Thursday, August 26, 2010

Repeating Angel Numbers - 1's and 7's (117, 117, 171, 177, 771, 1717 etc)

1’s and 7’s indicates that you may experience good fortune which will lead to the manifestation of your heart’s desires. Your determination and efforts are to be rewarded.

The 1 and 7 combination is a message that you are doing a great job and are to be commended for your efforts. You are on the right path in your life, so keep going along in this vain. The number combination of 1 and 7 is a sign that you have chosen your thoughts and actions well. You are reminded also that the emotion and attitude of 'gratitude' will speed the process of your manifestations, so remember to be thankful for all that the Universe provides.

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  -  The Vibration and Meaning of Numbers


JoW Pottery



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  1. OH how lovely is this message!!!! Saw it today and knew it was a message. xxx

  2. I see these messages at least 10 times everyday I love my angels and I am so grateful that they are helping me =] Thankyou for this lovely website I check it everyday to understand what my angels are telling me

    1. Good luck. Angels love humans so help them and angels will help you fully. They need more good people in the earth.

  3. Thank you!! I love my angels too, and the support they give me - it is incredible!! And I am very grateful for all the wonderful things that are manifesting in my life!!!

    Wonderful site!! Jo

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I've been seeing 1717 everyday of late...

    rush-collection you've brought such light to myself and many others that I have made aware of your site and insite into these beautiful and inspirational messages. So thank you from the deepest part of my heart.

    All my Love Shy xo

  6. Seems that every where I look there is 17 or 77 or 777 I cant add anything to say at this time

  7. 1+7+1+7=8+8=16

  8. ".. keep moving along in this vein." -- not vain. :-) Thank you for Angel Numbers!

  9. I see this number every where and everyday for a year now bt for all that year i have been going through alot of challenges, problems that have made me think that maybe i am badluck myself

  10. I have been seeing these numbers for over a year... and for all that time i have been going through alot of problems.. these numbers are turning out to be badluck for me... i now consider myself badluck.. how can you advise me

  11. Patience is a virtue.

    Thank you

  12. In the gas station having a conversation with this guy sounded bummed out gave him a few words of encouragement he left out a bit happier with his moment... I look down on 1/7/17 phone at 71% at 7:17am 7degrees and to sync it more he played 17 numbers in the lottery... I get the picture this morning bright and clear

    1. Okay - but that was such a sign! I wish you well!!!

  13. feel like i made a lot of mistakes yesterday & was feeling down, surprised to know the universe is telling me i chose my actions well..... i fully trust, all happens for my greater good

  14. My life number, been seeing it EVERYWHERE and there were 17 comments on this post. Now 18 Lol

  15. I've been seeing 1717, 7117, 000, 1111, 444 & 666 all day today! How wonderful 🌟

  16. Exiting parking today it read -- 7.10.17 at 17:07 Gave me a little boost of strength and to keep going.

  17. Dank u joanna, voor uw inzet om deze angelnumbers uit te leggen. Ik zag 171717 en toen ik het nummer wilde opzoek zag ik als eerst getal waar mijn oog op viel nogmaals 17! Ik voel me heel dankbaar. Groeten yoke.

  18. Immensely blessed and grateful!!! Love,peace and Light to All!!!
    What a wonderful confirmation!!!
    I love you rush-collection !!!♡♡♡
    You are an Angel!!!
    Blessings your way!!!

  19. 71% phone baterie life @ 17.37h
    Awesome !!!♡♡♡

  20. 17717 दिनांक 21/2/2018

  21. If it’s vain. These angels better step up their game. I’ve done so much in their name. And the life I’ve lived has been far from plain. But the only thing that matters to me is what I experience on the next plane. This life is suffering to me and I can never accept what has become of my time or all the others who have had to bear the worst of labours for the sake of divine.

  22. I dreamt the numbers 10717. Not sure what this mean.

  23. 77% battery life at 17.37h
    Blessed and grateful for each and every reminder.🙏 Love ,peace and Light to All.

  24. Thank you. �� I see these numbers everywhere. Your blog has been so helpful in understanding their meanings.

  25. Saw my odometer at 71711 miles to then look over to the time on my car which was 11:07 which was a few minutes behind in time from my phone which was 11:11... partial freak out number 1. I was on the way to my storage unit when this all happened and once I got to it I looked up to my unit number which is 177 and I had a “What the f*^k is going on” freak out number 2. Staying blessed and ready for these manifestations :)

    1. Same thing happen to me today . Very similar

  26. I am so grateful for all that the Universe provides! :)

  27. Så tacksam 🙏❤️vet att det stämmer!!!💃🏻🥰❤️

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  30. Fantastic message...Thank you!!! 😇🙏🥰💖💝

  31. Today I looked at my dashboard and the temperature was 71 degrees next to it was the time which read 7:17am then I looked to my speedometer and the mpg average was 17.1 and next to shows miles to empty which was 171 miles to empty. All this while I was in my Bible study heading to work. My angels telling me something today.

  32. Timely reminder... always and forever grateful!!! Love and Blessings to all of us...🥰🙏😇🏠🏞️

  33. Today is 1/7/2023 and I saw 1,1,1,7,1,1,7,1,7,1,7 and I am grateful for everything I have now an will have in the future, not just material things but the people that I love that I am also grateful for! Good Luck to you ALL!

  34. keep going along in this VEIN ... (thank you for the website!)

  35. AMEN / So Be It !!! 💁🏻‍♂️❤️
