Thursday, December 08, 2011


Number 777 is a highly spiritual number with the mystical number 7 appearing tripled, making its influences most powerful. Number 7 resonates with the the ‘Collective Consciousness’, spiritual awakening and awareness, spiritual enlightenment, spiritual acceptance and development, mysticism, intuition and inner-knowing, inner-wisdom, empathic abilitiespsychic abilities, the esoteric, the inner-self, deep contemplation and introspection, eccentric, religion, thoughtfulness, understanding others, natural healer and healing, secrets, myth, ritual, peace, poise, emotions and feelings, inner-strength, endurance and perseverance, persistence of purpose, the ability to bear hardships, solitary,  isolation, long-sighted, the non-conformist, independence and individualism, intentions, manifesting and manifestation in time and space, good fortune, mental analysis, philosophy and the philosophical, technicality, scientific research, science, alchemy, genius, a keen mind, specializing and the specialist, determination, logic, understanding, discernment and discerning, knowledge-seeking, study, education and learning, evolution, stability, the ability to set limits, completion, refinement, stoicism, silence, perfection, chastity, dignity, rigor, and ahead of the times.

Angel Number 777 reminds you that you are here at this time to spiritually evolve, and you do this by expressing the highest and best of yourself and embracing your unique abilities (whatever they may be) to be of service to others in both big and small ways. Recognize and acknowledge the highest and best parts of yourself and use your talents and traits to bring love, light and healing to your own life and that of others.

Angel Number 777 indicates that you have listened to Divine guidance and are now putting that wisdom to work in your life, and the time has come to reap the rewards for your hard work and efforts. You are being commended by the angels as your successes are inspiring, helping and teaching others by example. Know that your wishes are coming to fruition in your life as a direct result of your positive efforts and attitude towards your life, and you can expect many more miracles to occur for you, both large and small.

Angel Number 777 also encourages you to look to higher learning, studying, investigating and researching topics that genuinely interest and resonate with you. Turn your natural interests, curiosities and skills towards areas that involve the spiritual, esoteric and supernatural aspects and/or research and/or study topics of personal interest as this will enhance and help you with your inner-growth and development. Engross yourself in pastimes that genuinely interest and engage you and share your spiritual perspectives with those around you.

Angel Number 777 brings a message from your angels that you are on the right path and living and serving your Divine life purpose. The Universe is happy with your progress and due to your positive efforts and hard work you have earned your rewards.

Number 777 relates to number 3 (7+7+7=21, 2+1=3) and Angel Number 3.



  1. I saw 777 5 or 6 times yesterday! Its becoming more and more apparent that I am on a great path at this time in my life. so blessed!

    1. Same here. I keep seeing 3 sevens everywhere i am and it's so cool! I've had my change come out to 7.77 more times than i can remember. I am starting to have people I barely know drawn to me that supposed to happen too?

    2. I was born 3/21/70; 7 pounds 3 ounces and 21 inches long at 3:29 pm. I have only found suffering in this world. I am an angel among angels; but I have no special treatment. A number is only a number. But I have noticed that good deeds brings good fortune. Perhaps, you are a good person and see only good around you. That's good; but it's also bad. This world is not good. This world lacks understanding and empathy. And if you try to find the holy you will suffer unbelievable pain. That is the way of the lord. Only through suffering on this planet do you find the path to heaven. As Christ did; so you must. Through him actually means like him. Fighting the good fight. Love and peace.

    3. Christ suffered, so you don't have to. He took our sin up on that cross, so that we might be justified and free. We are free from suffering. I don't believe for one minute that the way to heaven is by suffering. The way to heaven is by accepting the Lord's son Jesus as our savior, for laying his life on the cross, while we were still sinners.

    4. mr. anonymous, the reason you think everything is going wrong is because you are resisting your destiny , you might want to consider living each day looking at everything that comes your way in a thankful positive glasses ,no matter how bad you think it is initially and I assure you things will start changing favorably
      your personal Angel

    5. Hello everyone, I would like u all to know I believe that those of us who God chose before He even created heaven and earth have been called upon! We are to rubuke the evil within others and that which trys to harm us or others. This can be done using the holy spirit and in prayer thru Christ Name Jesus Christ. You must not let doubt enter your mind. When we are doing the work of the Word of God He will keep us safe Yet fear will arise. Know we must only fear the Lord and the disobedience of his teachings. I have been seeking a realm as though i am in a world of false characters and misrepresentation of our Father and his Teachings. I am not saying what is right nor wrong he alone will choose that. I only ask that those of you who feel chosen pick up your crosses and begin your walk for today the Lord art with u! In Jesus Name Father We come to You and ask of forgiveness of out disobedience to yout word, may our ears be opened, our hearts be both strengthend and softend that we may hear Your Word of Truth amongst the chaos of this life. Father please allow us who serve you to gather Your Children for hath the time of the Lord Christ's return is near! Amen! Thank You our Perfect Lord Father To Your Son Jesus, The Holy Ghost and You Alone do we give our thanks, our lives our souls, and our hearts!

      " Begin your work my children "

    6. Hello everyone, I would like u all to know I believe that those of us who God chose before He even created heaven and earth have been called upon! We are to rubuke the evil within others and that which trys to harm us or others. This can be done using the Holy Spirit and in Prayer in Christ Name, " Jesus " .
      You must not let doubt enter your mind. When we are doing the work of the Word of God He will keep us safe Yet fear will arise. Know we must only fear the Lord and the disobedience of His Teachings. I have been seeking a spiritual realm of which my human eyes are deceived here, though i am in a world of false characters and misrepresentation and misinterpretation of some of our Fathers Teachings. I am not saying what is right nor wrong He alone will choose that. I only ask that those of you who feel Chosen pick up your Cross and begin Your Walk for Today the Lord art with You! In Jesus Name Father We come to You, and ask for Forgiveness for our disobedience to Your Word, may our ears be opened, our hearts be both strengthend and softend that we may hear Your Word of Truth amongst the chaos of this Life. Father Please allow Us Who Serve You to Gather Your Children for Hath the Time of the Lord Christ's Return is near! For the sign of the Light of the Lord has been shown through the clouds and has been shown for all to see! Amen! Thank You our Perfect Lord Father To Your Son Jesus, The Holy Ghost and You Alone do We Followers of Your Word, Give Our Thanks, Our Lives Our Souls, and our Hearts!

