Sunday, December 25, 2011


Number 811 brings together the vibrations of number 8 and the energies of number 1, with number 1 appearing twice, amplifying its influences. Number 1 appearing twice also relates to the Master Number 11. Number 8 is associated with self-confidence, personal power and authority, giving and receiving, truth and integrity, practicality, dependability and self-reliance, and manifesting positive abundance. Number 8 also relates to the concept of karma and the Universal Spiritual Law of Karma. Number 1 relates to assertiveness, independence and uniqueness, motivation, striving forward and new beginnings, positivity and achieving success. Number 1 brings a reminder that we create our own reality and experiences with our thoughts and beliefs, and encourages us to step out of our comfort zone and step towards new directions and opportunities. Master Number 11 is the number of the Master Teacher and resonates with illumination, enlightenment, inspirational, idealism, intuition, symbols, expression, mysticism, the catalyst, visionary, creative/creativity.

Angel Number 811 suggests that you pay special attention to your repetitive thoughts and ideas as they are revealing the answers to your prayers and are giving you intuitive guidance in regards to the next steps to take along your Divine life path.

Angel Number 811 indicates that you are doing wonderful work and are on the right path in regards to your spirituality and soul mission. You are encouraged to continue on your present course.  

Angel Number 811 is a sign that you have chosen your thoughts well and have made wise choices and decisions. It encourages you to maintain a positive attitude towards your life’s happenings, and keep up your prayers, visualizations and positive affirmations. You are reminded also that the emotion of gratitude will speed the process of your manifestations, so remember to acknowledge and be grateful for all the blessings entering your life.

Angel Number 811 brings a message not rely upon others to define who you are, how you live your life or what you are capable of. Set your own standards and do not allow others to make your choices and decisions for you. Step up and embrace your own powers of creation and direct your attention to what you want for your life, rather than react to what others may foist upon you. Build a strong connection with your true self, be your own voice and be clear about who you are, what you want and what works for you. Do not be afraid to exert your personal will in the direction of your passions and live your life according to your own personal truths and values. 

Number 811 relates to number 1 (8+1+1=10, 1+0=1) and Angel Number 1.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. Thank you. Really appreciate it. God bless you.

    1. It is an amazing message, do not allow yourself to be bullied by those who are damaged. Wise choices to follow your own journey is priceless.

    2. Thank you Angel numbers!!! I come here almost everyday... and the guidance from the messages are amazing.

  2. Every Morning I see this at work well i see more than just this sequence i see several and I am so great full that the angels surround me with there positiveness and guidance

    1. I see the numbers 811 all the time, it just so happens my birthday is also 8/11. I felt there was something more to it then, so thank you.

    2. So weird! I also have a birthday on 8/11 and have noticed that it comes up on my clock and see it at least once a week. I thought someone was talking to me that had passed maybe. Someone told me it was an angel no. and I googled it. Then I found you! I believe in angels and have a strong faith in God. So cool! This has been happening to me for about 2 years!

    3. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at this time.

      Copied from rush-collection website
      Also to learn more from angel numbers:

    4. Thank you so much ❤

    5. I've been doing work on my ancestral tree there are 5 instances of 8/11 birthday's and only carried through the female. These females are either spouses or daughters of a male with a first name or middle
      of 'Vincent'. And also an instance of someone dying on the 8/11. I'm pretty spaced out about all these associations so keen to find out more.

  3. I love your website. I frequently visit it and might as well make it my homepage xD thanks for your work.

  4. Yes!!! I am so grateful and know I am on the right path!! Thank you for this wonderful reference site...<3

  5. I would like to thank you rush-collection for this site. I know my angels guided me to your site. It's been such a blessing to me. Thank you for the love, time, and POSTIVE inner(g) you put into this site. A few days ago i seen that it was gone, I was like no way I needed that site. I was how am I going to know what my Angels are saying to me. I kept trying and the walaa it was back up with the new name. Again thank you this site I use everyday. Peace, love, and many blessing.

    1. This is the only site I go to for my interpretations!! There is a true spiritual power here!

    2. I Totally Agree!! 💜🌟💜

  6. Seeing this a lot, thank you for making this website it must have taken a long time to post all these numbers, thank you !!

  7. You have definitely been q blessing to me and many others I am sure! Thank you for your lightwork and may The Father of Lights expound many blessings unto you! :-)

  8. 8/11 is my birthday and I turn 33 this year. Thank you for this.

  9. & you posted on 6/22! Whew!

  10. Dear rush-collection,

    I have been using your site since medio 2013. Thank you so much for all your effort to publish your knowlegde and to translate the communication by angels. God Bless

  11. i love you rush-collection...thank you for being an angel of're positive words always find i love you sister of light and keep up the good work

  12. First it was 1111's all the time, then it started happening with 333's, I had an 811 last night... I'm so happy with my life and know that doing the next best thing will catapult me into the next level of enlightenment and I'm loving it! I am so blessed that I feel the energy throughout my whole body and I can feel it radiating. It's even physically manifested changing how I used to have poor circulation in my hand and feet... That's no more. It's amazing and I'm just excited for what's next!

    1. Ohhhh, it gets crazier, good luck! Lol

    2. I need to know everything about this my sign is aries born1991 april 17 i been seeing this numbers all my life and crazy how its seems its getting stronger my vibration also i always felt as god put me here for a reason and i starting to manifest my powers my mom named me Jesus for a reason please email at jmortiz911@Gmail. Com

  13. I started seeing number sequences last summer in 2015. Amazing that instinctively new they meant something. Even more amazing is that I knew to look up their meaning on the internet. I was guided straight to this site. Now, in May of 2016 they are coming at a very rapid pace, ALL DAY. Thank you for being a vessel for all being intuitvely guided by our higher selves (Angels). Peace and many Blessings to you !

