Thursday, August 26, 2010

Angel Numbers - Number Sequences - Repeating 4's

Number 4 resonates with the vibrations and energies of hard work, security, practicality, productivity, appreciation, tradition, solid foundations, security-consciousness, self-control, loyalty, conscientiousness, high morals and ethics, traditional values, honesty, strong-willed, conservative, application, determination, the serious builder, progress, the doer, management, realistic values, stability, wholeness, unity, ability, justice, goal-orientated, system, order, organization and exactitude, honesty and integrity, endurance, mastery, responsibility, inner-wisdom, maintenance, construction, seriousness, discipline, dependability, conviction, self-discipline through work and service, your passion and drive.

Number 4 represents the four elements of Air, Fire, Water and Earth, and the four sacred directions, North, South, East and West.

The number 4 symbolizes the principle of putting ideas into form and it signifies work and productivity. The essence of the number 4 is security, diligent work and strong foundations. It is constructive, realistic, traditional and cautious and is the number of system, order and management.  This vibration is to do with energy, harmony and co-operation and it is the door to illumination and/or initiation.

When Angel Number 4 consistently appears it indicates that your angels are all around you and with you.  The angels are offering you support and inner-strength to enable you to get the necessary work done. They understand that you are toiling towards your goals and aspirations and the angels ask that you call upon them for help, support, guidance and the emotions of love and security.
The repeating Angel Number 44 sequence indicates that the angels are surrounding you at this time, loving and supporting you.  You have a very strong and clear connection with the angelic realm and are asked to use it to your advantage, and for the benefit of others.

The message of the 444 Angel Number sequence is that you have nothing to fear … all is as it should be, and all is well.  Things that you have been working on or with will be successful. Repeating Angel Number 444 is an indication that you are being surrounded by angels who love and support you and their help is close at hand, always.

When the number sequence 4444 appears repeatedly, it is an indication that you are surrounded by your angels. The angels are at your side to reassure you of their presence, love and help. Your angels are watching out for you and supporting you in your work and day to day life. They encourage you to continue working towards your goals and aspirations as success and achievement are ahead of you. 


  1. Replies
    1. Beautiful this is wat I needed to finally read..x

    2. I just woke up and my phone was under me,the number 4444 and this page was the first thing I saw,All I have even herd an angelic voice in several dreams the past few months,This is rally amazing.

    3. Love the way you interpret things
      Such a Beautiful Heart ❤ & SoulπŸ’« perfectly timed too.. 😊Everyday I see triple or quadruple numbers multiple times a day. Everywhere I go or just even be. Synchronization are all around me. From Number & I also get alot of validations in many different things & ways. Such a Blessing im filled with such Graditude😊 with all my amazing different experiences I have had in my journey & excited for what's to come. I know no matter what I can overcome anything I have made it this far & all I have overcame to get here so I know I got the Strength to continue on with My Journey. As well as All of Yous. Example 4:44 44%..
      Everyone have a Amazing Day😊 Sending Much Love ❤& LightπŸ’«

  2. I can so relate to this & it has now shown me a message that i was not sure of what it fully meant until now. I am always asking for guidance & assistance from the Spiritual & Angelic realm & always noticing the signs but yet always too busy to interpret what i got for myself. This situation has shown me to take time for me, not just others, which i knew but kept putting off & listen to the messages when they were being sent. I had seen number 111's & 444's repeated quite frequently & two weeks after seeing them we had issues with our boat that we bought in August 2012, she developed a few cracks & was beginning to leak, a lot of water began to fill the bilges, we needed to get off & my worst fears began to rise. I had feared that we were going to sink, now something that number 1111's were telling me was to be aware of what i was thinking & fearing (thinking & manifesting with thoughts). It was almost like i had brought my fears into my reality. We had to abandon her & hope for the best & to not give up & have faith that everything will work out as it should. What we thought would have been useless & almost impossible to fix, through help from our friends, sent from the Angels who we met along our journey in this life & their support, we pulled together, worked hard, persevered & now finally beginning to reap some of the rewards, she was rescued & did not sink, thank goodness. The issues are being fixed & all is working out well, so our future looks bright again & it looks as though we will be sailing soon, it has taught me to be careful of what i am thinking & to trust & know that all will be as it should & to learn to illuminate our fears. Thank you rush-collection for giving some guidance for many of us to relate & use this as a guide line... Blessings... In Love & Light Always ;-)

