Thursday, August 26, 2010

Angel Numbers - Number Sequences - Repeating 7's 7 77 777 7777

Number 7 resonates with the vibrations and energies of the ‘Collective Consciousness’, spirituality, wisdom, solitary, the inner-self, the inner-life, independence, birth, re-birth, individuality, life purpose, the specialist, inventor, loner, eccentric, thoughtfulness, natural healer, inner-strength, intuition and inner-wisdom, quick-wit, discernment, an understanding of others, philosophy, endurance, perfection, stability, dignity, deep contemplation, the mystic and mysticism, psychic abilities, a keen mind, determination, knowledge-seeking, non-conformist, persistence of purpose, perfection, the path of solitude, analysis, contemplation, sacred vows, spiritual awareness and awakeningspiritual enlightenment and development, manifesting your desires and good fortune.

Number 7 is a mystical number symbolizing wisdom, the seven charkas, and the seven heavens. The number 7 symbolizes humanity's deep inner need to find depth, purpose, meaning and spiritual connection.

The repeating Angel Number 7 indicates for you to keep up the great work you’ve been doing of late. Your angels are telling you that you are on the right life path and that you will find that things of a positive nature will flow freely for you.  Your job is to maintain your momentum and enthusiasm, with the highest outcomes for all in focus.

Repeating 7’s tell of a beneficial time to learn and succeed in self-mastery and self-control, and implies that with enough strength of purpose, ambitions can be realized and obstacles overcome.

A 77 recurring number sequence is a message from your angels reassuring that you are on the right path.  You have been working diligently and rewards are coming your way.  Angel Number 77 asks you to ‘keep up the great work’.

The Angel Number 777 informs you that you have listened to Divine Guidance and are now putting that wisdom to work in your life.  It is time to reap the rewards for your hard work and efforts. Well done!  Your success is inspiring, helping and teaching others by positive example.  Repeating 777 informs you that you are to be commended and congratulated and your efforts have been well noted.  Know that your wishes are coming to fruition in your life as a result of your concerted efforts and positive attitude to life.  

Angel Number 777 is a positive sign and means that you should expect miracles to occur in your life.

The 7777 number sequence is a message from your angels that you are on the right path and doing well.  The Universe is happy with your progress and due to your positive attitude, positive efforts and hard work you have earned your rewards. Your wishes and desires are manifesting and coming to fruition in your life.  The Angel Number 7777 is an extremely positive sign and means that you should also expect more miracles to occur for you.

See also:  
Angel Number 7
Angel Number 77
Angel Number 777

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  -  The Vibration and Energy of Numbers


JoW Pottery



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  1. I strongly disagree with this interpretation, I have 777 in my bith date and I don't think it is a positive thing at all. Just recently flight 777 went down all among died. It is the number of completion, or the begining of the end.

    1. 9 is the number of completion. however ultimately the definitions are not set in stone and you can change them at will. If you want it to be a negative definition then it is, but just know at any point you can make it positive or neutral.

    2. Every end is a begining & vice versa

    3. if you was born on a date of 7's that don't mean your life is going to be sweet.the numbers you encounter during your life span are what the angels are letting you know about your present state.

    4. You said u disagree with the interpretation, this reading isn't a generality and unfortunately bad things happen every day, I have been seeing numbers for years now ,and today like EVERY DAY at minimum I saw 4 sets 1111 1133 444 and now 7777 , strongly is a bit harsh ,I'm now understanding more & more forethought foresight ,I just yesterday said something in my head which I don't say, in fact I never used that terminology and 5 seconds later it's a line in a tv show, what I was thinking and do not know why was the phrase "that was a lifetime ago, I can't explain how I saw words, but that too is a common occurrence , When someone writes a book and wants to SELL IT $$$$ then I think it's a farce , this web page is a wealth of information to us all , btw wish I wrote down the occurrences ,I would have north of 900

    5. You don't know that their deaths were a bad thing. The pain associated with death is human. They may go on to incarnate into a much more pleasureful life. Their deaths are not negative things to themselves, it's only negative to the people who survived them, the living humans wearing the shades of a physical life. Your perception is that it is negative, but your perceptions have no obligation to reflect any sort of truth or reality and that's a very important thing to remember.

    6. These interpretations are a meditation. The author's work & introductory notes on various parts of these blog pages present these as higher vibration tools to explore your very personal inner journey.

      Many esoteric disciplines use numbers & interpret them in many ways. Not to speak of clever pranksters who've published falsehoods that made their way into respected circles.

