Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Number 117 is a blend of the vibrations and energies of the double number 1 and number 7. Number 1 relates to new beginnings, motivation and progress, self-leadership and assertiveness, achievement and success, inspiration, attainment, fulfilment and omniscience. Number 1 appearing twice relates to the karmic Master Number 11 which tells us that to connect with our higher-selves is to know, live and serve our life purpose and soul mission. It asks that you pay attention to your thoughts and ideas as these are revealing the answers to your prayers. Number 7 resonates with the attributes of spiritual awakening and enlightenment, mysticism, empathic and psychic abilities, inner-wisdom and manifesting your desires.  Number 117 is an auspicious number as it embodies the ‘new’ with manifesting good fortune. Remember to be grateful for all that the Universe provides.

Angel Number 117 is a message that you are heading in the right direction in your life, and this has been achieved through your positive affirmations, intentions, actions and expectations. We create our own realities and you have managed to consciously steer your life in a very positive direction and have good reason to feel optimistic and happy with yourself as you have achieved a great personal success. When you expect great things, great things happen.

Angel Number 117 suggests that you are on the ‘right path’ on your life’s journey. The angels support and encourage you with your life purpose, and you have good reason to be optimistic about your chosen direction or path. Listen to your intuition and higher-self and take appropriate action as only you can serve your soul purpose and fulfill your destiny. The angels encourage you to maintain a positive attitude and use positive affirmations in order to manifest your highest ideals and aspirations.  

Angel Number 117 can also suggest that it is time to begin a spiritually-based practice, career and or profession. The Universe and angels will ensure that all that you require will be provided for you, and you are to trust your own skills, abilities and inner-wisdom. Use your talents to serve humanity and bring illumination to those who seek it.

Number 117 also relates to number 9 (1+1+7=9) and Angel Number 9.

See also:  Repeating 1’s and 7’s  (17, 117, 171, 177 etc)
Angel Number 17
Angel Number 171
Angel Number 177

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



Get a Psychic Reading … click here for further information.


  1. thank you very much. i've been already enlightened by reading your post:)
    i had a dream a few days ago. in my dream father tells me about a money. and a vision comes up. i see two numbers one under the other. first number is 117 $ and second 3-something-something TL(Turkish Liras-I live in Turkey and we use Turkish Liras.). This was my dream.
    Then I woke up and looked the meaning of numbers from another website. it says apart the numbers and commentate. like this:
    1-Be careful with your thoughts
    1-Be careful with your thoughts
    7-Wait for a miracle

    and for 3-Enlightened masters with you.
    Then I say ok. it must have been say, i should think positive then a miracle(s) comes up with the help of the masters.

    So, i forgot this. and after one day from this dream, i had another one. i'm asking someone(like now:)) "is this true, these meanings of numbers" via tweeter-like technology. but there was a lot of questions from a lot of people. and admin of this group or whatever it is, answered all these quesitons. and when it's come to my question, i received this answer:
    "The order is coming from highest level. From almighty beings."

    then i woke up and say "oh my god!"
    thank you for your time reading this.

    1. Wow, I love this story, Suna.
      Really interested to know what happened after.

    2. This is my boyfriends birthday, I see it allll the time. I saw it when we were together but now that we have broken up, I see it multiple times a day. I also see my bday number (8/27) more often now. What in the world does this mean?? I know that seeing your own bday means you should focus on your life purpose, but what about seeing birthday numbers of people that you know and love??

  2. i'm sorry, the third sentence is should be "in my dream, my father tells me about a money."
    it is my father, it's not about religional father like in christianity.

  3. intriguing story, Suna. Thanks for sharing :) i enjoyed reading it.

  4. One thing that gets me.. I often see the 117 and the 711 codes.. What bothers me is that the Angles say start spiritually-based practice, career and or profession. Well my problem is I dont like people though to want to be apart of their lives, they annoy me. I get very irritated when someone calls for my help, or comes to me for wisdom or when I have to go an extra step to help people. And when I do help them and they benefit from it which is great for them. I dont feel rewarded, I feel agitated and underpromoised. I loath helping people and being there for them, but I do it because its my duty. No good deed goes unpunished is probably the best way I could put it.. I know your information is true because I do daily readings with my tarot cards and it often says the same stuff. Anyways, the question is how can I make peace with it or change my fate?? Because whenever someone calls and ask for a shoulder to cry on or when someone say I should teach it makes me cring with hatred.

    1. Hi,
      In my point of view is very easy. You need to lift up your energy. The loving energy is light and hight and the negative energy is low and thick.
      In my case I needed to know personally one super positive couple of friends. They live on the clouds with the butterflies and little bunnies :)
      I learn from them the power of positivity. Is very easy to look back and become negative.

