Sunday, July 03, 2011


Number 44 carries the doubled vibrations of the number 4, making its energies and influences magnified. Number 4 resonates with the attributes of support and stability, establishing solid foundations for the self and others, willpower and effort, ability and worthiness, hard work and achieving success, wholeness and inner-wisdom. Number 4 is associated with our passions and drive and the energies of the Archangels.

Angel Number 44 asks that you pay attention to your intuition and inner-wisdom as your connection with your angels and the angelic realm is very strong at this time. You are encouraged to continue on your current path as your drive and determination will lead to success and fulfilment.

Angel Number 44 brings a message that you are being surrounded by helpful, loving angels who wish to bring you peace of mind and joy of heart. Angel Number 44 indicates that you are being given support and encouragement along your path, and when faced with an obstacle, rest assured that your angels are most willing to assist. Be assured that solutions to any issues or problems will soon be revealed.

Angel Number 44 is a message that the angels and Archangels are with you, encouraging and guiding you.  They are offering you inner-strength and support to enable you to get the work done that you need to in order to attain and achieve your goals and aspirations. They know and understand that you have been toiling diligently towards your goals, and encourage you to continue on your current path to achieve the success and results you desire. Work with the angels to ensure success in all of your endeavours.

Angel Number 44 tells you that you have nothing to fear in regards to your life, work and Divine life purpose and soul mission. The angels surround and support you, encouraging you to keep up the good work you have been doing. The angels and Archangels are always available for help and guidance  -  all you need to do is ask.

Number 44 also relates to number 8 (4+4=8) and Angel Number 8.

Also see:
Repeating 4’s (444, 4444 etc)
Angel Number 4
Angel Number 444


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you very much the no 44 really moved me I felt every word straight thru my heart God bless you❤πŸ’œπŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’₯πŸ‘πŸ§š‍♂️🧚‍♀️πŸ‘ΌπŸ˜₯πŸ¦ŒπŸŒ»πŸ•ΈπŸ¦„πŸ•πŸ¦πŸ™πŸ‘ΌπŸ™

    2. Thank you so nuch. I keep seeing no 44 almost two month.. i am bleesing..some proble or broblem usually happened one after one just only losted money before is now no more. All worried are gone. Sice i started use manifest law attraction. Then i started keep seeing no 44. Everywhere, 4444,444. Also.
      I received money from anyone easy...without asking.
      Faith/believe/ trust/ be positives/
      God bless!

    3. thank you 44 makes me feel strong when I'm doubting knowing that everything I've been doing is coming into fruition, thank you angels &

    4. What are some things I can do to work with the angels when trying to ensure I'm doing my part?

    5. Try to notice signs from angels. For example: strange coinciendences like seeing the same image of a particular thing in various places. It can be text (that you see somewhere) which is related to your thoughts at the moment, maybe a question in your mind at the time.

  2. I Thought it was just me ive been seening the number 8:44 most of the time a few years back, but its been about four years that i see 44 everywhere i even started to take pictures, when ppl are with me i will point it out cause i will see it numerous times a day. On lincense plates, reciepts, boxes medication bottles, clocks (on my cell phone), number on vechile goes on and on...

    1. Same thing has been happening to me! I blogged about it here!

    2. joining the club , my digital watch showed 044443 , as I woke the other morning, hit 044444 as my eyes opened !, hmmm thought I , interesting, two of my "angels" provided this reference

    3. Same here :) thank you angels!

    4. On my work phone, I had noticed that the number 44 is shown three times on the display (it's part of my extension and there are three lines) and then I glanced at the time and saw 10:44 which prompted me to learn the number's meaning leading me here.

    5. Yes, numbers are a DIVINE communication at times, but be careful not to GLORIFY angels... worship the CREATOR, not the CREATION. God bless you all!!!

    6. You should do whatever feels right for you. The universe doesnt have rules. Feel free to show your true self, the god in you. Give and get, help and manifest, live and let live, love and be loved. That is my truth

    7. Can anyone tell me what seeing this number in my dreams means? Tia.

    8. Its always 44 after the hour and I will continue to work ..

    9. 44 has been the number surrounding me.. Every where I look I see it.. I'm grateful for the support and thank you for sharing this gift of love with me...

