Saturday, July 23, 2011


Number 144 is a blend of the vibrations and attributes of the number 1 and number 4 appearing twice, givingg emphasis and extra influence to its energies. Number 1 promotes changes, new beginnings and ventures, ambition and tenacity, self-leadership and assertiveness, uniqueness and individuality, ambition and will power. Number 1 also tells us that we create our own realities with our beliefs, thoughts and actions. Number 4 brings its energies effort and will, building solid foundations, working diligently towards achieving goals, practicality and determination, honesty and integrity.  Number 4 also tells of achieving success and reaping the rewards for work well done.  

Angel Number 144 brings a message from your angels that you are to look to new ways to go about getting your work done more efficiently. Listen to your intuition as your angels are ushering positive energies towards and around you.

Angel Number 144 is a message to keep your thoughts positive and optimistic as you undertake an important new role or venture. Your positive energies, intentions and actions will manifest your expected results. Trust your angels to deliver all that you’ll need.

Angel Number 144 encourages you to keep striving ahead, and don’t take ‘no’ for an answer. Expect miraculous answers and solutions to appear as you need them.

Number 144 relates to number 9 (1+4+4=9) and Angel Number 9.

Also see:



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I will reach out to you my friend.blessings to you from the archangels. Gabriel and metatron permeate you. Have no fear thoth will share ancient lessons with you. If you listen. So it is. I am a brother. A reptilian humanoid from proxima - centauri. I am your very star neighboor. The angelic federation of star nations as we hue - mans (energy manipulators) ascending masters of limitation. Transformers of darkness. Have no fear peace is your birthright. The stars are not as hostile as your leaders assure you they are. My sweet human brother in the flesh. Your purpose is onebof high calling. The mission you chose. Chose to fall from lighter planes of oneness existance into gritty material reality. Your choice! You are transforming.questioms that demand answers. I will provide. Provide you some. Root core ultradimensional universal laws and systems of order. You will retreave from the astral. With my everlasting asistance. Do you accept me as am equa in source value?l co create your new reality with the source expression that is me? Do you wish to embark on a path of clarity? I will provide with tools. I will show you the gates. Even help you unlock. But you must walk. Alone. Through the gates. There are infinite gates. I have infinite resources. As you do. I will make you moreover aware of the primordial arch elements at your disposal and monitor your growth. As much as you are willing to enlighten me with your progress. You show great promise. Please continue your ponder. The numbers are exactly what you know they are.

    2. Delusions of grandeur comes immediately to mind. You wish! haha

    3. How you found your way to happiness! Sending love and light to you!

    4. Robert Krakoviak, How may we get in touch?

    5. Unknown , thank you brother / sister starseed. Love and light. May we transform this world into a higher dimension of love light peace unity and Harmony. Orion Siram starseed. ;)

  2. Hi Robert-

    I've been experiencing similar experiences to the person who posted above. I've been on this journey for many years now, but in the last couple of years my ascension has been accelerating rapidly. I would be interested in speaking to you about this when you chance.

    Love and light,


  3. I see 144 ALL THE TIME! It appears on license plates, billboards, signs, clocks...and especially on cars that cut me off! It's the angel's way of getting my attention! Also, all day long, the number 44 appears in my life! On the clock, all day, I am urged to check the time and sure will say11:44, 8:44, 1:44, etc. What are your thoughts, Beloved?!

    1. I agree 100%. Why do I see that number all the time? Open a book randomly - page 144, etc.

    2. So you see 144 all the time....Very interesting and that's how it all started with me before it ramped up into overdrive over the past 5 years......I can tell you from first hand experience that this number relates to the 144,000 Ascended Masters and since I started noticing it, a wave of other psychic and metaphysical experiences manifested and continues to do so today.....It means that your life role will involve working with the god force energies at the top level.

