Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Number 544 is a combination of the attributes and energies of number 5 and number 4, with number 4 appearing twice, amplifying its influences. Number 5 encourages us to be true to ourselves and live our lives accordingly, and resonates with personal freedom, making positive life choices and important changes, variety and versatility, adaptability, resourcefulness, learning life lessons, motivation and progress. Number 4 relates to working determinedly towards achieving our goals and aspirations, building solid foundations, hard work and effort, stability and practicality, system and order, dependability, honesty and integrity and our passion and drive. Number 4 also resonates with the vibrations of the Archangels.

Angel Number 544 brings a message from the angels to view yourself in a higher light; as your true Self. Put your efforts towards the things in your life that embrace and enhance who you truly are, your lifestyle choices and your life in general. Be prepared to make necessary changes that will bring auspicious opportunities to advance you along your path, and trust that these changes will bring ‘better’ into your life in all aspects. The angels are assisting with boosting your self-esteem and self-belief at this time.

Angel Number 544 asks that you acknowledge the determination, discipline and hard work you have put towards your endeavours and know that they will have long-term benefits. You have worked steadily and consistently towards your goals and aspirations and the angels encourage you to keep up the great work you have been doing. Stay grounded and focused safe in the knowledge that your angels surround and support you along your life path.  

Have faith that much happiness and personal satisfaction is on its way and trust that any projects will succeed and your goals will be attained. 

Number 544 relates to number 4 (5+4+4=13, 1+3=4) and Angel Number 4.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. Thank you.:) it's the exact same things my angel cards told me:)

    Thank you rush-collection

    1. I happened to glance at your message after seeing this number and before pulling my card .. and mine also said the same! hehe Archangel Michael. I thought this was a delightful synchronicity! :):)

  2. thank you,
    because my best friend - the person that I love the most in the world - through your words she can to understand, she can to see clearly, the Magic and the Colors, the Light and Dark, of this earthly life...

  3. Just this morning I had a dream that I was supposed to catch a bus with the number 544 to the airport...I felt this number had some special meaning and just google it and found your page, its very interesting. I have always been protected by my angels in many instances of my life whenever faced with danger. I now know for sure that my angels are with us,

    1. good morning,i woke up this morning, and saw that the time was 5:44, so i woke up and started to prepare for the day ahead, then i notice how dark the outside was, i i ASKED for guidance and looked at the time again, now i noticed that the time was 5:28 am. i realized that my spirit guides sent this mesage to me. so thanks for posting this, it really gave me a lot

  4. Thank You(22/7)x5(((((((((((JIYEON+SEAN+BABYGIRL)))))))))))

  5. I googled 544 because that's the number of days between the death of Alan touring the inventor of the computer and the man who ended world war two. This is evident in the new movie called the imitation game. When I calculated the days between my birth and his dust duff the number was 544. So I looked it up on the web and arrived at thispage. It was exactly what I needed to hear thank you. Forgive the typo graphical errors my iPad will not permit me to edit manually

  6. With out you rush-collection I would not know my Angels as good as I do. Your light is amazingly bright and filled with love. I thank you for being here and doing what you do❤


    1. Mind your own business please, we Don't go on your web sites bashing your beliefs. Thank you, sending many blessings.

    2. I don’t believe anyone on this site said anything about Jesus Christ, angels have existed across all religious and the metaphysical as well please look up your facts and learn the right information before spewing this all over a lovely lovely site and it is not up to you to decide what others choose to worship. Either way I wish you a good day and I hope you learn to be more open minded with time.

    3. Some people will stay rigid in their beliefs and that’s their choice! Hopefully their faith is strong regardless of their own personal beliefs. As long as the love of God, through The spirit of Christ, isn’t used to belittle someone on their personal journey and spiritual understanding I wouldn’t let their trolling rent space In your head! If you believe in the death & resurrection of Christ than you’re going to be okay. Don’t be disrespectful or deny what all faiths know; regardless of the significance placed unto this Most Beautiful act of selflessness and love, Christ has given unto mankind; as He is the only Begotten Son of the Lord our God, If only just To error on the side of caution, at the very least! I’ll show some proof and facts if anyone wants to take the time to listen regarding Christ and the love He has for this planet! If you don’t believe in Christ’s death and resurrection then I pray you’re making your way back in that direction! I’ve found that everything of a positive nature can and will be used to help the seeker find their way back unto God and His love and mercy! No matter what, understanding there’s higher levels to this existence and we may find answers through these avenues should be encouraged and used to help get everyone back unto the love of Christ and God the Father! A person’s perspective will determine how this should be used and what will come of these messages. I thank God for everything He uses to bridge the gap on the way back unto His grace!

    4. In 5 to 8 billion years when the sun kills all life on earth, then engulfs the planet and turns every you know into dust, this is a fact it is enviable, it will happen in time, can God send me an angel to explain why killing life he created is the right thing to do, also Buddhist can't reincarnate because there will be nothing to reincarnate into, I need answers god send me your angel blessings

    5. I hope you found your answer

  8. I was about to stop reading the comments right before the jesus post came up.. but i decided to keep scrolling to find out there's people trolling.. everywhere. They just seek affirmation. Dont mind them. I was there and i was lost.. but now i sit here found. Clearly.

  9. Thank you. I definitely needed to see this today.

  10. Replies
    1. God is telling me my break through is ahead ty 4 encouraging me bless you I am on right track I have intuition n I know it's not me but holy spirit n His angles are guiding me n speaking to me I will be successful ty again

  11. I thank you so much rush-collection for all the wonderful knowledge and blessings you have allotted me. I am grateful for this site for teaching me my true identity. I am forever grateful for all the energies and angels, and deivne guidance. I will not live my life iw to the fullest wih no regrets. I am loved betond my uon understanding.

  12. if you only knew what you actually have here I wish I could tell you but its pointless you won't listen so i guess it's really is my universe now.

  13. Dear rush-collection thanks for the decoding, but how can we be sure that what you say is the absolute truth from the angels of God? How do we know who is showing us these patterns? Is it God? Is it Angels? Is it Demons? Is it Aliens? Is it dead people? Is it Jinns?

  14. Thank you Angels for recognizing my will and efforts towards accomplishing my goals... it gets tough sometimes and I know my guardian angels are comforting me... at timed I feel words cannot truly Express how I feel...

  15. Love you all with my heart

  16. Your angels must be really proud of you rush-collection. The thousands if not millions of people all around the world who receive angelic messages, and you supply the answer. I would not be in this position in life if it wasn't for you, and what you have gave me over the years is priceless. People say that jesus did amazing things for those that believed in him. Well, I also believe in you rush-collection. Thank you x

  17. God bless and thank you for the message

  18. 🙏😇💖🎁🌈😜🥰

  19. I just got 544 in the likes on a tiktok video about these subjects and it'was 544 on the clock. It will be 5.55 in 4 minutes I love you my angels this was noted after i INVISION the vilot flame putting earth in a bubble of protection with arch angel Michael assisting this ❤️ I love you all

  20. I just closed my eyes and strolled through the angel numbers I got 528 this blue my mind because as some of you know this relates to the vibration of your heart ❤️