    10. 44 bad angels 55 good ones, like the enzymes in your gut. 44 oz cups,,

    11. Regarding glorifying angels - I've met a few and have been impressed by how, in a way, ordinary they are - they are simply present, don't put on airs or seem airy-fairy - They are created beings, too, in a way, our siblings, though undoubtably of much more rarified air. Maybe God is simple and down to earth, too; I don't really know. But, the person has a point about not glorifying them; however, I think it's fine to call upon any being dedicated to Goodness to help us or teach us, when they can.

    12. For some time now 44 always seem to appear mostly in the night when looking a the digital clock. I too was born in 1944 Now looking it up in which I did not know this website was there to see of the explanation to numbers. This is good and because of the work I do I am convinced the 'Angels' are working with me. Intuition I do work along with and rarely lets me down.

    13. God damn , i h've nvr taken it seriously bt this is wt happening to me rightnow ... 44 is that wt i got to notice evry were its terrific nd my ex gf no. Ends with 44 , wn i put d call off it shows 14:44 secs,wn i see time its 8.44 ,12.44 wen i see some board 44 highlights nd many more such things r happening around me.
      Angels no. Thnkyou fr lighting d way to 44

    14. Wow! Wow! Wow! For the past year I have had # 44 surrounding me in a very affective way. Expressing it to my family not so much. But this is the first time I looked it up. I am comforted! 3 is a big # for me to because it's meaning to me is father, son and holy spirit ❤❤❤

    15. just try to stay positive

    16. I think 4:44 is my badluck number. Accidentally saw the number then something bad happens. Its always 44 after the hour & 44 has been the number haunting me all the time.

    17. If you've already associated 44 with badluck, then the Universe is trying to help you by announcing you. It's all about your peeceptions, about what you choose to embrace.
      Furthermore, badlucks are there because your soul is trying to wake you up.

      In this world you shouldn't fear of anything, not even God because we are all godliness. You should embrace only positivism and good fortune and you'll see how things will turn out to be in your favour.

      Do whatever feels right for you.
      Think of you as a higher self of you.

    18. I'm 30 years old , the past 10 years i can't get away from this number 44 and it's always MISFORTUNE AND BAD LUCK ..44 is a warning i know i can feel it . 44 is always bad like some people mentioned.This article got it wrong.

    19. Trust more. We are the only ones causing our bad luck. 44 shows us what to focus on.

    20. After this years whit your 44, Have you seen this support for life projects?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thank you!! I see 44 everywhere. Every license plate it seems has 44 in it, several times driving on a 3 lane highway the cars on both sides of me as well as the one in front will have 44 or 444 in the plate number.

    I was born in 1944 as well. Your appraisal of my life at this time is totally accurate. So, I will continue on in trust and faith. AVC

    1. The same thing has been happening to me. Sometimes with such frequency that I wonder if it is somehow planned in some sort of Truman Show type thing. Especially when I had a similar experience on a 3 lane highway! Really amazing to hear this is happening to others as well. And how reassuring to read that this is a sign of encouragement from the universe~!

    2. Thank you so much xxx

  5. wow-I thought I was just losing my mind! I keep seeing 44 everywhere for months. Today for example anytime I would look at the clock it would be 9:44, 11:44 then as I saw
    11:44 on my phone I opened my email and had 44 messages in my inbox. It is non-stop with the number 44. Thanks so much for something so positive because I have to make
    an important decision in my health and I have been praying for a sign. It just kept driving
    me crazy to see 44 all the time. Even my husband can't believe how much that number
    is everywhere. :)

    1. ive been so confused to why i see the number 44 for the past yr but know ive read this it makes me feel so much better as i thought it hads to be bad time coming for me,but im so happy knowing its my angels as i am very aware of the spiritual life but not this so thank u so much x

  6. I am working on an endevour that is close to my heart. Almost completed my task! Last night, I had a dream, in which my son, who is on the other side, told me my number was 44, that is my number. So, look it up!
    thank you! I love this! I am to keep on working on my project and ask the Angels for help. Yeah!!

  7. Thank you.... I have times when the number 44 is everywhere but just lately it is happening mostly during the night when I awaken often through the night and look at the clock!!! I will pay closer attention!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Thank you for this information! I've been curious about this number for a while, because I always seem to check the time when this number is present in the digits (9:44, 10:44, 11:44, etc.)

