Thursday, September 01, 2011


Number 440 is a blend of the attributes and energies of number 4 appearing twice, amplifying its influences, and the number 0, which magnifies and enhances the vibrations of the number/s it appears with. Number 4 resonates with honesty and integrity, practicality and application, hard work and responsibility, patience, discipline, system and order, building solid foundations for the self and others, traditional values, effort, diligence and determination to achieve goals. Number 4 also relates to our drive, passion and purpose and the energies of the Archangels. Number 0 resonates with the influences of the ‘God force’ and Universal Energies and resonates with the vibrations of eternity and infinity, oneness and wholeness, continuing cycles and flow, and the beginning point. Number 0 stands for potential and/or choice and is a message to do with developing one’s spiritual aspects. It is considered to represent the beginning of a spiritual journey and highlights the uncertainties that may entail. It also suggests that you listen to your intuition and higher-self as this is where you will find your answers.  

Angel Number 440 is a message that the hard work and effort you have put towards living your spiritual truths and virtues have been acknowledged by the spiritual realm. The angels wish to commend you on your diligence and determination and send you encouragement, blessings and love. Trust that the angels are with you, helping you along your life path and assisting with your soul purpose. Ask for guidance from the angels whenever you feel the need as the channel of communication is always open for you.

Angel Number 440 indicates that you are being surrounded by helpful, loving angels who wish to bring you peace of mind and joy of heart. When faced with an obstacle, rest assured that your angels are most willing to assist. Be patient as solutions to any issues or problems will soon be revealed. You have nothing to fear in regards to your life, work and soul purpose as the angels surround and support you, encouraging you to keep up the good work you have been doing.  

Any questions? Just ask the angels.

Number 440 relates to number 8 (4+4+0=8) and Angel Number 8.

Also see:
Repeating 4’s and 0’s    



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. I found your blog some answer of my questions. Since many years ago I have this 440 repeating in my life. It is presented daily in many things. I ever want to know what meaning represent this number and you information help me. Although I feel that the 440 want to tell me something more that I don't know. Sound crazy but it is the truth. Thank You for the information.

    1. Me to, this number repeats every day, im here looking for answers

  2. Paying attention to number patterns keep me spiritually plugged in. Love your website thank you.

  3. Thank you rush-collection, I needed to be reminded today to have patience, and of what I already know, i.e. the angels are always there to assist with any problems!!
    I am blessed,
    Jo St.Claire

  4. Not to be negative just need to know this. How did you come up with all these meaning for Numbers? Were they given to you in a Dream?

  5. On December 31st, I seen the number 4:04 on the clock and the next time I happened to look at the clock it was 4:40. I felt this was just not a coincidence.I have been going through alot and trying to remain positive. it is a battle for me but I hope that the Angels will pull me through and everything will work out in my favor.

  6. I asked the lord Jesus Christ and the Angels to send me a sign of 444 or any sign with double 4's as I was drive to work. I ask that the sign be given to me before I got to work which was about 10 mins away from when I asked for the sign. I saw a license plate that has 444 as the last 3 numbers and also a license plate with 440. all this after I asked our Lord Jesus Christ and the Angels. After reading what the numbers meant,I believe they are telling me they are with me and everything will be ok. Because if it wasn't going to be ok it would have been easy not to see the numbers I saw. You thoughts? Praise Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Angels who watch over us.Lee

  7. I keep seeing 044 (and also 055), but you don't have a list with numbers starting with a zero.
    Has 440 the same meaning as 044?

    1. Zero is the God force and it amplifies the meaning of the other numbers.

  8. The more we think about something... such as specific numbers, we notice them more and more. It becomes inevitable and there is no way around it.. negative thoughts, positive thoughts, and most definitely with numbers. Study up on psychology and you may be taken more seriously..

  9. On point !!! Thank you !!! Always and forever grateful!!! Love and Light your way people !!!♡♡♡

  10. So grateful, Always!

  11. I had a dream where my watch read 4:40... this is very helpful

  12. This is really good to know. I've noticed that I've been waking up at around 4:40 every morning without an alarm. I'll just turn over and everytime the clock reads 4:40... now I know why.