      " Begin your work my children "

    7. well said thank you for ur prayers sone of us are just learning than you xo bless

    8. thank you nd thank you for prayers for some of us are just learning blesss you angel blessing <3

    9. Minister777 Godbleshya brother thank you for speaking truth in a bunch of non sense...

    10. Ive had occuring numbers grt it quite often like it be 11.11 or 2.22 ive had a few lately but not always the same numbers??? Xxx

    11. Hi i have been getting occuring numbers alot the last few months like 11.11 or 2.22 but they can be different numbers but 222 been alot of anyone know?? Xxx

    12. I was born in march 7, 1977 im choosen and lucky...

    13. I saw 777 very often too hopefully my dreams are coming to fruition!!!

    14. I saw 777 a lot too hopefully my wish is coming to fruition!!!

    15. My birth day is the 07/07/1995 at 07:23,does it mean something?

    16. 07/05/1994 11:59pm

    17. Anonymous born on 7/7/95... google numerology and learn what your numbers mean... your life path is 38... reduces to 11.. 11 is a MASTER NUMBER. Angel numbers are messages. This is a great site to look up meanings of number sequences for understanding messages from angels/divine beings... Birthdate very relevant to astrology... and numerology. Find what your life path number means... Numerology! 11. Hope this helps.

    18. Hi fellow lightworkers. When I discovered this in me, my life changed forever. I will do everything to fight against evil with a light which we all have in us, if we want to discover it. Discover your light, shine and let evil dimish forever from this universe.

    19. What ended up being the blessing?

    20. Hahahahahahha. Today I done my shopping and the total price 7.77 Still got the receipt.

    21. If you only see it once in the day dose it still hold its meaning or do u have repeadly see it in that day that it counts

    22. I begin this with the understanding that my feelings or perceptions are my own for now. The sensation of rejection when i read the posts that exclude others from the love that is for every life expression without condition, it angers me to recall i once treated others that way. I still feel a connection to standing up for what i think is right but somehow even that loses its power once it leaves my body in a burst of energy. Minister777, we will all frel each emotion..frar doubt fail ures, lonely and disconnected ...we will feel it all. And it will pass. The pretenses or programming that is being shattered painfully vulnerable as i discover who i reallky am....i no longer need the approval of others because i feel more authentic in my raw defiled state.. i feel my ego being smashed or soon to be. My question iis, will i belong anyplace any better once this has completely finished its transformative efforts?

    23. This happens, 777 assuring me that I am on the right path, after very difficult times. Thank you Arch Angels for a reassuring sign. Love and Light.

  2. same with me am been following these numbers for a month and it has left me to love and peace i am now seeing 777 and 999 today :) great to see your comment alicakes

    1. Today I made the decision to turn my will and life over to the care of God, as I understand Him. I sobered up. At the supermarket check out I was watching the register ring up. The last 2 items rang: $7.77 and $9.99. A gave the man a $10 and went away rejoicing.

    2. I was born 7/7/1970 at 7:00 and weighed 7 pounds. Does that mean anything

    3. yes! it means that you are ...46 years old :) Teasing...actually i look to these pages when I see a set of numbers a lot. It started with 111...I see it everywhere all the yime even today, some years after my first notice of it. Now if I see a reoccurring pair or set of 3 or 4 numbers more than once...I take stock in my thoughts and actions and feelings at that moment ...when I saw the numbers's been awesome. I get a lot of great vibes from here :)

    4. Hi, I saw your comment and I thought it was very interesting because that's exactly how I started too, first a lot of 111, then 911, 711, and now is more like I know when I'm getting a message If see a secuence of number like 333, 555, 777 depending on the situation!!! Glad there's more people out there talking about it!!! ������

    5. I was born 27 7 76, I for a while now I see the number 27

  3. When this number (777) stops appearing, does it mean that my wish will not come true anymore or will my wish still come true even tho this number doesn't appear?

  4. Depending upon your life circumstances etc, it may simply indicate that you have recognized and acknowledged its meaning, even if only on a subconscious level.



  5. Driving to work this morning and the digital clock on the bank said "7:77". Thought this was so unusual yet so amazing!

  6. I started seeing triple numbers a while ago, when i started exercising, which i've always enjoyed, the first numbers where 1111 and 222, but when I stopped exercising the numbers stopped!! I started my exercising in february this year and since that point i have been seeing lots of different combinations, ie. 111, 444 and 777 very often, 888, 1212, 1818, 1919, just a few! I went with my wife to hospital to have a scan for our baby, and the scan started at exactly 11:11 AM on the 1/11/12, the scan was supposed to be on the 6th of November :-), but my wife had a funny spell the day before the scan, so they ended up doing it early :-) ! But all is ok!

  7. I noticed I was seeing a bunch of 77, 777's, today after I made a decision after being indecisive.

  8. I have still been seeing 7's this time it's 7777. I'm really excited becuase miracles have been happening lately!

  9. I just since this number in the number 1,777. I'm about to find out what 1 means right now! :-D YAY!

  10. please do check out my blog at
    I guess we do have something in common, rush-collection.
    Blessings. :)

    Rayan Webster Pinto

  11. Does 777 really mean that my wish will come true? Because I keep praying for my wish even though I didn't start working for my wish yet but that number keeps repeating still...

