen #12 message... Pretty cool ! Thanks

  9. No accidents. Yes beginning of change, love, divine in the works for the betterment of many things. This site is wonderful. Love to you all.

  10. Thank you for ur explanation.. I have always had the numbers 12, 21, or1,2,3,,4 in order follow me :) wish I knew wat they meant..

  11. Thank you for ur explanation.. I have always had the numbers 12, 21, or1,2,3,,4 in order follow me :) wish I knew wat they meant..

  12. Well... it does fit in my situation. And okay, I really needed to stay positive. And now I will!

  13. Well... This really fits my situation, I need to stay positive. Now I will!

  14. The number 121212 came up when i got into the car today. I am about to start a new relationship on 12/12. What do you think this means?

  15. I Lov& your site and your work, I visit frequently and it always uplifts and inspires me. Thank you for sharing your gift and following your soul's purpose

  16. What brought me here today was the number 2:12, yesterday I had 11:11, 5:55,6:16 and 8:18 :-)

  17. How do you follow the signs and do what is ment for you if your partner abuses you and expects your life as his own??? It blows all my positivity out the window and makes me want to give up.

    1. Consider your options. It may be time for major life changes, and only you can make them. Do what is right for you. And you know what that is.


  18. I was born on 12/12/42. In the year 2012 in December I was 12/12/12. At high noon, I was 12/12/12/12. My brother told me to buy some scratch tickets! I didn't win a penny. Nothing conscious happened. Any comments?

    1. U SHOULDA gone 2 the nearest Casino instead & try ur hand @
      a game of Roulette!
      Maybe 4 ur nxt b~day.
      (But, gosh darnet..,
      It'd be nice 2 know how it turned out 4 u IF u did

      ..🙄..🤔Eh.., naw...i have a pretty good feeling you'll be pleasently suprised, happy & glad u took this advice, lol. I'm sure of it.

  19. Yes, this happened to my son. He is the 666. born 6th at 6pm in month of 6. He went to dog races on 6/6/06 and kidding, 666.66. It did work!

  20. OK, this is weird and it happened a few months ago, and I keep getting the feeling that I need to tell the story here, and rush-collection always says to go with your feelings, so...the night before I went to look at a house to buy, I had a dream that featured the numbers 12 and 44. I get the fours a lot, not 12. The next day, I get to the house, and the address is 12. OK. Then I go inside to see the house, which was really terrific in so many ways, and I know that this is the place, and as I'm heading to the front door, they have a framed picture with nothing on it, and my hand to God on this folks, but 1244. I was shocked stupid. I don't know what it means, no one who lives there could have that birthdate, and there isn't any opportunity to ask because it turns out they are really mean people, another of life's disappointments, we could be mindful of each other and happy for each other, they're making a scary but wonderful new step, same for me, but no. I'll never understand people. So this is going to be a big change for me for a lot of reasons, but really, I don't know what I'm doing anymore. Or why. The old habit that causes me the most grief is reaching out to people. So am I really supposed to just go into myself, and concentrate on my own spirituality, creativity and happiness? I like being alone, that isn't a problem, but can I really be of service living like that? I keep getting my nose bloodied, if you will, so that isn't the worst idea I've ever had. But is it the right one? Oh angels....

  21. What dose 1241 mean

    1. Angel Number 1241

  22. I just wanted to thank you for your website, it is the easiest read than any other site. I'm so glad that I found you because I see a lot of double digits and sometimes triples. Now it makes sense.

  23. I frequently see the mirror images of numbers like 10:01, 11:11 & 12:21, whenever I pick up my mobile to see the time. What does this mean?

  24. As I sat in the truck down by the creek where the artesian well is next to the road I spoke in mind to them that are far and near preaching so that all the communities have heard the word had been fasting for days to no avail as it goes the bad still didn't understand and I had become angry agitated with Thier iniquity a rosewood carpenters pencil in my left hand I carved off a leangth of wood that I let lay on the blade As I set fire to the wood it turn black with 12 shining as burning ember then fade the 2 then the 1 perfect in it's symmetry the coal on the end of my blade I touched to the droplet of rain on the review mirror in perfect timing a great bolt of lightning that they said shook the cosmos struck the earth my anger& agitation passed on. Who I am what I do you would not believe for no one no other than myself the people that R leaders or the elite in Thier titles would be filled with great Wonder & fear according to Thier conscious nothing is more terrifing to man than to be forced by something unseen that can hear the thoughts in his mind how long is a hour R a second an inch a foot a day as A 1000 years do you know the ratio in a flash you must of blinked back and forth we go and only one knows R u sure that the light isn't really the dark for others the TRUTH IS CRAZY Wonderful R insanely busy.we R moving the Earth what did the blind man see first trees walking as if they were Men:)

  25. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  26. Wondering if this is just a coincidence.. For the past two years, I always tend to look at the clock at 3:03 and 3:33, even waking early a.m. to glance at the clock to see these numbers. Lately, in addition to seeing 3:3 and 3:33, i'm almost "forced" to look at the time at 12:02. I've googled the numbers and read a few message board, but, don't see 4 digit answers. Coincidence? Thanks for any help.

