Thursday, December 29, 2011


Number 824 is a combination of the energies and influences of number 8 and number 2, and the vibrations of number 4. Number 8 relates to self-reliance, reality, manifesting wealth and positive abundance, self-confidence, discernment and good judgement, achievement, giving and receiving, philanthropy and serving humanity, and karma; the Universal Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect. Number 2 is related to balance and harmony, duality, partnerships and relationships, personal will, decisiveness, insightfulness, ambition, diplomacy and mediation, sensitivity, your life mission and soul purposeNumber 4 resonates with patience, practicality and application, hard work and responsibility, conscientiousness, progress, honesty and integrity, diligence and determination to achieve goals. Number 4 also relates to our passion and drive in life, and relates to the energies of the Archangels.

Angel Number 824 brings a message from your angels that your hard work, efforts and determination are reaping rewards, and you are being blessed with the fruits of your labours. Through diligence and determination you have achieved a great deal and the angels are commending you for your efforts and are encouraging you to keep up the good work. Trust that all of your monetary and material needs will be met as you pursue and serve your life purpose and soul mission.

Angel Number 824 beings a message to allow your personal values and principles to be your guide and stand in your own truths. Understand and appreciate your true potential and the opportunities presenting to you at this time. You have a great well of inner-wisdom, practical knowledge, resilience and resourcefulness, and you are encouraged to fully utilize them. Walk your talk, speak your truths, balance the past, present and future in the here and now, and know your life’s mission. Honour the past as your teacher and the present as your inspiration.

Angel Number 824 indicates that you have earned the right to expect positive results and outcomes to all situations and circumstances in your life. Well done!

Number 824 relates to number 5 (8+2+4=14, 1+4=5) and Angel Number 5.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. First it was 421 and 124 for months. Then 524 and 824 combinations EVERY DAY now for about two weeks. I'm confused.

  2. Welp it was a good game in the end.

    GGs, no johns.

  3. Oh, wow okay. I see this number all of the time. This was also my bus number in HS. Interesting, trully interesting.

  4. I see 8:24 on my clocks in the pm especially but also sometimes in the am. 8/24 also happens to be my birthday. I've been seeing this for the past three years now. I'm freaking out.....

    1. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at this time. It may acts as a prompt and/or validation as to your path.

      It can also be validation that angels/spirit guides/passed over loved ones are with you.

    2. My birthday is 8/24 and for the past year and a half everytime I look at the clock it seems as though its 824. Glad Im not the only one

    3. I also see my birthday as well 824

  5. The love of my life and my son's father was killed 11/18/1998. His death remains a mystery. This month is always the hardest for me and I have had so many bad things happen to me this year that today I was actually thinking of just ending it all. This morning I looked at the clock at exactly 8:24 and tonight again looked at the clock at exactly 8:24. I wish I knew what is going on or what to do

  6. Can you help me? I've wanted to know for 16 years now how my son's father was killed. His last name was Elder. I always asked him teasingly if he could tell me when my birthday was....(8/24). For years I have dealt with this and the very devastating loss. Now to understand the meaning of me seeing my birthday on the clock almost everyday, I finally have some hope.

    1. I can help you with this


    2. The loss of a loved one is nothing to be grateful for and it is understandable that closure (if there is anything that really closes as a result of a devastating circumstance) would be enhanced by knowing "what happened".........

      Are you ready to receive help with this


  7. Replies
    1. Haha stay positive man. You seeing your birthdate is him letting you know that he is and always will be with you. I think he's joking around with you showing you the day you were born haha. Smile more and be assured that him and other loved ones you may have "lost" are happy and will ALWAYS be with you :) so you should smile more often and be greatful for everything as Ibelieve gratefulness is the key to being happy. Have a nice day man and get outside and do something you enjoy doing!

    2. Jonette....Do you have an email address which I can reply to.....?


  8. My birthday is also 8/24. I constantly see 824 whenever I check the time morning and night. Would like to more about this.

  9. For the past few weeks, mostly at night, I look at my phone and it says 8:24. Every night for WEEKS and again this morning. 8/24 just so happens to also be my birthday. Im struggling emotionally right now, beating myself up over finances, not being this or that, etc. Possibly a message to me to have hope? What are your thoughts?

  10. I love you rush-collection !!! Immensely blessed and grateful always and forever!!!Love,peace and Light to all!!! ♡♡♡
    Thank you Angels and Universal Energies!!! ♡♡♡

  11. After 7 years of constantly seeing the number 824, 8:24 etc I finally decided to google it. 8/24 is also my birthday and I was shocked to see others experiencing the same thing. I’m not sure if it’s angels or what but it is truly fascinating. Everything will be revealed to us when we pass.

  12. I Get 721 and then 824 the same night
    I'm Not a believer but i don't understand

  13. Happy Life Day to us all. Its my birthday too today. this is incredible that i'm not the only one commenting on this post that also share this birthday. happy birthday to you all. Blessings rush-collection. You are a beautiful guide here and now, and I value your message.

  14. Wow, my bd is also 8/24 and im constantly seeing this on my clock. No matter if it morning or night 8/24 is usually there. Why is this?

    1. If you haven't found an answer by now.
      Even numbers can signify material "good". Maybe material good is expecting you, or angels encourage you to like set solid foundations for material prosperity. Or something.
      Also, when you're seeing your date of birth, even partially, angels are reminding you of your destiny, your life purpose, things like that. The same goes for your Life Path number, which is calculated by adding up all the digits from your date of birth. For example, 08/24/1980 = 8 + 2 + 4 + 1 + 9 + 8 = 32, and 32's source energy is 5. So whenever you see numbers like 32 and 5, then, among other meanings, for you personally it might mean that you have to remember to follow your life path.

  15. Absolutely beautiful & well needed ♡

  16. Same thing happening in my life also.constantly seeing the number 824

  17. Jennifer HinojosThursday, April 29, 2021

    Thank you so much.

  18. I truly appreciate your work in this blog. Thank you 🙏🏽

  19. Just wrote a comment for 715. This 824 is the answer to my prayers. In the beginning theese Angel messages came like sentences to ponder, now it is more of a chat 😂.
    In awe, yours truly. As said before, fellows, keep hanging in there though it might be hard✨🌱🦋🌾✨.

  20. My birthday is 8/24 also, and the past week I’ve been seeing 8/24 on the clock. I love it, no coincidences here. I know it’s a message, just not sure of what:
