Friday, October 22, 2010

Repeating Angel Numbers - 6's and 8's (6688, 6868, 66688 etc)

The 6 and 8 combination may be indicating that a material possession is about to leave your life.  If you do not intend to lose or sell anything in your material life, then make a point of changing your thoughts to alter this direction.  Take stock of all that you have as it may be implying that it is time to de-clutter your home (or life in general) and be rid of the old.

If you are intending to sell or be rid of something material in your life, this number sequence is a sign that your wish is about to come true and your item will sell or leave your life quickly.

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



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  1. Hi rush-collection, I have a question that crosses my mind every time this sequence fills my life. Can a "material possession" be a negative mindset? Or a bad reaction to a memory? I know that Emotions are not Feelings, and therefore Emotions are not the Spirit, but reaction. So that is why I wonder if it could be material. Seems as soon as this started for me, things have turned on a dime in a good way with a relationship. Something weve been working towards for years. :-)

    Thanks <3 :-)

    1. Yes negative attitude brings about bad situations that you might end up in if you don't change your thought process. The way you're thinking now may need a refinement.

      On the other hand it can also be positive attitude telling you that whatever been on your mind for the past weeks and months, it's going to disappear unless you REDIRECT your mind not to. You are in control of your life progress....

  2. Hi rush-collection, can i know if this material possession could also mean a relationship ??

  3. I am also wondering what both of the other comments asked?

  4. También hago la misma pregunta

    1. Me gusta leer comentarios en español, porque estoy aprendiendo español. ¡Soy muy emocionante cada vez que me encuentro con el espíritu español!

  5. For me it might be implying that I've already lost money.
    I had a plane ticket to go and speak a weekend with my now ex ,but decided not to take the flight,because he was consistently negative and verbally abusive...
    I put an end to it all by simply not taking the flight!
    The cost of my plane ticket was £106. So this is what I've lost.
    However I think of it all as a gain and not a loss!!!
    Simply because my wellbeing and dignity are priceless !!!♡♡♡
    It was a great decision & I have no regrets !!!
    I let this relationship go with much love and gratitude for all the lessons learned !!!♡♡♡
    Love,peace and Light to All!!!
    Stay blessed people,as we all are!!! ♡♡♡
    Thank you rush-collection and thank you Angels!!!
    Immensely blessed and grateful always and forever!!!♡♡♡

  6. Also this message was on point!!!The reason being is that shortly before I saw 6688 ,I had a converstation with my best friend about letting my ticket burn (by not taking the flight) & losing the money I paid for it!!!
    I'm happy and content with my decision!!! I hope my experience helps you guys to find out why you've received this message too!!!
    Peace,love and Light to All!!! ♡♡♡

  7. My grandparent has died yesterday and I was thinking about him awhile i drove by night. When have stoped the car I saw 6868 in my front.

  8. My hubby and I have been talking about selling our house a lot lately. I have been receiving other signs regarding this as well.

  9. Nobody has answered the above questions. I received these numbers the other day on two receipts from where I shopped that day. The explanation above is spot on with what I am going on in my life and I am going through a spiritual emergency right now. I have been getting the signs, the messages to do some spring cleaning, spring greening of my house and art studio.I will be starting these tasks today. Thank you so much for the confirmation and insight!

  10. I received these numbers a few days ago on receipts when I went shopping. I looked this pg. up and found this explanation. Thank you, it is spot on with what I have been getting with signs/messages/nudges for awhile now: To spring clean and spring green my home and studio. I am also going through a spiritual emergency of sorts and this explanation rings true and provides me with confirmation. I am very grateful for your insight and this blog.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. My current job, I took the contract on a temporary full time basis and shall not be going further with the part time, permanent hours, offered from September. Hence my contract shall end on the end of September. Yet I'm feeling that shift is coming up earlier and in a good way. Yet it does feel slightly frustrating. Also being a Full Moon Child makes me feel each and every single vibrations there is around ... right now in shielding mode. Practically wired in orgone, tourmaline, citrine and love crystal. Ommmmmmmm the peace - cebtre- shield- centre- shield- centre- shield mantra goes ...
    May all that which must leave my life- exit peacefully and may all that positive, beautiful, exciting make a fashionable appearance and feel totally welcome. Amen.🙏❤
    and trust are my keys and my must.
    Blessed us all be.
    Endless love to everyone and all.🙏❤🕊🌟

  13. Always grateful!!! 💗🙏🥰

  14. Thank you...Love and light always!!! 🥰🙏😇

  15. I invoked archangel Michael and metatron to help cut ties with anything or anyone not in my best interest..By the time I got home 20 minutes later, this 6688 was on the tags of the car parked in front of me.

  16. I’ve seen this number 6868 a lot recently.. but I don’t know what it’s talking about because I’m not intending to sell anything!

  17. Decluttering and letting go of all not serving my highest good...🙏😇💞🎶🌅
