Friday, October 22, 2010

Repeating Angel Numbers - 5's and 1's (5511, 5151, 5111 etc)

The 5 and 1 combination is a message from your angels that your thoughts are creating and bringing about changes in your life. Please keep this in mind as you co-create your life with the angels and the Universe. Positive thoughts and actions bring about more positive energy.

This combination suggest that a new beginning or the instigation or undertaking of a new project, idea or opportunity is due to come about.
You are advised to continue steering your thoughts towards your desired direction. If the changes you see forthcoming are not what you want, be aware that you are able to stop to alter them by modifying your thoughts, mindset and focus.

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



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  1. We are so blessed

  2. This was exactly what I had seen in my dream last night. It was 5151. I did not understand it at first. If I should go, and buy a lottery ticket, or something. I am so much steered, by the negative in thought. I have to constantly stop myself, with my mind, and steer it back, in the right direction. In which I wish for it to be in, because my reality is manifesting so fast. Thank you, for this clear insight. It has made me see, what my angels are trying to communicate with me, because of the lower vibrations. It is hard for them to come through. Especially, and particularly, this one angel of mine. I wish for the communication, now I realize the frequency, and the intention matters, just as much! It is not easy being a lightworker/wayshower! We certainly did not sign up for all the sparklers, fame, and the glory of it! Thanks, again!

  3. Namaste and Merry Meet. I have been followed by the number 515 all of my life.

  4. Replies
    1. Changes
      Beginnings and Endings
      One door closes another one opens

  5. May you be blessed even more!

  6. I NEED help. I'm 15 and prayed for my third eye open 3 years ago. Karmais showing me hard to accept things? Will you help?

    1. what do you mean about: "Karmais showing me hard to accept things"?

    2. Do you mean like, karma is coming around and you notice it biting you in your ass? From my experience that would not be Karma it would be your third eye directing you or protecting you against something somebody or a situation or place dot-dot-dot see if that helps you put things together at all I hope so. Namaste love and light and blessings to you

  7. Timely message and so on point. As always.♥️Blessed and grateful.🙏
    As it happens I'm right at this minute working on my Private home cooking profile & that's to soon go live within a website that will be presenting my Services and where my Services can be booked no matter what part of the world I am .🤞 I can work all over the world and wile on holidays . Huge opportunity that I'm not going to let slip. Fingers and toes well crossed.
    Thank you rush-collection.🙏You are my Earth Angel. I love you.🎈♥️ Sending blessings love and light to all.♥️

  8. Grateful and blessed.
    Timely as always.
    I have received my first booking via AmoChef and that is soon approaching. I feel super excited and nervous at that same time. Although I know I'll execute the event perfectly.
    Besides my focus is on a home of my own & a car. I somehow visualise it all.
    I am very pleased and super happy at where I am at this point in time. I write more and more and thinking of publishing.... when Devinely right.
    I know that when time comes for me to move next ,it will be in my very own place & with my very own car.
    Amen.❤🎈🙌🙏Whatever happens ,im here in the now. Mindful. Compassionate.Kind.Loving.I deserve the best and that is what I'm manifesting.🎈

  9. Blessed us all be @aahernandezFriday, February 01, 2019 .
    Thank you for your kind, positive and loving words.
    Sending much love, peace and light to everyone and all.🙌❤
    We are ONE. One Love. One Family.
    My intentions now and throughout my life (this far) are and always have been for my own good and that of all.
    Yet, it all begins and ends with us first. I create my own reality. Everyone creates their own reality.
    I wish everyone the best. May all manifest it.
    Grateful and blessed.

  10. Thank you 🙏😇, truly grateful for every timely reminder, and for guidance from the angels. Love, light and blessings.🙏😇💗

  11. Grateful immensely.

    Steering my thoughts in the direction of my soul's desire
    ~ always and forever
    Project in motion is my third poetry book🙏
    Endless love and blessings to us all.❤🕉✨☯️🙌

  12. Always grateful 🥰 Thank you!!! 🙏😇💖🎶🤗☀

  13. 😜🙏😇🥰 thank you!!! 😜

  14. May all that which must come feel welcome.
    Beyond grateful for everything and all.🙏✨
    Endless love and blessings to us all.❤🙌

  15. The power is witnin Me- always and forever ❤🔥✨🙏

  16. Love and Blessings...🙏😇🥰

  17. Love, light and blessings to all of us...🙏😇💞

  18. Thank you for this