  10. I've been seeing it for years. And lately also number 77.

    1. Some change in your life? It's true? what do you think? Is this article true?

  11. I started seeing the number 44, 77, and 55 coincidentally at a time when I began to experience 3 major changes in my life. 1.The love of my life and I broke up after 17 years. 2.My daughter was seriously hospitalized for months. 3.I'm in the process of a major career change.
    I see the number 44 at least 10 times a day, and when I meditate - I see it even more!! Also, after I "talk" to Archangel Michael - I see the number 55 consistently. It's amazing how everything works. I truly believe there is no difference between this realm and the next. It is all one. Talking to the Angels everyday has literally transformed my life for the better!!!!!!

  12. I just want to follow up from my previous comment. I want to make it clear that my 3 seemingly negative experiences didn't come about BECAUSE of the numbers appearing, but rather the numbers (which indicate heavenly support) were my lifeline in getting through my adversities.

    Example: 1. In retrospect, my love wasn't the "one" for me, I know that now. 2. My daughter is finally getting better and is safe and happy. 3. My new career path is fulfilling my soul's path and gives me great peace and happiness! This transpired over the course of a year - exactly!

    I wouldn't be where I am today without the grace of the Universe and Angels supporting me along the way. Constantly seeing the numbers are just "their" way of letting us know they are watching and helping....

    NOTE: Just before I wrote this, it was 9:44 am, my computer was 44% charged, and the price of something I just bought online was $44.77 !!

    1. How long have you been seeing this numbers? Thank you <3 <3 <3

    2. It wasnt the two of you were wrong for each other but rather the two of you had embarked upon a journey that had arrived at its destination. 7744

  13. I began seeing these numbers shortly before these changes started to occur (about a year ago).
    It took me a while before I figured out what they meant and how they specifically related to me. But once I did, I realized these numbers along with other signs and messages (clouds, feathers, gut feelings, soft physical touches, etc.), were clear and direct support coming from the Angelic/God realm. I would have never "made it" without their relentless support - I "connect" to them every day!!

  14. Hey - look at the time of my last post! LOL - 6:44 am. Too Funny!!
    I still see the number 44 at least 10 times every day. LOL

    1. I dont believe this l was just reading this and look l the time and was 744

    2. This is real l being seeing that number all day l know ..we got help wevnotvalone

  15. hello there - same thing happening for me here in France...
    since I was a child I live surrounded with 44 all over !!
    the frequency increased for these past 3 or 4 years - so weird and freaky as well...!!??!!
    so attached to it that I even anticipate fate by making my own 44 happen ; yes, it seems to be linked to some fate reason/purpose/sign ?? who really knows what it is but for sure there is something going with number 44 for me !

  16. 44 came to me in the end of 2007.I have never really payed to close to numbers in my life,you know.I dont even like math.Ive never had a lucky number and I am not good with gambling at all.So when 44 began popping up I noticed it quickly,cause it became a consistent reaccurance in my everydays.I seen it on clocks,papers,movies,books,ect.,I even started hearing it be said outloud!It honestly was haunting me.I needed to tell someone.So I told the people who Id hope would not totally laugh in my face.My fAmliy.So soon after they began noticing it too,and came to me ,kind of weirded out.It has been quite a mysterious discovery to me and I have researched plenty.Its message,I feel is importAnt and needs to be understood,and shared.Its exsistence is still very clear and Outrageous today with me and totally keeps me awake,and open....44

  17. Ive seen 44's minimum of 3 to 4 times a day for a couple of years, currently incapacitated due to chronic stressful battling but now after reading feel vary safe thank you angels

  18. I've been seeing 44 . 444 since 2009. I've been wondering why. I go to the store my receipt is $4.44 or $14.44 etc. Or time and weather 44.
    I looked down the other day my mileage is
    44444,the weather 44 time was 3:44 I had to take a picture. I went thru major surgeries, lost my grandaughter and still going thru heart ache, . I'm just been stressed over things in my life. To see what 44 means. Truly awesome. It started after my granddaughter Sariah passed away. She was 3 months old. She's keeping me safe:)

  19. Hi I am Muhammad Hamza from Pakistan i am 21 years old. I have the same number 44 i've been seeing this number at everwhere sine 5 years i'm seeing 44 on my mobile clock as (3:44, 11:44,8:44,12:44) on Number Plates ,On mobile Numbers,On reciepts,During match on score bord,on persantage as 44% and really sometimes i felt that someone is withme someone whispering in my ears sometimes i see the white light at night after see this number 44 and i'm still seeing this number minimum 15 times a day but i could not find the reason behind this number 44 but now i am very happy to see that there is an angel who is communicate with me.