    1. I see 12:12 all the time. Sometimes it happens on my phone with the time at 12:12, battery at 12% and the Temp at 12°c all at the same time! My daughter whom I named Poiema was born at exactly 12:12am. The name I gave her was one that I'd heard before and I loved it. When she was 2 years old I was approached by a women known by my boss whom told me the meaning of her name. There's more to it but I'm short it means 'God's masterpiece!

    2. I almost always see 12:02 whenever I look at the time too but I didn't find any relevant answers as to why and what it really means.

  27. So I was thinking about this guy I have always loved since the very first time I seen him. I was thinking about how weird it is that we always run into each other in different places different cities. The days before I run into him I dream about him
    I feel like I miss him. So thinking about how weird all of this was I looked up 'running into him all the time' then I read about synchronicities, it explained about serendipity & I kinda brushed it off maybe I'm just crazy. Then I go to fix a box with the books here at work I see this one book that calls my attention gives me a weird feeling, it's a kids book without thinking I flip it around and boom right there said 'serendipity' I was in shock & I was like can all this mean something? I thought about the guy. I miss him and I want to be with him
    I ask the angels what should I do and close my eyes and I see the number twelve flash in my mind. I'm shocked I don't know what to make of it
    so I look up 'angel number 12' because I've seen numbers before & I'm familiar with angel numbers. So i end up here. I read all of this & I'm still like could it be? & I want to dismiss it, when I look up from the screen and suddenly the the box where I got the book from gets my attention and I look closely & I see it has a number 12 on one of the corners and in big letters says HOPE on one of the sides. And I'm like Noooo... What do you think all of this means?

    1. It means exactly what it means. Be sure to be receptive of the messages you are becoming more & more aware about from your angels & listen to your inner voice. Do not try to block out or deny any messages or meanings you feel about what all of this means. Besides, I feel as though you have a sense of what it already means :) & I agree.

  28. Newer post, i read every comment here. Philophy,dreams, psycholgy & numbers have been my thing all my life. 202, 711,313,66,420,304 and 404 are my numbers and 36 has been my number all my i spoke to a devine person. I refered to her as my angel because she stated she tries to be a angel, At the exact moment i was thinking she was sent to me.She came 12 years probably to the T in my current career in dec.12 years is your breakout yr if you been doing something so long. 2017 has been an eventful year to say the least. Then i notice 12:12 on my Just phone at 12% and 1111 has been flying around the last couple day. Have had meaningful convo on people life paths, my direction, did good deeds because it needed to be done. And has had spirtual and philogical breakthroughs tonight at that time. Accident i think not. My angel challenge my complex thinking on this subject, pushing me deeper and at the same time i had a sense that she knew i had certain power or gift. Which i do but sometimes go overlooked. But just excited, but numbers are nothing but numbers. Its up to the indivual to see the power in it.

  29. Blessings in abundance. Love in Abundance. Respect in Abundance. Enlightenment in abundance. In the magnificent and holy name of the only vreator and most high, My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen Amen Amen

  30. I had a dream in which 2 or 3 people told me they needed 12 minutes to talk to someone on the phone. Your information about the number 12 has given me good I sight into the angels helping me. This coincided with the passing of my mother 12 years ago. Blessings and peace to you.

  31. i saw no1 and no46 in my dream in a bus i entered the bus

  32. I see variations of 12 frequently, like 7:12, 8:12,9:12 and 3:12 (3:12 being my birthday, but I do not see it as much as I used to.) I find that it is when I am trying to plan, tackle an issue, or fix a problem. I just can't tell if the message is to DO what I'm thinking, or change how I am approaching the issue/problem/plan. More guidance is needed, Angels! :)

  33. I've been seeing 11's for the last 12 years but didn't start really looking into the meanings until about 2 years ago when I started looking into numerology and then it all clicked and come together when I realised that my date of birth adds up to 11, but now ive started seeing more of 12 related numbers and im fascinated to see where this takes me...I feel blessed guided and protected Amen spirit x

  34. Thank you for this!

  35. I've been seeing the number 12 since I was 12. I turned 28 in March of 2021 and I still see this number. It is wasn't until yesterday that I decided to look up the number 12 under angel numbers. Life is certainly interesting!
