Friday, December 23, 2011


Number 809 is a blend of the vibrations of numbers, the influences of number 0, and the energies of number 9. Number 8 is associated with personal power and authority, giving and receiving, truth and integrity, dependability, discernment and self-reliance, and manifesting wealth and abundance. Number 8 also relates to the concept of karma and the Universal Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect. Number 0 is the number of the Universal Energies/Source, the beginning point, eternity, infinity, oneness, wholeness, continuing cycles and flow, developing one’s spiritual aspects and connecting with the Higher-self, and denotes freedom from limitations. Number 0 also amplifies the energies of the numbers it appears with. Number 9 resonates with the Universal Spiritual Laws, sensitivity, a higher perspective and expansive viewpoint, leading life as a positive example for others, non-conformity, benevolence and altruism, philanthropy and lightworking. Number 9 also denotes endings and conclusions.

Angel Number 809 is a message from your angels that something of significance is coming to an end or conclusion in your life. This may set off a chain-reaction with other related and unrelated situations or issues also drawing to a close as a result. This is happening for reasons which will become evident soon.

Angel Number 809 brings a message that you may be currently experiencing obstacles and hindrances, but this is all happening for reasons that will become evident to you soon. Trust that your needs will be met during this time and the Universe fully supports you with your life purpose and soul mission.

Become conscious of the many signs, synchronicities and omens that life brings you, and be aware of increasing incidences of deja vu and serendipity.

Number 809 relates to number 8 (8+0+9=17, 1+7=8) and Angel Number 8.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. Replies
    1. Hi azzam . I do see your messages . Love you always haifa OOO

  2. The number 808 shifted to 809 within the last week, and is now everywhere. Your explanation fully supports what is happening in my life, as I prepare to give it all back to the Higher Power and move forward with a special mission of serving others. Thank you for taking the time to explain each one of these special messages. I check your site often, and each time a series of numbers appears, your explanations match my current situation. You are an Earth Angel helping each of us better understand the subtle - yet constant - messages being shared by our Guides. I cannot thank you enough for taking the time (which had to be extensive) to clearly define each and every number.

    1. :-) I approve this message! I feel the exact same way! Numbers are the way that my Angels, Archangels etc. communicate with me daily. Each message is sooo on point!

    2. I concur!!!! Blessings to you!

    3. Same here :) Much love

  3. Have been seeing for a while now, on and off...Grateful! 💜

  4. A few times every day, I trust!💜

  5. You have made my connection to the angelic realm much easier... Thank you!

    1. Gratitude in our shared joy <3

      Love, light and Blessings

  6. Totally on point !!! Awesome message !!! Nothing is ever lost if in the process our beliefs,desires and our soul is kept intact !!!Trust your gut instincts!!!♡♡♡
    Thank you rush-collection and thank you Angels!!! Love,peace and Light to All!!! ♡♡♡

  7. I car passed me and was 8809 then another car jumped in front om me 8009 and then I looked up and the back of a truck had a phone number that ended in 809. All of this within 20 mins. Im curious to know what is about to end.

  8. I had to come back and let you lnow the lottery came out tonight and the number was 8099 lol

  9. Should this message be bad news?!

  10. Exact messages that is revealed for me thank you Jesus and to my spirit guide and all loving divine angels

  11. Exact messages that is revealed for me thank you Jesus and to my spirit guide and all loving divine angels

  12. Become conscious of many signs .Thank you Heavenly Father for your amazing blessings now and many more blessings on ,it's way... #1Fan Angels

  13. I’m so grateful for your many gifts rush-collection. You’re blessed

  14. I’m so grateful for your many gifts rush-collection. You’re blessed

  15. I dreamed of the number 8009

  16. 888 are my numbers, experiencing extreme opposition and opposition, let it be that the opposer be opposed! My time now

  17. I was directed to write in my journal today at 809 pm. I entitled it Message from The Arch Angels and Benevolent High Council. Your Message confirmed my personal message. Sending you Light and Love Namaste Neba
