Saturday, July 02, 2011


Number 41 is made up of the vibrations of the number 4 and the number 1. Number 4 service and devotion, practicality and responsibility, building solid foundations and achieving positive results. Number 4 also relates to our passion and drive. Number 1 relates to the energies of organization, achievement and success, tenacity and striving forward, new beginnings and attainment. This makes number 41 a number of practical thinking, instinctual knowledge and construction. It is a motivating number of hard work and initiative, success and achieving abundance.

Angel Number 41 indicates that the angels are available to assist you with your positive thoughts, wishes and desires. It is a message from your angels to remain very aware of your recurring thoughts, and the angels counsel you to make thoughtful and meaningful wishes at the moment, as they are being manifested into your life. Your will and effort as well as the energies of your angels will bring about what you have been working towards.

Angel Number 41 suggests that your thoughts are rapidly manifesting into material form and you are asked to keep a positive and optimistic attitude and outlook to ensure that you manifest ‘good’ into your life. Trust that your determination and hard work will bring you your desired results, and the plans you have put into action will bring success and fulfilment.

Angel Number 41 is a message that the angels are assisting you with aligning your vibrations with your life purpose and soul mission. Trust the work you are doing now, and have done in the past, will reap rewards as you serve your Divine purpose. Take action as you are guided.

Number 41 also relates to the number 5 (4+1=5) and Angel Number 5.

Also see:
Repeating 4’s and 1’s  (411,414, 441 etc)
Angel Number 411
Angel Number 414
Angel Number 441 



  1. Thanks for sharing! I have been seeing the number 41 all over the place for the past week or so. I see it in the time of day (5:41 PM), the calories I've burned (741 calories), or the number of miles to my destination (1.41 miles). It keeps happening over and over again, so it's interesting to see this has a meaning from the Angels. :)

    1. its also evidence of Synchronistic Higher Order. same thing happens to me but with the number 14. I was born on the same day Oct 14th as William Penn, who signed the Peace Treaty With my ancestor St.Tammany(Tamanend). Happened by fate, my Mother never researched her family history that far. There really is something.

    2. Was about as low as I could get hurt at work off for a year fighting comp watched my dog suffer for a day after we brought him home from his surgery borderline a wall about 1 I seen the 333 friend. Of mine said something that made me look it up and right now I have 97966641 on a huge break threw that I hope helps alot of people

  2. your not alone john, my angel is with me as well. it's funny because at first i thought that i was losing it and then i realized that my angel is there to let me know they luv me and they are there to help me and to stay positive. there's not a day that goes by that 41 does not's always appearing to let me know that when i'm ready to give into my wildest dream i can start now. It's most amazing actually.

  3. I see 41 so much i just realized i happen to post this at 10:41pm WOW~! Pray for me thanks and GOD BLESS.

  4. my angels show me through battery phone remaining. 41% at 14:41
    and the clock in my computer said 4:14, that is why I'm here...

  5. I looked up the number 41 because I got a scratch on my ankle from walking outside that looks just like the nunber 41 strange

  6. when importing frames into a gif animation for a hypersigil of sorts that I was working on, frame 41 got really messed up. This only happened with Frame 41, which looked perfectly normal in the raw file.

  7. I see 41 frequently for a while now and i don't know what should i do, mainly 41, but also -to a lesser extent- 31 & 51. Also something weird, is sometimes i see 40 and 42 (mainly on my phone's time) and i feel like a minute too early or too late, does this mean something? .. currently my life is falling apart to the point where i am seriously considering leaving the urban environment because its just too much stress and living on a farm or something. My father is dead and i got kicked out out of my home by my stepfather and my mother is on his side and i cant even get my inheritance because of some complications i cant bypass. i have a very invisible depressing disability
    because of ECT so i dont even have the brain power to face this and build myself. people have committed suicide because of this. Thank You rush-collection. (sorry if i double posted)

    1. Have faith your Angels are with u! Let God lead your way and have faith!

    2. Juse know u r where u need to be for the best good, at any given moment.

  8. I've been seeking a sign from.....answers from the angels. Today, the number 41 appeared multiple times to me. So I searched and found this. I believe the angels heard me. Give thanks!!!

  9. I've been seeking a sign...answers from my angels. Something to let me know they are listening. Today, the number 41 appeared in my life several times. So I searched the meaning and found this site. I believe. The answer is clear. For that, I give thanks!!

  10. It's amazing how I just finished my homework and thought "ugh, I did it, finally, but I really didn't want to". And I looked at the clock, right when I was thinking this, and I saw 14:41, I searched the meaning (once again, because I've been seeing this number a lot) and angels were motivating me to work harder! Honestly, I've believe in them so much after this.

  11. OMG I know this is weird but im here bc my dog just ripped an EXACT 41 on a price tag on my im like shook bc im commenting this at 19:42 and thought of this at 19:41

  12. I left my ex husband April first of 2016... 41, buried my dad April first of 2017... 41 and just realized my dad was born 41.. also the morning my dad passed march 28 2017 I had made a Facebook post from march 28 2016 that talked about loss and staying strong in ones faith.. I wonder what it all means.. too much of coincidence for it not to have meaning..