      If this `tool' is what you need on your sacred journey through life - you will know this unquestionably. If this doesn't strike you that way then, take what works for you and confidently discard the rest.

    7. I would say that all numbers are benign and humans have free will that allows us to interpret positive, neutral, or negative messages from them. For example, focusing on the USA, the license plate of the car that hit the crowd of people in Charlottesville, VA was 1111. Look up 1111 on this site and it talks about new beginnings. The negative view would be that something like this is terrible and the people involved are unlucky. The positive view would be to zoom out and realize that these terrible events have sparked a national debate all over again that will allow us as people to form a more perfect union. Whether you agree with that or not I think at the very least it is important to not forget the parable that all truths are but half truths. To me, this means that every good things are vulnerable to corruption and all bad actions open opportunities to heal, it just depends on what perspective you want to see.

    8. the beginning of the end of living in the past

    9. your not meant to worry about the plane yes it's sad and we feel for them people but it's the numbers you should focus on how else will they get your attention if a plane crash is what it takes for you to see the numbers then so be it try to believe in it and make it relevant to your life everyone's journey is individual and all our opinions are different it's up to you to see the numbers. I see them everywhere

    10. Good comment love the responses. God Bless everyone in seeing the numbers as I do. Peace and Blessings 🙂🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

    11. I just want to let you know that you're not understanding properly. When you SEE the number 777, for example when you purchase something and it comes to $77.77 or pump gas and seen 77.77L or check your bank account, and balance is $3777.77 (which just happened to me) THAT is the sign from your angels. The fact that a flight went down and it happened to be number 777 has nothing to do with signs from angels. This post on the 7 interpretation is when the angels are trying to send you a message and get your attention. They follow you and create these sequences. It has nothing to do with your birthday as well. This post is written about the message behind the number sequence coming from your angels and spirit guides when you catch these numbers in your life randomly. I swear by this because anytime I have a major life event occur, I see them in extremely large quantities very much in my face. 44444 or 111111 everywhere sometimes 5 consecutive numbers in a row, not even 3 or 4. But I feel like I have a lot of guides around me.I am very spiritual. I am not sure about other people.

    12. Boeing 777 MH-17. crashed on 7-7-2014(7). Coincidence or hoax?

    13. I wonder where you now 7 years later. Death is not a bad thing, it is a continuation of consciousness. 777 in your birth number, I imagine you are incredibly sensitive and spiritually inclined. All the best to you.

    14. There is no end in all reality. Only new beginnings. Even perceived death is really the beginning of a new life cycle on and on for ever. There is no end for limitless beings

    15. Thats because 777 reduces to 21, & in the major arcana tarot, that is the final arcana, the world. A cycle is over. It doesn't always have to mean death, you can apply endings in all sorts of ways. How do you have 777 in your birth date? Your birth date won't add up to 777, it will either reduce to a single digit as a life path, or be a master number, which is 11, 22 or 33. 7 is the number of wisdom & life path 7's are souls who are here to do alot of soul searching & reflection, when it comes to finding the meaning & purpose of their life & why they have the experiences that they do.

  2. It's all in how you look at it... hundreds of people on that flight could have died and only two did. Not to downplay the seriousness and sadness of those two deaths, but maybe 777 was lucky, as it could have been a much, much worse situation, but wasn't! As far as your birthdate, I understand, I have 77 in mine as well. Life hasn't always been easy, but I have SO much to be thankful for, and I'm sure you have at least one thing to be thankful for. It's not a guarantee, surely, but it's HOW you look at things! Choose positivity and gratitude, everyone has something to be thankful for, no matter how small :)

    1. I TOTALLY AGREE! Its easy to see the endless negative viewpoints in situations, It takes GRADITUDE and APPRECIATION to see the few positive ones that are there...

