Sunday, December 25, 2011


Number 813 is a blend of the attributes and energies of number 8 and number 1, and the vibrations of number 3. Number 8 resonates with the concept of karma and the Universal Spiritual Law of Karma, inner-wisdom, personal power and authority, manifesting material freedom and abundance, decisiveness, discernment and good judgement, inner-strength, dependability and self-confidence. Number 1 is the number of inspiration and intuition, creating your own reality, uniqueness and individuality, self-leadership and assertiveness, new beginnings, creation, progress, striving forward, motivation and progress, positivity and achieving success. Number 3 encourages self-expression and communication, optimism and enthusiasm, natural talent and skills, friendliness and sociability, manifesting and manifestation, growth, expansion and the principles of increase. Number 3 is also associated with the Ascended Masters.  

Angel Number 813 brings a message that the angels are infusing your thoughts, dreams and ideas with Divine love and guidance at this time. Use these positive energies in your lightworking, spiritual and/or healing practices, and shine your light brightly as you walk your Divine life path. Express your true self.

Angel Number 813 indicates that you have manifested new opportunities to advance you along your soul’s journey and to fully live your spiritual purpose. Be safe in the knowledge that your material needs will be met, and you are fully supported and guided by the angels. Surrender and release any fears or doubts you may have to the angels and higher beings of the spiritual realm, and have faith and trust that all is going to Divine right order in your life. Trust in the Divine.

Angel Number 813 tells you that whatever you give your attention to manifests in some form in your life. Attention is the focus of your thoughts, words, intentions and actions, therefore ensure that you put your focus and attention upon what you truly want in your life, rather than what you do not.

Number 813 relates to number 3 (8+1+3=12, 1+2=3) and Angel Number 3.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. For the past several months I see 813 all the time, which also happens to be my birthday. I have seen it twice today. Any thoughts?

    1. my birthday also is 8/13 and i see this combination very often and i pray everyday that this is something positive.

    2. It is my birthday also..i know that i am all these things that it was saying but i have no idea how to be it

  2. I see this number daily and my first address was 813 and my current address is 1813. I am trying to find out my purpose and direction in life. What do these numbers mean for me?

  3. I see this number often but it's not my birthday it's my sister's and my friend. So what does it mean to me to see it often?


    1. Welcome, I'm not Jesus but I'm a resurrected Christ lol. Were all homies, feel free to join the club.

  5. thank you for all your works! they are amazing :0)

  6. My mom was buried on 8-13-1998..ever since I've been seeing that number everywhere..I believe she's watching over me.

  7. I've seen this through out the years. Saw it today. I'm big in numerology. And numbers are very important. I've been on this site for not very long. But I can see the truth in this. Thanks to all my angels for enlightening me and to God for allowing me this spirituality. And thank you rush-collection for all your research and study and for sharing your knowledge. God bless

    1. If for any reason, you Don't publish this comment, I will not be offended.

  8. rush-collection, your oh so diligent hard work has helped to bring me to a place that I am starting to soar with wings I never new I had. I am a survivor of bad, wicked child abuse. One of the key abusers is still alive, makes it very hard at times, but I've known since the age of 5, that I am here for a reason, but what reason? After much anguish, I've now come forward and am appearing on talk radio show through out America. You my dear, and my angels have played the most beautiful roles in helping me get here. Thank you just does not cover it. I will write more as I go through this amazing life's mission. My birthday is 11/7, rush-collection, your wings are ready for pick up. I leave you for now with this, out of total anguish that shattered my soul for many, many years, the butterfly has emerged. Painful? Necessary? For me, it has made me who I am today, sure would not want to repeat that first part. Blessings, peace, do no harm.

    1. Penny, thank you for sharing, and I am pleased to know that I have helped you to find your light ... and I wish you love, healing, courage and bravo! upon your path :)


    2. Penny, thank you so much for sharing your story and more important thank you for your service to humanity. We don’t remember that we are here to serve out our soul purpose, you have amazing strength and courage ❣️

  9. rush-collection I'm curious my bday is 813 my boyfriend and I have been together for three years his bday is 1218 both of us have seen both these numbers multiple times a day since the day we met what does this mean?

  10. My birthday is 11/25/71.. I've been seeing 813 for a few years..I see it almost everyday.. sometimes when sleeping in, I just wake up look at the clock and... 813.. sometimes frightening.

  11. My birthday is 11/25/71.. I've been seeing 813 for a few years..I see it almost everyday.. sometimes when sleeping in, I just wake up look at the clock and... 813.. sometimes frightening.

  12. My birthday is 11/25/71. Ive been seeing 813 for I think about 5 or 6 years. Sometimes when trying to sleep in, I'll wake up and immediately look at the clock..It's 813.

  13. 813 (69) is my birthday too. I have been seeing 813 a lot for the past few years. I am, and have been, SEARCHING for God (& meaning) in many things. ♡

  14. Awesome message!!! Grateful always !!! ♡♡♡ Thank you rush-collection & thank you Angels !!! Stay blessed people,as we all are !!! Love and light to all !!! ♡♡♡

  15. Hello, for several years now, I have been seeing "13" mostly 8:13,9:13,4:13, 5:13. 13 repeating number on a receipt, that I just happen to review, when I actually never do, It could be numbers that add up to the number 13, and then go to desk 13, or slot 13, just always repeating at several moments in my life. Why? Why?? I discovered that I am not the only one, one of my 4 children, 1 of my daughters had a repeating number of 22--but no longer... This daughter suffered abused unpronounce to me; by my husband; her biological father. It was devastating to say the least. I meant a another person who was searching for spiritual answers and the more we talked she revealed to me that she was always seeing the number 10. Then I could not deny, the fact that the numbers are a telling sign or message. (I told her to look on your website btw) But I read over the number meanings several times and I am still so clueless. I just might be one that need our God to speak to me and make it plain. Thank you much!!

  16. My first car plate number in the Philippines was 813. When I get here in Canada I got the same number 813.

  17. اسمى منه عيد ميلادى ١٢/١٢١٩٩٥

  18. This number has been following me... Got my plate number back home(Philippines) 8 years ago it was 813 and when I came to Canada I got the same 813 plate number. And I've been seeing number 3 wherever I go.

  19. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽❤️❤️❤️

  20. My grandmother died from cancer last week days before she passed I was seeing her bday 8/13 I keep seeing it now I’m not sure what is happening
