Friday, October 22, 2010

Repeating Angel Numbers - 9's and 3's (9933, 9393, 999933 etc)

The 9 and 3 combination is a strong message for you to let go of any situations in your life that are no longer serving a positive purpose. Do not cling to situations out of fear. It is of the utmost importance that you hold a positive viewpoint about yourself and your future. 

Your thoughts create your experiences, so ask your angels to help you maintain a most positive outlook. Do not allow any negative aspects to hinder or stop you. Your angels encourage and support you.

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



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  1. My birthday is 9/3/93 and my life is about this alot XD

  2. 93939 was my message right as soon as I was on YouTube listening to upon this Rock.

  3. O how I want to let go of my current position. Yet I have no others on my horizon. I appreciate it for what it provides me with, but I am not growing. we will see...

  4. reading and slowly " no woman no cry" by bob marley, begins to play from what seems to be out of no where..

  5. I am in love with someone who doesn't even want to know me. I have no idea why. I was just about hit him up before I saw these numbers 93% battery at 9:39 pm... I guess my angels are telling me its time to let go. :(

    1. Go ahead and let go. God has crafted a soulmate just for you and when the time is right you will know who that person is. But you must maintain self-control from others who want to take you away from that person and I know you will know who those people are. Trust in your angels and their words.

    2. This just happened to me... 93% 9:39 am sat. 11/14/2020 I have no idea what to do.. I want to do what I want even if I get hurt.. I have to be me even others don't agree

  6. I went on a date and the dinner receipt was 93.93
    I was surprised to get these numbers

  7. Each time I bump into these synch numbers, I always turn to you Angel Sacred Scribe. As for me Idon't know what area of my life I should apply this message. I'm 26, never married, not dating, no job since I quit paramilitary training in 2015 June. All I know for sure is that I can choose to do the right thing despite what others think. And as I am writing this post I'm seeing 85 85. Isn't this awesome? But I'm just nobody.

  8. why i have these numbers in my dream...?
    9 339

  9. Here ya go 9393939393939393939393

  10. What if you have a 10 number combination of these? I just had a time of 3:39 pm with 93% battery and my phone at 3:39 with 39%. Am I truly blessed and accepting of my angels!

  11. Love and forever grateful always!!! 💗😇🙏

  12. I got a spam call with 9393 in the last 4 digits while I was having a break up discussion with my boyfriend of 5 years. I’m taking this info as a sign to stick to my position, and amicably move forward alone.

  13. Родена съм на 9.3.72 година.От 3 години виждам постоянно еднакви числа,а от 1 месец виждам числата 93 или 39 , включително веднъж видях 9372 .Знам ,че е време да разбера коя точно е моята мисия заради която съм се родила.Всеки ден по няколко пъти отварям вашия сайт и съм много благодарна .Все още не знам със сигурност какво е точно,но ще го разбера скоро .Истината е ,че аз имам много хобита и много теми ме вълнуват и затова ми е толкова трудно.Благодаря ви много за труда , времето и енергията която отделяте ,за да поддържате този сайт.Много любов на всички!

  14. AnonymousFriday, May 20, 2022

    I was born on 03/09/72 godina.Ot three years constantly see the same numbers, from one month see the numbers 93 or 39, including once saw 9372 .Znam it's time to figure out which one is my mission for which I rodila.Vseki day several times open your site and I am very grateful .Vse not know for sure what it is exactly, but I'll figure it out soon .Istinata is that I have many hobbies and many topics excite me why I was so trudno.Blagodarya you a lot of work, time and energy you spend to keep this sayt.Mnogo love to all!

  15. i love this number 9393
