Sunday, July 03, 2011


The vibrations and energies of the number 43 are a combination of the number 4 and number 3. Number 4 brings the attributes of stability and ability, establishing solid foundations, effort and will, practicality and application, discipline and progress, passion and drive and resonates with the energies of the Archangels. Number 3 relates to society, creativity, enthusiasm and optimism, self-expression and communication, psychic abilities and intellectual pursuits, growth, expansion and the principles of increase. Number 3 is also the number of the Ascended Masters and the Holy Trinity and indicates that the Ascended Masters are around you assisting with manifesting your desired results

Angel Number 43 is an indication that the Ascended Masters and angels are around you, helping you with their calming presence. They are helping you to find peace, clarity and love within. Trust that all is well in your world, and with patience, passion and persistence you will manifest all of your desires, including achieving success and personal fulfilment and satisfaction.

Angel Number 43 prompts you to connect and communication with the angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters, and know that they will come to your aid when invoked. Trust that you are completely supported and protected by the angelic and spiritual realms, and your prayers and positive affirmations have been heard and are being responded to. Your manifesting abilities have ensured that your wants and needs will always be met.

Angel Number 43 also encourages you to look at your current home and lifestyle, and consider ways to uplift your environments in order to usher in more positive energies.

Number 43 also relates to the number 7 (4+3=7) and Angel Number 7.

Also see:
Repeating 4’s and 3’s  (433, 434, 443 etc)
Angel Number 433
Angel Number 434
Angel Number 443

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



Get a Psychic Reading … click here for further information.


  1. This article makes so much sense and is completely relevant to my life. Over the summer I was living with my now ex-boyfriend and one day he dropped me off at home and the clock and the time was 1:43 am and ever since that day the number 43 is constantly surrounding me and I wasn't sure how to take it I didn't know if something bad was going to happen to me or what but I was in the hospital the other day and a nurse told me about Angel numbers and now I feel completely at peace with seeing the number 43 everywhere I go. Thank you!

    1. i see it too. i have done for years... when i was nobody, now i am sombody... always

    2. Umm...yea. life path is 34, but 43 has been stalking me. Had an encounter- with a spirit being. He Said, "I AM 43! You are mine, and will blossom on time. I AM your father, JESUS CHRIST." I m in shock! Turns out, JESUS CHRIST is also #43!!!! Numbers don't lie! Wow!

    3. I also have endured more than my share of trials and tribulations the last 2yrs. I came to a point where I had lost all hope and hit rock bottom.
      I began to pray more, asking for guidance. From that point I was confronted with the #43 on a daily basis on clocks and than on number plates whilst driving. Initially I thought I was going mad as I had no idea what this meant.
      I now know, I was being tested and God had never forsaken me during my darkest hours. I have to trust that I am exactly where I am suppose to be and Patience is the key.
      Thank you all for shedding some light on this subject as well.

    4. hello friends,,,,i also see no 43 many times. i hav old mob no ended with 643 even i got pin of ATM n it was 5643 even many times in clock its 43... i tried to find out but has not get any answer yet... email

    5. Same thing. It started with seeing the time 1:43 which means love and it got my attention but then I started seeing the times 2:43, 6:43 etc. I realized the angels were trying to show me 43 and now I see 43 multiple times consecutively in a day. I
      I’ll see 43 in the time then I look around and fine 43 everywhere. Not coincidence