    1. Is truth only by seeing? If so then what use is the word faith? Believe in your God and he will provide you what you need not just what you want. Don't put expectations on Him for you could be underestimating His potential! ;-) I mean he is God! Lol

  12. If you carry the right intentions and take right action, your dreams may come to fruition.

  13. I am a British police officer and my collar number is 777. It has been very lucky for me as i have escaped so many incidents to myself so many times. I am a very stong believer in this number.

    1. I was just telling my daughter this morning (after hearing her listening and singing along to a song which she didn't understand was disrespecting policemen and women) about the wonderful work the police do to help us stay safe and protected and then I saw your post. I really feel the need to say thank you for all the courageous work you do and it is greatly appreciated. Very inspiring too to read an earthy and practical policeman embracing the spiritual world of numerology, etc! No wonder you wear 777 ~ I can hear the angels shaking their pom poms!!!

  14. my life a miracle ;o!

    i see this 1111,1212 123 231 234 345 .____. after i see orbs of light in my peripheral vision

    do you think its ment to be for me to be on this site?? :)

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Here's my thing, I know in daily life seeing 7.7.7 is lucky or meaningful. However, what if it has forever been a part of your family history, your character, the women in your life, etc. Let me explain, I was born August 7th 1985, My mom was born Feb 7th 1960, and my grandma (my mom's mom) was born Jan 7th, 1937. Therefore, it shows up 7/7/7 always thought to be lucky in slots I know. However, I have been curious about this my whole life. Especially, since I am third generation and the last of the trio of 7's. Help???!?!

    1. I believe it is part of you and your family,as I'm going to do, start repeating 777 to yourself. Let's see if life does improve soon for us. :D

    2. Think of 777 as infinity. ... add to it all that is good!

  17. My friend has been saying to me and hundreds of other for a year God Bless777. He is now very rich, money has just fallen into his lap. I feel I'm very spiritual but only see 2- 7's not 3, my 2 kids have the number 7 in their birth dates. And I see their birth dates all the time on clocks. What can help me? I'm falling farther and farther into debt. Help!

  18. Make more or spend less,, oh and you must believe you can do both.. Or choose one and just focuse on one.. I would choose making a penny over saving a penny in today's world, but it all depends n the time it took... Oh and preparation meting opportunity is always disguised as luck

  19. Remember to pay urself,, and that it isn't God who needs to receive but rather people that need to give.. So if someone tries to give u something,, know that for them to receive the blessing of giving you must receive, and do it with gratetuded.. Long list of things but all you can do.. Best luck,, meaning get planning and preparing for the life you want and believe u can have,, just one thing you must do,,, prove to the universe or God the father both,, that you are deserving,,, meaning you were diligent in your quest.. And it was I dead what u truly wanted.

  20. Thank you. I burnt some incense and where the ashes fell on the tray it looked like 0777! Had to come on your site to see what it meant. So thank you again for sharing this.

  21. My life path number is 7
    My expression number is 7
    My soul urge number is 7
    Does this have a special meaning.
    Thanks and love Fred

    1. I think this means that whatever you do will somehow be overseen by the power of 7 which Is the Good Lord God Almighty!!!!!!!

    2. I think that what this means is that whatever You do will somehow be overseen by the power of 7... Which is the Good Lord God Almighty!!!!!!!

  22. I'm repeatedly seing this sequence number 777 for a year and a half and It came up today too, ... like 7.77, ... and two days ago I've heard an audio voice singin', ... a dream that you wish will come true, ... so I'm really exepecting that with joy, .... Thank You for this explanation!

  23. My mother recently passed, the morning she died my breakfast cost me $7.77, the pick 3 lotto came out 377 that evening. My brother went and played a scratch off (77,777) game - he bought 7 tickets. The 7th ticket had al 77777 but he only won $28. The day of her funeral my other brother went to the liquor store and his change was $7.77 - we recognized she was speaking to us, my mother had 7 children and one is mentally disabled so there was alot of squabling over who should care for him as he was her pride and joy. I persisted that I wanted to care for him, on the 7th day after she passed I picked up my lunch at a local restaurant, my bill $7.77 - I am at peace with her passing. These 777 has filled me with reassurance she is ok and I am doing the right thing, I am opposite of religious but this has certainly made me rethink my position on that. The message on this page gives me goosebumps.

  24. ive recently had a dream and I saw a house number that has 77777777777777777 I wonder what it means? ive been having financial trouble lately and I cant hardly pay my bills. Please help me interpret my dream. thanks. I really hope it means all my bad luck ends, finished.

    1. Hello my name is Sandy.I was sleeping I woke up to hearing 7777777777777777777777777777777777repeatedly I'm looking around it sound like it's was coming out my walls then I look at my radio but it's was off so I lay back down and it said again 7777777777777777777this time I stood up and I said God is that you please repeat that then again 77777777777777777777777777 so My Man Friend came home I told him to come in the room and I said do you hear that he said hear what and I said you can't hear that it's loud he said he don't know that I'm talking about that when I start praising his Name father I thank you it wasn't meant for him to hear and I was born on the 3Rd of April....but can you really tell me that does 7777777777777777 means!!!! So confuse

  25. Hey I am a college student 3rd time back in college and I have been working really hard and passing tests back to back and I have never worked so hard in my life .anyhow I got my refund check and was a little depressed because it was all going to go to bills leaving me with nothing so I said might is well get what matters the most after getting what I needed the change that was givin back to me was 7.77 and I felt a calm sense of relief .

  26. I was born on 4/7/77. What does it mean when born on a day with triple digits?

  27. My was born 2/23/1962, which equals 7 @12:31PM, which equals 7, My name is Jon Cory = 7 letters in total, my last name also has 7 letters, 2014 =7 and I will be 52years old and that equals 7! What do you make of that?