    1. the same thing happen to me, I had a dream and now I can't stop to see number 47

  20. I started seeing 44 when I turned, you guess it 44. Just as the others, I see it mostly from the clock of my computer, alarm clock, mobile phones (X:44), receipts, etc. I was so anxious to think something that might not be good will happen to me. I can't stand it today and decided to search the web for its meaning. I'm delighted to know it is a blessing and was surprised that others also have the same experience as me. Here I would like to share some interpretations by TYLER J. HEBERT who also encountered the same experience like us.

    1. I started seeing 44 close to turning 44. It's been 4 months since I turned 44. It wasn't until almost a year ago that I started paying attention to numbers and their meaning. I do believe it is a blessing of guidance. it's all part of my spiritual journey and awakening. God bless to all.

  21. Hi. Thanks for the helpful information you have provided here. I started seeing 11:11 and 12:12 some years ago and now I see 11:44 alot more often. It was scary at first, but now I am used to it. But I know there is something special about it. Once I read somewhere that this is a kind of conditioning and getting sensitive to numbers. I have been in a hell of difficult situations since I started seeing numbers. It would repeat so much that I started to panic and search on the Internet. Then I found out that I wasn't alone.

  22. Beautiful read thank you this has been the best interpretation I've gotten for 44

  23. Hi, My name is Natalie and I was born at 5:44am in the morning and the number 44 has been following me since. But what is funny is that I was unaware of this number until I met a young man in High School I really liked and eventually I believe I may have fallen in love with. I am not quite sure what conversation we had that he said this was his favorite number. I believe it had something to do with my favorite sport which is basketball. Then years pass by and when I moved back from Florida at 22 back to NJ I was looking through old photographs one day and discovered one of my fathers where he was very young and was wearing black bell-bottoms and a red t-shirt and it had a black 44 on it and those are either his favorite colors or colors he just enjoys wearing, not quite sure. But i never thought i'd meet someone with this number being his favorite or anything of that matter. While being back in Jersey, now 28, I recently contacted him due to finding his number. I thought it would lead to something good, but discovered it did not because we spoke so quickly and he said "Can I call you back" and never heard from him again. What is worse is that he has lives around the corner from my home since I have met him in High School. He could have lived there longer then what I mentioned, but that is as far as I know. But, I figured if a man does not call you by the end of the week, he surely isn't interested any longer. I guess I don't look as good as I use to anymore to him, lack of confidence, etc. But, I just don't understand him and he has always been the person my heart beats for and has never for anyone else even if he was better looking, had better qualities, etc. I want to forget him everyday, but i feel he has left an imprint in my mind and in my heart that i just cannot stand any longer. But, the number and those colors will always remain as something that reminds me of him because they are colors he really enjoys and he is the only person I have ever met that chooses this number 44 as his favorite. Please tell me if I am crazy, a physco, dumb founded, what ever this may be. But this is truly freaking me out and would seriously love some help in getting to the bottom of this. I would gladly appreciate the help from anyone who will truly understand.

  24. I have been seeing doubles and triples of numbers a lot lately 222,888,777,555,444,333,22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99,1111,111,12,21, my employee number at work is 121, as I'm seeing these my life has slowly been getting better.

  25. Again these sequences of numbers are accuring frequently and don't seem to be any certain numbers they are all of them, on clocks,license plates,the spedometer,odometer,and trip meter on my car, for some reason I just happen to look at the spedometer when it reads 44,55,33,66,22. what does this mean?

  26. Thank you for these inspiring words. They have become a great source of encouragement.

  27. This article gave me tears. Starting a few months ago I noticed 44 appearing often enough that it caught my attention. Then as days went on it was happening more and more and still going. I see the number in many different ways and I am never looking for it.

  28. I was the previous poster, wanted to add that for 2 years my husband and I have been working so hard trying to start a family. No luck yet. It has begun to take a toll on my spirit and really made my heart heavy. We also learned that our beloved boxer, our fur baby has cancer and our time is limited with him. So while I was heartsick about not being able to have a baby, I found out I may loose my "fur baby" soon. Then the 44's appeared double time and I found this article. Thank you for these words. They give me hope that things will be okay.

  29. Obama, 44th President!

  30. When I was a teenager someone told me when you see the number 44. Something bad is going to happen unless you find another 4 to cancel it out.. every time I see the number 44 I search frantically for a number 4.. Lol I'm so relieved to have found this meaning it gives me great peace and brought me to tears .. thank you.