  2. Hi rush-collection! Thank you for the number references. Tori, I too have been seeing 143 a lot so far.

  3. I kind of broke down in tears reading this because it is EXACTLY what I've been feeling and coming to find on my own..I recently am going through a very tough break up with a girl i was about to get engaged to..she got scared at the idea of engagement and broke things off..she seems unsure of what she wants and it seems as if there is hope of getting back together, but the chance we may not.. I've been lost and looking for hope..I've been turning to prayer more than anytime in my life, I'm from a religious family, and my grand father who passed away last year was a minister who changed everyones life who he encountered..I have been praying non stop and also talking to him to please help guide me and give me strength..each day since the break up something has filled me with strength and guided me to not do certain things and not say certain things and to just focus on myself and my inner battles and being.. I was pulling out of my drive way the other morning..with my favorite CD in the player, listening to the two tracks on it that have always helped me through advertisty..tracks 3 and 4..i went to hit next and the CD player electronics freaked out on me and and it out of nowhere said T - 43..the disc only goes up to 12..I sat in could that happen, what does this mean..ive expierenced so much divine intervention in the past i turned to sky asking for guidence on what this would mean..this morning as I handed my boarding pass to the airport attendant to board a plane to Chicago, she stamped it, and the number 43 was stamped onto my pass..i froze..I truly feel that God or an angel is guiding me and helping me seek my inner answers and guide me in this adverse matter the outcome, i believe I'm being led to what my destiny is meant..and to bring me to happiness.. Please does anyone see how this makes sense?? I'm like in shock of everything, and it truly is defining and solidifying my faith.

    1. They started talking to me after trying to heal from a relationship also .. Was she your twinflame?

    2. Are you me? Is this a joke? Is this whole site is a joke? My Grandfather passed away last fiance broke things off because she was scared...during funeral it was sunny and there was rain only over my grandfathers grave...i have been seeing number 43 from middle school up to this point in my life...I don't even know what to say.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Hi, it happens to me too! All the time. I'm crying happy tears right now Because i have Someone that i share this with. It's hard to share with people so it's nice to see other people like me here.

    5. It happens to me too! All the time. I'm crying happy tears right now Because it's nice to see other people like me here. Some of my friends just don't get it so i keep it to myself. This is a great site. Happy day! God bless

  4. Chris...i dunno may god bless u!ive ben thru d same...broken relationship...mum unwell..handling my family...seeing my mom go away forever...him bieng with sum1 else...tryng to setup my own biz....
    Bt over the time i realized....mayb thats gods way of getting us closer to him....a see if we trust him....

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Trust it, but above all trust you heart to know the right thing to do. Mine have been cycling through, from 1111, 222, 777, 911, 1110 to 44, 33 and now lately 43s. Live from the heart :) and all will fall in place.

  7. I have been seeing number sequences for about 7 or 8 years. It started off with 333. That was the only one I saw for a long time. Over the past couple of years I have seen more of a veriety such as 444 555 1111 1212 1221 1222 222. I know a few of the codes I see are tied to deceased relatives that visit me. 333 started when one of my biological grandfathers died. 22 belongs to an uncle who recently passed...etc. My sisters and I have some psychic ability but I always question mine because I was diagnosed as bipolar with delusions of grandeur. When I do I always receive conformation that its not an illness but rather a gift. Right now I was questioning my abilities and saw 4343 so I look here for guidance. Behold psychic ability was part of the 3 aspect. The even weirder part was I was outside smoking and felt a darker soul who was lost so I told it to basicly go to God for healing. So that confirms why the Ascending Masters and Angelic beings.

  8. I have been seeing this number since 2000. At my lowest point in my life I found your index with this number and I literally broke down and cried. Thank You for publishing this. It brings so much relief to people. <3

  9. Infinitely grateful for this site and all the light it has brought into my life
    Bless you rush-collection for your unwavering dedication to this site

    1. That is the PERFECT way to describe it: unwavering dedication! Where would we be without rush-collection!

  10. I am currently seeing the number 43 as well, This happened to me 3 years ago then its starting to appear again lately. Everytime I look at the clock its exactly 43. Still trying to work out what it really means

  11. I see it more than a year I am so scare

  12. It took me many years to come to the conclusion that the number 43 is indeed a Devine number in my life. It always seems to pop up more frequently when I'm in a transitional period in my life. I welcome this number into my life wholeheartedly. I truly believe that it is God's way of speaking to me. As I sit and write this, my battery percentage is at 43. Earlier today, I used my GPS to get somewhere and it said my arrival time would be 1:43. Last night, my son's teacher called me and at the end of the conversation, she told me I was the 43rd person she had called and it goes on and on. It doesn't surprise me anymore, but I still get really excited about it. It's my confirmation ☺ i took a screenshot of my battery percentage, but unfortunately there's no way to post it here. Just know that this is a positive thing. If anyone wants to discuss the whole 43 phenomenon, feel free to reach out to me.