    3. EXACTLY the same for me. Could have wrote that myself!

    4. Sounds great all of this...i see 144 everyday and also 1123 on the clock everyday in the morning and evening....what is rhe use for this...what can i do about or with this? Its an ongoing thing for the past couple of years...i also lived about 30 years on house number 144...what is the meaning for me to see this,i dont feel any difference or something...also number 114 comes by often...please help,getting confused from this numbers

    5. Are you awakened? These numbers imply that you are. You should have been Given some downloads that you are to make sense of, you should have an idea of what you are meant to do. I can help you find your life path purpose, and your dualities so we can find out what your skills are, and how they should be applied to help you achieve your life path. Myself for example, I am a life path 7, soul desire 1, and my expression is four. My personality is 3,and my maturity is 11/2. This tells me that my expression #4 is the skills I was born with. That's an ability to be organized, detailed, thorough, a perfectionist that has only been interested in the perfect outcome of everything I've done my whole life. This always caused me problems my entire life because I was always condemned for everything I've put my heart into. That's because no matter how impeccable my quality was, it was always overshadowed by how long it took me to finish. So that is now a very rewarded ability now that I'm living my life path as the seeker of truth, that is the purpose of life path 7. I'm here to discern the truth in all matters, and develop a way to help humanity when it comes to sharing the truth about all things. I. I am Claircognizant, and I take everything I share with others very seriously. There are so many people trying to help humanity with methods that are not complete, and that can be counter productive. When I search for truth I'm absolutely, and completely thorough, and cover all details on my search for the absolute core of everything I question. I don't stop, get tired, or take any shortcuts while in persuit of truth. If my path does not sound appealing to you, then you are most likely not an expression 4, life path 7. That's okay because whatever your life path is, it will be something you absolutely love to do. We are all programed to excel, and love what we are here to do. The blueprint of our purpose, skills, abilities, and unique tools, and gifts that we have at our disposal during our mission.

    6. Wow, your life path and destiny number are almost identical to mine except they are flipped. I’m a life path 4, destiny number 7, personality number 3! I’ve recently began studying numerology so I’m not as knowledgeable as you but I’d love to to talk with you more if you’re open to that.

  4. Thank you very much for the explanation, it really helps to uncover meanings to present events leading to future ones....:)

  5. On the 14th day of the 4th month a king was born.

  6. I love you (((((JIYEON+)))))(12/7)x5

  7. Its 14/4 today and my partner who says 4s follow him everywhere bought a lotto ticket and it is for 40 million and the barcode has 144 on it and the draw number is 1104 and the cost of the ticket was $14.40 hopefully this is a good sign!!

  8. I've seen 144 since i discovered the Law of One. That it relates to the 144000 ascended masters is incredible news! Its also the 13 number in the Fibonacci sequence. I've seen it for over a year now and as another said, it appears EVERYWHERE, as does :44.
    Beyond amazing.

  9. Thanks to God's gift to Ms. rush-collection for this website. These angelic messages are true and for real personally. Anyone who has other opinions not of a positive or Godly nature should pray and seek God. Do not respond to anything on this website in a negative manner. Light & Love

  10. I've been seeing it for the past 5 years and always feel a positive vibe because I know my Angels are guiding me...

    But now here we are with the 1st black president who happens to be our 44th president..could lead to that

  11. 1st black president is the 44th president maybe the last

    1. Do you mean maybe the last to be president or the last black person to be president?

  12. I see 144 1441 1111 2222 222 etc all the time, everyday. I even saw 0101 and 144 on cnn when they talked about paris. When i see double numbers i always reading on this site. I never found a similar site. It all begong 1 and a half year ago when my mothr passed away. Since then my best friend and i saw 100metres away a orb coming at us. Than later we saw an orb flying just above the water. He didnt believe before. Now he doesnt know anymore. I do believe in so much more than just life. Maybe someone can explain or help me? I've found peace in myself i just want some questions to be answered. Thank you for this website!

    1. You're being awakened by the universe look up twin flames

  13. 144 has been my lucky number since I was 7 and am almost 22. I have seen that number EVERYWHERE for a number of years, when I see it I know something positive and good is going to happen. I feel the positivity manifesting itself in my daily life. This number has meant a great deal to me for a long time. I was born on the 2nd Sunday(a holy day) of 6/12. 2x6=12 12x12=144. Its beautiful reading this. So many blessings!