      Only when you become positive, the positive think start happened. Be grateful. And stay tuned on high loving vibes.

    2. Also what your frustration might want to say about you is this: think about it a few moments and ask yourself this question: why those around me annoy me so much? Am I annoyed by myself most of the time? Am I disappointed with myself? Am I frustratred because I would like some help in some matter of my life and I dont get it as much as I would want or need to?

      Everything and everyone is a part of The Source of All and everytime you discover, angry with or judge something in others then most of the time that aspect is a mirror of what lies in You.

      Also the more you help others, the more you help yourself since we are all one and the same: The Source's Love put into being, we are all connected. Thinking to harm somebody and doing it is the same as if you do it to yourself. So to help you with that perspective of yours think that whatever good you do for others will reflect back in your life and the Universe has a way to do that and not like your rational mind would want but expect good things, example: you give a shoulder to cry to a friend in most needed time then say moments later (could be anytime from days to months to years who knows no one know how karma and universe goes) but anytime you least expected it someone will lift your mood in a most needed time and trust thats what make the Life so enjoyable after some time because you realize the importance of everyone in each other lives. Even the least significant person on Earth (in others point of perception) can have a tremendous effect on their environment if they wanted too. Its all a matter of Intention and where you put your energy in (efforts)

      Hope this part shed some light into this questioning

    3. Hi, there was a word that came to me: ACCEPTANCE.

      And then another: LAND.

      Those were very great answers above too.

      In my practice now, which is what 117 is about,
      when my energy is low, (but always of love),

      I ask, Why Am I doing this?
      Who is it that I am doing this for?
      And the answer is always: ME.

      I then ask myself:
      What is it that makes me happy the most?

      Then that is what I do.

      You don't have to entertain these people, and yet
      you feel it is your duty, and you feel obligated.

      Find that happiness within first, then this duty you feel you came here for will come out naturally.

      All the best to you, dear.

    4. Self- Appreciate your own energy. dont resist your anger, because in the end, nothing was ever there(so to speak). I get unreasonable and angry as fucking shit all the time, and "lazy", but i never seek to hurt others even though i enjoy to be separate more so then to choose to surround myself with other humanoidsxD. So What im saying is; no matter what, no matter is what, and my number is 1-17 always following, even ended up in my area code, and i jut looked at the clock(said 11:17) peculiar, and many things seem so, but they are just ways to chase a dragon. Everything is chasing a dragon, afflictions of the devil, compromising with the self, another, loving the real-ness and emotion of a long term friend or family member, breathing in and out in full succession, and eventually, facing the great... Death, Challenger, illusion, enigma, paradox, trap, release, etc. and beyond infinitely finite and infinite or neither. So worry not my friend, and enjoy PRETENDING, and enjoy the forgetful emotions from whence you think now, and dont be late for work ;)

    5. Dont worry so much. I like to think of it all as magnetism sometimes(analogies and metaphors are cool too ;) ; a magnet needs to both oppose and attract, but in actions there can be resistance, which ultimately fails on most accounts as an "impossible task". if you wish to change yourself, you can put out a level of resistance, but due to the nature which you are bound(bound physically or cognitively, etc.) the only way of succefully achieving the state of "being a different person", would be like then man who rolls the ball up the hill and lets it roll back down while he is sleeping in an endless loop. This is all well and good, but two negatives dont make a positive, because you will get tired and need to rest. Just like wanting to never sleep, or always stay awake and become something i am not inherently- sure i could achieve immortality if i stay up for three days straight(like some ancient myths have spoken of), but i highly doubt it and my mind and heart is heavy with strong implications of certain rules. Do not try to be a God, there is a time for that test and you will know(because it will be timeless). For now, just be happy when your angry, because here we are and, well, shit, thats just a simple enigma to laws of "basic reality"(as many our brains recognize it). Maybe im just a crazy acid head, but thats besides the point haha. Hope this "helped" in some way to see or not see the middle road and/or silver lining

  5. Hello all and thank you, rush-collection, what a wonderful source of information you give to humanity. The first number I started seeing was 11:17, then after I noticed it, it expanded to doubled, tripled and different combinations of mirrored doubles etc. Numbers tell me to share and help others with gifts and talents that I already posses. My biggest talent and joy is all types of art, especially music: playing, singing and writing songs. I would like to share my songs with all who is interested to hear the message in them. The words that I and my friend-poet have chosen to describe our efforts are: Love, Life and Light. These words are also mentioned on rush-collection's website. My songs came somehow suddenly, I am positive it was and is given from above. So please enjoy and check other videos under Halina Smolarczuk on YouTube channel:
    Peace to all, Halina Smolarczuk

    1. Music elevate your soul to higher state of beings if the words used are of a positive uplifting nature and throught music you can make miracles since music boost manifesting abilities. So what ever Spirit inspire you something that can be used to the betterment of this world then have no shame showing it to the World as sharing love is the most beautiful gift one can give to their fellow earthlings

  6. Thank you so much for this beautiful message! It is just what I needed today. Amen, God is good and great indeed. I am very grateful to serve for the greater good. Namaste : )

    I also found it!