    1. Same happens to me! Love it. It's great to see it happens to other people. God bless!

  13. I've been stumbling on number 43 so many times that I just decided to search about it, and here I am. I don't look out for and choose 43, 43 finds me. 43rd person on the queue, locker no 43, 43rd table, so often in random occurances. I have no explanation

  14. Moving to number 43 and after reading about it on here do believe that I'm heading into my true path in life again, so looking forward to more happiness and contentment and adventure of course

  15. Moving to number 43 and after reading about it on here do believe that I'm heading into my true path in life again, so looking forward to more happiness and contentment and adventure of course

  16. Moving to number43 so pleased to be getting back on the path of happiness, contentment and adventure in my spiritual way

  17. Same things happening with me when I look at the time, number plates and in many other things. So please let me know what I need to do exactly?? as I am struggling in life currently

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. i have been experiencing the same thing from the past few years number 43 everywhere i,number plates everywhere actually. recently i has increased and i see this number quite often. what do i do? please suggest any measures to bring hbappiness back in my life. i m upset from a past few days.

  20. i just saw 43 on my arm on a little tag in the shower a few minutes ago. i went to this sight imedialy after seeing this. I think im going to start seeing this number more often, but i know whenever i see it, ill always know i am being blessed with Gods love. Thank you rush-collection and God bless you all.

  21. I have been seeing number 43 for about 10 years now. I know now that it is my spiritual number and my angels guiding me. When I see this number I feel at peace and I smile all the time when I see it. I see it on my phone, at the time, license plates, phone numbers, addresses, food order number and so many more. I feel blessed when I see it. And I know things will be ok when I see it. 43 makes me feel so happy

  22. Am sorry but I still didn't understand why am I seeing the number 43 and 1:43 and 10:43 ... I was encountering these numbers from past 3 yrs after a then painful situation. Could someone explain me the concept of this angle number as the above mentioned matter is slightly over my head. I need a simpler explanation

    1. The number is guiding you. It's trying to tell you that everything is going to be ok and what has happened has happened for the best

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. I live in a city its number is 43 and evrytime i open my phone or check the clock i se 43 when i go to school they tell us sometimes to solve exercise number 43 ***** 96% of my life is 43 wtf is going on i hate it ... Im gona get crazy

  24. Teary-eyed. Very recently, I always saw this everyday on the clock. Before, I have many experiences with
    angel numbers but not 43, it is always the double/triple numbers 5:55, 5:05, 2:02, 11:11, 1:01, etc. Somebody told me that the universe is telling me something. And so, I am so much in awe that angel numbers really exist.
    I have a cancer scare right now on my breast. I haven't tested it for biopsy yet. I'm scared of chemotheraphy and surgery bacause all my colleagues whose disease same as mine have become worst after surgery and chemo. Right now, I'm just changing my lifestyle and the food that I eat. I am also into curcumin. This article really motivates me and push me to be strong.

    1. Cheer up, Anon! My sister went through radiation and chemo two years ago for breast cancer and she is fine now. You will be fine too! Keep a positive attitude and be strong! You are going to be great! Don't put off treatment! God bless!

  25. it happening for me from 5 years .. >>>>> 43 <<<<< ..

  26. All the definitions are matching up to my life very well lately, and lately I have been seeing the number 43 very frequently

  27. I have also seen the number 43 for almost a year. The numver has appreared numerous times with a connection to an ex and her family members.