    1. Thanks so much for sharing your experiences Mystic Medium. Very powerful stuff :)

      Blessings along your path,


    2. Joan I have been using this site for a few years I'm always humbled by Spirit and the teachings it has for me thank you!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I really feel this im verry woried after my strokes n r unsure how to speak right it takes alot out of me but seeing444444 tonight asures me to keep going but also find time for me

    5. πŸ–€πŸ™‚πŸ™

  3. I just tuned into the 4444 and it just confirmed my wishes... ;)

  4. i received a texto this morning from 44444

  5. I was working at a club and we closed at 4am...we then did a note acceptor change and I lost count over 3 years how many times I look at clock and it was 4.44am....driving in Sydney one day and a bus goes pass...route 444...then driving along in a truck between Grafton and Glen Innes and I just happen to look at one of the small white posts on the side of the road....yep it had 444 on it....its 444kms from Tamworth to Narellan on GPS in truck....many times I have won 444 cents on poker machines...all this in last 3 years.... Since my wife passed on.....coincidence or not ?? Has me curious tho....

    1. My thinking is she's speaking to you and telling you all is well with her and all will be well with you.

    2. Me too, I just thought about that before reading the reply above. Your wife is telling you that she is beside you all the time. Everytime you think about her, her presence shows up.

    3. I keep seeing 44 everywhere. 14:44 20:44 22:44.. often its 44 past the hour everytime I look. (If it's not 11:11 :) ). This year my friend died at 22:44 on 14:4:2018 so not sure if repeating fours are a sign from her.. or the Angel's.

    4. My friend died 22:44 on 14:4:18... all I see are 4s now. Every time I look at the clock its 44 past something. The reason I am here doing this post at 14:53 is because once again it was 14:44. Thought I'd better look into it further.

    5. Me too... I would very much like to connect with all of you to compare the experiences because it is happening a ridiculous number of times per day. My e.mail is - iamannemichaels at Gmail dot com

    6. Me too... I would very much like to connect with all of you to compare the experiences because it is happening a ridiculous number of times per day. My e.mail is - iamannemichaels at Gmail dot com

  6. I am so excited about the truth of messages through numbers! My number DE coding journey has been amazing! I for the first time today showed my adorable 6 year old indigo son pictures of my grandfather who was my world and absolute happy place as a child and was definitely an earth angel, is indeed now working with us as one of my angels in spirit, the photo was taken on an outing at an army display museum when i was also 6 years old, i am now 37. The photo is of my grandfather and I siting in an army jeep with my grandfather, and as i looked closer, the angel number code 444 was on the door of the jeep! Confirming my belief that spirit are indeed with us at all times, i never cease to be amazed at the synchronized and organized messages to validate love force energy! thank you angel poppy! And ALL angels for your strength, courage, and complete and on going staying power and love! Finally we can really see, feel and experience true happiness and inner peace with there loving support. It is amazing how many people are now discovering the truth through angelic presence also! peace on earth to you all and thank you rush-collection, i have looked at much information during my ascension process and spiritual research and found your interpretations to be the most accurate for me and my friends and loved ones too! yippee!

