Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Number 122 is a compilation of the energies and qualities of number 1 and two 2’s. Number 1 instils the attributes of creation and new beginnings, attainment and inspiration, self-leadership and assertiveness, initiative, instinct and intuition. Number 2 represents balance and harmony, duality, faith, devotion, insight, co-operation, adaptability and diplomacy. Number 2 also resonates with faith and trust and your Divine life purpose and soul mission. Number 2 appears twice, strengthening the influences of its vibrations and relating to the Master Number 22, which is Archangel Raphael’s signature number. Number 22 denotes the Master Builder, dreams made manifest, ancient wisdom, realization, the future and evolution, Universal Love, personal power and charisma, service, philanthropy, common sense and practicality.

Angel Number 122 is a message from your angels and archangels that you are to stay focused on your highest expectations as the angels and Universal Energies work behind the scenes helping you to manifest your wants and needs, goals and desires. Trust that your home and family will be well provided for as you strive towards achieving your goals.

Angel Number 122 is a powerful sign that you are to step out of your comfort zone and take new directions and/or begin new projects and ventures that you have been wanting to do for a long time now. Angel Number 122 encourages you to release your fears and apprehensions and get on with pursuing our passions and purpose.

Angel Number 122 encourages you to ensure that all you put out to the Universe is of a positive and uplifting nature. Your angels ask that you stay on a positive path and to use your natural skills, talents and abilities to their utmost for the benefit of yourself and others. Use positive affirmations and visualizations to enhance energies and draw them towards you. The more you focus on the positives, the quicker they are manifested into your reality.

See also:
Repeating 1’s and 2’s  (12, 112, 121, 122 etc)
Angel Number 12
Angel Number 112
Angel Number 121

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



Get a PsychicReading … click here for further information.


  1. rush-collection is absolutely dead on correct!! She is the real thing! She is the real deal. GOD bless.

    1. Agreed! I am glad rush-collection has created this site for people like us who notice these signs. I came looking for answers only after seeing the number patterns appearing too many times to dismiss as a coincidence.

      I also noticed that most here are NOT posting anonymously unlike a lot of the other angel number pages on this site. This suits the "122" message perfectly about leaving your "comfort zone". On the one hand I am really happy to express the experiences but on the other, wouldn't want someone who knows me to think I am crazy lol.

      Also noticed how many times people posted on a date containing the number "3". Very interesting as well.

    2. I had to reply to a 3 year old post because, as it is, the 13th... 3 years. Idk.

      I had to reply.

      1/22 is my birthday
      I see this all the time.


      Never thought to ever look into it.

      It's so.. Right.

  2. As you can see the number 39 follows me every where I go. There it is now hidden in the time that I sent my last comment.11:39PM

  3. Ive seen 122 for the past 2 years this the first time I looked for a meaning, though I always thought of it as something special. This seems to be on point and puts everything in perspective. I feel positive change occurring in my life. I started having more graditude.

  4. My birthday is 22/01/92 and this really helped me. I've been so lost and directionless the last few months and this really makes me feel like everything will be okay. A lot of the words like intuition, balance, faith and wisdom really spoke to me.

    1. This makes sense like nothing I ever read. Born on 12/22 and the thoughts and feelings I have been having for about 6 months now. I now feel like I am doing the right thing with my life. Thank you so much. God bless.

    2. Hey Erin. I started seeing the patterns last year. Right about the time I decided to take my windfall and help people. 11s 22s 55s 44s 11:11 5:55 11:55 1:11 10:11 10:10, and that's just on the clock...not mentioning signs and license plates, etc. The sets of numbers ALWAYS refer DIRECTLY to something happening in your life, or thoughts you are having. Usually when you see them, they will be eluding to your most recent thought about's good to really contemplate what was on your mind when you do see them. Stay spiritual, and strive for the positive in ALL aspects of your life. This means in relationships that sometimes you will have to be the bigger person. Draw from your higher self and do the damn thang! GOOD LUCK.