    1. and sorry that say but is real.when i saw number 44 i open what mean it when i saw is a message from angle i was very happy but on day at youtube i open a video with strange thing and saw that for chinese number 44 is a very bad number which mean dying and dead . i really don't know is good or bad but if i saw number 44 everywhere and is a good thing why nothing good have happen to me?

    2. I started seeing #44 about 2 1/2 yrs ago. My husband passed away in Jan after being ill for a long time. He was aware of me and #44. I was born in 1944. I finally googled this phenomena and was surprised there were more of me out there. Wow!

  31. I stated seeing Angel numbers about 2 years ago to be exact. It started when my grandfather was on the ground in his home for 3 days. I couldnt get him out of my mind but I continued to see 11:11 soon after it started to be 22,33,44,55. I tend to ONLY see these numbers when there is something chaotic going on in my life. HOWEVER, lately over the last month I am now noticing these numbers more intense and in 3's especially 444,333,222 and 555 this is the first time I have really noticed the triple numbers. License plates, I opened up my Checking account app with 333.33 in it. CRAZINESS. I am waiting for this manifestation but to be honest I have been searching for answers on how to understand this and nobody can seem to help me.

    1. When you experience the numbers, quiet your mind and listen to your intuition. You are being directly communicated with via the spiritual realm. What are you thinking, feeling when the numbers appear? This is for you to discern.


  32. This is comment number 44! Had to post :-) thanks for the insightful information.

  33. I've been seeing 44 for just about two years. My aunt passed away. Her and I were very close from birth til I was age of 8 but she never stop loving me like her own. We had a falling out before he death. I never saw her for a few years until 4 mths before she died. It was at a family function we never really talked but she bragged about me the whole time. Now I realize that moment was special but in the moment I took it for granted. Fast forward 4 months she passed away. I received the call are 4:44 at the time I looked at the clock and read it as 20 to 5pm. When I hear the phone ring I picked it up and got the news. Again I never figured out this 44 and 444 til after my son was born I was pregnant when she passed away I attended her funeral I touched her and told her I loved her. Filled with regret for month for the rest of my pregnancy strange things happened. I was eating a bowl of cereal and it ended up on the other side of the room. I'd be doing dishes and water would splah out of the sink when I was barely moving the water I would watch it. Strange right. I had my son April(04) 20 2014 @ 4:44 am he weighed 7lbs 4oz since then I wake up every morning at 4:44 and and every other hr of the day, on licence plates signs inside of a toilet paper roll literaly anywhere and everywhere. My hubby thinks it insane but he will point it out if I'm going attention. And when I see the number I feel complete and I feel like my mind is clear some clarity comes to me about something that is bugging me and its like I seen something in a while knew light and it helps because other wise I'd fall apart and something negative would come of it. I'm glad I'm not the only one but I've become more spiritual and as much as it gets annoying seeing the number it keeps me safe I was in a car accident this year at 11:44am and it should have been bad I got slammed into from behind while stop from behind and I walked way with a sore neck that lasted a month if barely any damage to the vehicle and she was doing 80km/hr into me. There was more damage to her car. It's really amazing and I hope I never lose this security I feel when I see this number I hope I never lose this connect I feel like she is communicated through a higher power obviously but I never want to lose this

  34. Just would like to check if your house number is 44, does this theory applies to it? Thanks.

    1. See:

      What Your House Number Means


    2. Could you tell me what seeing the numbers 44 in a dream mean? T.i.a.

  35. Oh my gosh....tq so much.I'm so relieved now.Everytime I see these numbers 44 I become afraid because certain Chinese beliefs say that number 4 sounds like death...and is this the message that's trying to tell me since I've not been well lately.
    At least reading your article made me feel that my fears have been answered.
    I'm grateful

    1. It's actually a number associated with death. In gematria (the practice of coding the alphabet into numbers) 44 = kill. I'm here because I found out that my name = 44 in Pythagorean gematria. I'm kinda bugged out about it, and wished I never knew about gematria, because I now have a fear that someone may harm me in the future.

    2. It's actually a number associated with death. In gematria (the practice of coding the alphabet into numbers) 44 = kill. I'm here because I found out that my name = 44 in Pythagorean gematria. I'm kinda bugged out about it, and wished I never knew about gematria, because I now have a fear that someone may harm me in the future.