    2. be positive

    3. you have the rights to your opinion. but when i read 7777 meaning a number i had been seeing costantly multiple times aday, my spirit rejoiced and agreed. as a result, something unexpected happened. i woke up dead, yes you will wake up dead. i felt my spirit jump out of my body, looked down at my body which was in a sleeping state, i was dead! i looked around and saw my birthdate time of birth being srolled across my head and then i saw my death date, the time of my death and day! God said, 'you made it." i began to weep and shout in joy. Peace surrounded me. i saw a bright golden light so bright i couldn't stare at it. It was the spirit of God and he spoke to me, Pleased with me, then i saw people coming out of the walls. they were the ascended angels, They gathered around me in a circle, reached out their hands and touched me and as they did they started singing. i joined. Never heard the song ever, but I knew the song! Then I was pushed away yet I kept singing. I HEARD SOMEONE CALL MY NAME AND ASK WHERE WAS I. MY REPLY. DEAD. THEY SAID NO OPEN YOUR EYES. I DID. I WAS IN ICU. HAD BEEN ON ARTIFICIAL RESUCITATION FOR ALMOST A MONTH. DEAD BUT THE GRACE OF GOD BROUGHT ME BACK TO LIFE. MY WORK NOT FINISHED YET AND I SHALL NOT DIE AGAIN. THIS WAS MY SECOND DEATH. THREE TIMES THEY HAD GIVEN ME UP FOR DEATH SINCE 2008. I AM STILL HERE. THAT 7777 IS MY LIFE AS I LIVED AND DIED AND LIVED AGAIN. YOU DOUBT ON AND SAY IT'S UNTRUE, I KNOW IT TO BE SO BECAUSE I AM A LIVING WITNESS. I WAS HOMELESS AND A YEAR AFTER DYING, I HAD A HOME. STILL HERE BY GOD'S GRACE AND MERCY. IT DIDN'T WORK FOR YOU BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T BELIEVE! WHATEVER YOU BELIEVE THAT YOU SHALL RECEIVE. YOU ARE NEGATIVE AND NEGATIVE CAN NEVER RECEIVE A POSITIVE1

  3. from iran and phone many time take 77777 and klick phone was on the floor and i didnt touch it....searched 77777 on internet and find your site....i didnt know about anjel's number....plz help me....

  4. Maria, whatever is happening in your life is manifesting. Its a good sign, pray to god and thank it for all its doing. Your dreams are coming true, your plans, your inspirations are also manifesting.

  5. Hi maria salam pray for not Ching anymore.and never complain.اﻟﻠﻪ. ج ﺑﻪ ﺯﻧﺪﮔﻲ ﺷﻤﺎ ﺩاﺭﻩ ﺑﺮﻛﺖ ﻣﻴﺪﻱ ﻧﻤﺎﺯ ﺑﻴﺨﻮﻥ. و اﺯ ﺧﺪاﻭﻧﺪ ﺩﻋﺎ ﻛﻮﻥ ﺳﺮﻳﻊ ﻗﺒﻮﻝ ﺧﻮاﻫﺪ ﺷﺪ و ﺩﺭ ﺁﻳﻨﺪﻩ اﻭاﺳﺖ ﺑﻪ ﻋﺪﺩ ﻫﺎي ﻋﻘﺐ ﻣﺎﺷﻴﻦ ﻫﺎ و ﺳﺎﻳﻦ ﻫﺎﻳﻲ ﻟﺐ ﺧﻴﺎﺑﺎﻥ ﺧﺪا ﻧﮕﻬﺪاﺭ.

  6. In my numerology chart, my core numbers go as followed, 77795, my life path is a 7, my destiny is 7, and my soul is 7, my personality is 9 and my maturity is 5, my birth day is a 2. Every where I go I see 7, or 777, I also see 444 on the clocks almost daily, as well as 333, but not as much as I see 444.

    1. Dalissa I have 4 sevens and considered to have both a 7&2 lifepath if you are interested in chatting I would love to talk with anyone with so many similarities. I was just hoping to talk to someone about this a few days ago : ) contact me at triciaro2003

    2. Melissa, Beautifully stated!!!! Thank you

  7. it's the same with 911(the towers) and 666(number of the best) really...

    for me 777 and 911 are very positive numbers :).

    1. Hey !911 when appears it's means you should stop what you doing .for a moment stop and find what's going wrong and then fixed. Good luck with lovely angels!!!!

  8. Hello & God Bless you all who get these affirmative and Digits. I believe its always been a sign of connectivity with me and the Universe! ,I Had these in my life after a tremendous car crash that i Survived back a few years ago, Now im Married and have Kids, I feel good, & happy with what i have., Keep up with the Good Work guys!. May God Be with us all! Cheers to our Angels for getting our attention!

  9. I have been using a pendulum to dowse the euro millions lottery, on the last three occasions when dowsing the series of numbers that the 5 winning numbers will be drawn from on my dowsing chart, the numers have come up 77728 plus two of the numbers chosen were 7 and 37, that was for this coming Friday, then last tuesday,77761 which took to be 7777, then the previous Friday 68777 numbers 34=7 and 37=7. I dowsed the meaning of these with an alphabet chart and my spiri guide left me three words, Result, Win, God. Can anyone give me a knowledgeable answer regarding this event. I have been seriously ill twice since breaking my back in 2011, first with Pancreatitus and then with Liver failure. I am a born again Christian and since breaking my back have lost almost everything, some people have told me that God is planning restoration for me. A lot is hapening to me spiritually as well. Thank you.