    1. Cory- have you gotten yourself a numerology profile done yet? That's the best place to start- interesting numbers!

    2. Wow, that´s the most interesting post in here. You have something special. Keep the good spirit up!

  28. my computer went funny the other day & all 7's came up on my screen just looked up the meaning & I already believed in this. I also believe the midwayers are amongst us even more so since the spiral light of Norway appeared in the sky

  29. I was born 7/7 at 6:10
    6+1=7 completing the 3rd seven

    I Perfect in order to Create 
    Producing Mind 
    I seal the Output of Vision 
    With the Planetary tone of Manifestation 
    I am guided by the power of Abundance 
    I am a polar kin    I extend the Blue galactic spectrum.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Hello, I keep seeing 777 all the time and a few months back I saw it more frequently and daily.
    I'm sorry, but, with all the not so amazing things happening in my life, Son with chronic and most likely terminal Nephrotic Syndrome that NO MEDICATION is now working for and financial troubles and not even having a proper house that isn't falling down around me to live in... I just don't feel it. I love seeing it but when I do it is reminiscent to me of broken promises..

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. I was at work using a register when I first saw 777 this past weekend. And last night I was sleeping and saw it again this time a voice whispered it as well. Even before I read this article I knew it was an Angel I felt it's presence. I have been a giver my whole life even when I was less fortunate.I get a sense of purpose when I do this. God has truly blessed me!

  34. My birthday is 11/17/77, do you have interpretation of what that means? I've seen 777 three times today. Thanks for you help.


  35. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason

    for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at this time.

    1's and 7's appearing together can be found at:

    Sacred Scribes

    1. Thanks rush-collection. For a while, maybe about 6-8 months I kept seeing 111 or 1111 and now I keep seeing 777. Thanks for the interpretation.
      Light and love

  36. i am often seeing no 21 and 37.could u say what does it mean???????

  37. Wow its amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  38. Yayyyyy! I wrote "The End" and I was prompted by Spirit to look at the time: I just finished my book at exactly 4/3/2014 at 6:37 = 777

  39. cool! my date of birth has 777 (17/7/78).

  40. I just saw this number mentioned from a few people. I thought nothing of it. However earlier, quite sum time earlier I was exploring universal connection. It mentioned 7 as being a powerful number. We have the 7 days of the week the 7 wonders of the world, the 7 music notes, the 7 chakras (I know thiers more), 7 is sll around us. Even down to the building blocks of life. If you were to over lap the 7 with a backwards 7 you get a triangle looking figure. Now take the and flip it. You get the star of David of the merkaba. I wonder if you take 777 and do the same. What image would you get. Was the number 7 a coded message. Back to point though. I began seeing this number a lot. Finally I had to know what the meaning behind 777 is. I'm astounded because I really have been trying to live as one with the universe. Trying to reach a higher level of awareness and direct nothing but positive energy. Now the cool part. I'm recently planning on moving, this has been my dream for sometime now. My aim is to change the world. To help as many people as I can. To be successful at what I'm going to do. I just want to help people, stop them from being poisoned & to help them understand how powerful they are. I don't care about the money. You may here about in the new future, after I get settled in Washington. This just re assures me that I am on the right path. I hope to see you guys someday.
    I hope you read this & continue to allow you're dream to manifest itself.
    You're are amazing.

  41. The reason I am here I never knew 777 was anything and I was sitting here with my child and her toy just starting playing but t he only thing it did was say 777 three times in a row and the toy is in the play pin and were in the floor kinda scared me a lil because I am a very strong believer in things as in spirits any remarks to kinda explain what happend it gave me goosebumps lol

  42. I to see the 7s by the way my birthday is 22777 weird it's been going on for like years everyday

    1. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at this time.


      Sacred Scribes

    2. Dead rush-collection
      I have seen 777 sometimes while awake, but last night I saw them in my dream, they were glowing orange neon over a building's entrance.
      Do you know what could that be?
      Seeing them in my dream has a different significance?
      Thank you so much!
      May The Divine Force bless you always!

  43. Today is 7/7/2014 = 7/7/7. Enjoy! ♡♡♡

  44. I was born on Sep 16, 1980 I am a 777

  45. i had 777 emails xx blessed/excited xx

  46. got 777 blog views today...i am on the red pathway

  47. I saw 777 various times today #blessed

  48. I have been having a hard time dealing with the loss of my grandmother. It has only been a few months and she passed way too young. Her mother also passed away young on 7/7/77. my nana always told me that her mother was like an angel! Today I went to dunkin donuts on my way to work, My order receipt read " 777".... what are the odds?! At that moment I got chills in my entire body and I felt cold air. I knew it was my nana's way of trying to communicate with me. I feel blessed.... wonder if I should play the lottery?? haha

  49. My son was born on the 7 / 7 / 07 I was told that it was angels day. What does this mean?

    1. It means he is an angel on earth .

  50. I love a girl who is an angel...and now i realising that this number its really connected to her.. Sign...

  51. I usually see 777 at least once a day, but today I saw this number, about 7 times now!!! Btw this page has a total of 40,777,571 views. What a blessed time it is, as I am seeing miracles unfold before my very eyes..... P.S. it's 7 PM. O:D

  52. 777 now... Hope it brings me the miracles I'm looking for.

  53. My Birthday is 7/7/1970 Bless all who read this 777

  54. So 3 weeks ago i had to quite my job and i was going under major stress because it wasnt planned at all. Something came up at word and i just had to quit. Didnt have any plan B or else. The thing was i was trying to plan a trip to see my significant other. We are in a long-distance relationship and me quitting wasn't helping cause i was trying to put money on the side to visit. Its been 7months i didnt see him. I had other issues with that and started to be a bit depressed, i was already saturated by previous events and 2014 wasnt my best year. I then remember to stay positive no matter what cause i used to stay in that negative state of mind for too long last year and it just made things more difficult to handle. I told myself that if i remain positive maybe I'll attrack positive events. Few days before things went down at work, i started seeing a lot of 7's , in random places (im used to see repetitive series of numbers)but it was that 7 that kept on coming back. The day i quit my job , when i finished my shift i took my cigar on the sidewalk and randomly lift my head up and saw this big building number right infront of me 777.again this 777 following me. I said to myself this is very strange..i went directly when online and came across this site and read other sites , and they all had the same explanation for that series when it comes to angels numbers. I was overwhelmed . Cause when you try to stay positive when you dont even know if you did the right choice and what will the future bring to you..its stressing. That 777 was only positive things and mainly stating that i was about to be congratulate for my hard efforts. Well here we are . I still didn't find a job but 2days ago somebody was kind enough to give this amount of money for me to book my stay and visit my significant other..I've been wanting and praying so hard to be able to do so and this is such a good news. Im going soon. I pray often to give thanks and talk to God abt my worries or my good news. I guess this 777 that i kept on seeing was all that..? I started seeing another number so often again..not the 7 but the 6 . I've been stressing a lot about my work life situation maybe it.might be related to that..i should relax a bit. Well here was my long story. Good luck and down let things down keep Hope and positivity in your heart

  55. I kept seeing this number on the way to a trip that was near a casino so I thought I should make sure and gamble while I was there. I did so today, on the way back home and won $50. Not a lot of money mind you but it was a fun hour of playing a machine on the casino's dime and I got a soda for the road from their fountain to boot. Now I see by reading this what they mean by "small miracles" and I have gratitude for everything that shows up. How does it get any better than this? :)

  56. what does it mean when someone is a life path 7 and seeing repeated 7s ( 7,77,777) and 17 , have been seeing these numbers non stop and was gifted with a crystal that vibrates to the number 77 (rainbow moonstone)


  58. I love the lord god almighty

  59. Romans 12:2 - And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

  60. Amen!!! Seeing 777 a lot now, just by accident, by looking at a website, or just randomly watching tv, at first I was extremely skeptical of angel numbers. Because Christians know in the bible it says even Satan can masquerade as an angel of light, so I kept praying, rebuking because if it is Satan's false angels then God would put an end to it through prayer, however the angel numbers did not stop, and still happen multiple times a day, all day long, so I am convinced it is angels of light, like Michael, Gabriel, etc and I thank God for transforming my heart from worldliness to Godliness, through Christ alone we are saved, not through works but Christ alone. Why would angels of Satan congratulate someone when miracles happen(777) or console someone when they are having the worst day (444) I am convinced fully now that angels of LIGHT are capable of communicating through numbers, dreams, visions, and your inner intuition. God bless you

    1. I also wanted to add angels should not be worshipped, yes they are here to help you but they are not Gods here is Revelation 19:10 from the NIV version: At this I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, "Don't do that! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers and sisters who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For it is the Spirit of prophecy who bears testimony to Jesus."

  61. Saw it once and I smile cause I already knew what it ment :)

  62. I have a symbol burnt on my wrist, which has the number 777 on it. Interesting perspective i've read here.

  63. Since 2 weeks ago, I keep seeing 777 on road, on my bill and some others. I was wondering what does it mean. Thank you for writing this.

    I've been hoping for someone so long, yet around 2 weeks ago I start to stop wishing as much as before. Yet I see it as a good opportunity if my feeling is true (keep thinking that we have a path together in this lifetime, something about our karma) but if it's not.. Yeah it's good too.

    I decided to live my life happier. Whatever coming is good. Thanks, 777!

  64. Only God knows, Elli...

  65. ... if a devil could be transformed into a human being
    & the divisor is more important than 777 from Karma's point of view
    as well as the result

  66. Hi rush-collection, I really hope yOU are still responding to these because I am in need of answers, after many years of following and noticing signs, including angel numbers. For about a month or more, I have been seeing 5s and 7s a lot. Most recently 777 and 7777, as well as 55 or 555. This is not the first time these numbers have consistently appeared for me. To keep this short, ili have come to the realization that all that seems to change is my outlook, temporarily. I am still in the same situations I have been in for many years, although inside, I have changed and transformed tremendously. I can't help but become excited when these numbers begin and keep appearing. But after some time, I become discouraged, as nothing really ever changes. What am I missing? I've done so much work on myself and am a good person, always doing for others. It's lonely and frustrating to never have it returned. Good deeds have not brought good karma and I am the type who does them from the heart, not from expectations or reward. But it's exhausting and draining to keep being blocked, as I feel I am. Do you have any insight to this?

    1. Same as me. I've done lots of things for others in the past and feel empty.. Help rush-collection..

    2. Same as me. I've done lots of things for others, now Im alone and feel empty. My path number 7 born 16 etc.. Help rush-collection..

  67. I've had a ton of experience with 777 and 1111 ever since I was old enough to be aware of myself. These numbers were gateways to communicating with light beings and they would show me things through lucid dreams and Astral travel. I believe 777 is the gateway into universal consciousness, it's the realization that there is no I only an infinitely connected energy and awareness that I have experienced as a golden white light. Beware of religious ideologies, they will lead you astray. Find the truth of your spiritual nature within yourself, that's how the masters have always done it.

  68. Just i was pondering thinking of someone to reconcile with, while driving to acorner as i turn a car with plate 7777 park there.

  69. 777 is a mark for God warriors who battle in the spirit rhelm.

  70. I saw 3 perfect sevens on a cloud today what could this mean I even took a picture of it

  71. Namaste rush-collection, I would like to thank you so much I've been in tune with Our Ascended Masters and I use your site to translate. I would love to learn more about our roles as lightworkers in this realm.