  5. Im joining the Army. I did my aptitude test and got denied and my application was pushed back a few months. With this happening, i started getting second thoughts. I stopped thinking of myself and started thinking of my family, what they must think. I will be going to war and my dream is so big it often brings a tear to my eye. To serve my country proud and to save lives. I often think of death, how i wouldn't mind it, making my decision to become a foot soldier that much easier. What i tend to forget is the people who i will be hurting around me. I have brothers and a really close family. A family who i see every sunday for a big family dinner. How tragic it would be if i died before my gran parents. Nothing would ever be the same, nothing will ever fill the hole that my death would leave in the hearts of all my family members. But my dream is so big it eats at my soul. Every day that i wake up to the moment i fall asleep i tell myself, why am i not a soldier yet. Every day that I'm not a soldier, i can't look at myself in the mirror. Getting denied and pushed back a few months made me hate the sight of me. Get angry every time i see my reflection. Calling myself a looser, not good enough to be what i most desperatly want to be. A Soldier of peace, not destruction. I want to save lives, not end them. I was desperate for a sign..
    I believe in protective angels, mostly cause when i pray to them for protection in the military, they present themselves to me giving me no doubt i will be fine. I see them blue spider looking orbs crawling all over my ceiling. Its more difficult to see them in the day light then at night but i know they're there. I hear them whisper. I pray for protection often and that is the fuel that feeds my blood the military ambition that gives me a reason to get up in the morning, thinking their will one day be hope for me joining the military and being the best soldier the world has ever seen. Although i started giving up on my life i knew their was something out there and the number 122 would come up everywhere, to the point that my local bus route changed to "122" pretty much over night. After 6 months of doubt and having this angel number come up, i finally decided to look up its meaning and i was more than happy with the results. Telling me to go for my dream. This will happen, i will achieve my life goals, i will serve my country like no man has served yet. I will see hell and i will tell it not today for i am with the angels, and nothing can take them away from me.

    1. That was the most wonderful description of your life. I wish more people talked openly like that. I wonder what you are up to now.

    2. You do NOT need to be a soldier like your other lives probably to prove your worth. Make peace with new destiny and beginnings

    3. I for one do not think war can save the world it is just greed of the evil force of the devil .
      But if your desire to kill another human being so be it ,but remember your scriptures thout shall not kill. sorry to burst your bubble but there are some angels that are black and they work for the devil .

    4. If your desire is to be in the military that is your (god-given) desire, and you show follow it. That is your GOD GIVEN right.

    5. How is life going brother ? Did you got into millitary or did life brought something new in the picture ? How are you feeling now ?

  6. I've only had nothing but bad luck.

  7. I've only had nothing but bad luck.

  8. This is crazy. When I was 18/19, the number 122 used to follow me everywhere. Whether it be the exact moment I looked at a clock (1:22), if I stopped reading a book on a certain page (122), it was literally everywhere.

    It stopped, not sure why. I don't remember looking up any meaning. It stayed away until 3 weeks ago, 122 has been following me everywhere. Again, clocks, page numbers.

    Reading this description:

    Angel Number 122 encourages you to release your fears and apprehensions and get on with pursuing our passions and purpose.

    Angel Number 122 is a powerful sign that you are to step out of your comfort zone and take new directions and/or begin new projects and ventures that you have been wanting to do for a long time now.

    It hits home for me. For the past 6 months I've been in process of doing something I've wanted to do for a very long time. And it almost dropped me dead, because I had this desire to do what I'm doing, when I was 18/19 years old, and never followed through. I'm currently in progress, and last night I had an interview. I was pretty nervous, and one of my friend's called me up to wish me luck, and to let him know how it went when it was over. We hung up. The call time was 1 minute, 22 seconds.

    I passed the interview.

    It's literally happening, I'm on my way to making this dream of mine happen, and 122 has had my back this entire time reassuring me that this is what I'm supposed to be doing.

    This is actually crazy.

    1. Nope...ignoring it for so long was crazy! This is naturally spiritual. It's called ascension, and many people are going through it in these days and times. Things are changing. The spirits want to make sure those of us that are capable are ready.

