Friday, October 22, 2010

Repeating Angel Numbers - 4's and 1's (4411, 4141, 1414, 1144 etc)

4's and 1's indicate that the angels are emphasizing strongly that you remain aware of your thoughts at the moment. The angels counsel you to make a meaningful wish as you are now in a position where you are able to manifest your thoughts. The 4 and 1 combination is a sign that your angels seek to help you to manifest your heart’s desire. Your personal will and effort combined with the energies of your angels will bring about what you have worked so hard towards.

411 indicates for you to ask your angels for some vital, additional information that you may need at this time, as your path may not be clear or apparent to you at this time. Fear not though, as the Universe and your angels have a clear view of your life and life purpose and they know what it is that you seek. Listen out for their answers as they present themselves to you.

4 1’s (1111) which adds up to 4, indicates that your angels want you to ask them to become involved with manifesting, particularly when the manifesting involves your life purpose or giving service to the world.

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



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  1. Plz help. Ive been seeing numbers one and four on occasion for over a year now. Why does it keep repeating? Am i not following my wish?? So confused. Am i depending to see these numbers too much?

    1. It could be that your current path is one which will take you a minute, unless of course you are missing key elements in your current path. From what I have gather about Angel numbers, you will continue to see those numbers through your path too, until it comes to an end. This is when you will stop seeing them, and as a result new numbers will take their place. Hope this helps.

  2. Thank you for this information! 4114 was in my face all day yesterday and I feel I have lost my passion and don't know what I want anymore. This gives me some hope in manifesting the dreams I once had

  3. Oh my goodness even the text I had to type to prove I am not a robot started with 411!!!

    1. And I cannot ignore the date of this comment: 1.4.14

    2. While I read your words about 411 it was time show 4:11

  4. 4/14 is my birthday and has been following me my whole life..I just realized this in the last changing :)

    1. My birthday is 4/14 also! !!

    2. My birthday is 4/14 and I have hopes of having a selfless career in which I'm truly making a difference in others lives. Having patience (which is hard for an Aries sometimes) will help me to not get too far down on myself and realize the gifts I've been blessed with. Then I can use my blessings to help others!

    3. 14.4 is my sister's Birthday & my mom's birthday is 4.4 !!!
      I see 144 often,As well as 44.
      My credit card payment request is £41.41,as seen today!!!
      Immensly blessed and Grateful,now and always !!!
      I do currently serve humanity & I have done so truthough my life by far.
      I have this grand project pending! My "Bigger picture "!!! Currently under construction and I am taking one step @ a time!!!
      Spot on message for me,on point, as always !!!
      Thank you Angels & thank you rush-collection !!! ♡♡♡
      Stay blessed people , as we all at
      e !!!♡♡♡
      Love,peace and Light to all !!! ♡♡♡

    4. And how could have I forgot to add in my previous comment that both my brother and father and born on the 4.11 and so it's my grand dad .
      So I am so well consoled ,aren't I !!!
      Immensely blessed and grateful !!!πŸ™πŸŽˆ❤πŸ™ŒπŸ€πŸ˜Š
      Love,peace and Light to all!!!❤

  5. My birthday is 4/14 and has been following me ever since...truly profound

  6. My Birthday is also 4/14 and its everywhere around me. Sometimes its my Dads birthday that shows 4/19 . Pretty cool :-)

    1. I see my dad's birthday literally all the time, it's no coincidence. He passed away years ago and I've seen his birthday so much in the last year during a lot of change in my life ��

  7. They can't help me too fast, I don't know what is going on. I've just been humiliated AGAIN by doing (one facet) of the service work I know I was born to do, and I just can't take it anymore. This is a lifelong thing, and I'm not a kid. I don't mean getting it from the people you have to oppose, stand up to, boy, I'm used to that. I mean from the people who are supposed to support you, the ones who are supposed to be like-minded. I know I am intended to be an independent operator, if you will, but there has to be SOME kind of support, something tangible. I know Jesus had to take it, but if nothing else, He was raised by better parents than it possible that my purpose is to just be, and wait for things to come to me, for people to ask, for me not to take the initiative? I just don't know.

    1. Talk to your angels. They are our support. I have no human support either but find when i ask i get answers. If not at that moment then life will give it to me.. I asked why about many things and all i understood was not ready. It wasnt as complete answer as i wanted but patients and time will show you.