  8. i see this number so many times in a day, does it mean my wishes are about to come true?

    1. i see it a lot too, actually

      i've been seeing this number in odd places on and off for like 5 years now. i wish all this shit wasnt so vague.

  9. Hello all, I would like to share a message from my friend, the First Nation Chief about numbers, or as he called it light codes:
    "The numbers are one of the ways the Creator speaks to every human being its a coded language so are letters. For example the Bible is made up of letters and numbers in its entirety. Combination of letters creates words and combination of numbers reveal hidden messages that will eventually become words or a combination of words. For example 12/21/12 is December 21, 2012 which is also 333. As you look into this more deeply you will find the word and number Baktun
    13 which is the same in English as 12/21/12. There is a whole event that took place around this date so one studies what took place and the light behind these letters and numbers become clear. 333 is 9 and the other number is 13. 9x13 is 117.

    One needs to investigate for one self."

  10. I constantly see the number 117 and my birthday is 117 I also have had a run in with the word rose and the number 3 I am very new to this....I am in pursuit to finding my purpose I also have messages that I feel I have to give to ppl sometimes I do t know what this all means but it's very fascinating....I have been having dreams where questions that I have had have been's so weird because I used to joke around like im a prophet and also complain about how much I could feel someone's energy whether it was positive or negative it would feel annoyed by someone's negative energies and I also feel that I talk to much I feel a need to preach and teach others what I know so I feel that I talk to much and let to much out i really do need am outlet bc it's like im going mad I the only person experiencing these different pulls and forces....can anyone this to me i also see 711 buy i see 117 every single day there is not one day that it does not make itself visible....I also have a dream of working in radio what does this mean....PLEASE HELP SOMEONE

    1. I realize that your post is a few years old, but it's really odd how much this sounds like me. My birthday is also 117 and ny favorite number has always been the number 3.
      I can also feel the energies of other, whether I want to or not. I've recently learned that I am an empath.
      What have you learned about these things since posting this? I'd like to learn more,too. Do you have any insight you could share with me?
      I also look at the clock at 12:34 a lot.
      I hope I'm not toi late with my reply. Thank you.

    2. Same. 117 all the time and yes 1234 for me as well. 1111 or most often.
      Speaking now in 2022 lol, yes it's all based on spiritual awakenings.

    3. Same. 117 all the time and yes 1234 for me as well. 1111 or most often.
      Speaking now in 2022 lol, yes it's all based on spiritual awakenings.

  11. I constantly see the number 117 and my birthday is 117 I also have had a run in with the word rose and the number 3 I am very new to this....I am in pursuit to finding my purpose I also have messages that I feel I have to give to ppl sometimes I do t know what this all means but it's very fascinating....I have been having dreams where questions that I have had have been's so weird because I used to joke around like im a prophet and also complain about how much I could feel someone's energy whether it was positive or negative it would feel annoyed by someone's negative energies and I also feel that I talk to much I feel a need to preach and teach others what I know so I feel that I talk to much and let to much out i really do need am outlet bc it's like im going mad I the only person experiencing these different pulls and forces....can anyone this to me i also see 711 buy i see 117 every single day there is not one day that it does not make itself visible....I also have a dream of working in radio what does this mean....PLEASE HELP SOMEONE

  12. I've been seeing the number 17 for months on end, and 117 seems to be the most common (and always comes into view unexpectedly). This has been a rough, rough time of late, that to say the least, but I do feel a genuine humility and gratitude and a desire to make a leap of faith that's long overdue. God bless.

  13. My Dog passed away today, 1/17/2017. As of the past couple of years i've been in a dark place. Often questioning what the true purpose of life is. i'm a 21 year old college student who ironically works at a 7/11. I needed to see this

  14. Just looked at my computer and saw this number 1:17 on 1/17. Came to this site to see if I could understand it, and I do. I used to see particular numbers all the time, including my birthday 420, but now starting to see sequence like today's number. Things are changing for the better, and I'm thankful, because its been tough.

