Thursday, September 15, 2011


Number 500 is a blend of the vibrations of number 5 and the energies of the powerful number 0, appearing twice, amplifying the attributes of the number it appears with, in this case the number 5. Number 5 resonates with making major life changes, spontaneity, life lessons learned through experience, making important choices, personal freedom, auspicious opportunities and being true to yourself. Number 0 represents potential and/or choice, a spiritual journey, developing your spiritual aspects, listening to your intuition and higher-self, eternity and infinity, oneness and wholeness, continuing cycles and flow, and the beginning point. Number 0 also relates to the God force/Universal Energies/Source. 

Number 500 promotes the courage and personal freedom to live and serve your soul mission as your intuition and inner-knowing dictates.

Angel Number 500 indicates that sweeping changes are around you, and they are taking place for important reasons that will become obvious with hindsight. The changes you are making (or considering) are necessary and timely and are for your highest good. They have been Divinely planned and orchestrated and will turn out to be the answers to your prayers.  

Angel Number 500 is a powerful message propelling you to make important and essential changes in your life. Even the smallest positive step forward keeps up the momentum and motivation toward positive change/s. The important thing is to keep taking those small steps and embrace change, so make these changes with confidence and enthusiasm, safe in the knowledge that the Universe fully supports you. Stand strong in your own convictions and trust that the angels stand by waiting to help, encourage and guide you every step of the way.
Angel Number 500 also brings a message to live your life as it suits you personally, and do not allow your fears or other people’s opinions deter or hinder you. Have the courage to make positive changes that are in-line with your personal lifestyle choices and ensure that you always remain true to yourself.

Number 500 also relates to number 5 (5+0+0=5) and Angel Number 5.

Also see:
Repeating 5’s and 0’s  
Angel Number 5
Angel Number 50



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. We are great as are all not just god in wholeness and equality we are all equal there is no one more divine than another or more valuable than another

  2. We are great as are all not just god in wholeness and equality we are all equal there is no one more divine than another or more valuable than another

  3. Thank you. How do you interpret multiple zeros, as in 500000?

    1. it simply amplifies the attribute of the number it appears with, in this case 5.

  4. Father,
    Thank you for all you are... Your ways are perfect and true... There is no other like you. You are loyal and just... Guide my footsteps as serve you with all my heart, soul and all my strength... Forgive me for my sins as I forgive those who have sinned against me.. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Thank you for your son Jesus the Christos who died for us. Through Him to You I pray. Amen

    1. Thank you for this beautiful prayer. It brings comfort to me.

  5. Father,
    Thank you for all you are... Your ways are perfect and true... There is no other like you. You are loyal and just... Guide my footsteps as serve you with all my heart, soul and all my strength... Forgive me for my sins as I forgive those who have sinned against me.. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Thank you for your son Jesus the Christos who died for us. Through Him to You I pray. Amen

  6. 500 dollars I spent for someone to work Christmas day at my work, I went for a walk the 23rd and found an envelope with 500 dollars in it. I thougt is was 300 because they were wet, but it 500 and not counterfit even. Checking the meaning. Found 2 lotto tickets 500 was the top prize. They were not winners, but the 500 means something right now somehow... Have never found 100 dollars bills ever and 500 was just what I paid someone to have Christmas off, So thankful!

  7. Forgot to mention on the 500 dollars paid for Christmas off, this is absolutely true, it was at 5:00 pm... when the text was sent from person to send money. The person who took my shift put 300 dollars for someone else to work Christmas it, but no takers. They worked it themselves and it is double time pay for working the holiday. So they made some good money that day, and I was paid back seeing a wet envelope with no name on the front, So strange indeed.

  8. Thank you. Your messages are always the right ones.

  9. Wow! Grateful.

  10. uhh.... how do you know these things? I've been returning to your website about every other day, maybe even twice a day for maybe half a year. Through recurring #'s that I see on my car clock or phone time. Especially 11:11 and many many many more. Many more. I thank you for your guidance...I truly believe I'm turning my life around for the better. Literally thanks to you and the Angel Guides. I will be commenting/posting more.

  11. Katla IsaksdottirSunday, May 20, 2018

    Thanks God for talking to me through these little signs in my environment and for tuning my intuition closer to you.
    Thank you rush-collection for helping me interpret the signs and gain a better understanding.

  12. What about 5000. I keep seeing 5000 this morning and 5555 last night

  13. I love your website and the insights you give all of us! words cant express how much your #Angelnumbers have helped me! Thank you!

  14. Ladies and Gentleman plzzz understand the Depth of these Inspiring attributes!!! Take it Slow and Read them again and again MANIFEST them in your Personal Lives and Share YOUR Manifestations to the people around you and together "WE CAN" change the WORLD!!! with ALL my LOVE "NEEKO" your humble CHILD OF LIGHT... XxoO

    1. THIS spoke to me, we must be from the same tribe.

      - Rosemary

  15. I can’t explain the relevance and answered questions I found by the guidance and insight on this page to have witnessed change number sequences that repeat in my life is not a coincidence and positivity has returned to my world threw understanding
    Thank you


  17. 500 again in my dreams.
    Holding on true to my soul desire.

  18. It was a bad dream about ghosts trying to close to me.. When I wake up and check my phone it was 5:00 AM.. So I'm here.

  19. Thanks for letting me know 😊

  20. That's probably the best thing I've ever heard today.. thank you so so much universe.

  21. Yes, it is better to stay inside yourself, don't reach out to anyone, most people are complete hypocrites, and hide behind this fiction that they are spiritual beings. Help all those and all situations that come to you, but protect your spirit at all costs.

  22. thank you very mich indeed rush-collection!

  23. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ Guide us through most gracious and holy GOD!

  24. Thank you My lovely familiar trusted go to woman for aliveating my confusion and learning to trust in myself and explaining the unexplainable lol. I guess all I'm trying to say is thank you for all the real comfort you alone gave me in a unfamiliar and sometimes scarey new world. Xxxxx I'm glad you're here, the world's better for it xxx

  25. praise be the lord and guiding angels as I give thanks..with humble heart..and a loud voice I scream ..AMEN..

    1. Blessings be upon you πŸ‘ΌπŸΌ

  26. AmΓ©n I say to you… blessings be upon me and my Son.
    Thank you my Messenger Angel πŸ‘ΌπŸΌ
