Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Number 545 is a blend of the vibrations and influences of number 5 and number 4, with number 5 appearing twice, amplifying its vibrations. Number 5 resonates with major life changes, spontaneity, travel and adventure, sympathy and understanding, sociability and companionship, making important life choices and decisionspersonal freedom and life lessons learned through experience. Number 4 resonates with willpower and effort, traditional values, stability and ability, building solid foundations and working diligently towards achieving goals. Number 4 also resonates with the energies of the Archangels.

Angel Number 545 is a message from your angels that the ideas, thoughts and promptings you have been experiencing are an indication that it is time to prioritize your life and make necessary changes in order to fully align yourself with your soul mission and life purpose.
Angel Number 545 brings a message from your angels to continue to have faith and trust in the changes you are considering or are currently making. Trust that these changes will be of long-term benefit in your life and will lead to new and exciting opportunities. The angels support and encourage you to step into the ‘new’ with confidence, enthusiasm and self-belief.

Angel Number 545 is a message of encouragement and support. The changes you are experiencing (or contemplating) are the right ones for you and are an important step along your spiritual and Divine life path and soul mission. Trust your intuition and the guidance from the angels and live your life with passion and purpose.

“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.”  -  Robert Louis Stevenson
Number 545 relates to number 5 (5+4+5=14, 1+4=5) and Angel Number 5.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. I had a very vivid dream about 545 this morning! Thanks for posting thing and it completely pertains to what I am going through right now! :)

    1. Instead of a clock, It jumped out at me as the running time for the song "Chicago - Will You Love Me" which brought me to this page.

      Anyway, I noticed that the date you posted is intriguing; shows "23.17.13" (all highly positive angel numbers :D).

    2. I dreamnt of 545 too! A voice saying it to me over and over and over nonstop the entire time I slept. I have been praying for guidance. Wow. I also saw 545 on my phone.

  2. I have woke up every morning for a week now at 5:45 am

  3. Through my experience this number means "get off the drugs or get out of the relationship because it is not promoting your spiritual growth"

    1. Whoah get out of the relationship?? I have been having so many difficulties in my marriage trying so hard to resolve them and tying myself up in knots for so long begging him to love me see me value me remember me. Its not like Im not telling him EXACTLY WHAT I NEED. Im exhausted and filled with so much anger resentment rage. Feelings of unworthiness not being good enough beating myself up for being so damn desperate for his affection. Im starving to death. 15 yrs of marriage and 2 small kids.

    2. Yes, get out of the relationship. You can take a horse to water but you can not make him drink. One chapter of life is ending, who knows what is around the corner, I wish you the strength to continue on life's journey.

  4. i was watching Lucifer TV series when i saw 5455 in building. knew it was related to something like this.

  5. This is wonder-ful :-)

  6. I know what I need to do but lack the courage :(

    1. Just do it, if you know it

    2. Ask the angels for help. For signs and confirmation. You will thank them! :-)

  7. I know the person who was born on May 4th of 1955. That person never paid attention to his D.O.B. But a couple of years ago the strange telephone message was left on the voice mail by the group of male & female voices, through the harassing laughter,"Oh, person's first name , 4555 !"
    It was repeated several times.
    After several years that person remembered about that strange event. And started the research ...The events of that person's life brought him to Christianity. That person & his children became Christians.

  8. Thank you !!!Always and forever grateful!!!♡♡♡

  9. Thank you so much for the clarification, this is greatly appreciated ��

  10. Planting seeds daily.❤
    Blessed and grateful.πŸ™

  11. I see these numbers More than 10 times everyday..recieve messages from the same no. Continously and flash messages with these numbers ...*545* almost every hour..i knew angels were trying to convey some messages to me....Thank you for the information and Thannks to my angels for their support guidance. ..AmenπŸ™

  12. I am looking for sign and yesterday i chat down na 901 and now 545. And if is related.... this is the time for me to finally have faith in my own decision for myself

  13. Thank you...πŸ™Love and light always!!! πŸ™πŸ’—πŸ˜‡πŸ₯°

  14. Always and forever grateful!!! πŸ’–πŸ™πŸ˜‡πŸ˜œπŸ₯°

  15. i’m beyond grateful for this life with all these opportunities, support, and love. i am capable of doing what’s necessary of me to continue forward on my journey.

    as I enter this season, I’m reaching out to the Universe and I ask for Devine guidance and support from :
    Angels, Spirit Guides, Ascendent Masters, Ancestors, Higher Self, Holy Spirit, and Source/Creator/.

    i accept change.
    i attract abundance.
    i am worthy.
    i am loved.
    i acknowledge my feelings.
    i am safe in discomfort.
    i try new things.
    i allow myself space to fail.
    i am motivated to learn.
    i am disciplined.
    i practice patience.
    i give myself grace.
    i have a voice that matters.
    i have a calm nervous system.