  72. My birthday is 16/7/16 1+6=7 7 1+6=7

  73. For 8 months I had tough time dealing with psychic attack, on positive side I was regularly getting guidance by angels which helped me a lot in surviving that hard time, one day suddenly the movie 'succor punch' was playing on TV, I realised there must have been message for me, I watched the movie carefully and at end there indeed was an imp. clearcut message 'your power is your weapon, go fight'. I was reluctant to use my spiritual power to counter psychid attack, but at last I had no option,
    after that all those trouble stopped. Thank You all Angels.

  74. I appreciate your site so much. I always come here when my angels are communicating with me through numbers and your message helps to explain exactly the messages my angels desire to convey.

    God Bless :)

  75. I was born 12/07/77.

  76. He died, but He rose. And everything He did and said is true. Don't listen to those who speak evil in His name. Establish your own true relationship with Him. He loves everyone, unconditionally, constantly and consistently. Including you. Get the fuck over it.

  77. Last night 7771 sat in space all by it self.. With no connection or correlation to a dream Printed, just this number. 777 Is as close as I found to the full numbers shown, does the 1change the meaning any rush-collection?

    1. Added on the end like that, it suggests that you take the energies of number 7s and add the energies of Number 1, which encourages you to take action and create whatever it is you wish ...


  78. I started seeing 777 every day for about a month. Then one morning it seemed to be everywhere... passing licence plates, on invoices, phone numbers, my lunch receipt. My husband text me a picture of his odometer that was made up of mostly 7's. When i got back to work my boss gave a bonus!! It was amazing and because i listened to my angels and believed my thoughts were manifested. Thank you to rush-collection for following your insight to post this for all of us trying to find our way to enlightenment. :)

  79. I am looking forward to a miracle which supersedes past mistakes. I still have so much to offer. And I am lucky despite challenges to have very good health. !!! I am intending for my very good job--good for me and good for those I work with and for--to manifest very soon!!!!

  80. It's not 777 that's drives you onto your path it's your ambition and your will your heart. -TheOmen777

  81. Hello, thank you for this web blog. It is very interesting. Two days ago, I had a very unusual dream. I was driving my car, and in the west part of the sky were a few storm clouds but it was also sunny at the same time. I first saw one bright white puffy cloud that also had silver in it.. it was beautiful and shining! But I saw all these "J"'s on it.. all over. Just the letter J. Maybe like 15-20. Then I saw a second cloud exactly like the first, but this cloud had "7"s all over it.. 15-20 7's. It was very high in the sky and they were beautiful. Then I drove to this coffee shop I never go to, and went inside. And that was the end! What does this mean? I welcome all comments. Thank you!

  82. today, walking down a very short street, I saw 3 cars with the number 777!I guess universe wants me to see the message for real.

  83. FYI: Interesting to note that this Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year 10/3/2016 will be the year 5777.

  84. i was reading this and i looked at the clock n it was 5.55 hahahha

  85. Angels are among us. Guiding us through our life. Have always Faith in yourself and the Angels. The light in you is stronger than the darkness around you.��

  86. So this happens quite often to me. And specially one day I steped out of my house and the first car that passed by was 0777.. I sat in the car and took first turn the car had number 0777. Then I drove to my new music producer and the car in front of me and on my left side bothat have 0777 number .. the car passing in the other direction had 777 number.. again 3-4 cars passed with 777 number.. I met my music director, fabulous guy and took his number.. his number ended with 777, and then sat in the car met another friend who was accompanied by someone in an hours time and he gave me his number and that was ending with 777.. this all happened in 3-4 hours
    Every tIme I go somewhere 777 is all around me in any which way possible .
    Even while writing this the car going in front of me is 777... and my life is wonderful .. manifesting so much

  87. ♡ got this message $7.77 on a sales receipt. I always see 7's. Love this♡

  88. I get so many double digit angel numbers and this one came up this morning. They have a life of their own appearing in my life for several years now. I know most of them by memory, and serve as repetition, going nowhere.

  89. My car's odometer turned over today at 177,777 later that day my motorcycle odometer said 17777 on a ride

  90. My birth number is 777 I myself honestly know if you ask a question you know the answer to you really just want to know if its true and it is.

  91. My PC types many 7s automatically like 77777777777777777 until I try to stop them by typing esc and back space key. It started happen again and again since last week. And finally I found 777 appears automatically on my calculator app of my android phone today.

    I have been unemployed almost 2 years, however today I met job consultant who will offer highly paid job for me.

  92. I saw 111, and 1111 many times in my dream, I want to know, what these nos. Are trying to convey

  93. Be careful when you start living under any such illusion. I was one of the recent victim of such illusion. These numbers are just mere coincidences and nothing else. There is no such thing exists, its all created by people like us. I used to see all these numbers like 7777, 777, 77, 8888, 11..... and almost everything and kept on hoping for something good in my personal and professional life. Hid myself from reality and started dreaming about good. Then came the day when everything shattered into pieces, I was heartbroken, upset, depressed and left hopeless. Whom to blame? No one else? I had to blame myself for creating such a delusion around me. I should have accepted the reality that there is no such exists. Today! I have lost everything I had in my life. Best friend, job everything and the worst part, I am bankrupt.

    1. Don't blame God if you don't understand his ways.
      Money isn't the answer. God is love, ultimate happiness. The problem with these people who come here, sad, asking help for making money etc. Money is the root of all evil! Why is it so hard to understand. Trust in God, he is waiting, he will provide and give answers if you have ears to hear and eyes to see. Blessings.

    2. Hey Girl
      Hang in there! I've been where you are...and yes it gets better truly it does.
      You see when you embarked on your journey you set about a chain reaction of events...and even tho you may see it as a bad thing it's actually the Universe helping you to find out and know you. In addition to that you can't have everything and then be asking for more...that's greed in its purest form sweetie...a full cup cannot hold any more ♡
      You may have lost everything that was once what defined you as human however in time with faith and trust coupled with persistence and perseverance you will have that and sooo much more again but in a different way. Stay on your path, I beg will see the rewards in time. New best friends, new job, new car and a new home.
      And if you want you can email me
      I wish you happiness and peace
      Blessed be ☆

  94. 777(or just sevens)are my lucky number. A long time ago before reading this article

  95. Thank you 7 has been my lucky number too since childhood. Bless you guys.

  96. My neigbour have on hi car 3 777 and on phone 3 777,him is very wealthy i don't know if is for that or him is wise man

  97. I seen 'GOD' on the 1st of November 2002.

    777 weeks will pass next week.