  13. I was following my bf home and he passed my a speed tracker. It got him at 41 , I then got to it and was going the EXACT same 41 Mpr and the difference this time was it started flashing quickly. I knew then something was up with that number

  14. i've been seeing number 41 for a while now but it has been appearing more recently the last week. i have went into my pocket and there has been two twenty pences and a one pence on three occasions, i was meditating last night and i asked why am i seeing number 41 and just like the last time i asked when i was seeing other numbers over the last year the number 41 came from a distance in the space of my mind and got closer and closer towards to my third eye untill it was close enough to me as if it was on fire just bobbing infront of my third eye.

  15. I wake up and see 5:41 a.m. on the clock *all the time* so finally I looked it up!

  16. I have been seeing the number 41 for quite a long time but more recently have been seeing it far more regularly. Mostly on clocks. The strangest thing though as I have had the Bee Gees song (Mr Jones) on my mind all day and so I googled it and found out that it was actually called New York Mining Disaster 1941.....

  17. I know it will !!!Amen!!!🙏
    I deserve the best and the best is what it will manifest !!!🧘‍♀️🎈
    Immensely blessed and grateful for all my blessings and all those yet to come.
    Thank you Angels for consealing me to make a meaningful wishes almost daily !!!🍀♥️
    Sending much love and Light to all !!!🍀♥️

  18. Thank you so much rush-collection !!! I love you !!!♥️🌞

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Today I dreamed that 41 would be very significant. Nice check on Angel Numbers.��

  21. Grateful for all daily reminders !!!Amen!❤

  22. Taking actions as guided!🙌❤Amen.
    Blessed and grateful.
    I see it every day & this year I'll be 41years old on the 28.08.2018 .

  23. I see the number 41 all the time but it happened right after someone I loved passed away...I guess its a reassurance that they are ok and are still with me

  24. It's been 2 whole years now. Not only do I see 41 when checking the time on my phone but I've seen it everywhere; street numbers, car registration plates, on my sister's toys and everywhere. Not a day goes by without me seeing it and it has been 2 years now. I am glad to discover that it is something this positive. I am accepting all the blessings and I declare more blessings to come in future. Thank you Angel 41. And thank you so much to the person who created this site. God Bless All

  25. 41 has been at the center of my how life numner playing football and I just see it every wher time I told a guy cause I do uber and I told him this is driving me crazy how I see 4q4q every wher and soon ass I said that a car drove but with 41 as its last two numbers to know the meaing is positive...time now .741

  26. the ads on this page are working normally and I can read the text again. very cool. my research continues ...

  27. I'm here because of the same instinct. I see 41 number in by phone battery charging percentage. Also in car number plates and even sometimes while taking an exit in a free way the number mentioned as 41. In my restaurant bill,the guy who walking inferring of me with the t-shirt design 41 club. Sometimes when I woke up at night when I see the clock it is 3:41. Earlier I felt scary now I thought it's a coincidence but I don't know something it's telling me I guess. I haven't figured it yet.

  28. I'm hear because for the last 3 years I see 41 more than several times a day and it has been freaking me out. Everytime I randomly look at the clock to see what time it is, it's always 41 past the hour. I mean I can not be looking for the time and just looking at my phone or the tv and it's always 41 past whatever hour. Its freaking me out because I was born at 5:41 am. I have yet to reach my 40s but I feel that me constantly seeing 41 is saying I will die at 41. I hope that isnt the case! 41 has been such a significant # in my life prior to any of this happening. My basketball # in middle and high school was 41. It just became my favorite #. I just realized I use this # almost everyday. Its weird. I even explained what was happening to my 9 year old and he has started paying attention to it as well. He will notice me looking funny and he'll say it must be 41 minutes after the hour and I respond yep. I was just looking up info on the number and I came up on a page that listed the multiples of 41. I immediately said if I see a certain # I'd freak out. Well low and behold my child's birthdate is a multiple of 41. Please pray for me bc this is really driving me. I really hope it's really the presence of my angels. Lord please let that be it!

  29. I'm here because for the last 3 years I see 41 more than several times a day and it has been freaking me out. Everytime I randomly look at the clock to see what time it is, it's always 41 past the hour. I mean I can not be looking for the time and just looking at my phone or the tv and it's always 41 past whatever hour. Its freaking me out because I was born at 5:41 am. I have yet to reach my 40s but I feel that me constantly seeing 41 is saying I will die at 41. I hope that isnt the case! 41 has been such a significant # in my life prior to any of this happening. My basketball # in middle and high school was 41. It just became my favorite # growing up. I just realized while writing this post that I use this # almost everyday. Its weird. I even explained what was happening to my 9 year old and he has started paying attention to it as well. He will notice me looking funny and he'll say it must be 41 minutes after the hour and I respond yep. I was just looking up info on the number and I came up on a page that listed the multiples of 41. I immediately said if I see a certain # I'd freak out. Well low and behold my child's birthdate is a multiple of 41. Please pray for me bc this is really driving me. I really hope it's really the presence of my angels. Lord please let that be it!

    1. if only you had number 4 in your left hand and number 1 in your right hand, like i do...
      both where a stigmata would form...
      then you would understand how i can never shake the angel 41 within myself.
      at least you can close your eyes...


  30. You have lost me with that comment stormcrow
    What do you mean by "both where a stigmata would form"

  31. So I have been depressed during some days due to my poor academic results..I was seeing 41 literally every where ... Every hour I check my phone it's 41 .... Solve questions with answers 41 ..... But now I feel optimistic and ready to work again ^_^