    1. Now is 2 years later and I see restoration that way through my life too, I am 63 and my life has been full of transformation. I would like to hear how you are now, 2 years later. I have (for the first time ever) been inundated with 77777777s lately and am now understanding this message which fills my heart with love joy and gratitude.

  10. Hi
    Today ive seen 7777 and the confirmation is mind blowing. I feel so thankful, humble, blessed, greatful.

  11. I have had 7's "stalking" me all my life- starting with my Life Path number & repeating itself when I add down my numbers to a single digit from SS#, Dr. Lic#, phone numbers (including area codes)- and I didn't choose any of these numbers! Most of the numerical parts of my addresses didn't add down to a 7 but I did notice most of them had a 7 in it.

    I decided to check out other people's info to see if they had a similar recurring pattern with ANY of their info (it didn't have to be a 7) & they didn't.

    I don't suppose it'd surprise anyone that I am extremely interested in metaphysical information, patterns & (of course) numbers!

    I might also mention that people who have the 7 influence in their life are often "lucky"- but it takes a conscious effort to understand that faith isn't just saying 'I believe' it is a deep belief as when you KNOW the sun will rise, or has risen even though you can't see it because of the clouds. This kind of faith is harder to achieve than it sounds...

  12. I believe here, in Angel Number, the point is "sequence" of the number. So if we can see the number for many times in a week or so, it has meaning. And when my effort becomes fulfilled, it is more than happy!! But unfortunately I see only 1' sequence nowadays, so the path is still long way.

  13. i have been seeing angel numbers for years. just days ago i saw a car license plate 7777777. it's amazing enough. but what scared me is, i saw another license plate 777X777 the day after. no kidding. it's the best encounter i had ever.

    1. Hi there I also have seen a number plate 77777J

  14. Can anyone explain this please. Both me and my daughter have been seeing a lot of 777's everywhere and even both of us on the same days. Yesterday she called me to tell me she has been seeing the number 316 everywhere...license plates, billboards, written on walls, my date of birth is 3/16/60. She called me to tell me one morning she had just bought her lunch and the amount was $7.77, no later had she told me that I went to buy a drink and my receipt number was 777. This is happening more times then we can count. Also, everyday that I look at eh clock I am noticing the same set of numbers over and over...11:11, 12:12, 1:11, 3:33, 5:55. the next day I see the numbers 2:22, 4:44. This is happening more and has been going on with me for almost a year now. What does seeing the same numbers over and over mean? Would really like some help on this. My name is Terri, , if you have an answer for me, would really appreciate it.

    1. Maybe God is trying to get your attention and so you can serve him and follow the life example of his son Jesus, God bless you and your family

  15. Can someone explain, both my daughter and I of late have been seeing 777 everywhere. And even on the same days. Yesterday she called me to tell me she had been to breakfast and her total of the bill was $7.77, no sooner had I gotten her message I was purchasing a coffee from Sheets and my receipt number was 777. She has also been seeing the repeated number 316 over and over. On billboards, price sales, and on licenses. My birthday is 3/16/60. While I, for almost a year now have been seeing the numbers on clocks as 10:10, 11:11, 12:12, 1:11 and 3:33, and catching the other set of numbers such as 2:22, 4:44, 5:55 on the following days. What's up with that? I don't get it, but it happens almost on a daily bases with me. Starting to freak me out a bit. If anyone has any information about these, would you be so kind as to explain it to me or give me your feed back, I would so appreciate any input on these events happening to me everyday. Thank you so much! My name is Elizabeth, at

  16. I had seen a lot 777 and 17 everywhere, mostly in my life crises, maybe to ensure that everything will be ok, I get a lot of synchronicities in life, but I never know the true meaning of them, I don't know what to belive enymore, sooo confuse...... last time I sea 777 is before my girlfriend cheated on me.... what do you think about it?? Andrew

  17. I am being bombarded by 7 in all its forms, and I am very grateful. A relative for whom I was solely responsible died seven weeks ago from Alzheimer's-it was grueling for us both just by its nature, and made worse by her disposition, non-disease-related, and multitude forms of abuse and neglect, courtesy of the medical and legal establishment, and Catholic clergy. I know justice rules in the end and it's not my call in any context, but I do pray that the miracles promised include some sort of earthly accountability to protect all those who are suffering from the horror of dementia and who will in the future. I'm finding it hard to live knowing that my best and most strenuous efforts, which have left me spent and in pain, were for nothing. I couldn't protect her or make a difference for others. Thanks for being one of the few sources of comfort, rush-collection.