  28. Heyyy....since past few's been haunting me like crazy....I recently got committed to a girl i first relationship in past 23 yrs...I really don't hv any idea what's going on... feeling really relieved after getting to know it's not just me... many more r observing it!!!!!

  29. So encouraging to read these entries. Having chosen the number 43, back when I was a sophomore in high school, as my digital signature (in the days when pagers were popular - pre-cell phones) and soon finding out that it was coincidentally (or perhaps, synchronistically?) also my mom's identification number at work, I've always felt fondly towards the number. My mom passed away back in November of 2010. I had hoped that the number 43 would be her way of connecting with me from the beyond, but for years I never noticed it standing out. It wasn't until this past year, about 6-8months ago, did I all of a sudden start seeing it EVERYWHERE. I mean, everywhere. I see it at least 5 times a day on the clock (often the only time I even glance at the clock in a given hour, and it happens to be on the :43), music will stop or skip at the :43 mark, the construction site near my house has a giant 43 spray painted on the house their building, i've had the number 43 numerous times when placing food orders, people call/text me at :43, etc. It's gotten to the point where I've kinda taken it for granted. On some level, I've felt it was my mom coming through, although I've been somewhat nervous that there seems to be an urgency to it (like, why all of a sudden?). Today was the kicker. It's the 7-year anniversary since her passing and lost in the hustle and bustle of an otherwise busy morning, it just wasn't on my mind. I got into the car to drive my 19-month-old around (he won't nap unless in the car...ugh). I'm not in the car 2min before I notice that the radio is tuned into a station I am unfamiliar with...not before I can finish the thought, "Who put it on this station?" did a very familiar Tina Turner song come on. I immediately got emotional. It was one of my mom's absolute favorite songs, and one that she would play over and over when I was young. I immediately remembered it was the anniversary of her passing and just happened to glance at the clock. Of course, it read 9:43am. I even pulled out my cell phone to record it, to send to my sisters. Right at the end, when the clock changed to 9:44, did it flicker like crazy (something my car clock doesn't do). Perhaps it was the cell phone, but certainly worth noting. I have no doubt my mama was sending yet another little gift my way. All this to share with all of you: There is something so much bigger happening here. I choose to believe it is all good and loving. :)

  30. I'm so happy rush-collection. Thank you for providing the number messages.43 is chasing me daily. I see it at least 10times a day. Sometimes even more. I am running on 43.I don't know what's happening in my life. But I now believe what ever happens will happen only for my good since the ascended masters and the angelic realm is with me providing me the answers and clarity I need. Thank you Divine realm and Almighty for your amazing grace and love U shower on me daily. I love u too. Lord make me your instrument and guide me with your calming presence

  31. I’ve been seeing number 43 last 10 years both my daughters were born at 4.43am the other one 12.43 pm I see it everywhere I was Once a spectator at a football game for some reason the camera went on me at half time scores were 43 43 that tripped
    Me out

  32. I'm so so so blessed having 43 by my side always... There were times where I tested them n asked for their proof... And ofcourse how can they dissappoint.. Immediately i could see rainbow 🌈 out of my house.. Cos i had asked for rainbow itself

  33. My spirit brought this # to my mind as I was doing dishes. And it brings peace to my spirit.

  34. I love you, Dad. You make me a better human being for everything you have taught me in your quirky yet no-bs way. I know I will miss you 43, even though you are always going to be there, no matter where or how far, and I know you hear with my ears and see with my eyes ...thank God for you, Amen.

  35. Ďakujem Ježiš Kristus a anjelom že má strážia a že mi pomáhali teraz pôjdem von s s kamošom z Popradu a príde za mnou na víkend som nervózna ale zároven sa teším budeme ako to dopadne ☺️☺️❤️

  36. Thank you! 🙏🙏🙏

  37. Thank you 🙏