  7. Yea I have experienced a great deal of this when I started a spiritual awakening in 2012. I would always see number synchronicity and I always took it as me being on the correct path. It got to a point where I was expecting them and just knew.
    It has gotten a little crazy lately after not really taking notice to the numbers for the past couple weeks. Like yesterday I looked at the clock and it was 11:44am than later in the day I looked it was 3:33pm(11) later that day I got a text frm a girl(complicated situation) looked it was 4:44pm(11) later that night I looked and it was 11:55pm(11). Now today is a 11 day, I drove my brother to work today and on my way back I got stuck on the freeway. I saw 3 cars from the same company in front of each other with the phone number 916-444-1234. I was in a serious traffic jam and for a second I started to get a lil frustrated then I calmed down. I was in traffic for a while trying to get of the freeway, than I notice the car that had been in front of me for majority of the time; I look at the plate and it is 444ANGL. Some very interesting synchronicity going on.

  8. This is amazing - I have just celebrated my 44th birthday on the 4/4 in the year 2014 & I live at no 4. So a definite repeat that my angels are with me - so cool

  9. This is all new to me. Started out about a year ago noticing 1111. Then turned into 444, 4444. It all stopped when I got promoted at work. Now, a few months later, it has started back up. Have also noticed a lot of synchronicities happening at work. This site has been very helpful, but I'm still trying to figure it all out.

    1. This site is such a great help... I am too trying to understand everything... I see all numbers.. I believe I am to do my part by telling others about this to help them with their spiritual path

  10. rush-collection, I'm so happy that I'm finally able to get a message to you. I was sent to your site, and don't even remember now how it all came about, almost, well, four years ago - these years have been most challenging and have been the most consciously spiritual of my life - also desperately hard. I've learned so much about what my place is in life and what it has been, my status as a spiritual being temporarily, I say trapped!, in an earthly body, my divine life purpose and my connection with God and my angels. The four series comes to me every day, in so many contexts. I want you to know that I pray for you, with gratitude for the guidance and understanding that you have provided to me.

  11. This site boosts me up so much! My friend ALWAYS sees 117, and he and I both interested in the site. Thank You so much!!

  12. I just got my letter from my lawyer, my hearing is to be held at 18444 on the 4th floor. Wow loving the positive sign. Here's to crossing my fingers and praying for the best. TY such.

  13. I see this number sequence every single day, all day long. I started seeing this about a year ago but never knew what it was telling me!
    lately though I have been seeing this sequence×5 and am so happy I found this site because now I have some idea of what my angels have been trying to communicate to me.
    I've been feeling on the fence about my relationship, been feeling iffy about what career path to choose and have also been feeling beat down by life. It's a blessing to know that everything is going to be ok and i've no need to worry!

  14. as long as I can remember I've always see the number 444 after my mom passed I was having a really hard time I was walking my oldest daughter to school to time she was in elementary school I can remember on the way home walking with my youngest in the stroller I came across a homeless man and he looked at me and did like a bow and said thank you for meeting for letting me gaze upon the beauty I was having a really bad day that day after he said that it made my whole day and then I can remember angels come in any shape or form so remember you never know when you're hosting an angel I only saw him 3 times after that and I've never seen him again but I still think about it to this day enjoy

  15. I want to share this with you all. I've been seeing 44, 444, 4444 in all sorts of contexts for at least the last, no joke, 4 years. Things have been particularly hard for me for, geez, the last 4 years, and last year, my car, which was turning 15 in April, the fourth month...had to be replaced. I was in no shape to deal with a car salesperson and all that entails, so I asked my angels, please, can you do my thinking for me this time, the car has to be under $20,000 and has to have a 44 in the price so I know to say yes. I get to the dealership, tell the guy what I need, he goes off to talk to his manager, when I notice a hybrid parked next to me. Mileage: 44, city. 44 highway. Then he comes back. Manager says he can do it for $20,044. I say, $19,044. He comes back. $19,544. DEAL. Guy gives the VIN over the phone to my insurance company" blah, blah, blah, 4, 4, blah, blah...I reinstated collision; came home to an email -- your additional premium is $449. OK? Stick that in your pipe and smoke it, Bill Maher!!!!