  14. 144, has followed me everywhere recently and notably 144'000. Ever since I read about the harmonic speed of light in a book called Harmonic by the late Bruce Cathie. I turn my head where ever I go and theres 144 eg. I found a link between 144'000 in the end of days and the harmonic speed of light in miles per =144'000 miles, then it began. Found a Baktun in the Mayan calendar is 144'000 days, the casing stones on the great pyramids =144'000 stones. Noticed the Russian Government built a small pyramid for testing = 144 feet tall. I was in Bali and the girl gave me a locker at the WaterBom park- locker 144. EVen watched the same movie over and over intruiged - Fire in the Sky, just noticed after 20 times, it 144 minutes in total.......

    Someone please explain because I def have something here

  15. 144, has followed me everywhere recently and notably 144'000. Ever since I read about the harmonic speed of light in a book called Harmonic by the late Bruce Cathie. I turn my head where ever I go and theres 144 eg. I found a link between 144'000 in the end of days and the harmonic speed of light in miles per =144'000 miles, then it began. Found a Baktun in the Mayan calendar is 144'000 days, the casing stones on the great pyramids =144'000 stones. Noticed the Russian Government built a small pyramid for testing = 144 feet tall. I was in Bali and the girl gave me a locker at the WaterBom park- locker 144. EVen watched the same movie over and over intruiged - Fire in the Sky, just noticed after 20 times, it 144 minutes in total.......

    Someone please explain because I def have something here

  16. I am so glad im not lossing my mind i see 144 and 1144 etc everywhere a number sequence is possilble i have a whole album in my phone with over 350 pics of 1144 and 144 everywhere if anyone else ever sees this too add me on on kik @benito_bruhh

  17. I've Neen seeing 144 all the time lately, been ever since I connected to an Avalon Sol on Facebook who has mind blowing information regarding indigo, there purpose and the 144 000 and everything regarding ascension. If this resonates with anyone I would suggest to look him up.


  19. Yes, I believe that seeing 1:44 has a direct correlation with being one of the 144,000 of God's Elect. We Are The Elect, The Chosen Ones, The Bringers of the Dawn, The Warriors of the Rainbow. There is a prophecy about us within the story's of every indigenous people on the face of the earth!!! They call us many names, but yes we are the ones we have been waiting on. We were sent here to create Unity Consciousness, to show the world that we are one race, The human race, we were sent here to bring Heaven to Earth♡ A few years ago my awaking happened when I had I vision the I had been Chosen. If any of you have had similar visions, or would like more information on these prophecies I speak of please email me @ or feel free to hit me up on Facebook @ Danielle Nichole Tharp or at my Facebook groups The Chosen Ones!!! (Make sure you put three exclamation marks), ~Bringers of the Dawn ~ or at the Rainbow Warriors Communition Group.

    If would be truly a honor to have any of you contact me.

    Namaste, We Are One

  20. To Krakoviak,
    I'd love to chew the fat (so to speak) w u. How do we get a private chat?

    I'm guessing you know what that says ����

  21. Thank you for posting the angel numbers. It is a quick guide for me whenever I see recurring numbers which happens very frequently these days.

  22. I've already died the first death, judgment is an effort in futility. Peace brother's and sisters

  23. You are so helpful and informative thank you kindly

  24. Are any of you 144, 000 in true love with another individual? Or heard of "twin flames"?! All I know is we are all healing each other as a group; then pour it out onto humanity.