  36. I'm surprised that i'm not alone to notice the number 44 appear many times each day, similar experience as I read above : clocks, mineral plate, ticket, etc... Right now I remember I keep a ticket from a Chinese restaurant, I check and guess ? : it is the 44. May be I start to consider this message from this day ( why I keep it ?) and why tonight I check Google for learn about it , I'm happy toshare my expΓ©rience with you; Michel V*

    1. Hi
      Belives me.. everytime you see this no 44. Just tell to univers/ thank you for your blessing. Be positive...during you see no 44. This no 44 depend on your are thinking ..if you think nagatives you get Nagative. If you thinking get positives..i have exspierence about this no.
      I blessing alots from univer.
      Thank you.

  37. I am 33 yrs old from Indonesia, if i may recall it started in 2013 when i started seeing 44 on the minutes (digital) and roughly about 3 or more times a day.

    At first i thought it was a sign that i have some sickness that i dont know of or a clue that something bad is about to happen etc.

    What makes it worse is that i have an anxiety disorder, and that truly does add an extra stress and worries for me in my head.

    At one time i could guess that the minute is 44 without looking. and guess what? i was right! When i told my wife about this, she also started looking at those numbers few times a day.

    Scared? yes, Stressed? yes all info good and bad are twirling around in my head all the time.

    But i know this, those who love and surrender God will receive blessings and guidance.

    I am relieved to know that i am not alone, hopefully everything will be ok.

    1. Just a possibility. However, I view mental health disorders as brain damage of some sort. Through whatever channels the brain sends signals to your body it starts overcompensating by enhancing a sense (like the 5 senses), so you pick up on more than usual from your environment. This is like your intuition kicking in picking up on the changes in the flow of energy in life and knows what it feels like when 44 is present

    2. Thank you to univers.. everytime you see this no 44.( Thank you univers i am blessing)
      Be positives. Dont worried. You will see after fews life will change..think become easyer. I garentee you..if you thinking alway positives.
      Stay bless!

  38. Thank you so much!

  39. Hey guys i do believe in angels numbers this is all so true and so real! I have embarked a massive journey started my own business and i have been seeing angel numbers all the time since 2014 more now since i am making big life changes! The angels are reassuring me love them

    1. Yes it true! I have my exspereince after 2 month i started to see this no 44. Its my favorit no changs time efter time.. easier..thank you univer and angel no 44. I am ready for blessing .

  40. Seriously !!! .. I never thought there are others .. kind of shocked .. I don't believe in luck and numbers .. do believe in probability and coincidence .. but life indeed is more complicated than can be described by what we know until now .. Lets see if its just sub-conscience playing tricks or the third eye has something to do with it.. cannot explain but not a believer yet ..

  41. Thank you so much, rush-collection! <3

  42. THANK YOU FROM DEPTH OF MY HEART <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

  43. Loved these helpful comments. As I have also seen 44 on receipts numbers plates when I pause TV. Although it seems so random, it's happened so often that it's like a light beacon. Saying "hey, us Angels of Love and Light are with you. We love you". So it's great to share this occurrence that I now know happens to so many others.
    Thanks Angelique

  44. Awwww! Tears of joy as I woke up to search for the meaning of number 44 I saw in my dream last fact I've been going through hard times, to the point of admiting that God has given up on me. Oooops! Suicide came in mind....OMG, But finding the meaning of my dream has given me hope.....CRYINGGGG!!!!

  45. This sequence is how it all began for me. Life changing time.♡ God is great as is his Angels that are so helpful and loving. We are all blessed. Thank you rush-collection for sharing your knowledge and wisdom with us. You are quite the Earth Angel♡

  46. For the last few weeks I have been seeing 33 and then the next time I look at the clock or something else with numbers, I see 44. This is happening to me several times a day, not just once or twice a day but all day long, everyday for weeks, do these number patterns repeated together mean something?

  47. Thank you so much. This number just came up for me and I really needed this strength - thank you thank you thank you, much love xxx

  48. My birthday is 4-4, I'm the 4th male with 4 sisters my name is 16 letters(4x4).my middle is David, the letter D is 4th letter of alphabet. Just the tip of the iceberg

  49. My birthday is 4-4 I am the 4th male with 4 sisters. My name is 16 letters long (4x4) middle make is David, first and last letter are 4th in the alphabet. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Our energy can be traced to our maker

  50. I see 44 a lot but it has had absolutely no positive or negative effect on my life.

    It's called a coincidence.