    Saint 'MICHAEL' ArchAngel

  98. I seen 'GOD' on the 1st of November 2002.

    777 weeks will pass next week.

    Saint 'MICHAEL' ArchAngel

  99. Awesome !!! Immensely blessed and grateful,now and always !!! Love, peace and Light to All!!! ♡♡♡

  100. People should stop blaming god. Blame yourself take responsibility for your actions. You have chosen your destiny. the paths in life are from your choosing. Positive energy will get you everywhere.

  101. Okay... Im gonna go ahead and try too use parables to explain what happened too me. Cause number 1... My names matthew for a reason.. Number 2... "A man more wise than solomon has arrived" i know this... But first let me tell u some reallllllly interesting stuff. U kinda need to know my story too understand what my purpose is for being here. Whatever it is let god come through and speak too me. Those of my comrads will here my words and weep of joy. We are here. Unless i am the only one left, and if i am the only one left. Our mission is complete. Im here too take the hit. Not because of you... But because of me... It was only just. I never wanted to destroy satan. I had to come to terms... Not everyone can be saved.. Ima go on the note too say. Im extremely wise way beyond my years. Not because think so of myself, but because i Know so of myself. god has lead me in life to connect his symbolism in many ways. I figured out the logic of death and time and realized i am already in heaven. I will not speak of the miracles thats happened too me cause i swear i had a serious talk with God that i dont want his prophets position. Noway not if ull deny me infront u. I dont even want it... He said i wont. I then pressed my luck ���� for real for real check this gods got jokes. I even told him i dont want to be martyed neither. I never wanna see that disgrace again. He said... I will take you. So... Now that ive explained to u the story... I want too tell u why u cant understand it. Unless if i were jesus. Ud take anything this 24 year old would have to say as huh... How... Dude hes all over the place... Whaaaaat ur hearing voices?? Coocoo. But yet. If i were jesus tellin u my symbols of gods word too me... Would i believe you? The answer is in your mirror. Not your physical mirror. YOU HAVE TOO SEE JESUS TO LET IM IN. LET THE ANGEL MICHAEL FIGHT SATAN IN YOUR EYES SO THAT I MAY TAKE THE MASK OF DEATH OF ITS FACE AND LOOK HER IN THE EYES. open your bible... I am speaking too you. Spread the good word... Jesus never left.

  102. 3 sets of 3 7s in same day...

  103. I used to see 77 daily along with other angel numbers and 777 many times.
    Thank you Angels !
    Thank you rush-collection !

  104. My last four digits of my SSN number is 3777. The first 3 digits of my Medicaid card is 777. I just got a raise in my disability check to 750 but only receive 700 dollars. It came in a 7 page letter.
    I spent a total of 7 years in prison.
    From start too finish of my sentence.
    I was born April 14th 1985 on a Sunday morning8:40AM 8+4=12. I will be 33 years old April 14th 2018 on a Saturday. Sunday
    Through Saturday equals 7 days of the week. I have a scar on my fourhead of a 7. My name is Ernest Lavere Poole Franks.
    I was given a new name Ernest E. Franks.
    Ernest Elijah Franks... Faithfully My God I AM is True. Even Ernest Emmanuel Franks... Truly with us is God Faithfully... The Angel of the Laodeacean
    Church was called the true and Faithful witness,the AMEN, the Beginning of the creation of God. Also Jesus said the the one who overcomes will have his name even his new name and the name of the new Jerusalem. Also Jesus is the True and Faithful witness of the Father's. And the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. And
    My first6five digits of my SSN IS 454-85
    Equals 26=5777.

    1. May God bless You Ernest, and may you continue on your path of blessings in the name of our Lord Jesus. If I can share a little advice, (may be best to not announce your full name and social security number ie. the first and last digits), as not everyone has good intentions, espcially on the internet.
      Sending you many blessings of love and light, in Jesus name.
      Ivanka :)

    2. Hello Ernest,
      Thank you for sharing that. I see the numbers 111, 222, 333, 1010, 777 and so forth on a daily basis. I do believe it is our angels talking to us through Christ.
      I wanted to say (if I may) to be careful sharing your full name and social security card number first and last numbers, as eventho' this is a great site, we are still on the internet, and people can steal your identity and info that way.
      Sending you many blessings of love and light, in Jesus name.
      I. :)

  105. My birthday is 7-27-77 and important things often happen to me on dates including a lot of 7's. After reading this, it's explains so much. A lot of the words describe my life and personality. Thanks.

  106. what about 666 its a GODLY number as well

  107. Amen!!!😇
    Grateful for every reminder !!!♥️🍀🎈

  108. It comes across in some of these posts that there is like.. "God's elite" .. and those "God's elite" are fighting against or to change others.

    I don't understand that. The idea of one above another.. or not being God's chosen.. really ? GOD is LOVE.
    It's not that God does not choose us.. we do not choose God. I think we are all his Chosen... and all this righteousness is a bit of bs.

    I've seen 777 like, 5 times today... having a really negative head day though :/

  109. 777 is an angel number.