  14. Those who belief, trust and have faith in Jesus Christ. All your prayers has been heard. I AM going home today. Now I know why I feel fire burning inside me. I AM Holy Spirit. We are One. Always has Faith, Pray, Wish, Joy, Peace and Love for all living things.

  15. Yes, every morning 811 and every night 1811. Grateful! 💜

  16. Thank you for this wonderful message.

  17. I am very Greatful and Blessed that my Guardian Angels are sending me a Devine.Message of Courage and sending me on my Right Path.. Thank you God and my angels for this message today!! Amen💘💕💘💕💘

  18. When you see this numbers does this mean that you are on the right path or wrong one ????? Need answer 😁

  19. One day, I saw number 1 on a dream and it was scary.Then, recently I saw again on a dream the number 811

  20. Each and every day i will look the in car number plate but its 8111

  21. rush-collection...just want to thank you for
    This positive site!

  22. Thanks for this helpful guide

  23. I just saw it for the first time today on the clock on my phone and idk for some reason I just looked it up because I have been seeing 11:11 and 1:11 and saw 4:44 and 2:22 also 3:33 and like I said today for the first time I saw 8:11

  24. Thank you so very much rush-collection ♡

  25. I also have my birthday on 8.11. I see number on car plates. When I see it and if I can I do photo of the plate. I have them at least 30 😁😇

  26. First dream, it was with 1188, now this second one is with 811, first I didn't understood its meaning, now I'm getting a more clear path on what to expect.

  27. Thank you oh so very much for this blog that has assisted me entirely and for providing such a complete and simple way for me to understand. I wondered for 10 years of unknowing what life was doing by making me incredibly aware of these patterns. This has been my guide and have completed a life task only two days ago on first day of year of the Mayan calender. With help from a midwife I was able to birth a seed of ancestral wisdom into the earth for all to have. I'm excited to see what effect it has on our world. You have eased my path in more ways than I could ever share. I was inspired when I learned your location more recent and learned the South is where I am made to be. I would love to share a vibe when we cross each others path.

  28. Immensely blessed and grateful always and forever!!!On point !!! ♡♡♡
    Love,peace and Light to all !!! ♡♡♡]

  29. rush-collection - I have come to rely on your wonderful Angel Numbers more and more over the last few months and I just wanted to say "Thank You!" for providing such in-depth, outstanding and helpful and inspiring messages. Your energy and ability are blessings to me and many others. Much Love, Donna

  30. My birthday is 81181. What would that mean?


  31. Hey rush-collection,
    This whole lightworking thing is costing me a lot in terms of pain. Im not dealing well with it well anymore its been a least one lifetime, many I think and Im burned out. I met another worker whom .. I got attached to and trashed myself over. Is part of the deal that I remain alone in this. I would have expected .. thought I was told I would have a partner.. met the partner when and where rejected.. AM I supposed to be alone for the rest of my life ... I can accept it.... I just can't keep looking or waiting ... Im not gonna be able to do this on my own anymore. If totally on my own Im done. 54 yrs of this is enough.

    1. Don't give up

    2. I'm really sorry for everything you've been through. Look, I'm not going to lie to you,"keep going", "always keep your head up", "it all gets better every time". That's what everyone says yet they don't believe in it or practice it, nor do they even know a pinch of what you feel and are going through.

      Here's what I'm going to say, are you completely honest with the partners you are looking for? Are you just rushing or settling for them or are they exactly what you want? Always be honest with everything you want and want to do. I feel your pain and sorrow and I really do care. Reading your post made me feel sad for you,but the thing that is 100% real what people say (even though it annoys me) is staying positive. It really helps a lot, but that is totally up to you,as of now, I hope you will get better and your life will be filled with riches and you get the partner you've always wanted, infact, even better than what you've wanted.

    3. There is power in prayer.

  32. I’ve been seeing 11:11 for months. It started when I attended a personal development course and continued through all of the trainings available.
    I’ve felt a change in my life path was about to happen or at least a pull towards energy healing / light working . While purchasing an aura / human energy field camera the other day, I acquired a loan. I was amazed when my credit score came back as 811! At that moment I grabbed my phone to take a picture of my score, what happened next floored my when the time on my phone was 8:11

  33. Always grateful!!!♥️

  34. Id like to share my blessing with all my neighbors across the globe! God willing He too, may see this love extended through the body of Christ! God Bless is all! amen!

  35. I know the angels are always here, always the perfect timing, exactly when i need it. Thank you so much 💙 this was such nice message and sooo very helpful i'm so grateful for this thank you

  36. I’ve always felt a connection to the number 811 as I was born at exactly 8:11 and I see the same numbers on my birth date. I continuously see this number on clocks, on barcodes and on best before dates so I knew I had to look up its meaning. I hope the angels continue to guide me with this number and thank you for your wonderful blog.

  37. Amen.🙌Grateful for each and every reminder.🎈

  38. I thank the angels for their support, guidance and protection!

  39. Amen praise the Lord hallelujah

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  42. I can't tell you how much this made me smile and what a confirmation it is to my prayer for guidance! Thank you rush-collection

  43. I've been inundated with the number 811 lately

  44. My birthday is also 811 and I see this number all the time so thankful for my blessings

  45. I was born at 811 at night and I see this often

  46. Bbbi thank you for the good text an up lefting talk

  47. I see this number all the time, and after doing some research I found that it directly correlates with my astrology chart. How cool! Everything is interconnected!

  48. Thank you, rush-collection. I have been using this site for guidance for years now. My life is finally transforming. You have provided a beautiful service. Love and light, dear soul 💖

  49. Woke up to see 8:11 and I was directed to read you Angel message..
    I promise you can’t make this up.. thy will be done.. 💜🤍💜