  8. Sometimes with certain things I felt that I did not need to take an initiative, and it turned out that I didn't. Other times I feel like I need to do something, anything, but I just have no idea what. Not having support, and not being able to take it anymore...I know that place, it is not an easy place to be. We are on parallel tracks of sorts. I am just trying to keep my eyes on the numbers, be patient, and try to stay tuned in to my intuition. Something has to come through. I hope the same for you. I know I have certainly seen some interesting numbers, showing up in interesting places. Sometimes I can be my own worst enemy if I'm not in a good place to receive help, the universe isn't helpful. If I can get myself in a receptive place, it seems like the universe responds quickly. Perhaps not with an ultimate answer, but one I need at the time. Sorry to be getting long-winded, I hope this helps you somehow.

  9. Replies
    1. My brother, father and granddad's Birthday is on the 4.11
      All three man in line born on the same day! Fighters born, can not be torn!❤ My mom is born on 4.4, my sister on 14.4 and my house number back home is 144. Needless to say more. Blessed and grateful. Much love and light.❤

  10. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I am practically surrounded by 1 & 4.
      Remember, just like butterflies, we all must go through darkness in order to shine. When time is right, in Devine time, when we are ready.
      Meanwhile , be strong, be patient with your self, be gentle with your self, surge forward fearlessly, DO NOT give up.πŸ™❤πŸ™Œ✌πŸ€—
      Blessings and love to all. AMEN.

  11. That is very wonderful because I saw earlier today 1111 and now 4114.

  12. I have asked, I praise God and the universe for allof our blessings and signs which brings me to these pages one love amazing gift we have

  13. Immensely blessed and grateful!!!♡♡♡
    Love,peace and Light to all!!!♡♡♡

  14. for more than 2 years, the combination of 1's and 4's appearing at random times became a part of my life already. the packages i get from my online purchase are mostly labeled with 14 or 4141 or my phone sometimes even light up at 14:11 or 4:14 w/o me using it like it wants attention. last year a vehicle we hired has a 1414 number, the driver was kinda chatty then he suddenly talked about the 144,000 people mentioned in the bible. there were more instances which i encountered relating 1s and 4s. can you pls enlighten me more about this. i want to have someone to talk about this but people around me think it's all coincidence.

    1. Ive looked up and commented on various 1 and 4 combinations but i am now just reading these comments. Ive been experiencing 1s and 4s since around 2003 and have had a very difficult time with life but have developed spontaneous kundalini energy and recieved a major download over a few days on the new moon in july of 2016 which was 7-7-16 = 777 or 2016 = 9 (I'm 9 in numberology) and born 5-15-1977 ...which is a life path 8.
      What im getting at is the thoughts of 144,000 has came up multiple times involving the absolute strength of the 1s and 4s in my life. Reading these comments now is bringing my beliefs together even more... The struggle we experience are to build us. For some reason keeping some suppressed.. I love when the answers come because im asking... As rush-collection says here the 1 and 4 combination is for us to ask. Questions or manifestations we need to grow in our light path. Its our spirit. Every source of fortune i turn to like tarot, palm reading, numbers and even "Zoltar" (from the tom hanks movie "Big") everything tells me i am a leader and strong. Im not leading this life as i believe i should yet but all fortunes also tell me im on the right path, keep going and doing as i am. What im saying is Stay strong. Your purpose is larger then you realise. Every bit of knowlage shared everywhere you go may be whats necessary. I know i bring light to very dark places. I wouldnt be able to do that from an office as much. Now i know my spirit wants me to ask for what i need to grow for my life purpose. Also i got pregnant with my first child at 14 and am now 41. Im at a fork in my road. Change is difficult. Thank you rush-collection. Very much.

  15. Grateful for every reminder !!!
    My project is now complete and ready for printing !!!
    I'm very very excited and feel extremely grateful & blessed !!!
    I've kindly asked !!!❤
    Love,peace and Light to all!!!❤πŸ‘ŠπŸ˜‡

  16. Amen!!!πŸ™ŒπŸŽˆπŸ™πŸ€❤

  17. what does 4411 represent?

  18. Grateful������‍♀️🧚🏻‍♀️πŸ€—

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. Timely message... Thank you angels, and rush-collection for being the voice of the angels!!! πŸ’–πŸ™πŸ˜‡ Love and light always πŸ’–πŸ˜‡πŸ₯°πŸŽΆπŸŒ»πŸ’—

  21. Beyond grateful to you Angels.
    May the best manifest for us all πŸ™❤πŸ™Œ✨
    And so it is. And so it will be.
    Always and forever. ✨❤πŸ™Œ

  22. Once you see a combination a few times and nothing happens as the text states, you realise that you are looking for something that just isnt there

  23. πŸ™πŸ˜‡πŸŒˆπŸ₯°πŸ’–