    1. Enjoy the knowingness that you're Angelically supported and trust them to lead you accordingly. What you need to know will come to you as and when. <3

  51. Wonderful. Thank you!

  52. Hey. Ive been seeing this number every day forcople oftimes for last few months. And is like i would be on my tablet for hours and would not look into hour, but at one moment my eyes would juston they own look into cloock and it would be 44. I dont know what to do

  53. I used to see 11.11 at one time in my life and on the 11thof the 11th of 2011 at almost 11am I was standing to get a train which departed from the 11th platform at Paddington Station at 11.11, I took a video from my phone of the large clock there that showed this but it is a phone from a few years ago and cant lay my hands on it NOW i see 44 ALL THE TIME, no more 11.11 but always 44 from here there and everywhere Fuck knows where I am going but for sure am going somewhere intersting.

  54. On 4/24/2017 (notice the 4's), I purchased a Show Me Cash ticket for jackpot of $414,000. As I pulled out of QuikTrip, the car in front of me had a specialized license plate, and you guessed it - the number was 44!

  55. Also, my first name is Donna and my last name starts with D, so my initials are 44 (4th letter of alphabet).

  56. I have seen 11:11 for about a year and a half then it stopped about a month ago. Last night in my dreams 44 was the only number I remember in a phone number I was given

  57. Awesome!!!Thank you !!! Always and forever grateful.!!! Love and Light to all ♡♡♡

  58. Im am now at a place where I see 44 everyday. Cause it is a highway in Indiana. One of the many crazy ways I saw 44.... fast food...heres your queue number..4...I was like hmmmm why just four and then counter person goes.. :and your change 4. Or id be enjoying a song and without me doing anything it would stop..checking the timer it is at 44. Was scared at the beginning not jnowing what it I see it as my angels guiding me. I think ill get a tatoo.

  59. Nothing short of a miracle has happened in the last few days with regards to seeing signs from my angels, ascended masters & I know my adoring mum looking down on me & helping guide me/ send me blessings from above while I'm about to go on my new amazing path.. I have continually seen repeated number / mirrored sequences almost on every hour the last few days while I wait to get to where I want to be. Trails of black feathers wherever I go and I'm almost positive two orbs of lights that shon on my wall tonight while I twisted & turned trying to fall asleep. I had things going through my mind but the moment they appeared I felt a calmness again. I know they're helping work miracles up there for me. I can be nothing but grateful & feel a fuzzy warmth. How amazing having our own personal angels who's soul purpose is helping you along your life's journey, especially when times are tough/hazy to see through. I know without any doubt things will work in my favour with my team of angels by my side. I feel so protected. It's beautiful. I've never been so sure until this week. Thankyou so so much rush-collection. Words can't tell you how grateful I am for these messages. What a special gift you have been given. Lots of love, an Irish girl, ruth, 24 ❤️☘️☘️

  60. I had just written a huge long comment but deleted by mistake. πŸ˜… Just wanted to say Thankyou so much for your messages rush-collection. They have been truly everything this past week. If I didn't really know the true power of love through angels until this week I for sure do now. I feel so protected/ guided/ loved & watched out for. I have a new place in my heart for all of my angels. My mum, along with my angels (my mum is my no.1 angel of course πŸ‘ΌπŸ»❤️❤️) and ascended masters. I know I have nothing to worry about with they're guidance πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‡ Sending love & blessings once again. P.s if you ever meet my angel called Clare with the beautiful smile & laugh you have a great friend there. She's special. Heart even bigger than her beauty (If that's possible) Much love, Ruth G (from Ireland) ❤️️☘️☘️

  61. Thank you. My fear was already answered! I thought it was just me!!!!!!Can't thank you enough guys.

  62. 44!!!��Everyday since 1987..and It has spread to people I'm close to. I don't even count it unless it's by itself or at the very end of a sequence of numbers and still it finds me multiple times a daythe iniverse is guiding us toward love!!!

  63. 44 since1985!!! I don't even acknowledge them unless they stand alone iie 8:44, or the very last numbers in a sequence andit still finds me multiple times a day. I've also noticed that it's contagious!!!The Universe is guiding everything to Love and you are it!!! Peace-Love and44!!!!

  64. Thank you so much for showing the path and bringing light to me. I am seeing 44 at certain times these days. I see some other angel numbers too but 44 often comes at certain times. Now, I came to know through you about what to do at the time when I see it. Thanks again !

    Thank you Angels !

  65. Gratitude...

    Today, just saw angel number 6 and then 44, both of them again and again.