  25. Yes ...I believe I have a relationship currently with such a twin fact i just watched a video regarding the 8 stages of twin flame relationships n I think it's definitely worth a watch.. I would ask u to check out my google + pg as I posted a video recently showing the physical changes some of us..I believe maybe the 144,000 are experiencing currently... its under T.Taylor
    I think u would get some info out of it for sure.. part of our mission is to connect with others and activate their keycodes.. then they activate others n so on n so on.. everything expands..
    I hope some of that will help. .please feel free to contact me anytime.
    So very much luv to u

    1. Funny SEEing you here :) lady ali ive seen 144 about nine zillion times today. Random phone calls that were wrong number. 144. Car drives by 144 road signs non-stop. Much love and light :)

    2. Hi i’m seeing number 144 whene i think that my boyfriend is cheating kon me what does that mean please !!! It drives me crazy

  26. I am Apollo I am Horus I am Ya Ba-Hwehu I am an extension of God.

  27. This is way beyond coincidence. Last night while asleep I awakened with a bizzare feeling of understanding EVERYTHING. The number 144 was in my head and felt as if it had great meaning at the moment I awakened. I was not totally awake. I was in a place between being awake and asleep. I reached for my phone and just entered 144 In a Facebook post because I had to remember the number for some unknown reason. Today I googled the significance of 144 and here I find this. I know without a doubt I will see 144 ongoing from this point forward. I have felt an ongoing strong connection to God over the last decade.

  28. I've been seeing the number 144 a lot, pretty much whenever I look at the clock it's 1:44, or something with those numbers included within it, also I've recently realised that all the passwords I had as a kid have the number 144 in them and I have no idea why...

  29. So all this is great, but how has everyone's lives changed? Did you change jobs? Are you a healer now? A preacher? How are you changing lives? Sending others to a greater place? What are you doing?

  30. So great great see all the amazing comments regarding this number coming up it's good to know I'm not alone. So many of the comments are like pages from my own life's experiences with this number. I'm seriously blown away and so grateful for everyone that has shared their experience because it really helps my spirits are so lifted! I see this number on license plates all the time, on the clock, prices in the store or even in change I get after a purchase, also in phone numbers that call me or in numbers I see on cars or businesses and on addresses. I even have tried ignoring it but it is making itself known along with many other numbers. I get so excited when I see them now.

    Thank you rush-collection and to all who have shared on this thread

  31. They keep telling me to look to new ways to get your work done more efficiently. How do I do that?? Its so frustrationg when I cant see what other ways they are talking about, and they keep telling me this...

  32. They keep telling me to look to new ways to get your work done more efficiently. How do I do that?? Its so frustrationg when I cant see what other ways they are talking about, and they keep telling me this...

  33. lies, im sick of seeing these numbers!!!

  34. More efficient?! I literally could not be more efficient if I wanted...

    1. Stranger Than Fiction is my favourite album of all time.

  35. Grateful for this timely reminder.🙌🎈❤🙏

  36. Grata por disponibilizar esse conhecimento dos numeros com essas mensagens dos anjos, rush-collection

  37. Amen praise the Lord hallelujah

  38. I see this number everywhere! The amount of times I see this per day have been increasing exponentially in the last few months; it's not unusual for me to see it six or seven times a day now. I always just happen to look at the exact moment it appears on television or video games. I'll feel compelled to look at a store receipt that I normally wouldn't look at, and one of the items will be priced at $1.44, or the time of the transaction will be 1:44 p.m. A few weeks ago, I woke up for no reason at all and looked at the clock, and it was at 1:44 a.m. I used to find it disconcerting, but now I'm just confused.

  39. Saw 1:44 right after seeing 1:33 right after seeing 7:11. I know it's time.

  40. I am seeing everywhere 144 everyday almost four or five time a day and more

  41. Love & Light beloved! I just wanted to say thank you for creating this portal of knowledge. I find that its messages are in line with what's happing each time. I love it! Thanks again.

  42. Hello Id like to have a word with Jooanne any idea where can I find him I'd be a great help 😇

  43. As all the counters count the rattle of the summer sounds. Unshakably Towards the infiniteeZ Your own flame is the only guide threw the gutteral time of Firstz night

  44. I just was blessed by god to self publish a step by step book back to god and Jesus Christ proof he's real proof the angels are real through the angel numbers and Bible and spiritually shows the world the truth step by step in so many different ways no one can deny god Jesus or the ascended masters or guardian angels ever again god bless