    1. I was told I wasn't clear; when I told the salesman what I needed, I didn't say I needed a "44" in the price, I meant the model of the car. The 44 in the price came out of, um, nowhere!

  16. I was telling a friend how I keep seeing 444 when I was turning her computer on. Her clock read 4.44 when it booted up. It was strange because that was the wrong time. I then booted up my computer and it was 4.44. The memory was 444.4Mb.

  17. On Monday June 8th out of no where my laptop started acting weirder than normal. My keyboard was messing up. Anytime I'd try to log in to my laptop 4's would go across the screen and would not stop unless I hit backspace. Then when I was on fb anytime I would go to type, (not even anywhere near the numeric keypad), the 4's would start racing across my screen. A friend told me to look up the angel number and so I did and it was dead on. Thank You. For a couple of months I've been looking up how to communicate with my angels... if I did would they hear me. I'm still unsure how to talk to them but It's good to know they are there. Again, Thank You.

    1. Just talk to them like you would to anyone else, and be assured that when you do, you're talking to someone who loves you, who cares about you, who wants to help you (but not do it for you, I mess up on that one all the time!) and who isn't waiting for you to stop talking so they can tell you how what you're saying makes THEM feel!! Do it aloud (the world being what it is, in private) or in your head, and you'll be spooked at first when you see and feel how they answer you, but you get used to it very quickly because it's very real, very reassuring and absolutely wonderful. Be open to them, and resist the urge to "put them to the test to prove it's them," that's a very natural reaction, especially in the beginning, but it's not nice -- they understand, of course, but still, it's not nice!

  18. I sometimes see 444 ~8 times a day... any special message or no? Either way they always make me smile :)

  19. I'm grateful for your page and all the info you have here.
    I just wonder if you happen to know the meaning of 44444? I saw it on a number plate today☺

  20. My fuel purchase this morning was $44.44 this morning. I felt comforted by this because I had asked for angelic guidance last night, and had taken action on something this morning before buying fuel. I also saw 1111, 3333, and 7777 today.

  21. I was trying to donate money to charity some days ago,through internet, but it didn´t work the first two times. I checked my bank account to see if the money had been drawn or not, and then I saw that the balance on my account was 4444 crowns. :)

  22. I have to give testimony: i do not believe in angels, i´m not christian nor catholic. I believe in searching through different religions to find the truth. This morning i awake suddenly at 4:44:44 in the morning. I dont know why i felt the desire to see my watch. tonight were searching about the 72 names of god and the person in the video start to repeat many times the word angel, angelus, and many things about this word. Suddendly i remember the number 4:44:44 and opened a new tab to look it up. One of the links led me to this page. I think there has to be a message and has to be true, because this syncronicity is really anormal. Another sign of it is that, last year i bought a patch for my backpag. That patch i choose that day was a beatiful patch of Saint Michael archangel. Since that day the patch its been with me everyday, and today it is another sign of the message they are sending me through your page.

    since now I must give another look to the angels topic and learn how to connect with them.

    Thanks for the message ;-)

  23. Hello, today i saw 5555 in a significant time. My job announced yesterday that it was closing doors, for the past 4 months ive been working on a business venture and was waiting for the right moment to move to the new. This couldnt come here in perfect moment. I see positives moving forward, thank you for this website. Much love very greatful

  24. Hey, I have been seeing the number 4 repeated for about 5 years now. Whether it be 44, 444, 4444 it doesn't really matter I've seen it. About two weeks ago I lost my sister, who was like my second mom! She holds a very special place in my heart and was always my protector! Something I didn't notice until a few days afterwards was that my sister died on April 4th and she was 44 years old! 4444 was just running through my mind, now I know that she is truly my angel, protector, she is there for me in any situation just as she was when she was alive! Reading this info has giving me a new found understanding for what I've been experiencing the last few years! I love you sis R.I.P!