    1. For myself I was a caregiver for two marvelous people who have now transitioned (I do not like the term died). It was during this experience and every since that my life has changed dramatically.
      Know that YOU DID MAKE A DIFFERENCE to that one individual and that counts for much!

    2. How kind of you skyork, thank you for commenting on my post, I'm still getting the multiple 7s left and right, and I think one reason is that they wanted me to come here and see your reply. I know I made a difference for her, but you know, it just wasn't enough, and that isn't dysfunction, it's the God's truth, people are treated so badly that even a lot is not enough. So much money to be made, especially from the people with dementia. And don't be frustrated by the numbers you are seeing -- I think they're validating who you are, not demanding something more because there's something you lack. Let's pray for miracles for both of us!!

  18. Interesting! I noticed in the comments an influx of people seeing the number sequences, especially 7. I too for the past year have been experiencing this, most noticeably 7s. Once in meditation I actually saw a spiral of numbers.
    Though my heart agrees with this interpretation, I have become somewhat frustrated. It is like there is a urgency. I am being told something I can't totally understand.

  19. Every thing seem to be labled these days... I saw my message while driving home from a church I just started going to, so that I could bring more positive people into my life.. I saw mine as JJS7777. Interesting letters to have beside them after hearing from Jesus

  20. God bless all, Jesus is the truth and the way , I pray all find him!

  21. I'm used to seeing angel numbers (mostly 1111, 222, 1212 and 444), but last week I see everywhere 7777, and I have a very good feeling. It's like a caress from the universe. I never figured particular importance of this number, but I feel so so so positively...7+7+7+7=28 (2+8=10). 1 = The Source, Universe, individuality.

  22. My story start since 2001, I been working with ill people, for that reason, I was up and down, in those up and down, I notice that the number 7 follow me, every where, and was like that, 7,77,777,7777,those appearing in different way, as license plates was bills, Phone numbers,numbers to get medicines, so many ways, that was impossible don't pay attention. after so many years I decide to investigate why, follow me that numbers for so many year, I been asking and a lot of people told me , to play in the lotto, or casino or horses, but nothing of this things satisfy me,I decide to looking in the computer, and that response and was amazing, I never expect something so beautiful, was saying, The angels to applaud, you are doing really good, you are receiving miracles, the number 7 is extremely positive, you're doing great job, you're receiving miracles, but going to come more, expect them. So that message fill more my soul, than if win the lotto.

  23. My odometer caught my eye @ 77,777 and now i am sharing this with you. :)

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Thank you so much!

    1. Thank you I send my love, light, star-shine. May it be in return be shared and so on, so forth. :) Hugz

  26. Saw a few cars with number plates of 777 this morning. It's like the universe is telling me that the desires of my heart are finally coming true. It's a comfort to me bcoz I always have these negative thoughts disturbing me all the time. I am trying my best to stay positive & grateful & I guess this is a way the universe is telling me I am on the right track. Thank u Universe, thank u my guardian angels & thank u rush-collection.

  27. Wow!!! I see 777 a lot lately, but this tops the cake. I was online shopping or window shopping lol, and I right clicked an image, to save the picture, and the product code was 77777. I checked other random ones and they were all mixed numbers (37644, 51286, etc) WOW. To add, while pulling angel cards today with my son, we got the same positive relationship card FOUR times (once, and then three times in a row). I wonder what exactly the Angels are doing for me right now? ������

  28. Just saw a taxi cab number on the door of the car 777-777-7777 lucky sign

  29. It often happens to me that I see 707, 717, 727, 737, 747, etc. So 7s repeat with lots of other numbers. Also with other numbers. What does this mean?

  30. what does 07 mean i see it all the time, thanks kieran

  31. I seen 77777 today and have been feeling graditude and joy thank you

  32. my birthdate is 7777 and I do feel that I have intuition, at times I do not enjoy it. I can always see bad things.

  33. Always and forever grateful!!!
    Thank you Angels!!Thank you rush-collection!!!♡♡♡

  34. I looked down at my odometer last night and it read 77777 . What do you make of that???

    1. Omg!!! I got to work this morning and parked my car and the odometer read 267777 and I was shocked!!

  35. Wonderful! 7777. Number 7 can mean new romance and good luck. It has been my lucky number since child and my birthdate is 7th. Thank you!