  110. What would 888 and 999 mean?

  111. What would 888 and 999 mean?

  112. I was aware of the power of 777 before I visited this site today. However, I wanted to get familiarized once again and when typed 777, this site caught my eye. I bought a 3 digit combination lock for our pool fence because my 5 year old grandson in all of his glory figured out how to stack things safely and climb up to where the key had been for 20+ years and then duplicate his efforts to unlock the gate to the pool. So, needless to say the combination I set on the new lock is 777..0

    I was recently hit by a van while on my Harley and then proceeded to rear end another vehicle. While I could have been easily killed in the accident I walked away with a fractured shoulder and multiple bruises; this is not the first time God has been there for me, I have had at least 6 other times in which I could have died. I do not say these thing in a basting manner, I am simply saying that if you are a good person and have FAITH in GOD you walk away from these situations because he loves and needs you.

    I am a very spiritual man besides the fact that I was raised and still am Catholic. 10 years ago I was given the ultimate gift; I experienced a SPIRITUAL AWAKENING of epic standards and it has changed my life forever! Very few individuals are blessed with this wonderful event and if I could do it again I certainly would, it is extremely difficult to get back to that divinity.

    So, whenever fear, anxiety, & worry come knocking at my door; they are met by Faith, Hope & Trust and they are not allowed to stay very long.

    It's quite simple; "GOD IS LOVE & LOVE IS GOD!" That's it, that's all it is. God leaves us signs, it may be recognizing 7 or 777 or it may be, (for at least me, it was finding feathers in my path); sometimes one and sometimes exactly 7. Being thankful for what you have is the key; you then become aware of your surroundings and will begin to feel the signs before you see them or experience them. Once you experience them you will want more and more and that is the road to AWAKENING!

    I am blessed with a beautiful family; wife, children, grandchildren

  113. Bonjour à tous
    je suis d'accore avec Myron Dieu est Amour .
    j'ai beaucoup changer, j'ai fait un travaille sur moi rien que par la pensé positive ,et pourtant j'ai eu pas mal de problèmes comme tout à chaqu'un ,mais depuis je suis dans l'acceptation de se qui m'arrive de cet moments dur et tout se passe bien mieux qu'avant et j'ai souvent le n° 777 qui me viens ,je suis sur le chemin de l'éveil et c'est merveilleux ,j'ai plein de signes qui me viens quand je pose une question que se sois par les chiffes où par une personne où autre et par la méditation, de sentir c'est êtres merveilleux près de moi ,il m'ai arrive d'être en difficulté je n'avais qu'a demandé et même avant que je leur demande ça se ré-soudé .Je suis toujours en contacte pas la pensé avec eux je les aimes il sont amour et ne juge pas
    voila j'avais envie de vous parlé

  114. It's so nice to see that many other people have the same gift as I do and it's been a while since I have seen 3 consecutive numbers since now I see numbers between numbers. For example, 818, or 808. But today I seen 777. I was deciding whether or not to buy some bird food that was a bit more expensive then the one I usually buy, since they were out of stock. I bought it anyway and slid my discount card only for the total before tax be 777. (yes, I'm cheap) Haha. Feeding the birds does make me very happy. Thanks for the appreciation universe.

  115. Honestly I keep seeing the number 777 and it's becoming so irritating and annoying to know that everything that it's supposed to mean when it's not coming to fruition all my hopes desires and things in which it is I'm wanting and hold in my heart for my deepest desires are coming to fruition I would rather not even number 777 I would rather not hear the angels talk to me I know you have to have patience for patients only go so far before what's the point in having it

  116. Thanking God for You. Love&Light.

  117. 61% 7:16 first thing I saw on phone this morning and then poof saw something about angel number 777 last night had a conversation with a couple of friends going through awakening for a year and gave them advice on my so far 9 year journey... Thank you cosmos and The Central Source for this opportunity to learn and heal

  118. Together we bring hope and as one we can achieve the impossible, we are our own gods, in fact we are all gods, we control our destiny as along as you believe and think within yourself and trust me believe is subconscious you cannot say you believe but doubt it within you, it's not the way this works, stay positive and no matter what we will overcome what ever challenges we face ahead for it is through hardship that we learn and grow, each moment lay in between a lesson that we are meant to learn, keep an open mind and no matter what think and stay positive no matter how bleak the situation may seem and I know that could be hard to do sometimes, gone through it myself but everything I think positively the universe will channel that energy back at you and everything will work in the end, everything happens for a reason and I can only tell you this because I have gone through it myself and each lesson I have reaped was through long and painful experiences and I now only know that if it was not for such experiences i would not be who I am and the world needs us, we are a family of unbreakable bonds, I just believe that we have just lost connection with each other but the bonds still exist, we are interconnected. Live on know that you are loved and that sometimes it could be difficult for others to express that to you, love you all!!! Bye!

  119. 777! In a Flow of Divine Magic! Thank you Angels Thank you rush-collection!😁😍😍🤗🤗🤩🙏🙏🤲🤲🙏🙏🤲🤲🙏🙏🤲🤲🙏🙏💖💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💖💖💖💖🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀

  120. One LOVE. Grateful for each and every reminder , Angels. I love you rush-collection. Together A Force of Bright Love and Light. United.❤🙏

  121. Those who wish to embrace the energy around us in a postive manner will manifest greater things. 777 is the day my twins were born and everywhere I go or do things these numbers will appear in for or another. I'm truly blessed ��

  122. Yayyy! I worked long and hard for this!!!

  123. I was born on 7 July 1987 wat does it mean

    1. How to Work out your own Numerology

  124. I guess this is kind of a general question, but I feel like most angel numbers have the same meaning. They all signal a change is coming, they all signal your guardian angels are guiding you, and they all say you're on the brink of finding exactly what you want. Can someone explain this?

  125. 77 777 7777 every single days in combination with 1's and 4's
    I am blessed. And I am grateful and I feel LOVE.
    Blessed be all of us. My heart is full.☯️

  126. This combination is forever present in my life, since birth (1977 born), I see 77 countless times per day, every day, this message is descriptive of me as a spirit and human being. Sharp.
    Beyond grateful.
    Blessed us all be.❤🙏