    Thank you Angels !

    Thank you rush-collection !

  66. Since I am here I have obviously been seeing 44
    I usually see 444 and I still do mostly on license plates lately I had 4444 on a Powerball ticket ( didn't win) . Sometimes I feel someone is
    trying to get my attention. Now I see at lot of 44s mainly on car tags but they're quite frequent

  67. Amen!!!πŸ˜‡
    Grateful for every reminder!!!πŸŽˆπŸ€♥️

  68. Thank you for this :)

  69. Thank you so much. This resonates within my heart and I am grateful for this website. Peace and abundance for Us as One on our beloved Earth.

  70. Amen!!! I love you Angels !!! I love you rush-collection!!! You are our Angel on Earth!!! ❤πŸ€πŸ§š‍♀️❤

  71. Thank you. You are appreciated �������� peace and love

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. I love you Angels and you rush-collection !!!♥️

  74. I see 44 several times per day,every day, as well as 77 (my year of birth ).
    Recently I started seeing 4444 .
    Thank you Angels for being around me and for surrounding me with love and care !!!❤🧘‍♀️πŸŽˆπŸ€πŸ™ Grateful for all the blessings in my life and all those yet to come !!!❤

  75. 44 is my ship name- i feel so lucky!

  76. Thank you so much.. Lots of time in a day I saw number 44 in the watch like 10:44, 2:44 etc. Found this information. It really helps. Thank you so much again. Keep up the good work :-)

  77. I see 844 all the time. I looked up in the bible and ran across John 8:44 and this has scared the hell out of me. Now I have hope! Amazing that I'm not alone!

  78. Thank you so much rush-collection!

  79. I've been seeing the number 44 more than any other number. It's highly prominent in my daily life. I also see lots of other numbers the next prominent number is 55. Not sure what to expect in life seeing all these numbers

  80. I've been seeing the number 44 more than any other number. It's highly prominent in my daily life. I also see lots of other numbers the next prominent number is 55. Not sure what to expect in life seeing all these numbers

  81. I have been seeing the number 44 everywhere I go, especially on license plates and the time on the clock. I thank my Guides, Angels, Ascendent Masters, God everyday for being with me and guiding me through this journey. <3

  82. I am happily married to a wonderful, fun , loving trustworthy person who will do anything for me. We always have a strong solid foundation with no interruptions, no nuisance people in our lives.

  83. Thank you very much for the guidance and support and encouraging me to keep up the good work I have been doing I am so thankful that the angels and arch angels are always available for help in guidance all I need to do is ask I know now to work with the angels to ensure success and all my endeavors. I have nothing to fear in regards to my life work and divine purpose and soul mission my goal is to win souls for Jesus praise JesusYou are with me and us always. I will pay attention to intuition and inner wisdom my connection with the Angels and the angelic realm is very strong at this time I am encouraged to continue on my current path my drive and determination will lead to success And fulfillment I am surrounded by helpful loving angels to bring peace of mind and joy of heart.

  84. Thank you for putting this together. Helps put a lot of us to ease

  85. Born on April 4 and named after an Archangel. Coincidence? Maybe.. my parents weren't religious so not sure why they chose my name. I see 44, 444 or 777, 555 a lot. Not sure what this all means but I have to trust my path.

  86. I absolutely love this site. My guides send numbers to communicate with me all the time. Thank you so much for helping me decipher these communications.
    ❤ Marie

  87. Beyond grateful πŸ™ for everything and all ✨πŸ™❤
    Endless love and blessings to us all ❤✨πŸ™Œ

  88. Hi the number 44 means alot to me it is LIFE

  89. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and Wisdom with us all 😏

  90. Hi, i also believe in the number and i was think that was the angels who give me numbers but in the bad time in my live this numbers says thats it's good and keep it the same but Devil make your thinking that it's good and that you trust that angels give you numbers becareful with info from the numbers im almost in hole and this number what fake angels give me say that i make good job and keep it leasning this numbers just be careful who from God or from Devil you have this numbers. Devil coppy and paste the good angels and the devil is everywhere! Believe me my lif show me much and my hurt was hurts! .....πŸ’’ Beceraful!

  91. Eyes just taken to 00:44 and also 00:52 so I've been reading everyone's comments here and I'll be reading the meaning of 00:52 too. Thank you rush-collection πŸ™πŸ½πŸ˜ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ½❤️🌈🌟✨πŸ’«