    1. The exact same thing is happening to me lately also!

  13. I've been seeing 11:11 for the longest I've seen 3:34... Filled by 434 I've recongized this I'm blessed ansi fear no resolution that has already been resolved by me guardian Angel

  14. Thank you Jesus and to all my loving angels thank you rush-collection

  15. Compelling message... It cant better get better than this ... Thank you Universe/God (source) for your unconditional love .

  16. 4/28/21 I woke up thinking about something i wish i knew specifically what at tje time. But i was crying.. For some odd reason to me i looked at the time and 4:40 am stood out in a strong way! Ty for your guidance rush-collection! Then 4:44 getting coffee. Bcuz i was in a hurry to understand the message to me. Truly a confirmation to check it when 4:44 showed up as well. Thank you God! Thank you Angels for the ability to hear you this way!

  17. That's crazy at 440 I watched a video .. If anyone has watched the show on Zeus baddies then you know who I'm talking about but .. there was a video on YouTube of former baddie Tanisha (I didn't get no sleep cause of Yall y'all not ...)
    But the video I watched of her she was speaking on something of this sort she basically touched on revolving and the developing ones spiritual aspects but Idk why I just thought to look up my angel number which was 440 at the moment but what's crazier is me and my man have been arguing today the usual.. it's like he always finds a way to make me look within myself for how I can be a better person but he never does .. I've lost a few friends over the years due to my relationship struggles I never kept in contact because he thought I was discussing to much of our business so I decided to start looking on line for relationship advice when I felt so low it became my new close source of understanding why I'm not happy and when people show u who they are believe them u don't have the energy to spare I became aware of the power of God and the angels through horoscope reading I cried many nights thinking why me but god told me in a voice get up he will get his judgement i am a firm believer in God and my partner openly admits he is not a believer he always has a problem with me seeking the truth to his demeanor and arger with me why it always has to be physical or he has tto yell at me then he said I was weird and didn't know anything because I googled things to help me put it all in prospective I never knew what gaslighting was but I found out and fell victim to it without even regaining my self respect God has been giving me the signs he wasn't right for me .. it's a whole series on the past physical and emotional trauma I have delt with from him our relationship is 6 years of life with my abusive bf I ignored God and went for what I thought was love I stayed over and over and he didn't get much of any consequences onenight I can't remember to much but he was as usual drinking and stiring shit up that I didn't see coming my bf sat me down after a big fight I can't even remember why but I was so mad at him and fed up due to so much trauma but I ended up choosing me for the first time I went out and cheated and came home like it never happened but as the days went on I felt bad about what I did and I confessed and when I did so I showed him everything I had done (literal heart on the table moment) I finally showed him who was boss but still wondering why I felt so empowered by nothing no time back no new man it was a one night thing and I knew it not on my part tho I just ran to what I could get I definitely betrayed myself further more . So I sat with that he sat with that and he would emotionally beat me down for my mistake
    But it was really my gift to myself so I thought ... Anyway after him finding out what I did he wanted to emotionally trip me into thinking what I did was the worst thing that's has ever happened to us even after he mentally and physically would attack me due to the way he felt inside his head but I still loved him just wanted him to trust me aand see my love maybe 2 weeks following he asked to marry me I know it ate his pride up I'm sure .. but I always choose him why let me go even after cheating I still loved him and he knew it !!!
    It's February 24 202 I said yes we signed some papers at the courthouse and vowed to get along for life and commit to working on we something felt different like life lifted for a minute but we didn't fully elope yet just applied for marriage license and I don't have a ring but he's tried to get me to go get my finger sized but somehow I haven't brought myself to do it yet it's april7 2023 and I just know God bright me here again to give me affirmation to trust myself and walk away I will have everything I deserve through spiritual guidance and self respect

  18. 🙏☮️♥️☀️