  9. Hello... Anyone have an interest in the domain name 1-122.Com for a blog website? thanks

  10. I've been experiencing this since last few months... it cannot be a coincidence every time. I don't know why is this happening..and it is true in my case ...that soon I've to get out of my comfort zone and enter a new phase .. please help I'm worried

  11. 122 is my number. I see it every day. Its on my van number plate, its my house number and my flat number before that. It just goes on andon every day its 122. It guides me, it feels right and I follow it. That's the message

  12. I've been seeing 122 for a while now it's my house number where I grew up I can be behind a work truck on the road an notice the truck number is 122 I've ben behind school busses 122 I just looked at the time an it was 122 it's trying to tell me something but I can't figure it out

  13. I've been seeing 122 for a while now it's my house number where I grew up I can be behind a work truck on the road an notice the truck number is 122 I've ben behind school busses 122 I just looked at the time an it was 122 it's trying to tell me something but I can't figure it out

  14. i typed my full name in Gematrinator and it's 122,
    means allot to see the message because im about to start a brand with friends, and release some music.numbers that i noticed too much, they keep following me 96,93,13,9
    13.2.1993 my date of birth,

  15. Thank you my beautiful angels for guiding me and always being here for me

  16. Today, I saw something that made me doubt whether I was doing the right thing by praying and asking for the things my prayers are about. I asked for a strong and clear signal of whether I was doing the right thing and saw this number. I just started college and I've been meeting lots of amazing people, classmates and professors, and I'm being forced out of my comfort zone by doing things I would normally feel hesitant to do. Thanks for sharing this����. I'll thank St.Raphael as well for this, along with St.Michael, St.Valentine and St.Mark because they're the ones I've asked for help. Blessings for everybody!

  17. Thank you 💗😌 again as always. powerful message and always be positive. This world and universe can never get enough of positivity 😇 positive thinking —> positive work —> positive outcome and abundance may love and light be with you 🙌

  18. Grateful🧚🏻‍♀️🤗

  19. These numbers followed me everywhere 1122,8122,8131
    I came to know 1122 as so much powerful from this website..
    Initially i wrote abt the information of 1122 and read those guidance..
    Now i applying this number in my life for further positive impact in my life...
    Example..I came to know abt infinite walking (8 shaped walking) for so many benefits in health & wealth...
    Instruction was to practice clockwise 10 minutes and anticlockwise 10 minutes...
    I made it as first 11 minutes clockwise and next 11 minutes anticlockwise to have 1122 effects

  20. Then the words to express how grateful I am when reading your blogs! Thank you, thank you so much! You are definitely an Earth Angel! Peace and blessings to you

  21. Endless love and light to us all.
    We are truly blessed. 1122 are my constant companions,as it is 77
    . My first poetry book has 12 Art Drawings and 21 Poems. My second poetry book which will be out in August contains 22 poems and will have 11 art photographs.
    I met my Twin flame on the 1.02.2020 and my first book was out on 2.2.2020
    How powerful the energy of numbers. 🙏❤🕉
    Endless love to us all. I love you rush-collection.❤

  22. Thank you for the positive vibes. I appreciate it a lot.

  23. I've been seeing 3:33, 4:44, 5:55, 1:22 and 12:21. It started 7 years ago with 11:11 and spiraled. My life has changed tremendously. Now... it's the 12:21 all of the time. I'm hoping that means that the business that I'm creating, will be lucrative.

  24. great article about meaning of numerology number 122

  25. This site and its channel to truth is a blessing.

  26. Thank you Angels, DLL

  27. Happy New Year Wishes 2022 to all at sacred scribes blog.

  28. Thank you, my best angel for guide me & always being here for me

  29. Thank you….Amen 🙏

  30. It's the early hours here and my eyes have been guided to the time at 01:22 and 02:11 (so similar but not exactly mirrored numbers). This description is so on point, in fact a huge no judgemental encouragement from Angles after today after being annoyed at a gaslighting neighbour and ranting under my breath through the walls 😆😂🤣 so I'm going to take this loving advice to remain positive and delightful to, and for, myself and my energy and equally for my Higher Self 🙏🏽❤️😌👌🏽 I'm going to read 02:11 next. Thank you and warmest regards to you, rush-collection 🥰🙏🏽😌👌🏽❤️🌈🌟✨💫
