Friday, September 09, 2011


Number 441 is a blend of the vibrations and influences of number 4 appearing twice, amplifying its energies, and the attributes of number 1. Number 4 resonates with patience, practicality and application, hard work and responsibility, traditional values, honesty and integrity, diligence and determination to successfully achieve goals and building solid foundations for the self and others. Number 4 also relates to our drive and passion in life, and the energies of the Archangels. Number 1 relates to new beginnings, creation and creativity, motivation, progress, initiative and assertiveness, intuition and inspiration, happiness and positivity, attainment, achieving success and personal fulfilment. Number 1 also tells us that we create our own reality with our thoughts, intentions and beliefs.

Angel Number 441 brings a message from your angels that you are to look to new and different ways to get your work done more effectively and efficiently. Listen to your intuition as your angels are sending you guidance and ushering positive energies towards and around you.

Angel Number 441 indicates that your thoughts and beliefs are rapidly manifesting into material form; therefore ensure that you keep a positive and optimistic attitude and outlook to ensure that you manifest ‘good’. As you create your experiences and realities with your beliefs and thoughts, your positive energies, intentions and actions will manifest your expected results. Ask the angels and Archangels for guidance when you feel you need some help with maintaining a consistent positive outlook and attitude.

Angel Number 441 encourages you to keep striving ahead, and don’t take ‘no’ for an answer. Expect miraculous answers and solutions to appear as you need them.

Number 441 relates to number 9 (4+4+1=9) and Angel Number 9.

Also see:
Repeating 4’s and 1’s



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. i just can say ,thank u angels,guardian angels and archangels

  2. Yes me too. This website has been helping me enormously. Thank you rush-collection and thank you Angels xo

  3. I am forever grateful. With all the love in my heart I say thanks to God, my guardian angel St. Gabriel, the Archangels, my soul family and my spirit guides hence my deceased family! Thank you for always being there and having my back. Thanks for having faith in humanity, for caring about each one of us, and for hearing our everyday prayers; Amen!

  4. Your site has helped me so much. Thank you so much...God bless you.

  5. Why don't you see what 441 means in Hebrew??

  6. Thank you for this site it has helped me along my life journey. I'm never left unsure or confused of a message I'm sent numerically. No message has ever been coincidental. Thank you for your spiritual guidance.

  7. I'm learning about Depth Psychology and seeing how it explains much of what I have experienced. The subconscious trying to communicate to our conscious mind through symbols. I have noticed how every time I look at a digital clock, it seems to be 4:41. It has happened so many times that it strains credibility. So I searched in google and it led me here. And I am floored that it explains exactly the thoughts that have been in my head around creating our own reality. Then one of the commenters mentioned looking up what it means in Hebrew, and it represents truth. That one word sums up pretty much everything I believe in right now. Wow.

    1. Correct, and the word for truth is Emet, aleph-mem-tav.

  8. Im slowly getting cynical and lose all faith in humanity, I believe in God though and he is my man. Thank you for this blog though it will help many people to understand this world and spiritual realm.

  9. Immensely blessed and grateful , right now and always !!! ♡♡♡
    Love,peace and Light to All!!! ♡♡♡

  10. Also tell what is the meaning of 109 & 46 both...

  11. Angel number 441 is always a blessing... Thank you for this wonderful and Amazing text. #1 Fan

  12. πŸ¦‹ Spot on as always πŸ¦‹ Thank you so much for helping me achieve clarity and insight to interperate the messages I have been recieving ... Almost constantly lately, like a huge wave of urgency from my Guardians πŸ€ I am able to see what they are saying, to guide me to a better future ☺ this is absolutely amazing !! Always has the answers I seek, and I am feeling so grateful for every little thing I have. The last few years havent been the best, but I can now see that they were important lessons and challenges that have led up to now. I am stronger, determined, positive, happy and so so so grateful !! Glory be to God and the miracles he has given us.πŸŒΌπŸ’™πŸŒΌ I still have work to do, but my mind stays focused on achieving the blessings that are about to become a reality. I wake up each day with a positive mindset and its like everything that bothered me before is still there but irrelivent. I feel strong and confident knowing that help has arrived and things are starting to happen that I could only dream about before. I feel like a new and improved version of myself, and couldnt be happier.☀ I feel so much lighter as my burdens are melting away more and more each day ☀ The negative thoughts and energy that has been dragging me down and blocking my path to happiness are leaving and I havent felt this hopeful in so long. I can actually feel this transition happening, and your page has made it easier to hear what my angels are telling .e. I know they are with me and clearing the way to become a better person with a different outlook on life. All things are positive through Christ and the heavenly beings that surround me πŸ’™ I needed this, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for showing me that I am not alone, I have so much love and guidance and I believe that the hardest part is over and if I feel stuck, sad, worried or anyone tries to fill me with negative energy I can brush it off and keep going. I was meditating after spending time with my plants, nurturing them after the storm yesterday left them overturned and slightly damaged. I talk to them because they are living beings and they are part of my spiritual connection to the univers. After thanking everyone, and holding a crystal of some kind, i don't know what it is, but it is a clear yellow orange,the angels first started by showering me with a lot of different crystals and stones that were left for me as tools to help me manifest my goals and ground me, I got finished with that and immediatley saw the number 101 !!! They are here !! πŸ‘£ Telling me not to fear and rely on my inner self and everything will come together soon. I wouldnt have known that without this website. I am learnimg to read the signs and watch for their devine guidance, and it is so exciting to put everything that ive been through in the past and only focus on my amazing future !! I am letting go and letting Jesus take the wheel πŸ’™☺πŸ’™ I might be missing a few signs here and there, but they make sure to keep telling me to keep moving forward. Yesterday I was sitting on the steps outside and I thought my car walked behind me because I felt something touch my back bit there was nothing there. Later on I was out there again and this time I felt it again but stronger like my little dog was pushing me with her butt like she does when she wants my attention and I asked if she wanted to god inside and looked back and again, nothing !! She was already inside. I thought that was strange to happen twice, but didn't realize until this morning that it was my guardian angel nudging me forward !! πŸ‘£ I am still learning, but grateful for this page and everything I have learned. ☀πŸ‘Ό☀πŸ‘Ό☀ I am so blessed ☺🌷☺🌷☺🌷

  13. Thank you once again, this website has been my guidance for many years and I will always revisit it's wisdom. Thank you, rush-collection. I hope you are doing well, wherever you are.

  14. And so it is!!

  15. Thank you, Holy Spirit for guiding me. Correcting me being there for me. Thank you for your patience never giving up on me. I think you heavenly father for your love and your son and jesus name

  16. We are here now brothers and sisters before eclipse