  15. What are spiritually based careers? I keep seeing that in a lot of the numbers I've been seeing, can anyone help me please?

    1. Look up esoteric, healing tarot cards
      It could also mean that your soul wants to do what you dreamt about as a child young /teen if it was running a cake stand for instance it's what you sound would like you to do a d that's also a spiritual base career because your personal soul / spirit wants you 2 too good luck take care don't stress about anything ever just ask the angels quite your mind and you may just receive a reply to you answer so meditation and ask for an answer also look up how to follow intuition.xx

  16. Can anyone help me I keep seeing the thing about spiritually based careers and idk what that is and I don't have any talents Idk what to do. And I feel like I'm holding myself back because I'm currently unemployed and I feel like that angels want me to do that

  17. What about when you keep seeing someone else's birthday??! I keep seeing 117 (boyfriends bday) everywhere

  18. jeez i see that number everywhere. even my fav character "Master Chief" has that number as his soldier code thingy. thank you for telling me this.

  19. Stay blessed people !!!
    Always and forever grateful!!!Love and light to all !!! ♡♡♡

  20. This is my boyfriends birthday, I see it allll the time. I saw it when we were together but now that we have broken up, I see it multiple times a day. I also see my bday number (8/27) more often now. What in the world does this mean?? I know that seeing your own bday means you should focus on your life purpose, but what about seeing birthday numbers of people that you know and love??

  21. thank you rush-collection

  22. When i read this, i started to cry. One year ago today on 1 11 17 my older daughter and i were in a terible car accident, that my younger daughter had a premonition about just minites before. This morning i had a seizere on my way home but knew i had to pull over somehow. I see the number 11 and 1111 all the time. My younger daughter will be 11 on the 30th and my older daughter will be 14 on the 11th of march. I was born on july 1st of 86.

  23. So does this number mean there's an angel looking over me? Or that im on the right path? I've seen this number so many god awful times I began to feel like im going crazy. I notice it so often and i dont know what to believe anymore. Part of me thinks im nuts, another part thinks it's some code for the illuminati because i spot it in so much media. What should i believe, why am I noticing it so much?

  24. Hello. Could motherhood be considered a spiritually based practice or career?

  25. Hello. Can motherhood he considered a spiritual practice or career?

  26. GratefulπŸ€—πŸ§šπŸ»‍♀️

  27. Everything can and is spiritual practise when done with such intention, so yass. Motherhood is a particularly special one due to its nature I reckon :)

  28. Amen praise the Lord hallelujah

  29. I'm an anxiety/depression sufferer. I see 117, and 111 literally everywhere I go. In video games, I get 117 points, the time when I look at the clock is 117, 1117, or 111 or 111. I am trying to have a more optimistic view on life, and I learned not to choose depression. I still suffer extremely from constant worries about me or my family, my life is not bad, it's actually really good. I am 17 years old, qnd my family is really supportive of me, so I have no reason to hate anything. There is just some kind of chemical imbalance that is causing these emotions. I've been suffering for my entire life with these feelings, so is this a call to action? Can I finally kick these feelings to the curb? I also occasionally see 317, 444, 717, 777, 1144, 1155, 1222, 1212, and 1133.

  30. Infinitely grateful πŸ‘˜πŸŒ±πŸŒŸπŸ™πŸ––!!! ❤️ Love and light to all. As within, so without, as above, so below. πŸ’—

  31. I see 117 countless times each day. I also grew up with Halo as a kid and Chief is spartan 117. Me loving halo is no coincidence. Life is going great and I send my good vibes out to all that read this

  32. I relate to alot of these comments. It's a small world. Especially the one with starting an Agency to help people.

  33. Thank you...Love and light always. πŸ˜‡πŸ™πŸ’—

  34. Thank you πŸ™

  35. Thank you πŸ™

  36. I don't know how it would be possible but I would love to meet with you some way and verbally hear your story of transformation....its the second time today I've posted something that's associated with your work.....something guided me to you started with me looking up repetitive numbers on your website also on Angelmanifest ....which I look at everyday!!!!

  37. Thank Angels, so so grateful!

  38. My eyes were guided to 117 on the clock earlier on. It's usually always 11:17 which always reminds me of the 80's band 'Heaven 17', so I've come to read up on 117. Thank you rush-collection πŸ™πŸ½πŸ˜ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ½❤️🌈🌟✨πŸ’«

  39. Today I saw 117 saying here read up on your #
    Thanks for the confirmation πŸ™πŸ§œπŸ½‍♀️πŸ‘ΌπŸΌπŸ’›☮️πŸ’Ÿ♒️
