Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Number 50 is a combination of the vibrations and energies of number 5 and number 0. Number 5 resonates with healing, personal freedom, adventure and curiosity, opportunity and courage, making positive life choices and changes, adaptability and versatility, motivation and progress. Number 0 resonates with the attributes of eternity and infinity, continuing cycles and flow, and the beginning point. Number 0 stands for potential and/or choice, and represents the beginning of a spiritual journey and highlights the uncertainties that may entail and suggests that you listen to your intuition and higher-self as this is where you will find your answers. Number 0 reinforces, amplifies and magnifies the number it appears with; in this case of 50, the number 5.

Angel Number 50 brings a message from your angels to do with your health, wellbeing and lifestyle choices. Your angels want to help you to make positive, healthy lifestyle choices that will enhance and benefit you in many ways;  physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Be assured that your angels love and support you through these transitions. Allow your angels to guide and assist you.

Angel Number 50 also brings a message to live your life as it suits you personally, and do not allow your fears or other people’s opinions deter or hinder you. Have the courage to make positive changes that are in-line with your personal lifestyle choices and ensure that you remain true to yourself, always.

Number 50 also relates to number 5 (5+0=5) and Angel Number 5.

Also see:
Repeating 5’s and 0’s  (500, 505, 550 etc)
Angel Number 500
Angel Number 505
Angel Number 550

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



Get a Psychic Reading … click here for further information.


  1. This assessment is spot on! -- I had a dream where I found $50, and then $50,000 in a jacket pocket. My life is in wonderful transition now, and even though others don't always approve, I feel I'm on the right track. Thank you!!

    1. Just curious 🧐 of your position and your transition as of now! 5 years later 😂

  2. I found 50 cents today as I was walking into work. I had asked for a sign from the angels and this is what they put in my path. Can you help with this meaning/

    Sage Eden

  3. Hi I see the number 50 everyday constantly for the last year now. Does anyone know what it means?

    1. I can't say I know what it means for you but perhaps look at any major insecurities you are facing on a regular basis in life and take it as a sign that you are to live for your true self and what you believe in and not worry about what others think, if it is what you believe to be right and true

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  4. And I guess I should share with you that two nights before I had a dream that I was hooked up 2 a life Giving support system and the number 50 came up first and then 52. That was when I looked on your site and got a lot of information and then the following night the essential oil repeating 50 came up

  5. Thank you so much, rush-collection! <3

  6. Hi, I found a 50, pence coin about an hour ago and new straight away that it was a sign from my Angels , and guides ! If you see something like repeating numbers, coins, street names, car licence plate ect, if it feels significant to you then it IS !!! Trust you intuition x

  7. I had a dream that my dad passed away and he showed up at my houes he was looking for a paper when he found it there was a 50 on it he pointed to it and said tell your mom the # is 50 and then he did it again in the dream pointed to it and said tell your mom the number is 50 my parents are divorced I wonder what this dream meant

  8. I had a dream my dad passed away and he showed up at my house and was looking for a piece of paper he found the paper and on it was the number 50 he pointed to it and said tell your mother the number is 50 later on he did the same thing again my parents are divorced so I don't know what this dream meant

  9. Spot on...i have embarked on a water fast as prompted by spirit...i was feeling some apprehension in regards to some aspects of it...I asked the angels for a sign...in a specific way....they sent me 50....therefore I know that I must continue and how long to continue....

  10. Spot on...i have embarked on a water fast as prompted by spirit...i was feeling some apprehension in regards to some aspects of it...I asked the angels for a sign...in a specific way....they sent me 50....therefore I know that I must continue and how long to continue....

  11. I added all the digits in my social security numbers. Totaled 50.

  12. Immensely blessed and grateful,now and always !!! ♡♡♡
    Thank you Angels !!!
    Awesome message & spot on !!! ♡♡♡
    Love,peace and Light to all!!! ♡♡♡

  13. Thank you for this reminder !!!
    Immensly blessed and Grateful!!!♡♡♡
    Love,peace and Light to all!!!♡♡♡

  14. thank you very much....
    please can someone explain this dream
    I sometimes dream of controlling all the four elements ...and what does that imply to my life

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  16. Hey I see a lot of 5, 25,35 959 and I ask the angels whats the fuck is that means that my health is going to decrease?
