Friday, October 22, 2010

Repeating Angel Numbers - 5's and 9's (5599, 5959, 5559, 5999 etc)

The combination of 5 and 9 repeating is an indication of sweeping changes and endings. Your angels ask you to let go of the 'old' and know that it has served a vital and important function during its time, but that time has now passed. The angels want you to know that the 'new' is about to enter your life, and ask you to let the 'old' go with love.

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



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  1. Replacing my old tires with new ones. Sale price including taxes and fees - 595.95!!

  2. I decided last night to end a painful, difficult relationship. Went to get gas and gallon amount is 5.599 (I'd asked for a sign). This is great confirmation.

    1. Same thing happened to me… ended a relationship and was waiting for a sign. Isn’t nice to feel heard…to feel this greater purpose in little signs. Hope things turned out good for you. Thanks for sharing. 💗

  3. In 2012, my deceased and beloved father ran out of an alleyway in a dream swinging a croquet mallet as a lawn unfurled before him. He hit the ball and it passed through every wicket and struck the peg, at which point he raised his arms and yelled, "5-5-9-9!" And everyone watching cheered "Hooray!" I've been trying to figure out what it meant ever since.
    I'm still not sure what it means...and I can't recall any sweeping changes in my life since then--but I am ready to welcome "the new," whatever that may be.

    1. That sounds like a happy dream of completion to me. Not that I can speak for your subconscious, of course. Just my 2 cents.

  4. In 2012, my deceased and beloved father ran out of an alleyway in a dream swinging a croquet mallet as a lawn unfurled before him. He hit the ball and it passed through every wicket and struck the peg, at which point he raised his arms and yelled, "5-5-9-9!" And everyone watching cheered "Hooray!" I've been trying to figure out what it meant ever since.
    I'm still not sure what it means...and I can't recall any sweeping changes in my life since then--but I am ready to welcome "the new," whatever that may be.

  5. I have been letting go of clutter of all kinds. One of my observations was a large container of coins I have been hanging onto. For reasons unknown.

    It occurred to me that every single one of those coins contained the energies of anyone who had touched them. Energies that may contain fear and lack. Feelings I wish to let go of.

    I just took all the pennies to a coin counter and traded them in for cash. The total number of pennies. 5599

    Feeling grateful and abundant.

  6. Letting go of negative thoughts and beliefs...

  7. We are ending a long 3 decade marriage and I am about to find this out. The numbers 59995 appeared on license plate in front of me. I have been following Angels guidance for a while now and I am being told to let it go with Love. Ok, I Love You.

  8. Immensely blessed and grateful !!!
    Great confirmation!
    Phone batery life at 59% @ 00.59am (UK time)!
    I'm about to be moved to a Front of House position , from a back of house position on Monday next week.
    How timely!!!
    I'm of course grateful and happy and letting the old go with love,for the purpose it has served me! Amen!
    The biggest thing is yet to come , some final touches to be taken care of ! With little more patience I'll open this awesome new doors & soon that is !!!❤🤞
    Thank you rush-collection ,I love you !!!❤
    Blessings ,love and Light to all!!!

  9. Immensely blessed and grateful. Amen.
    Thank you. Letting go with love and gratitude for the purpose "the old" has served me & welcoming the new with love and gratitude.🤗❤🎈
    Sending love,peace,light and blessings to all.❤

  10. Saw 5599 numberplate 3 times in about 20 minutes and yes, on three different cars!

  11. I was just about to get into a fight but the father gave me safety 😊thank you father and messengers

  12. Forever grateful for this and all other reminders.
    Grateful for the constantly present love, light, positivity and guidance sent my way.
    I love you Angel's and you rush-collection. My Angel on Earth.❤🌟🙏
    Sending beams of light and positive vibes to everyone and all. Blessed us all remain and be.🌟❤🎈

  13. I let go of my sweet, beloved 13-year-old dog today. So, so hard. Took him to be cremated and when returning home saw 5599 on a car license plate in front of me.

    Enjoy your painless life with the angels, my boy. I let go of you and send you on with love.

  14. I've been trying to manifest a specific scenario for a while now and I saw 9595 in a friends phone number. (this was the first time I'd noticed it) I'm so excited that I'm receiving signs!! Thank you for having this page up :)

  15. Timely message, and right on point. Forever Grateful for life lessons learned, looking forward to opening new doors. Love, light and Joy...on our journey. rush-collection.. Thank you for being the voice of the angels, and sharing your guiding light.🌻💗😇🙏🤗

  16. Always grateful!!! Love and light always... 🥰😇😜😊💖

  17. Letting go of lifetime friendships and such less long, with Love and gratitude for the purpose they have served me.
    Today we lost one of our dance buddies, she was the fittest, most beautiful woman I knew. She was over 70 years old, yet no one was able to give her more than 50. Beautiful soul inside and out! Dearest Dawn fly sage with the Angels, for Angel you were 🤍🙌🏻✨️
    Endless love and blessed journeys to us all 🙏
    May the majestic best manifest for us all 🤍✨️

  18. Was watching the footy, looked at the time left 59:59

  19. Thank you, just what I wanted and needed to hear

  20. Lost 3 friends since 2022 and one school friend a little over a week ago to a medical condition. Can’t stop thinking of them! Letting go with love. ❤️