  25. Hey, I have been seeing the number 4 repeated for about 5 years now. Whether it be 44, 444, 4444 it doesn't really matter I've seen it. About two weeks ago I lost my sister, who was like my second mom! She holds a very special place in my heart and was always my protector! Something I didn't notice until a few days afterwards was that my sister died on April 4th and she was 44 years old! 4444 was just running through my mind, now I know that she is truly my angel, protector, she is there for me in any situation just as she was when she was alive! Reading this info has giving me a new found understanding for what I've been experiencing the last few years! I love you sis R.I.P!

  26. I was born at 444 in the morning. And recently I told a prophet I was going to receive 10,000,000 Diller and a piece of paper with that exact number fell into my shopping cart. He understood I was blessed. Money is to bless people and animals. I see 444 on property lisence plates and addresses. I think 444 stands 4 grace and my phone was darned of power only 4 percent charge left happened twice. I was handed 4 penny's and I found 4 penny's the same day. 4 wheaten patters of change. 4 points of the cross. And get this me and 3 friends that's 4 of us found a dime the same day. That's 1111 or 4. I see 111 and 222 333 4444 555 666 777 888 999 101 and 77 with 1101 1102 excedra. I'm a man of God and this sight is right ion I'm studio my numbers hear and in the word of God. I also have a phone break to get a new one I find a phone with g light on it whatever that means. I have four siblings and 4 new books. I'm almost 37 I'm in a 4 year cycle right now. Thanks 4 your help.

  27. I'm seeing all kinds of numbers but just now I saw 444-4444.

  28. I'm seeing all kinds of numbers but just before I saw 444-4444.

  29. I've been getting this 5555 numbers a lot also the 911 and tons of 11. Is this normal?


  31. OK, right now, or a while ago, my battery percent was at 44% and the time was 4:44 at the same time. I happened to be looking at 44 444 and it's the most number of 4s I've seen

  32. A couple of nights ago here in Texas (central time zone) I was visiting my parents and we were talking about time zones in various countries I am thinking about visiting. My dad mentioned "Zulu time" and so I did an internet search to find out exactly what that meant. When I pulled up a web clock that showed it, the clock was on 4:44:44 at the instant I pulled it up!

  33. Grateful for keeping me safe and lifting me up! πŸ’œπŸ’™

  34. I saw 44444444 twice in the same day what would this mean

  35. Please let me know if 3359 is lucky

  36. I would like some assistance if possible! I have been dealing with a big issue. Someone very close to me has been changing and not for the better. This person has intentionally caused a tremendous amount of pain & suffer to their loved ones & admittedly knows but continues. Over the last year, this persons character, choices, actions, spoken words...everything has slowly been changing and out of character & unbecoming. Today something significant happened and I feel this person needs professional help immediately, not in their right mind & with what this person does not work, makes it even more concerning. I feel like I should or need to speak up to employer for sake of getting this person proper help but do not want to cause any waves or honestly..fear this persons retaliation which is absolutely not who this person is but has been lately. Tried for the last few months to encourage seeking help but turned down. Today's situation greatly changes everything and I am struggling what to do ....make that call to get them the help they wont seek or leave it alone & remove myself & loved ones for our best interest? While I prayed to God to guide me to do what is right ....i was flooded with 44 4444 444 44 444 44 44444 44 444 speechless! Also just before the 4's where phone rang & the person on the other end was the point of contact to get the help for this person as i called earlier after incident but hung up..well they called back to see whos call was missed h that is when all the 4's appeared. I did not say anything, only asked for a contact number. Please help me to understand were the 4's saying "Yes" speak up or "No" leave it alone? Please assist if you can.
    Love light & blessings to you and all with my wholehearted gratitude!

  37. To add to my just posted comment asking for assistance...I also received 45's in the mix of the 44444's. 445 454 44 44445 5444 weird but know but is divine Can you help? Please!?!?

  38. How do you apply it to your birth date? I mean does it mean the same thing, when i get a 4 for all the numbers of my birth date?