  36. I have seen the number 7 as a single number on 4 or more vehicle license plates. And, I have seen it as in a phone number. Does the single 7 number on the license plate count?

  37. Gratefully blessed! Love & light + abundant blessings to all! <3

  38. Got today 777777 in the computwr as the pasword of the client once i accessed, acouple of hours later i find out my bike was stolen and had to walk one hour back home. No money to buy another bike as that one. Im pist and all can think off is that this page is such a load of bs.

    1. Sometimes, it might appear that God is taking something away from us, when really he is redirecting our path and bringing us closer to our life's true purpose. One of the seven spiritual laws of success is to make any negative a positive. I have no doubts that good fortune and blessings did befall you following the unfortunate theft of your beloved bike. Don't forget to credit the positives in life ;)

    2. i’m sure now you have something bigger then than bike and your 777...and the message was finally understood

    3. Beautiful response @HealerAtHeart 👏✨🤍
      I trust "Anonymous" has realised that there is more to life than the visible material (in his case - his beloved bike) and has refocused and moving in the direction of his purpose 🙏
      Endless love and blessings to us all 🙌🏻✨

  39. Every time I think of one person very special to me number 7777 apears.I wonder what it means for me .I would be really grateful if rush-collection could answer on this!I thank you in advance!Love and light to all!!

  40. So grateful! Love, light & blessings to you & all. God bless....thank you Jesus, Holy Spirit .....Angelic realm & you rush-collection. <3

  41. <3<3<3 blessed + grateful! Love light blessings to all & ++++++♡♡♡♡♡ to you rush-collection!

  42. How do you people know that this is the only right meaning of 77,777 or 7777. Plz do reply��

    1. depends on what you believe that’s is your reality !!

  43. This is wonderful I will keep it simple I have seen evidence in my life experience, my own proof to know this is true so it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks I know what I know and I appreciate your numerology guidance so much sending love always!

  44. Im curious about these numbers because Trump took office at age 70 yrs 7 months and 7 days old and when he declared Jerusalem the capital of Israel it was 7 decades after its state founding

  45. I know I am in the pocket I can feel it 777 on
    A plate next to a yellow cab 777-7777 10 7's

  46. Today i saw 7777 atleast 10 times or more in 5 min.. iam very happy

  47. Well for me the last 2 years I've seen 7777 and 777 everywhere! Now I see 77,1717,7117,111,711,771 almost every day!At first I thought it was something positive but unfortunately, all these numbers apply otherwise and some hurtful things happened to me...and I really don't know what to think anymore!I'm not so happy when I see them at all!

  48. The world is what you make it, if what you think what you say and what you do are in perfect harmony (aquatibliun) then the world is your oyster...I feel blessed guided and protected Amen spirit x

  49. Thank you so much. It's difficult to explain the feeling I felt as I read this. Thank you so much

  50. What if the numbers aren't consecutive? Example, today I looked down at my phone and the screen said 70 degrees, battery life said 77%, and the time was 7:09.

  51. Colours of rainbow: 7
    thus, a pivotal number. Implications could be multifold but results may not be consistent.

  52. I keep seen 111,1111,777,7777,222,2222,888 like year and nothing is happening

  53. Sometimes in life you have to make it happen.

  54. Thank you

  55. Today when I bought food for this weekend it cost 777,77swedish crona. Amazing! This weekend I will have new students on healingclass. It just made so happy with these sevens ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  56. Yesterday i ordered from wawa the number was 666 but the total price was $7.77 then this morning the for number I seen was 5:55 it's interesting

  57. Thank you angels. Blessings and love

  58. Omgosh...I've seen it!!! Much love and gratitude. 🥰🙏😇🎁💖😜

  59. Love and Blessings to all of us...🙏🥰😇

  60. Daily confirmations with 77, 777, 7777 🙏🤍✨
    Beyond grateful 🙏
    Blessed us all be 🤍🙌🏻

  61. My DOB IS 7/7/77 I was always curious what it meant. One coworker told me I was born on the 7’s frequency. Does anyone know what that means? Thank you 🙏🏽

  62. At Dream Thanks for this amazing content.


  64. I just saw 1111, 7777, 123, 777...

  65. The 7s are all coming as are all the gifts and manifestations. Thank you. Love, Joy, Bliss, Enlightenment!