  40. How to work out your own numerology

  41. Grateful and blessed for every single reminder sent my way.
    Love,peace and Light to all.♥️

  42. Thanks rush-collection for the decoding. Why would you tell people to turn to angels instead of God almighty when all power and might comes from Him alone. You are breaking the commandments of God. Angels are His creation made of light. Angels only obey God. Without His permission angels can’t do nothing. It is He who hears our prayers and answers our prayers, not the angels. By ascribing angels as divine partners of God, you are committing shirk, meaning idol worshipping, idolatry. Remember that God almighty forgives all kinds of sins due to repentance, but He does not forgive shirk if the person dies without having repented for this grave sin. Associating partners with God is the worst thing one can do in their life. As a well wisher it is my duty to inform you. I don’t want you to end up in Hell fire. Love light peace and blessings of God be upon you. Amen

  43. This happened all at once today - as I was driving home the mileage that I have left said 111, my odometer said 44444 and my clock said 1:11 all at the same time. This blew my mind.

  44. so very, very true for me.....

  45. 44444 does it mean the same thing or something different. Thank you

  46. Thank you ������

  47. Love your site, but “Key Word:Love” ad covers the first 2 paragraphs of content. 😳😫

    This message is super resonant.
    It describes my personality, my current actions, means, being and doings.
    I am beyond grateful for my Angels presence and support. I hear and feel you around and near me all the time, always.
    I feel truly blessed.
    Full of gratitude and beaming with love and light.
    Inspiring, motivating Self & others has been so very rewarding for my soul and inner growth. Throughout my whole life.
    Looking back I am just "WOW"... I am truly self proud. My heart is full of ❤.
    Currently working on my second poetry book, it is all about LOVE- REAL, RAW, PURE LOVE.
    I am so very excited, it is insain.
    Only started putting the manuscript together yesterday and am almost done. A page and a half left to finalise and done...
    Shattered, yet sooo excited.
    Sending love, peace and light to all.
    Do not stop believing in your self. Keep moving forward towards all unseen- felt.
    Run wildly towards it, not from it.
    You'd only thank self for it.
    We are sooo silly... running from SELF & AT THAT SAME TIME TOWARDS SELF THROUGHOUT OUR WHOLE LIFE, AS we are running from LOVE.

  49. Aren't we blessed. For this and all other timely blessings in my life, I'm grateful.

  50. Beyond grateful.πŸ™❤
    Blessed us all be.
    Sending love and light to everyone and all.πŸ™Œ

  51. I'm happy with angels in my life, gratitude .

  52. Beyond grateful.
    I love you Angels.❤πŸ™
    Endless love and Divinely timed blessings to us all.✨

  53. Thank you for being so faithful and obedient with your gifts! You’re an example of how allowing the universe to use us, we allow blessings in while we’re letting our gifts out!!! Amazing huh!? I talk and listen to my inner and I continue to be faithful! You are like icing on the cake because I already “know” however your obedience allows me even more Joy when my numerate synchronicities confirm what my Source has already given me!!! Thank you Thank you Thank you, because of your willingness to share your gifts, the Universe, the Creator, Source or which ever resonates with you is about to blow your mind if as it could be any better!! You’re about to receive overflow like you’ve never seen before in all areas of your life!!! Don’t flip the channel because it’s about to get real interesting and fun filled from here on out! Never stop giving!!!!

  54. You are always so accurate, when it comes to the numerate synchronicities!
    Thank you so so much for being obedient to your calling! Once we all become open to our assignments the constant overflow of abundance will be more acceptable to others! I speak and listen to the universe all the time but to see the confirmation through you and others like you is a JOYπŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯° keep up the Awesome job!!! The Universe, God, the Creator.... which ever resonates with your spirit is about to blow your mind! You’re about to receive an overflow like you’ve never seen before!!! I’m so excited for you!!!

  55. You are always so accurate, when it comes to the numerate synchronicities!
    Thank you so so much for being obedient to your calling! Once we all become open to our assignments the constant overflow of abundance will be more acceptable to others! I speak and listen to the universe all the time but to see the confirmation through you and others like you is a JOYπŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯° keep up the Awesome job!!! The Universe, God, the Creator.... which ever resonates with your spirit is about to blow your mind! You’re about to receive an overflow like you’ve never seen before!!! I’m so excited for you!!!

  56. All the 4's
    Beautiful confirmation.
    I feel the Angels presence at all time, always.
    Beyond grateful.
    “Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.” ―Dale Carnegie
    Being true to ONESELF always and forever is the most simple, yet post powerful of all gifts.
    Especially when throughout your entire life you are walking against everything and all, yet in the direction of your own soul.
    Despite foreign noise and judgement, and discord.
    I'll walk my path and my path alone. Always and forever.
    Grateful immensely and self proud.πŸ™❤ Endless love and blessings to us all.πŸ™Œ

  57. Grateful always!!! πŸ₯°πŸ˜ŠπŸ’—πŸ™πŸŽ‰πŸ₯³πŸ˜‡ thank you... πŸ™πŸ’—πŸ˜‡

    1. Went to have my vision checked today, my final bill after discounts was $444.44. Got chills and just knew there was meaning behind it and perhaps that it could be pertinent that I was desiring to correct my blurred vision. Poetic to read the meaning behind seeing the #4, and multiple 4's. Thank you πŸ’—πŸ‘πŸ™

  58. 44- 444- 4444
    One of the many reasons why I simply adore our Angels is because they are always and forever present and around us.πŸ™❤
    Immensely Grateful πŸ™❤✨

  59. Endless gratitude your way Angels and you rush-collection- our most precious Earth Angel ❤πŸ™Œ
    Infinite love and blessings to us all ❤✨πŸ™Œ

  60. Always and forever grateful... Much Love,light,and blessings to all of us.πŸ™πŸ˜‡πŸ’–

  61. Beautiful and timely confirmation πŸ€πŸ•ŠπŸ™ŒπŸ»
    Endless blessings to us all ✨️

  62. Thank you so much for this. I’m going through a massive transitional period right now and I went from being a wife and a mother to having full custody and doing it alone for 2 years until my kids dad’s mother realized I had tax breaks and he didn’t. Then she kicked me out of our house that I was the only one who financially contributed to building spending 10s of thousands of dollars, and put her son and new wife in with my kids. Then pushed him to get custody and knowing I was in no position to fight with no home. I bought a car and 3,000 miles later it had a cracked transmission and warranty refused to cover it and I had $1,000. I also realized after that they over charged me $20,000 what the window sticker was. After 3 months stranded homeless in a place I don’t know with no car and no way to work I have no savings left for a home and $3,000 I invested in stocks is only worth $700 now. While here, I put money in a friend’s car and as soon as I finished fixing it up and getting it legit, a tow company took it independent from the police. They never checked. Only went on the expired tags even though in the system it was good. I lost hundreds, thousands of dollars worth of my belongings and tools. The police refused to help. My best friend who was with me 24-7, even at work was hit by a car and died tragically. My mini Australian shepherd wasn’t even 3 yet. I was engaged and he ran away with his ex. So being a woman alone in my position, I feel afraid because of the aggressive nature of their advances. I have been trying to get away from here and I managed to get my car out but I’m nervous because I’m going to the unknown and have no help. Last night I looked at my odometer and it said 4444.5 Today I looked again and it says 4450. Why do I always see the 5 too?

  63. I came here after seeing 4444 and praying for Divine Help. Please if you read this add your prayers to mine. I am a widow, working full time, caregiver for 86 yr old Mother. I feel so alone most of the time though I know my angels are with me. Please pray I also find the support and love of a husband again in this lifetime. I want to fully enjoy life here on earth again. Amen.
